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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-26 12:01:59 | 移动端:外研三起五年级上册













单词:单词教学目标是达到听说认读,黑体字部分要求能够正确抄写,分层次要求。 重点句型:要求学生能够在正确认读书写的基础上,进行语境化的句型转换。例如:学习了when where what who 等疑问词引导的特殊疑问句后,给学生创设语境,进行对话形式的句子填充。



MODULE 1 London

Unit 1

情境: Lingling 和Amy从中国回到伦敦碰见好朋友John,跟他一起聊些过去发生了的事。

重点句型:When did you come back?--We came back last Sunday. I dropped my ice cream!

重点单词:when back drop meet run及它们两个的过去形式met ran

拓展部分:When 引导的过去式的特殊疑问句。

I ?ed.(动词过去式)。


A、情境创设法: 在学生过完愉快的暑假回到课堂仍然处于兴奋状态下,老师跟学生或学生之间相互问候各自的暑假,做了什么去了哪里。老师先自我介绍暑假做了的事情:I went to Shang Hai. I came back last Sunday?然后询问学生:Where did you go? When did you come back? 激发学生模仿老师用过去式描述:I went to Shang Hai. I came back last Sunday.

B. 记忆刺激法:每个人的记忆都有输入和输出的过程,对于中低年级学生而言,没有一定知识的输入,要输出是比较困难的。因此,我会将本册书出现的不规则动词过去式编成一小组有节奏韵律的词组,比如:have, have --had meet, meet—metrun, run—ran go, go—went?每天反复地让学生听,背,因此对之耳熟能详,直至脱口而出。

Unit 2

重点句型: 关于复数主语的一般疑问句法:Did they buy ice creams?

动词短语: go to the park/ buy ice creams/ walk to the bus


拓展部分:Did you??过去式的一般疑问法。简短文章阅读能力的培养。


本单元活动1是一封Lingling 记录她昨天活动的信,活动2是针对这封信用过去提的一些问题。在这一环节的教学活动中,老师可以用简单的阅读课文教学法让他们学会回答题目的方法,然后再采用任务型活动法,让学生以组为单位合作记录周末他们所做的事情,也以写信的形式写给他们最好的朋友。

歌曲巩固法 在活动4里也可以采用以便于巩固学生对过去式的提问及回答方式的掌握能力。

MODULE 2 Shopping

Unit 1 Unit2(这一模块两个单元各活动都是围绕着可数与不可数展开教学,所以放在一块分析)

情境: 老师将要组织个picnic让同学们在老师的要求下合作完成购物任务。

重点句型:Do you like cheese? How many/much?do you want?

重点单词:kilo/ cheese



A.故知新法:学生对句型I like? I don’t like?掌握得不错,老师就不妨让他们列举各种他们喜欢的物品,提醒他们注意可数及不可数名词的表达方式。

B. 表演法,老师创造情境,要组织一个picnic,让学生分组讨论准备野餐的清单,引导他们用句型,Do you like?? How much/ how many do you want?相互掉朝各自喜欢吃的东西,然后让学生自由找搭档模拟超市购物情形,进行Do you like?? How many/much ?do you want? Five /?kilo, please.的对话表演。

Module 3 At the weekend

Unit 1

情境: 好朋友打电话相互问及各自周末做过的事情及地点。

重点句型:(1)---What did you/he do?

--- We/he visited?

(2)--- Where did you go??

---We went to?

重点单词: the British Museum the London Eye mountain



A.课件辅助法:因学生对本模块出现的几个英国特有建筑物名词London Eye, British Museum, Big Ben 并不很熟,不容易掌握,所以采用这一方法,让学生对这些物体有直观的了解以便于他们掌握这些单词。


Daming went to the London Eye.

My father and mother went to the British Musum

We visited the?

Unit 2

重点句型:What did Daming do?

