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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-26 11:50:01 | 移动端:a,boy,was,watching


绝密★启用前 试卷类型:A


英 语 2014.4



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Ⅰ 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


One of the most important aspects of effective teamwork is effective leadership. This means that the team1should have the skills to create a working culture that is2, and in turn it will help to motivate. A good team leader also has to be able to3a high level of morale(士气) among the team members so that they feel4and valued.

When a team is created, there is purpose behind the5 . Therefore, along with the reason for team creation, it’s also important that expectations from the team members are6marked out. The necessary resources in terms of people, money and time will have to be made7to the team so that the team is able to meet the expectations.

Individual team members will8their performance when managers or team

leaders praise them highly. On the other hand, if someone on the team is not9recognition, then they might become unhappy, and greatly reduce their productivity.

However, no matter how good a team may be, conflicts will10occur some time or the other. The best way to counter(制止) this is to have proper methods of11them. In fact, it is advisable for the team leader to actually sit with the parties in12and work out the differences between them, without taking13and making sure to remain objective.

And finally,14teamwork can only come about when the team leader sets a good example, which can be followed by the team members. In order to15the team committed, positive, and motivated, the team leader himself or herself has to have all these qualities. 1.A.member 2.A.expensive 3.A.suppose 4.A.supported 5.A.teamwork 6.A.clearly







B.improve B.made



C.lost C.strictly




B.sensitive B.educate B.equipped B.aspect


C.passive C.promote C.replaced


D.positive D.explore D.changed



7.A.reasonable 8.A.show 9.A.given


10.A.impossibly 11.A.protecting

D.accepting 12.A.conflict 13.A.lessons 15.A.expect




D.places D.effective D.develop

B.favour B.busy B.keep

C.danger C.sides C.dull C.find



第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Fleming was a poor Scottish farmer. One day while working in a field, he heard a cry for help. He immediately16 (throw) his tools away. Following the sound, Fleming came to a deep bog (沼泽), in which a boy was screaming and sinking. Fleming tied a

rope around17own waist and the other end18a tree, and walked into the bog. With great effort he pulled himself and the boy to19(safe). He quickly took the boy to his farmhouse,20Mrs. Fleming fed him, dried his clothes, and sent him home.

The next day a carriage arrived. A well-dressed man stepped out,21(say) he was the father of the boy. “You saved my son’s life.” said the man. “ 22can I repay you?”

“I don’t want payment.” Fleming replied, “Anyone would have done the same.” Just then, Fleming’s son appeared at the door.

“Is he your son?” the man asked. “Yes.” said Fleming23 (happy).

“I have an idea. Let me pay for his education. If he’s like his father, he’ll grow to be a man we’ll both be proud of.”

And so he did. Thus24farmer’s son attended the best schools, graduated from a medical college, and became the world-famous Nobel prize-winning scientist and discoverer of penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming.

It’s said25many years later the man saved from the bog caught pneumonia(肺炎).

Penicillin saved his life. His name? Sir Winston Churchill.

Ⅱ 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Homebuyers nationwide are watching housing prices go up, up, and up. “How high can they go?” is the question on everyone’s lips. “As long as interest rates stay around 5 percent, there’s no telling,” remarked one realtor(房产中介) in Santa Monica, California.

“It’s crazy,” said Tim, who is looking for a house near the beach. “In 1993, I bought my first place, a two-bedroom apartment in Venice, for $70,000. My friends thought that I was overpaying then. Five years later, I had to move. I sold it for $230,000, which was a nice profit. Last year, while visiting friends here, I saw in the local paper that the exact same apartment was for sale for $510,000!”

It is a seller’s market. Homebuyers feel like they have to offer at least 10 percent more than the asking price. Donna, a new owner of a one-bedroom apartment in Venice Beach, said, “That’s what I did. I told the owner that whatever anyone offers you, I’ll give you $20,000 more, under the table, so you don’t have to pay your realtor any of it. I was

tired of looking.”

Tim says he hopes he doesn’t get that desperate. “Whether you decide to buy or not, you still feel like you made the wrong decision. If you buy, you feel like you overpaid. If you don’t buy, you want to kick yourself for passing up a great opportunity.”

Everyone says the bubble (泡沫) has to burst sometime, but everyone hopes it will burst the day after they sell their house. Even government officials have no idea what the future will bring. “All we can say is that, unavoidably, these things go in cycles,” said the state director of housing. “What goes up must come down. But, as we all know, housing prices always stay up a little higher than they go down. So you can’t lose over the long run. Twenty years down the road, your house is always worth more than you paid for it.”

26.From Paragraph 1 we know that.

A.the housing price is not a daily topic at all B.everyone is concerned about the housing price C.no one would like to talk about the housing price D.the housing price is a difficult question to talk about

27.Why would Donna pay $20,000 more to the owner under the table?

