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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-26 11:52:09 | 移动端:七年级英语unit1

篇一:七年级英语第一课 练习与答案


1. His hobby is _________ basketball. A. play

B. plays

C. playing

D. to play

2. Lucy is keen _________ playing chess.A. in

B. on

C. to

D. at

3. Peter doesn’t play the guitar well _________ he is very keen on it.A. and

B. so

C. or

D. but

4. Sally, my best friend, is a girl _________ glasses.A. on

B. in

C. of

D. at

5. Jenny is my best friend ________. A. in the schoolC. at school

B. from the school D. from school

6. Li Jie is one of the ________ in his school.A. the best student

B. the best studentsD. the better students

C. the better student

7. ---Would you like ________ some orange juice?---No, thanks.A. have

B. to have

C. having

D. has

8. Ben is good at _________ English, but he doesn’t enjoy _________ English.A. speaking, write

B. speaking, to have D. speak, write

C. speaking, writing

9. Thanks for _________ me. I’d love ________ with you.A. inviting, to go B. inviting, going C. invite, to go 10. ---_________ does you sister work as? ---She works as a nurse.A. Where

B. How

C. What

D. Which

D. invite, going

11. This is a photo of _________. I stood between my parents in the photo.A. me

B. my

C. I

D. his

12. Linda enjoys _________ the music in her free time.A. listening to

B hearing

C. to listen to

D. to hear

13. Our class teacher ________ us. We all like her very much.

A. is very keen

B. is very friendly to D. is very good at

C. is always happy to

14. Liu Mei is on the _________ basketball team. She’s one of the best players.A. girl

B. girls

C. girl’s

D. girls’

15. Miss Ma is old, but she __________. A. is young

B. is old

C. looks young D. looks old

16. _________ go and ask Mr. Xu for help?A. Why not

B. Why not to

C. Why don’t

D. Why not you

17. Miss Liu looks beautiful when she _________ a red dress.A. takes off

B. wears

C. puts on

D. in

18. She would like __________ a super star in the future.A.be

B. being

C. to be

D. to being

19. My uncle is bad at __________. A. draws

B. drawing

C. to draw

D. draw

20. ---Best wishes for your table tennis match. ---___________.A. Thanks a lot.


27 September Dear Simon;

Thanks a lot for your letter. I am ___1___ to be your pen friend. Now I’d like to tell you something about myself.

My English name is Kathy. I’m eleven years old. I am 160 cm. I have black hair and black eyes. My hobby is ___2___ badminton.

I have ___3____ brother--- his name is Jason and he is fourteen. I haven’t got ___4___ sisters. I live __5___ my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Guangzhou, in the south of China. There ___6__ lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.

I study in __7___ of No. 5 Middle School. My classmates are all very kind. Mr. Zhang is our class teacher. He teaches ___8___ English. I hope to become a famous singer in the future. Now I practice ___9__ after school every afternoon.

Simon, ___10___ will you visit China? I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

Love Li Jie

B. Yes, pleaseC. Why not? D. Of course.

( ) 1. A. happy ( ) 2. A. play ( ) 3. A. the( ) 4. A. some ( ) 5. A. in ( ) 6. A. is

B. unhappyB. plays B. a B. anyB. on B. are

C. happily C. playedC. an

D. unhappily D. playing D. / D. much D. of D. have

C. a lot C. withC. has

( ) 7. A. 2 Class, 7 Grade

C. grade 7, class 2

( ) 8. A. us ( ) 9. A. sing

B. class 2, grade 7D. Class 2, Grade 7 C. weC. singing

D. ours D. to singing D. where

B. an B. to sing B. when

( ) 10. A. what


C. who

How do students around the world get to school?

bikes to school. In of the world, things are different. In take trains to school, although(虽然) In big , students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers . They must be a fun than taking a bus!

( )1.A. by B. atC. above D. on ( )2.A. drive B. change C. rideD. take ( )3.A. place B. partsC. countryD. school ( )4.A. a little of B. muchC. most D. a lot ( )5.A. no one B. people

C. teachers D. others

( )6.A. bikesB. horses C. carsD. buses ( )7.A. countriesB. cities C. school D. places ( )8.A. never B. seldomC. usuallyD. sometimes ( )9.A. bus B. boatC. train D. plane ( )10.A. moreB. much C. some D. about



Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand her, because she can't speak Chinese well.