动词短语:went to the Great Wall/ take a photo



A. 看图说话法:本模块第二单元有短小插图课文的阅读训练,在训练学生看短文回答问题技能时老师可以先跳开直接看问题解答的思路,而是先有针对问题引导学生自己用英语描述一下图片,甚至可以当个复习口语环节,让学生打开思维想象造句。比如,在12页这一篇课文插图,我们可以在每个关键动作或物体旁边做句子主干的提示,让学生发挥想象任意造句,我在太阳这提示一句:They went to the Great Wall at?o’clock. 在长城那就出示:?and ? went to the Great Wall.这样的话,一方面可以用图片的画面吸引学生们的兴趣,另一方面可以刺激他们任意想象造句,既可以巩固复习他们对过去式的掌握,又可以便于回答这篇短文的一些问题。

B. 任务型教学法: 鼓励学生一起分组讨论周末的活动,然后模仿Daming写些简短的文章。

Module 4 Possession

Unit 1 Unit2

情境: 好友之间相互询问,介绍自己及别人的物品。

重点句型:Whose bag/? is this?

It’s hers/his?

重点单词:mine yours his whose


拓展部份: 看图说话能力的培养。


A.温故知新法:这一环节主要用于课堂刚开始的复习环节。老师出示学生所熟知的物品,让学生认识并能描述:This is a sweater.进而引导说出:This is ?’s sweater. It isn’t my sweater?总之引导他们用形容词性物主代词形容物体,老师在旁边用名词性物主代词补充说明,以便下一新授环节能顺利开展。

B.对比法:这一环节可在新授环节,老师可以在学生形容了物品后,做以下板书: It is my (图片).==It is mine.

That is your(图片).==That is yours.

Is this his(图片)?==Is this his?

That isn’t her(图片). ==That isn’t hers.

C. 自由派对法: 老师营造自由聊天的氛围,让学生自由地举手站起来讲英语,描述物品的所有格。.若描述出来的是相应一样的同学就可以成为一组搭档.


T: This is her pen.

S1: This is hers. 那么老师找到S1这个搭档了.老师鼓励同学们自由找搭档,最后比赛看哪个同学找到的搭档最多。

D.表演法:操练环节就可以用上这一方法,老师提供实物,让学生围绕 Whose skirt is it? Is it Lingling’s skirt?

Yes, it’s hers.

Is this Sam’s T-shirt?

No, it’s Amy’s.的话题展开想象自由找搭档练习对话,以巩固名词性物主代词。 (要强调的是,请老师们不要在教授的过程中灌输这两种名词的概念,以便于防止学生把注意力分散到区分这两个概念的差别上)

MODULE 5In class

Unit 1 Unit2

情境: 师生合作统计教室里各种物品的数量情况。

重点句型:--- There are ?pencils.

--- There are too many books on the desk.

--- There are enough.




例:How many milk do you want?(常见的不可数名词:milk juice water meat

1. in London 在伦 2. be back from 从……回来 3. come back 回来

五年级复习提纲第一模块 短语:

4. last Sunday上星期天 5. live in住在 6. look at 看 7. ice cream 冰激凌

8. come with 与……一起来 9. hurry up 赶快10. wait for 等待 11. by bus 乘坐

公交车12.chinese friends 中国朋友13.


一. 疑问词(放在句首)

when什么时候 where在哪里 who谁 what什么 how怎样,如何

二. (用什么提问,用什么回答)(疑问句直接回答)

1. Did you walk to school? (你步行去学校么?)Yes, I did. No, I didn’t 2. .Did they go home by bike?(他们骑自行车去学校么?) Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

3. When did you come back with Sam?(你和sam什么时候回来?)

I came back with Sam yesterday.(昨天我和sam回来的。) 4. I dropped my ice cream.

三、with 加某人放在后面。如:I went to school with Sam.(我同sam去学校)四、过去式:come-camego-wentmeet-met buy-boughtdrop-dropped Run-ransee-sawwalk-walked send(邮寄)-senteat-ate live-lived Have-had do-did 第二模块 短语

1. shopping list 购物单 2. how many多少(可数名词复数)4. half a kilo 半公斤 3. how much 多少(不可数名词) 6. one kilo of noodles 一公斤面条

5. make a list 做一个清单 7、go to the supermarket 去超市8、the first thing第一项 9、five bottles 五瓶 10、here you are给你 11.what's next?下一项是什么?12.all right 好吧 句型

1. how many +可数名词+do you want?

你想要多少……呢? 对可数名词的数量提问。例:How many bananas do you want? 2. how much +不可数名词+ do you want?

rice bread cakecheese )

3. do you like ……? 你喜欢……吗?例:Do you like cheese?