A.Because Donna wanted to save money. B.Because it was worth more than the price. C.Because Donna was tired of the realtor. D.Because Donna never cared about money. 28.What do we know about Tim?

A.He made a wrong decision. B.He chose to wait for a while. C.He wanted to kick himself. D.He didn’t know what to do.

29.The last sentence of the passage tells us that.

A.the housing price will go down B.you will lose money in the long run C.buying houses is always worthwhile D.people always pay more for their houses

30.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Crazy Housing Prices B.The Homebuyers

C.Whether to Buy a House or Not D.The Future of Housing Prices


A Korean wave is sweeping across China, with many Chinese women worshiping

South Korean actors Kim Soo-hyun and Lee Min-ho as demigods (像神一样受崇拜的人). Chinese netizens always have different opinions over South Korean TV dramas, but there is no doubt that programs from the neighboring country are now enjoying a new round of popularity in China. And a big part of the credit for that goes to You Who Came

From The Star, the South Korean TV series which is on the air now.

You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs (继承者们) have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia. Besides, the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get

item on Amazon for a while.

The two TV programs have several common elements(要素): a tall, handsome, and rich hero who loves the heroine blindly and always protects her, and an equally handsome man madly in love with the same woman. Both programs describe the purity of love, which is expressed through a kiss or a warm hug. Perhaps that’s the secret of their success; perhaps people still like Cinderella-type stories.

The widening wealth gap is a matter of social concern both in South Korea and China, and the challenges that young people face in their hope for a better life might have caused many ordinary girls to dream of marrying rich, caring men. This is precisely what the popular South Korean TV dramas describe. In fact, South Korean TV dramas are tailored to meet the market’s demands.

Many netizens even said at an earlier time that South Korean TV dramas had become popular because of their stereotyped (模式化的) themes: traffic accidents, cancer and other incurable diseases. But all that has changed with the success of You

Who Came From The Star and The Heirs, which Chinese directors can use as examples,

as well as inspiration, to improve their productions.

31.What is the main reason for a new round of popularity in China?

A.The dramas are from the neighboring country North Korea. B.Most of the Chinese Netizens have voted for them. C.The actors in the dramas are all gods.

D.It is because of “You Who Came From The Star”.

32.Which is NOT included in the elements for the success of South Korean dramas?

A.Charming pure love stories. B.A tender kiss and a warm hug. C.Handsome and rich heroes.

D.The heroine’s blind love with the rich.

33.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means that they are designed to.

A.develop in a large scale

B.be measured to a certain size D.be shown in a big market

C.meet popular taste purposely

34.The main purpose of stereotyped themes in South Korean dramas is to.



英 语


21. It was very dark, ____Jane seemed to know which way to take at the crossroads.

A. or B. and C. but D. so

22. About an hour after suise, I rode across the countryside _______birds were singing.

A. where B. which C. that D. when

23. ---- Where are you exactly?

---- I_ ___to you from a small town about 50 miles away from your city.

A. will speak B. am speaking C. have spoken D. speak

24. This kind of music ____ fifty years ago is still popular today

A. having created B. creating C. being createdD. created

25. Look! I haven't worn the dress for nearly ten years and it .

A. was still fitting B. is still fitting C. still fitted D. still fits

26. ----Where's Amy?

----I'm not sure. She ____ be in the laboratory.

A. might B. can c must D. should

27.____amazed me most was the young boy handling 8 pens with his feet.

A. That B.What C. As D. Who

28. I was watching Time of Chief Editor_______—Phoenix Satellite TV at that time.

A. at B. to C. for D. on

A. to ease B. easing C. ease D. having eased

30. ----He ____ the Most Popular Teacher in his hometown, right?

----Yes. Ten years before he came to this school

A. is awarded B. has awarded C. was awarded D. awarded

31. ____carefully for a long time, the opening was a great success

A. To have been prepared B. Having been preparedC. To be prepared D. Being prepared

A. unless B. after C. since D. until

33. _________out how to put our furniture or we'll have to wait for another week to move in.

A. Figuring B. To figure C. Figure D. Figured

34. There is often disagreement on ____ is the better student, James or Celina?

A. who B. what C. that D. whose

----I cannot imagine it!

A. may B. can C. will D. would

21. C. 22. A. 23. B. 24. D. 25. D. 26. A. 27. B. 28. D. 29. A. 30. C.

31. B. 32. B. 33. C. 34. A. 35. D.

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,共30分)

Somebody Loves You

One miserable rainy night, a man named Mark decided to end his life. In his mid-fifties, Mark had never been married, __ the joy of having children or spent holidays with his family. Wet and unhappy, he walked along the streets, feeling as if there was

,I was sitting in my room watching the rain hit my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair But my mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very , invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room.

