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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-02-08 07:22:03 | 移动端:led新春贺词






2015年2月18日 申请部门:人力资源部















Chinese President Xi Jinping's 2015 New Year Message


Comrades and friends, ladies and gentlemen:


Time flies, Year 2014 is coming to an end and 2015 is approaching. At this turn of the year, I now extend my best wishes to people of all ethnic groups in China, to our compatriots from Hong Kong and Macau Special

Administrative Regions, to compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese, as well as to friends in other countries and regions in the world。


2014 is unforgettable. In the past year, we pushed forward reforms with strong commitment, conquered

many hardships and introduced a series of important reform measures, many of which are closely associated with the interests of the general public. We worked to adapt to the new normal of economic growth and actively pushed forward economic and social development, resulting in further improvement in people's lives. On

December 12, the first phase of the central route of Water Diversion Project from South to North was officially completed. More than 400 thousand residents along the route were relocated. We pay our sincere tributes to them for their sacrifice, and wish them a happy life in their new homes. In the past year, we endeavored to

improve our work style and strengthen party and government discipline, with efforts focusing on fighting against formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. The situation has greatly improved. We stepped up our efforts in our crackdown on corruption, and severely punished corrupt officials with zero tolerance. This

demonstrates that we are strongly committed to fighting against corruption and other evil forces. In the past year, we enhanced our cooperation and exchanges with countries in the world. We hosted the informal leadership meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization in Beijing. Chinese leaders visited many countries and received many foreign leaders. Such exchanges of visits have helped the rest of the world understand China better。


Officials at various levels have also spared no efforts performing their duty. Of course, those achievements would not have been possible without the support of the people. I would like to salute our great people。


In the past year, through legislation we established the Commemorative Day to mark the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Commemorative Day of Martyrs, and the National Memorial Day to commemorate victims in the Nanjing Massacre. Solemn ceremonies were held on these days. Despite the change of times, we would always remember the sacrifice and contribution of those who gave their lives for the Chinese nation and for peace。


In the past year, we also recorded sad moments. We remember the more than 150 Chinese compatriots still missing after the loss of the Malaysian Airline flight MH370. We will continue our efforts to locate their

whereabouts. In the past year, China suffered from a number of natural disasters and tragic work safety accidents, in which some compatriots lost their lives. The Ludian earthquake in Yunnan Province claimed more than 600 lives. Our hearts are with them and we wish their families all the best。


The New Year bell is about to ring. We will continue our efforts to act upon people's expectations and turn their aspirations into reality. We will continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way. This is an unstoppable train. Only those who brave hardships would prevail. We will push forward the rule of law in an all-round way, safeguard the rights of people in line with law, maintain social justice and promote national development. For an eventual accomplishment of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in due time, both

deepening the reforms and strengthening the rule of law should function as the two wings of a bird, or as wheels on both sides of a vehicle。


People's lives in our country are enjoying constant improvement, but we will always remember those still living in hardships. We will work with passion to improve their well-being, with efforts focusing on

poverty-alleviation and guaranteeing basic living conditions. We will provide assistance to all those in need of help, including poverty-stricken farmers and urban residents with difficulties, so that their basic living conditions are guaranteed and they feel the warmth of care being in this society。


We will continue to comprehensively push forward strict party discipline, never hesitate in improving our work style. We will always resort to the anti-corruption drive as a sharp weapon, and consolidate mechanism-building as a cage to contain powers. In this socialist country led by the Communist Party of China, every corrupt official must be dealt with once evidence is found. There's absolutely no tolerance for corruption and graft。


We’re engaged in a lofty mission. Only perseverance will lead to victory, while giving up halfway will end up with failure to do whatever. Our blueprint is magnificent, but our struggle will certainly be arduous. All party members and people of all ethnic groups in the country must be united as one, draw on collective wisdom and useful ideas to grasp opportunities, jointly face challenges with united strength, conquer problems with quick action, be bold to carry on innovation, making China a better country year by year and constantly improving people's lives。


Chinese people are not only concerned with the prospect of their own country, but also that of the whole world. We helped African people fight against the Ebola epidemic, and assisted people in the Maldivian capital suffering from severe water shortages. Many of those moves showed that Chinese people share weal and woe with people in the world. The world is not a tranquil place. We call for peace and we sincerely hope that people of all countries can work together to ensure that all people be free from the torture of hunger and cold,and all families from the threat of wars, all the children must flourish under the sun of peace。


Thank you!


Chinese President Xi Jinping's 2014 New Year Message


Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends:


We'll soon usher in the year 2014 with great hopes. As the new year begins, let us also start anew. I'm delighted to extend New Year wishes to Chinese people of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world! I wish senior people and children, and every family happiness, peace and health in the New Year.


At a time to ring out the old year and ring in the new, countless workers, farmers, intellectuals and cadres still remain at their posts working hard. Many of our compatriots are on the go, working in various regions of the world for the motherland. Many members of the People's Liberation Army, armed police and public security are performing their glorious duties. Some of them are far away from the motherland, and their close relatives and some cannot have a reunion with family members. On behalf of the motherland and people, I'd like to offer my sincere greetings to them and wish them a peaceful and smooth new year.


The year 2013 has been an extraordinary year for our nation and people. We have worked together in

overcoming a variety of obstacles and challenges, and made new outstanding achievements. The achievements have not come easily as they are the result of blood and sweat from all. I'd like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you all.


In 2013, we made an overall plan on comprehensively deepening reform and laid out a grand blueprint together for future development. In 2014, we are expected to make new strides on the road of reform.


We have advanced reforms with the fundamental purpose of making our nation stronger and more

prosperous. We also aim to achieve a higher degree of impartiality and justice in society so that people can live a better life. Reform is a great cause that calls for common commitments and strenuous efforts from us all. We must sow before we can reap. In the great practice of reform and opening up, we have already made countless spectacular achievements. I firmly believe that the Chinese people will create new spectacles.


There exists an immense and vast universe with bright stars. More than 7 billion people inhabit the planet Earth. We in the same boat should keep watch and help each other to achieve common development. We Chinese people seek to realize the Chinese dream, a great revitalization of the Chinese nation, and also wish that the dreams of people of all countries will come true. I sincerely hope that people of various countries in the world will understand and help each other in the course of realizing their dreams and build the Earth that we rely on for survival into a common beautiful homeland.


Life is always full of hopes. Success always belongs to those who keep forging ahead unswervingly. On our way forward, we will encounter various risks and challenges. We still need to complete a lot of tasks so that common people can live a happier life. We need to be modest and prudent and work hard together in writing a new chapter for the development of our great nation.


Thank you all.