Yes, I do.No, I don’t. 第三模块


1. at the weekend 在周末 2. lots of 许多3. the British Museum 大英博物馆 4. Big Ben 大本钟5. the London Eye 伦敦眼 6. like ……best 最喜欢 10. at ten o’clock 在10点 11. take photos of 拍照12. by bus 乘坐公共汽车 13. the Great Wall 长城14、in the morning在早上 句型

1. what did you do at the weekend? 你周末干什么了?We visited lots of places 2. where did you go?We went to the British MuseumWhere 对地点提问,回答用表示地点的词回答。

第四模块一. 单词

. 人称代词的各种形式

主语形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词 宾格

(用于句首) (用在名词前面) (用于句末)(用于动词、介词后) I my mine me youyouryour you he his hishim sheher hers her they their theirsthem weouroursus 二. 短语

1. what’s the matter? 发生什么事了?2. on the line在绳上 3、Don't argue不要争吵 三. 语法点


1. Whose bag is this?

这是谁的书包?Whose :谁的,后面直接跟名词,询问时谁的东西。 2. lingling’s cap玲玲的帽子。人名’s +名词: 名词所有格,表示是谁的东西。 1.a programme about 关于……的节目2.be useful有用的3.sit down 坐下 4.hot dogs 热狗 5.these firemen 这些消防员6.sausage香肠 句型can’t 表示不能干某事。

1. This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him.例: Tom的书Tom’s book Sam的包Sam’s bag 3、A:sam took my T-shirt。He wants to wear it。

B:but it isn’t hers。it’s mine

A:Is this Sam’s bag ? B: Yes it’s his


1. give out 分发2.give to 给3.in the class 在班级里4.have got 有 5.put……in 把……放进去6.in the blue box 在蓝色的盒子7.be careful 小心8.too many book 太多的书9.enough pencils 足够的铅笔 10.every child 每个孩子11.learn chinese学习汉语 12.twenty pencils20枝铅笔13.in the bag在书包里14.put on 穿上

句型:1. There are +数量+名词 表示名词有多少个 例: 有四个苹果There are four apples

2.There are enough +名词。表示有足够多的东西来分配 例:有4个苹果,有三个学生

There are four apples. There are three students.There are enough. 3.There are too many books on the desk.桌子上有太多的书。

4. 4.There are too many +名词+地点。表示在……有太多的……。 例: 书包里有太多书。 There are too many books in the bag.


1.in the football team 在足球队2.play well 打得好3.run fast 跑得快 4 catch the ball well接球接得好5.control the ball 控球6.jump high 跳得高7.be good at 擅长干…… 8. in china 在中国9. a fantastic goalkeeper 一个出色的守门员句型1. Can you run fast?你能跑得快吗?Yes, I can. No, I can’t.2. You can catch the ball well.(你能接球接得很好。) 3. You can control the ball well。(你能控球控得很好。) 4. 3. You can play football well。(你能踢足球踢得很好。)


2. This girl is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her. 3. These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them.

4.This little girl can’t walk。Her father helps her。

5.Thisold man can’t sit down。A young girl helps him。 6.These chick can’t eat。Their mother helps them。 7.This little girl can’t swim。Her monther helps her

第八模块 短语

1.would like to do 想要干……2.what time 问事情什么时间点发生3.at nine o’clock 在九点4.half past seven 七点半5. do exercises 做运动6.in the playground 在操场上7.skipping rope 跳绳8.get up起床9.sam and amy’s school sam 和amy的学校10.in England 在英国11.do morning exercises做早操12.go into the classroom进入教室

句型1.时间的表达 在几点几分用at (1).整点时间数字+o’clock例 7点seven o’clock 在七点 at seven o’clock 8点 eight o’clock 在8点 at eight o’clock (2)半点表达 half past +数字

例: 7点半half past seven 在7点半at half past seven8点半half past eight 在8点半at half past eight 2.A: What time does school start?学校几点开始?B:My school starts at nine o’clock 3.AWhat time do you get up?B:I get up at half past seven。


1. what’s the matter? 发生什么事了? 2. miss china 想念中国3. play chess 下象棋

4. of course not 当然5. think about思考,考虑6. on the farm 在农场上7. all day 整天 8. go out出去 9. go out to play 出去玩耍10. noodle soup 面条汤 句型:Are you feeling ……?你觉得……吗?Yes, I am No, I’m not.

