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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-26 11:50:58 | 移动端:揭阳市中英文学校









































































A seven-year-old boy, with his family, was inspecting a new car, one with a metal strip (条纹) looking like wood. “Dad,” the boy whispered, “don’t wood rot.” He was surprised when his father started laughing. Then, when the father remark with the salesman, and the salesman laughed, the boy felt ashamed. Some 30 years later, now a father himself, the man often thinks of Most parents are by such reactions because they don’t understand how deeply a child fears shame. “All too often we don’t see or hear what is reallyour children,” says Kaoru Yamamoto, a psychologist at the University of Colorado at Denver.

Yamamoto’s surveys show that children are afraid of losing : being thought of as unattractive, stupid or dishonest. It is more troubling to wet their pants in class, get a poor score or grade than it is to be faced with a competitive baby brother or sister—situations a parent might blow to self-esteem (自尊), the sense of being worthy, is a thing to bear. The fear comes from the experience of being lost in or of seeing their parents fight, when there is violence. Between two thirds and three quarters of the children surveyed have experienced the of parental fighting, and it them afraid that their mother and father are going to get divorced and just the noise of the quarrel can be frightening.

“In listening to children, it is difficult not to be touched by their sense of vulnerability(脆弱),” says Yamamoto. “They are afraid of being left alone, fearful of what lies ahead and what they can do. They are fundamentally dependent

1. A. BuyB. believe C. accept D. mind

2. A. StartedB. spared C. shared D. replaced

3. A. Occasion B. fun C. accidentD. event

4. A. Delighted B. puzzled C. frightened D.challenged

5. A. interesting B. spoiling C. affecting D. troubling

6. A. loveB. courageC. face D. freedom

7. A. repeatB. stayC. leaveD. change

8. A. arrange B. intend C. expect D. imagine

9. A. simpleB. pleasant C. terrible D. hopeless

10. A. strange B. familiar C. open D. remote

11. A. mostlyB. naturally C. basically D. especially

12. A. resultB. pain C. trouble D. noise

13. A. leavesB. warns C. findsD. keeps

14. A. sure B. confident C. uncertain D. excited

15. A. teachers B. neighbors C. friends D. Adults

Keys: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.C

9.C10.A11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D


The day I was given the news was a cold Saturday. My mom sat me on the floor

and opened her mouth to give me the most words I'd ever heard: “Grandma Billie has been diagnosed with cancer.” Tears filled my eyes immediately. Mom continued, “Grandma is old and her body is too . There’s nothing they can do to treat her.” I knew this wasn't my mom’s fault but I was so I was almost yelling at my mom, “So, they’re just going to let her ?”

We had to just wait for her to die. I couldn't even the thought. We went

to the hospital right away. The doctor said, “Billie has a tumor in her . She won't be able to because it hurts her too much. One option is a feeding tube, but there are times when it will be uncomfortable.” At the end, the doctor sighed, “With a feeding tube, she would probably have three at most.”

My whole family on my mom’s side was really and they were all

looking to God to make this easy. I couldn't handle it. If God was so wonderful and so then why did he allow all these awful things to happen to good people? Why was he letting my grandma die?

I came and visited every day after practice. Grandma would tell me the stories over and over again, but every time I was just as surprised and excited to hear them. She was getting really fast and every time I came to see her it broke my heart more.

3 weeks later, after the softball practice, I was getting ready to see grandma when mom appeared in the locker room. She opened her mouth but at first no words came out. She again, “You can’t go to see grandma today because she just died.” Silence. I couldn’t anyone else in the room. Mom sat next to me and we both held each other and cried.

1. A. unforgettable B. regretful C. painful D. indescribable

2. A. weakB. smallC. paleD. thin

3. A. sadB. madC. desperate D. anxious

4. A. passB. sufferC. goD. die

5. A. bearB. hateC. takeD. dismiss

6. A. skin B. breast C. throat D. lung

7. A. feed B. eatC. breathe D. digest

8. A. yearsB. months C. daysD. hours

9. A. ambitiousB. religious C. mysterious D. cautious

10. A. delightful B. peaceful C. pitiful D. powerful

11. A. softball B. school C. social D. music

12. A. shortB. strangeC. dull D. same

13. A. happier B. olderC. better D. worse

14. A. triedB. saidC. cried D. opened

15. A. seeB. senseC. hear D. feel

Keys:1 – 5 CABDA 6 – 10 CBBBD 11 – 15 ADDAC


Most people give little thought to the pens they write with, especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very All too often,people buy a pen based only on satisfied once they begin to use it. However,buying a pen that you'll enjoy is not if you keep the following in mind.