It's Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show (展览). But she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can't understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows (指给) Mary the way to the park.1. Where does Mary live now? She lives in _________.A. America

B. England

C. China

D. Canada

2. She can speak _________ Chinese.A. much

B. a little

C. little

D. a few

3. She likes _________ Chinese with her __________.A. speak, parents C. speaks, American friends 4. Where is she going?A. To a new school. C. To a farm.

B. To see her friends.D. To see some flowers.

B. speaking, Chinese friends D. speaking, teachers

5. How does she ask the way to the flower show?A. She asks the way in Chinese. C. She draws a picture to ask the way.


B. She asks the way with a sign (标志).D. She doesn't ask any people.

6. If you like hamburgers , you can _________. A. go to Big PizzaC. call 88819506 7. What can’t you have in Big Pizza? A. French fries.

B. coffee milk C. pizza

D. fruit juice

B. call 6255001 D. go to 102 Ting Street 8. What can’t you have at 11:30pm? A. fruit juice

B. mutton pizza C. ice cream

D. milk juice

9. Where can you eat ice cream at 9:10am? A. On 28 Bridge Street C. On 28 Ting Street10. You can have_________ in KFC. A. Italian soups

B. vegetable pizza C. porridge

D. coffee milk

B. In Big PizzaD. On 102 Ting street



Email from Claire


Thanks for your email. One week’s holiday! That’s great!

These are school holiday. Like you, I also have a one-week holiday in October. My family usually goes on holiday at Christmas time, in December and January. We usually stay at home because I can get many presents at Christmas. We also have a big party on New Year’s Day. A lot of families and friends come to our house.

We don’t have a Spring Festival but we have a two-week holiday in April. On that holiday, we always paint eggs and eat a lot of chocolate eggs because many chickens are born at that time.

I also have holiday for six weeks in summer, from July to the middle of August. My family is going to


Unit 1 My name‘s Gina

一、 词汇句型运用---马步扎稳喽!


name /neim/ n. _______ nice /nais/ adj. _______ meet /mi:t/ v. _______ too /tu:/ adv. _______ your /j?:/ pron. _______ Ms. /miz/ _______ his /hiz/ pron. _______ and /?nd/ conj. _______ her /h?:/ pron, _______ yes /jes/ interj. _______ she /?i:/ pron. _______ he /hi:/ pron. _______ no /n?u/ interj. _______ not /n?t/ adv. _______ zero /'zi?r?u/ num. _______ one /w?n/ num. _______ two /tu:/ num. _______ three /θri:/ num. _______ four /f?:/ num. _______

_______ 五 _______ 六 _______ 七 _______ 八 _______ 九

_______ 电话;电话机 _______ 号码;数字 _______ 电话;电话机 _______ 电话号码 _______ 第一 _______ 名字

_______ 最后的;末尾的 _______ 姓 _______朋友 _______ 中国 _______ 中间的;中间 _______ 学校 _______ 中学;初中

2. 单词变形。

Your pron.__________ her pron.__________ his pron.__________

用括号单词正确形式填空。 1. _______ (your) are very nice.

2. This book is not mine. It’s _______ (he).

3. _______ is from England but _______ Chinese is very good.(she)


我的名字__________ 电话号码__________ 中学__________

他的名字__________见到你很高兴__________ 在中国__________




1. 你的电话号码是多少?what’s your telephone number?


2. 我的朋友在中国。她叫张明明。My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. _____________________________ 3. 他叫什么名字?what’s his name?