表示一种情绪状态。表示情绪状态的词有:sad 难过 : bored 无聊 angry 生气: happy 高兴: tired 劳累: hungry 饥饿



1. in the road 在路上2. be dangerous 危险 3. cross the road 穿过马路4. hold my hand 握住我的手5. say hello to 给……说你好 6. in a 3.Where did you go last Sunday ?We went to the British Museum. .....

4..How many bananas/oranges do you want? Six,please. .......5.How much cheese do you want ? Half a kilo. .......7.What time do you get up ? I get up at half past seven. ........hurry =hurry up 赶紧,匆忙7. take the right child 带走正确的孩子8. do homework 做家庭作业9. ride bicycle 骑自行车10. play the flute 吹笛子11. eat fruit 吃水果

句型1. You should +动词原形你应该做……事。


例: (1)You should look, then cross the road.(2)You should take the right child。

(3)You should say hello to my friend。(4)You should hold my hand。

2. You shouldn’t +动词原形 你不应该干……事。例:(1) You shouldn’t run in the road. 你不应该在马路上跑

(2)You shouldn’t walk in the road 外研版五年级英语上册复习资料一、常见特殊疑问句(由疑问词when、what、who、where、whose、how等引导

1.When2.What.... did you come back? We came back last Sunday. .... did you do at the weekend? I visited lots of places. 8.What time9.What ..... does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock. can you do?I can sing well. ...

10.Whose bag is this ?It11......’s Lingling’s bag. 12.How did you go? I went by bike. .What ...do you want ? I want a skirt. 13.What.... are you going to do? We14.....’re going to have lunch together. 15.What.What....’s the matter?Nothing.are we going to take on our picnic?Let16.What....’s make a list. ....

are you thinking about? It’s a secret’ 二、常见一般疑问句及其回答(用yes或no来回答)

1.Are you feeling sad?Yes,I am./No,I’m not.

2.Did they buy ice cream? Yes,they did./No,they didn’t. 3.Can we have a dog,please? No,we can’t. 4.Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt?Did Lingling like it ?

Did he go to London? Yes,he did./No,he didn’t.

5Do you like cheese? 6.Do you miss China?7.Do you skip in the playground? Do you walk to school? Do you skip in the


8.Do you want to play chess? 9.Do you feel tired?

10.Do youwant

to be in our football team? 11.Do you live in London ,too?yes,Ido.No I don’t. 12.Can you catch the ball well?Yes,I can.

13.Are you good at table tennis?Yes,I am./No,I’m not. 14.Is this Sam’s T-shirt? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. 3

15.Are there enough chair? Yes,there are./No,there are 16.Is he feeling sad?

17.Can she control the ball well? No,she can’t.

18.Can I be a goalkeeper?Yes,you can./No,you can’t. 三。动词第三人称单数/一般过去时 1.She plays3.He jumps..... football very well.2.He plays .....football very badly. 5.Lingling.... wants . very high. 4.She runs.. very fast. 6.They .....to go to school with Amy. ..8.Today I.took .photos of the mountains. 7.Then we went to the classroom. helped.. my grandfather. ....9.I dropped..sam and Amy. ....... .my ...ice cream.10.Yesterday I went.... to the park with 11.I went to the zoo by bus. 13.Then we .... 12.Sam went by bus. .took... my T-shirt. 14.I went....14.We bought...... ice creams. 16.I went.... to the park. 15.I saw lots of places. .... home by bus. 17.I bought.........

twenty-five pencils yesterday. 四、There be 句型

1.There are too many books on the desk.2.There are too many apples in the bag.

3. There is not enough time. There is only one hat.

4.There are enough pencils. 5.There are not enough cars.

6.There are too many people.7.There are ten pencils in the blue box.

五、人称代词宾格:him/her/me/them/it 名词性物主代词:


1.This man is blind.He can’t see.This dog helps him...


2.This girl is deaf.She can’t hear.This dog helps her. 3.These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help ....

.them.4.This little girl can’t swim. Her mother helps her ..... 5.This is my hat.It is mine..... 7.That is his big coat .It is.... . 6.This is your T-shirt.It is yours. his.......... 8.This is her sweater.It is hers......


1、You should You .should.....look,then cross the road. You should.. eat fruit/apples. You .shoul..... take the right child.You should...... say hello to my friends. ....2.You shouldn.....d hold my hand,too. ’3.I can ..do it very well. She was three then.She .......t walk in the road. You shouldn.......’..t jump on the bed.4.、..couldnWhen I was two years old. I could laugh. I ..couldn....’..t swim.