First of all, a pen should fit of the pen is the most important characteristic comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers, you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have ahand and thicker fingers, you may a fatter pen. The length of a pen can also influence comfort. A pen that is too can easily feel top-heavy and unstable.Then, the writing point of the pen should the ink to flow evenly(均匀地) while the pen remains in touch with the paper. This will make it possible for you to create a line of writing. The point should also be sensitive enough to

ink from running when the pen is lifted. A point that does not block may leave drops of ink,as you pick the pen up and put it down again.

, the pen should make a thick,dark line. Fine-line pens may make up for handwriting, but fine(very thin or narrow), delicate lines do not attract next to printed text, as, for example, a signature on a printed letter. A broader line, on the other hand, gives an impression of confidence and authority.

1.A. many B.few C.pleasant D.important

2.A. looks B.reason C.value D.advantages

3.A. convenientB.practical C.strange D.difficult

4.A. carefullyB.comfortably C.hard D.safely

5.A. taking B.finding C.determining D.seeking

6.A. stronger B.weaker C.smaller D.larger

7.A. preferB.recommend C.prepare D.demand

8.A. thickB.light C.longD.soft

9.A. changeB.allow C.reduceD.press

10.A .thin B.rough C.blackD.smooth

11.A. prevent B.free C.protect D.remove

12.A. wayB.sight C.flowD.stream

13.A. Meanwhile B.GenerallyC.Afterwards D.Finally

14.A. goodB.clear C.clean D.bad

15.A. attentionB.supportC.respect D.admission

Keys: 1-5 BADBC 5-10 DACBD11-15 ACDDA


Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure

and despair. Experiences in life us new lessons and make

Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others’ face gives a certain level of Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without . We the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are and pass away.

Failure is the path to . It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to live and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder. The only way to show our and respectful to the less fortunate ones.

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents Life teaches us not to despair even in the hour. Nothing remains the same in life, and we have only one choice—to .

over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

1. A. love B. hope C. depression D. loss

2. A. help B. care C. teach D. take

3. A. handle B. explain C. share D. design

4. A. amazement B. achievement C. improvement D. movement

5. A. surprise B. belief C. thoughts D. peace

6. A. judge B. develop C. realize D. seek

7. A. personally B. basically C. scarcely D. occasionally

8. A. temporaryB. important C. different D. strange

9. A. success B. sorrow C. despairD. pride

10.A. attitude B. prediction C. emotion D. appreciation

11.A. sometimes B. often C. always D. usually

12.A. happiest B. darkest C. brightest D. shortest

13.A. hopeful B. helpfulC. thankful D. careful

14.A. forgive B. forget C. hate D. regret

15.A. unimportant B. unfair C. unknown D. unsatisfying Keys: 1—5 BCABD 6—10 CBAAD11—15 CBADC

E The concept of solitude (独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent. In the world of digital technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, The desire to be connected has brought solitude to an end. People have become in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted even if they'd rather not be. Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog, not only

they've grown accustomed to it, and at this point not using it would make them an wants it. Computers can be shut down and mobile phones can be turned off. The ability to be "connected" and "on" has , as well as disadvantages. Travelers have ended up on mountains, and mobile phones have saved countless lives. They can also make people feel trapped and to answer Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society across generations. Some find today's technology a gift. Others consider it a curse. Regardless of anyone's view on the subject, it's hard to imagine what life would be like without daily advancements in technology.

1. A. updated B. received C. shared D. collected

2. A. hard B. easy C. accessible D. available

3. A.respected B. shaped C. ignored D.preserved

4. A.sensitive B.intelligent C.considerate D.reachable

5. A. media B. computers C. databases D. monitors

6. A. bent B. hard C. keen D.dependent

7. A.connectedB. trained C.recommended D. interested

8. A. study B. work C.language D. life

9. A. pleasureB. benefit C.burden D.disappointment

10. A. slightlyB. hardly C.merely D. really

11. A. aspects B. weaknesses C.advantages D. exceptions

12. A. hiddenB. lost C.relaxed D. deserted

13. A. forced B. excited C.confused D. interested

14. A. turn B. submit C.object D. reply

15. A. vary B. arise C.spread D. exist



Some years ago, Houston airport faced a troubling customer-relations issue. Passengers were making a huge number of about the long waits at baggage claim (行李提取处). In response, the airport managers the number of baggage handlers. The plan worked: the average wait fell to eight minutes. But the complaints despite the apparent success.

, the managers undertook a more careful, on-site analysis. They found that it took passengers a minute to walk from their gates to baggage claim and

