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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?



__________ prep. 在..附近 __________ adv. 过,穿过 ___________ n. 前面

__________ prep. 在..后面 __________ prep. 沿着 ____________ v. 转向,翻

__________ adv. 向右边 __________adv. 向左边____________ v. 享受

___________adv. 容易地___________v. 花(时间,钱) ____________adj. 免费的

(二) 重点短语

_______________ 在…对面___________ 在…前面 _____________ 向左转

______________紧靠…旁边___________ 沿着…走 _____________ 在右边

______________享受做某事的乐趣 _____________ 善于,擅长

near here _________________ on bridge street _____________ look like ______________

on school days _____________ be good at ________________

(三) 重点句型

1.--有医院吗? --在桥街上

---__________ _________ a hospital _________ ________ ?

---Yes, ___________ __________. _________ __________ bridge street.


___________ __________ ____________?


___________ ________ __________ Bridge Street and __________ _________.

(四)重点语法—there be 句型

1、定义: There be 结构主要用以表达 “某地有某人(某物)”。其基本句型为“There be + 某物或某人(主语) + 某地”。

2、be动词的选择: There be 结构中的谓语动词be(is / are)在人称和数上应与保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is ;主语是复数时用are。

3、具体结构:(1) There is + 单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语.

E.g. There is a desk in the classroom. 在教室里有一张桌子。

(2) There are + 复数名词+ 地点状语.

E.g. There are 5 apples in the box. 盒子里有五个苹果。




单数is, 复数are



(1)、否定句:there be的否定式通常在be后加not。

E.g. There is a bike under the tree. 树下有一辆自行车。

There isn't a bike under the tree.

E.g. There are 2 little girls in the room.在房间里有两个小女孩。

There aren't 2 little girls in the room.



2、回答时,“用什么问,就用什么答”,用Is / Are there来提问,就用there is / are


肯定回答:Yes, there is / are.

否定回答:No, there isn't / aren't.

E.g. 1、There are two cats in the tree.树上有两只猫。

Are there two cats in the tree?

Yes, there are. No, there aren't.

. 2、There is a computer on the desk . 在桌子上有一台电脑。

Is there a computer on the desk?

Yes, there is.No, there isn't.

课堂练习:1. There is a new bed and an old desk in the room .




5、some和any在“there be”句型中的用法:

some 一些(some

any 一些(any

There be

E.g.1、There is some water in the bottle .在瓶子里有一些水。



2、There are some children in the picture. 图片里有一些小孩。



课堂练习:1. -- Are there _____ shops near here?

-- No, there are _____ shops near here.

A. some, notB. some, any C. any, not D. any, no

2.There are some tables on the floor.(变为否定句)


there, be的形式要与




3.There some books,two pencils and a pen on the desk.


课堂练习:Theremilk and eggs on the table .在桌子上有牛奶和鸡蛋。

There eggs and milk on the table.

7、“there be” 和“have”的区别

There be表示“存在有” ;have(has)表示“所属有”。他们都翻译为“有”


E.g.1、I have a book .我有一本书。

(注:书归我所有,我是书的主人。→ 所属有)

2、There is a book on the desk .在桌子上有一本书。

(注:书只是存在于桌子上,但书不属于桌子所有。→ 存在有)


介词:at 在..... in 在......里面on 在......上面

under 在......下面 behind 在......后面 near 在......附近


at home 在家in the box 在盒子里

on the floor 在地板上 under the tree 在树下

behind the door 在门后面 near the zoo 在动物园附近

in front of 在……前面



pay做名词,意思为“薪金,报酬” 做动词,意思为“付钱,支付”

pay sb. 付钱给某人

pay for sth. 付钱买某物

pay sb.some money for sth. 为某物付给某人…钱

2.across 的用法

across做介词,意为“穿过,横过,从一边到另一边”常构成across from 词组,意为:在。。。对面 Eg: Can you swim across the river ?


Eg: When you cross the street, you must be careful.

crossing, 做名词,意为:十字路口

Eg: There are traffic lights at the crossing.


In 在里面on 在上,near和beside 在近旁,若表正上用over,under表示正下方

两者之间用between, 紧紧挨着next to, in front of 前behind后,还有横穿across.



1.________ there a pen and two books on the table?

A. is B. areC. am D. be

2.—is there a big supermarket on this street ?


A. yes, there be B. no, there are C. yes, there is D. yes ,there isn’t

3.There _________ any milk in the glass

A. isn’t B. aren’t C. be notD.not

4.Han Mei’s eraser is __________ her pencil case.