.......’.t run. 七、表达内心感受:happy/sad/tired/bored/angry/hungry/thirsty

1. Can I have some water?I’m thirsty. 2. I’ve got a present.I’m happy. 3.I lost my favourite toy. I’m sad. 4. I want to eat a hamburger.I’m very hungry.

5.Can we play chess?I’m bored. 6.I played basketball.I’m so tired. 7.Today I won a chess game.Now I feel happy. 8.Yesterday I lost my bag.I can’t find it. I feel sad. 9.I can smell some nice noodle soup. I feel hungry. 10.It’s raining and I can’t go out to play.I feel bored.




Module2 Unit 1 同步练习

一、 单词

1 超市______________2 需要____________3 食物____________4 野餐___________ 5 首先____________6 奶酪_____________7 清单___________8十二_____________


1 在超市_______________________ 2 制作一张购物清单______________________ 3 多少(可数名词)________________4多少(不可数名词)___________________ 5我不知道 ____________________6在家___________________


eat(过去式) make (过去式) say(过去式) too(同义词) lose (过去式) like(第三人称单数)

四 选择

( ) 1 We need food ___ our picnic . A to B on C of D for ( ) 2 Can you a shopping list ? A make B made C making D did

( ) 3 ______ books do you want ? A How many B How much C how many D how much

( ) 4 Amy and Sam ____ bananas . A like B likes C liked D doesn’t like

( ) 5 ______ cheese do you want ? A How many B How much C how many D how much ( ) 6 Whatyou yesterday?

A did , boughtB do , buyC did , buy D do ,bought

( ) 7 Here _____ your oranges .A is B am C are


1 How much do you need ? A 让我们列个清单吧! 2 Let’s make a list. B 你想要多少果汁 ? 3 How much juice do you want ? C 让我们去购物吧! 4 Let’s go shopping. D 你能看见多少只鸭子? 5 How many ducks can you see ? E 你需要多少?

Module2 Unit 2 同步练习


( )1.A milkB. Juice C. Cake

( )2.A.pears B.apples C.eggs

( )3.A.walkB.want C.kilo

( )4.A.riceB.met C.ran

( )5.A.did B.readsC.goes

二、英汉互译 half a kilo three boxes of cheese一千克面条 两公斤肉那边三瓶果汁


() 1 How much milk do you want ? ____ .

A Six bottles , please . B Five apples . C Ten oranges .

() 2 How many apples do you want ? ____ .

A Here you are . B Seven oranges . C One kilo , please.

() 3 Do you like cheese ? No, I____. A didn’t. B don’t . C do.

() 4 Does John like bananas ? ____.

A Yes , he does. B No , he is .C Yes , he doesn’t. ( )5.How muchdo we needour picnic?

A. sweets ,to B.cake, for C. cheese, for ( )6.Here three bottles of juice you.

A. are, forB. is, to C.are, to

( )7.Can we the bag on the desk? No, we .

A. use, aren’t B.use, can’tC. use, can

() 8 How many _____ do you want ? A apple B apples C an apple

() 9 How _____milk do you want ?A manyB muchC big

() 10 How _____ oranges do you want ?A many B long C much


1 How much cheese do you want ? A They will come tomorrow. 2 How many things are there ? B I’m shopping . 3 When will these things come ?C Half a kilo.

4 What are you doing ?D Thirty-seven.


1 _____________________ cakes do you want ? Five cakes, please.

2 _____________________ cheese do you want ? A kilo.

3 _____________________ books are there ?Twenty-eight.

4 _____________________ is it going to cost ?One hundred yuan .


you, do, how, water, much, want (?) eggs, many, buy, you, did, how (?)noodles, need, for,we, our, dinner (.)


Bill got up at 7:00 . He brushed his teeth, then he had breakfast at 7:20. He walked to school at 7:40. His friends and he played a game after school. He didn’t win, but he was also very happy . He went back at 5:30. It was time for dinner.

() 1 Bill didn’t brush his teeth.

() 2 Bill had breakfast at 7:40.

() 3 Bill went to school on foot.

() 4 Bill won the game , so he was very happy.

() 5 Bill went back after dinner.