1.人称代词分为主格和宾格;主格在句子中做主语;宾格在句中作动词和介词的宾语,位于动词和介词之后。例如: ,主格,作主语) (she, 主格,作主语) (you,作help的宾语,宾格)

(her ,宾格,作介词with的宾语)

2. my ,your, his ,her,its,our, their 都是形容词性的物主代词,都具有形容词性的性质,放在名词之前,说明该名词是谁的。例如:

我的书 my book ;你的钢笔 your pen ; 他们的名字 their names 。 3.物主代词有单复数之分。其中my, your, his ,her its 是单数;our, your, their是复数


(I)ruler is red, and (you) ruler is white. (it) is a bird, and is Beibei. 写出对应的物主代词。

you he she I itthey

1. _______ father is 38 years old. (I)

2. That is my friend. _______name is Eric. (he)

3. _______is Mary. _______teacher is Miss Green.(she) 4. _____ is in China with _______mother. (he)

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What’s _______last name? (you) His brother _____ very nice. _____is Lucy’s father. (those) What color is _____ ruler? (these) She is _______English teacher.


1. Nice to meet you.

陌生人初次见面时的常用语,也可用于双方好久没见,偶尔相逢的场合,表示一种高兴地心情,回答Nice to meet you,too. 或 Me, too.

2. What’s your name? ----My name is Gina.

【解析】 What’s 是What is 的缩写;What’s your name? 是询问对方姓名 答语有三个,

一是 My name is -----; 二是 I’m ----;



(2)(划线提问) (3). My name is Alan. (改为同义句)

(4). Hello, my, is ,name, Jim (连词组句)

(5). I’m (划线提问)

(6). 大家好,我叫鲍勃,见到你们很高兴。(汉译英)

3. I'm Gina.

【解析】I'm是I am 的缩写形式,意为“我是”。其中am 是动词be 的第一人称单数形式。Be动词还包括is 和 are, 它们根据主语的不同作相应的变化。如:

I am Mary. 我是玛丽。

My name is Jenny. 我的名字是詹尼。 Are you Li Ming ? 你是李明吗? be 动词用法

我(I)用am,你(you)用 are,is 用于她,他,它(she,he ,it),单数名词用is,复数一律都用 are.


1.He a good boy. 2. it your book?

3. How you ?--Fine ,thank you . 4. I (be) Jenny. 5. Her name (be ) Gina.

4. His name is Bob. 【解析】his 是he 的形容词性物主代词,比如,my, your, his ,her ,its, our , their 都是形容词性物主代词,表示人或物的所属关系,后面必须跟一个表示人或物的名词。

e.g. 这是我的橡皮。 那是你的书本。 它是她的钢笔。


你的橘子她的夹克 他的地图 我的钥匙

5. I am Jack Smith. Jack is my first name. Smith is my last name. 【解析】Jack (名) Smith (姓)

英美人的姓名大部分由三部分组成, “名------中间名------姓”,

“first name---middle name ---last name/family name ”,其中中间名经常省略。E.g.David Alan Green 名 中间名 姓大卫 艾伦 格林

first name 名 last /family name 姓

E.g. 李 晓明Tom Anderson

中国人的姓名是“姓+名”,姓和名的首字母都要大写, 如,Li Bai 李白,


如:Yang Liwei (杨利伟)

【练习】 1. 英汉互译

姓 my clock你的姓 first name 我们的问题

2. 划线提问)

3. (划线提问) 4. In "Tom Green" Tom is a name. A. middle B. family C. last D. first 5. ----What's your ? ----It's Liu.

A. first name B. middle name C. last name D. the first

6. zero,one ,two ,-------nine.零,一,二 ---------九

【解析】 这些词是基数词。英语中数次分为两大类----基数词和序数词。表示“多少”的词为基数词,表示“第几”的词为序数词。我们已经学习到一个序数词 first (第一)。基数词的用法如下:

(1)用于表示数字、年龄、日期等,在句中用作主语、定语、表语。如: ----What's one and two ?一加二等于几? ----One and two is three .一加二等于三。 ----How old are you ?你多大了? ----I'm ten .我十岁了。 (2)用于表示编号。

Lesson One 第一课 Unit Two 第二单元

(3)表示电话号码,按单个基数词读出。如:69785623 (4)表示时刻8:00eight o'clock


1. ---What zero and two? .

A. are; One B. is; twoC. I; zeroD. Am; three 2.读出下列数字。

7654892 4563278910236789

7. ---What's your telephone number, Li Xin? ---It's 281--9176.