A. across B. in C. atD. to

5. There is a map _________ the wall

A. onB. inC. at D. behind

6.Can you see a bike _________ the river?

A. on B. at C. near D. in

7. There are some flowers _________ the house

A. in front ofB. in frontC. front D. in the front

8. He sits___________ me

A. nextB. next toC. on D. over

9.The children spend two hours _________ Chinese every day.

A. on B. at C. toD. in

10.I spent a lot of money __________ English books

A. with B. withC. onD. to

11.It __________ me three hours to do the housework

A. spent B. tookC. paid for D. cost

12.I spent two hours __________ shopping today

A. go B. goesC. going D. to go

13. I _________ three yuan ________ the pen

A. spent, forB. paid, for C. cost, onD. took, to


A. roundB. at C. around D. on

15.They __________ themselves together every day.

A.like B. loveC. enjoyD. likes

16.I __________ Qingdao and I can _________ myself on the beautiful beaches

A. enjoy, enjoy B. like, enjoy C. enjoy, like D. like,like

A. inB.on C. down


1.__________ many people in the park..(用there be 或have填空)

I ___________ a brother, and he ________ a sister。(用there be 或have填空)

2.Is there __________ _________ __________(公用电话) on the street ?

Please _______ ________ _________ (给司机付钱),then you can go.

I paid 100 yuan _______ _________ ________ (买那件毛衣)

He likes to do things without ____________ (薪金)

3. 根据首字母提示完成单词

The post office is a _______ from the bank。

The students must be careful at the c_________.

The old people should be careful to c________ the road.


The supermarket is _________ ________ the post office


Wang Hai lives _________ the street _________ us

5.用in front of 或in the front of 填空

He likes sitting ___________ the bus when he takes the bus

There is a river __________ the house

6. 请问,这附近有银行吗?

___________ ________ ,is there a bank near here ?


__________ ________, what’s your name ?


_____________, you can’t come in

7. 附近有一家旅馆

There is a restaurant ____________ ___________


The bank ___________ ________ ________ __________


__________ go ___________ center street and ___________ ___________


Liu chang is ___________ ___________ _________

9. look, they are ________ ________ __________ _____________(看我们打篮球) now. My mother watched her ____________ _____________ (走进) the supermarket I often watch her ___________ _________ ___________ (弹钢琴)

10. 格林先生一家正围着桌子坐着

The Greens are sitting _________ the table


Don’t leave your clothes lying _____________

11.These books are _________ for children. They can get these books without any money马克今天有空吗?

_________ Mark _________ today ?


____________ _________,please


I __________ __________ my father.


Unit 8 When is your birthday?评课稿


今天,我们英语教研组一起聆听了刘萍老师执教的七年级英语上册unit8 When is your birthday?,总的来说,收获很多,现就谈谈自己的点滴体会:



(1)热身活动中,主要通过Let’s chant,营造了英语学习的氛围,同时也复习了上节课句型的说法,为新知的呈现作了铺垫。

(2)呈现环节,刘老师通过when is Miss Zhou’S birthday?让学生进行猜测展开教学,创设生活化的情境,接着问学生Is your birthday in …….?,进入英语课堂之中,最后回到书本上的Let’s talk,讨论Milk等学生的生日,思路清晰,条理明确。



三,本课中值得研讨的地方是,在本堂课中,刘老师在安排任务前或句型操练前,应该更明确,在学生还没有完全熟悉重点句型的时候,就要求学生回答,学生会一时答不上来,或者可以教师先示范,如:My birthday is in ....Is your birthday in....?这样让学生有更好的示范。另外,对于一节公开课来说,课堂上的紧急情况的处理也非常重要,有时候,学生就是我们课堂上最好的帮手,我们可以把遇到的问题抛给学生。同时,我们老师还可以增加课堂的足够多的input,这样同学才干有更多的out put。



Unit 8 When is your birthday?

Section A


1. your mother?s birthday你妈妈的生日

2. October tenth 十月十号

3. date of birth出生日期; 生日

4. how old 多大(岁数)

1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

My birthday is June fourth.我的生日是六月四号。

2. When is your mother?s birthday? 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?

3. DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st. 出生日期:三月二十一日。

4. How old are you? 你多大了?

I?m fifteen. 我十五岁了。

【学海拾贝】 ◆1. When is your birthday?

When is one?s birthday?是询问某人生日的句型;若问某人何时出生,则用句型

When was /were…born?


When is your birthday, John?


When were you born, John?

when 可以用来对年、月、日等时间提问。回答时用介词in, on, at等加具体时间。

●例如:你什么时候回家?When do you go home?