【解析】 询问电话号码用 What’s your phone number? 询问号码的固定句型是:

What’s one’s room /phone /QQ number? 该句型的答语是:It’s …


Test on Unit 1 Free Time

Ⅰ.Translate the following phases into English. (1’*20)

1.玩魔术_________________________ 2.一个不寻常的爱好____________________

3.想成为一名魔术师_______________________ 4.离……远________________

5.国民教育课程___________________ 6.两三门语言________________


9.吹长号______________________ 10.开办一个摄影俱乐部___________________

11.发展我们自己的兴趣_____________________ 12.和……不同_________________

13.为……照相__________________ 14.用……喂……__________________


17.看杂志 ____________________ 18.成千上万的 _________________

19.害怕做某事 __________________20.开车去上班 _________________

Ⅱ.Fill in the spaces with proper words. The first letter of each word is given. (1’*5)

1.Park School is an a___________ school in the north-west of England.

2.I like ball games, e___________ cfootball.

3.He often makes some plane models. He is c__________.

4.Julia is surfing the internet now. He wants to find some i__________ about beekeeping.

5. Park School has got many e __________ clubs.

Ⅲ.Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given.(1’*10)

1.He is a p____________ . He likes p____________.(photograph)

2.I spent half an hour __________(draw) this picture yesterday.

3.Liu Xuan is a famous _____________(gymnastics)in China.

4.Caroline enjoys _________(listen) to pop music.

5.China is a _________(develop) country, but Japan is a___________(develop) country.

6.All the people like this picture because it is _________( art).

7.It?s not easy __________( learn) a new trick.

8.Today is Wednesday. His parents are sure ________(come) to see him.

Ⅳ.Fill in the spaces with proper prepositions.(1’*10)

1. My brother loves reading some interesting stories_______ the magazines.

2. She spends a lot of money ________ clothes.

3. Is Park School similar _________your school?

4.Tom likes reading . He pays lots of money ______ books every year.

5. I have received your e-mail, I will reply_______ you as soon as possible

6.Japan is ______ the east of China.

7.She ended her Chinese speech _______ a song.

8.The people in South China feed ______ rice.

9.I love talking to my friends ______ the phone.

10.The cats like sleeping _____ the day, but at night they often go out to catch mice. Ⅴ.Choose the best answer.(1’*20)

()1.--Can you _____the word in English? --I?m sorry. I can?t.

A. speakB. sayC. tellD. talk

()2.She hates ___out on cold days. What about you?

A. goB. going C .am going D. goes

( )3. Taiwan is ______ the southeast of China.

A on B to C in D of

( )4. -- Why do you often _____ that pink skirt ? --Because it fits me well.

A put on B wear C dress D in

( )5. The new student is _______ quiet.

A a bit B a bit ofC little D bit

( )6. I hope _______ here tomorrow.

A himB him to come C he can comeD he was

( )7. ______ the windows before going to bed.

A To closeB ClosingC ClosedD Close

( )8.This dictionary _______me 50 yuan

A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid for

() 9.There are ______of students in our school , but only ______are girls.

A. hundreds; five hundredB. hundred; five hundreds

C. hundreds; five hundreds D. hundreds; five hundred of

() 10. He with his father _____ Shanghai.

A liveB livesC lives inD live in

( )11. ______ fun to join the basketball club!

A What a greatB How a greatC What greatD How great

() 12. ---Do you like singing or dancing? ---________.

Yes, I like singing. B. No, I don?t.C.I like reading. D. I like dancing

() 13 .She always ________T-shirts and jeans, but today she _________a uniform..

A. puts on , wears B. puts on, puts on C. wears, wearsD. wears, is wearing

()14.I often help Amy _____ math on Sundays.

A. study B. studiesC. studiedD. studying

()15. She often goes shopping _____ Saturday. But she will swim ______next Sunday

A. in , inB. at , at C. on, / D. in, at

( )16. This pair of glasses _____ Tom?s. My glasses ______over there.

A is, is B are, are C are, is D is, are

( )17.Accoding to our textbook, Mark _________

A. likes practicing magic tricks . B. His friends know about his hobby.

C. gives shows three times a month. D. tells his brother how the tricks work..

( )18.About Sarah , which is not true?

A. She is 14 years old. B. She thinks the clubs are a really a good idea.

C. She is in the sailing club.D. She?s in the school orchestra.

( )19. It takes _______ two hours _______his homework every day.

A. his, dongB. him, doesC. him, to doD. he, to do

( )20. Can you tell me ________ get to the post office?

A. how I can B. How to C. how can I D. how I to


Peter and Mike were in __1___class.Peter was born in a ___2___family.But Mike?s father was a businessman(商人)and got ___3___ money.When Peter got into trouble(困难)he always helped him.

Peter liked to have sports.He was good at ___4___.He ran ___5___than any others in their class It was Sunday.Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic.Mike took a lot of food there.It was a____6___day.The birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowers.They ate and drank then they went ___7___in the river.They had a good time.Suddenly they heard a great noise.They found it was a tiger behind a big tree.They were both very ___8__ .Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run away.Mike stopped him and said:”It?s no use for us.The tiger runs ___9____ faster than us.Let?s find a way.”“It doesn?t matter.”said Peter.”I?m _10__ I'll run faster than you.”

()1.A.sameB.differentC.differenceD.the same

()2.A.rich B.happy C.poor D.bad

()3.A.manyB.lotC.any D.much

()4.A.ran B.running C.run D.runs

()5.A.fast B.faster C.fastestD.best

()6.A.sun B.rain C.rained D.sunny

()7.A.fish B.to fishing C.fishingD.fished

()8.A.happy B.afraid C.sad D.exciting

()9.A.moreB.much C.many D.1ittle

()10.A.afraid B.worriedC.sure D. glad

Ⅶ。 Reading.(2’*5)

Jim was born in a small village ,his father, Mr Brown, has a big piece of farm and works hard on it. He often gets good harvests. Now Jim is six years old, but there?s no school near the village . He is very worried.

“ My sister works in London,” says Mrs Brown,“We can take Jim to school there. What do you think of it ? ”

“ It?s a good idea!?? Mr Brown said happily. The next day they all went to London by train. Jim?s aunt was glad to see them. A week later Jim came to school.

“ What?s your name, little boy?” asked a teacher.“ Jim Brown.” Answered the boy.

“ You must be polite ,” said the teacher ,“Please say ?sir? when you are speaking to the old. Now answer my question again .What?s your name?”

“ Sir Jim Brown.”

( )1.The Browns live in a small village in_______

A ChinaB America CEngland D Australia

( )2. Mr Brown is ________.

A a farmer B a teacher C a worker D a college student

( )3. Mr and Mrs Brown took their son to London because _________.

A there?re many nice schools in the city B they want Jim to learn a lot

C there?s no school near their village D they have no time to look after Jim

( )4. The teacher wanted Jim _______.

Ato be polite Bto know how to say sir

Cto know how to speak English D to know how to speak to the old

( )5. The boy called himself “ Sir Jim Brown” because_________.

A his name was Jim Brown B he wasn?t polite to the teacher

C he didn?t know how to use the word “Sir” D he was born in a small village Ⅷ. Sentence Writing.(1’*5)

1. 对划线部分提问)


2. She is good at playing the guitar.(同义句转换)


3. This coat costs me 200 dollars.(同义句转换)


4. Claire?划线部分提问)


5. She has to go home now.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)


Ⅸ. Writing.(1’*10)

Write an email to your e-pal, Lisa. Include the following information.( about 70 words)

1. your name, nationality and age

2. where you live

3. your hobbies and interests

4. some information about your friend(s)


Test on Unit 1 Free Time

The keys:

一.1. all-girls2.especially

3.creative4. information


三.1. photographer ; photography2.drawing

3. gymnast4.listening

5. developing; developed 6. artistic

7. to learn8.to come

四. 1. in 2.on3.to4.for5. to

6. to 7. with 8. on 9.on 10.during/ in

五. 1-5 BBCBA6-10 CDBAC

11-15 CDDAC 16-20 DBDCA

六. 1-5 DCDBB6-10DCBBC


八. 1. What does your father like doing after supper?

2. She does well in playing the guitar.

3. I pay 200 dollars for this coat.

4. How much honey do Claire's bees produce in summer?

5. Does she have to go home now? No, she doesn't.