I usually go home at six o?clock.


When do the tourists go to Hainan Island?


They often go there in summer.


比较when 与 what time:

when 和 what time都可以对时间进行提问。when 一般用于询问某年、某月、某日。

而what time一般用于具体某个时刻,也就是具体几点钟的提问。例如:

※ 人们在什么时候种树? 人们一般在春天种树。

When do people plant trees? People often plant trees in spring.

※ 你早上几点钟起床? 我六点钟起床。 What time do you get up in the morning?I get up at six o?clock.

◆2. My birthday is June fourth.

(1)birthday 名词,意思是“生日”,它是一个合成词,是由名词birth和名词day组成的。当祝贺别人的生日时,我们常说:Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!外国人在过生日时经常会举行一个birthday party生日聚会来进行祝贺。



---Today is my birthday.

---Happy birthday to you.

(2)当别人问When is your birthday时,我们可以回答My birthday is …。也可以用It?s on June fourth。当日期具体到某一天时要用介词on, on在此句中可以省略。如果只是说在哪个月,或哪一年时,介词用in。


My birthday is (on) October tenth.


Tree Planting Day is in March.

(3)June fourth意思是“六月四号”。fourth 意思是“第四”,是序数词。序数词是表示数目顺序的词,一般翻译为“第几”,其构成如下:

①第1至第3独立成词:第1 first , 第2 second, 第三 third。

它们都有缩写形式,1st, 2nd, 3rd.。


如:第4 fourth, 第5 fifth, 第6 sixth,第11 eleventh,第18 eighth

它们的缩写形式一般在阿拉伯数字后加后缀-th构成。需要注意的是第5,第8,第9,第12,第15的拼写:fifth ---fifth eight---eighthnine---ninth

twelve---twelfth fifteen---fifteenth


如:第20 twentieth(20th)第30 thirtieth(30th)第40 fortieth(40th)

第50 fiftieth(50th)第60 sixtieth(60th) 第70 seventieth(70th) 第80 eightieth(80th) 第90 ninetieth(90th)


如:第21 twenty-first(21st) 第42 forty-second(42nd)

第55 fifty-fifth(55th) 第98 ninety-eighth(98th)





8去t, 9去e,


five, twelve两兄弟


还有三个特殊变,1,2,3尾t, d, d。

◆3. When is your mother’s birthday?

mother's 叫做“名词所有格”,意思是“妈妈的…”。在前面我们学习了人称代词,如:你的your,我的my,他的his,她的her。现在,我们学习一下属格的另一种形式:名词所有格,它是由名词+ ?s构成的,翻译为“…的”。



This is my uncle?s bedroom.


That is Nick?s backpack.

②以s或es结尾的名词复数只加 ?


These are students? textbooks.


These two sweaters are the twins?.



This is Lucy and Lily?s room.


Miss Green is Lin Tao and Lin Fan?s teacher.



These are Lucy?s and Lily?s desks.

◆4. Date of birth.


●例如:出生地 place of birth



What?s the date today?


◆5. How old are you?

此句的意思是“你多大了?/多大年龄”,how old对年龄提问,回答时常用句型“I?m+数词”或 “I?m…years old”。


How old is your brother?


He?s only five (years old).


How old are you?


Oh, this is a secret.



How 的用法知多少:

1. how 多么;怎么

※ 多少美丽的花啊! How beautiful flowers!

※ 你妈妈的身体怎么样啊? How is your mother?

2. how much / how many 提问数量

※ 我们还有多少牛奶? How much milk do we have?

※ 你有多少个足球? How many soccer balls do you have?

3. how much 提问价钱

※这件毛衣多少钱? How much is this sweater?

4. how often 多久一次(提问频率)

※ 你多久看一次电视? How often do you watch TV?

一星期看三次。 Three times a week.

5. how soon 多快;多久

※ 你多久能回来? How soon will you come back? 两天后。 In two days


1. 一月九日2. 二月八日3. 三月十五日 4. 四月一日5. 六月十二日 6. 八月二日7. 十二月三日 8. 九月十日

()1. is Tom?s birthday?

A. What B. When C. Why D. Where

()2. Her date of is November 1st.

A. ageB. birth C nameD. birthday


A. twenty B. twelve C. twentieth D. twentyth

()4. My sister is only five.

A. yearB. years C. year old D. years old ()5. May is the month of the year.

A. fiveB. fifth C. fivethD. fourth

()6. My birthday is April 3rd.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

()7. Huang Lei?s birthday is April.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

()8. China joined WTO 2002.