,I walked secretly downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but my hand into my money jar. Pulling out my only half-dollar coin, I ran back downstairs.

When I the door of the living room, I walked right in. The three adults looked at me in as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a, turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back upstairs. I felt excited but happy.

Downstairs, Mark sat quietly with his head streamed down his face as he tightly held that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, "It’s That is the first hug I have ever got. It’s hard to believe that somebody ”

Mark's life changed that night. When he left our to live instead of die. we never saw Mark again, we received letters from him every once in a while, letting us know that he was doing fine.

My life changed that night, too, as I witnessed the huge healing power of .Even if it’s only a gift of fifty cents. Before Mark left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Mark said that streets that rainy night, helpless and ready to 36. A. believedB. noticed C. experienced D. understood

37.A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody

38.A. LaterB. First C. AfterwardsD. Meanwhile

39. A. looked B. raced C. spoke D. broke

40. A. pityB. anxietyC. guiltyD. fear

41. A. Worried B. Curious C. PuzzledD. Annoyed

42. A. sense B. thought C. sightD. look

43. A. shook B. stuckC. pushed D. forced

44. A. answeredB. fixedC. found D. reached

45. A. anger B. delight C. peace D. surprise

46. A. hugB. kissC. smile D. handshake

47. A. heldB. turnedC. bowed D. raised

48. A. justB. still C. also D. even

49. A. anxious B. stressed C. lonelyD. bored

50. A. cares B. getsC. makes D. knows

51. A. lucky B. proudC. hesitant D. ready

52. A. Since B. WhenC. Although D. Unless

53. A. receivingB. giving C. loving D. taking

54. A. if B. as C. untilD. before

55. A. die B. cry C. leaveD. regret

36. C. 37. D. 38. D. 39. B. 40. A. 41. B. 42. C. 43. B. 44.D. 45. D.

46. A. 47. C. 48. A.49. C.



I may not be the wisest person on this planet, but I will tell you a little secret to happiness: Help others, and live life. It is that simple. Just help a friend study for a test, or volunteer at a nursing home. I learned this after a long, hard search.

I was feeling really down because my longtime friend had died. Then I started a six-week volunteering at a nursing home all day every Saturday. My routine was to serve the meal and clean up. After that, I would wait for the head nurse to tell me what to do.

One day I was told to go to Room 117 to make sure the patient was all right. In the room I found a boy of eight sitting in his bed watching a movie. I was shocked to see a child in this seemingly forgotten nursing home for the old. He was so small and weak that you had to look closely to find him. He motioned for me to sit down. I grabbed his medical chart from which later 50. A. 51. D. 52. C. 53. B. 54. B. 55. A.

I found out he had a terminal illness.

We started to talk, and I found out that his family rarely visited, and all he did everyday was watch TV. I wanted to cry for him, and for my lost friend. As we talked, he had a smile on his face, and I asked him why.

"The entire two hours I've been here you've never lost that smile. With this horrible disease, how do you still manage to stay happy?"

He thought for a moment, and then said that too many people are dead even before they die. They walk around feeling that God has cursed (诅咒) them and that they have nothing to live for.

The boy said that he would not be like that. He wakes every morning thankful to see another suise. He keeps his window open so that he can smell the flowers and feel the heat of the sun. He also said that he has hope.

"Too many people haven't seen much of that around here," he said," Life is full of hope and we need to live life before it is gone. "

I don’t know what happened to him. I assume he passed away, but his lesson lives on. I now wake up and live each day to the fullest. The key to life is not money or fame, but the lessons we learn from it.

56. The nursing home in the passage is mainly for_________.

A. the elderly B. the homeless C. the disabled D. the abandoned

A. wonderful TV programs B. his positive attitude C. good medical condition D. others' encouragement

58. The writer participated in the volunteering job in order to.

A. find out the secret B. search for help C. eich experiencesD. get out of sadness

59. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A. Lesson in Hope B. The Life of a Sick Boy C. A. Voluntary JobD. The Meaning of Life

56. A. 57. B. 58. D. 59. A.


In the last few years the popularity of eBooks has exploded. The advantages are clear: You can carry as many books with you as you want. You can simply download every book you like and instantly start reading instead of having to wait for the book to arrive by mail.

However, one thing hadn't changed. If you wanted to rent a book you were still forced to use hardcopy hooks. Until now that is. Amazon. com recently announced the start of a new program where you can rent eBooks.

Where to rent eBooks?

As mentioned before, Amazon. com is the first and currently the only retailer (零售商) that has a program in place for renting eBooks. Luckily, Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world and their eBook assortment (分类) is massive. They are also the producer of the Kindle, the most popular eReader, which means you can be sure that the eBooks you rent will work.

You can currently only rent eTextbooks. But this is likely to change as soon as the word gets out that you can save money by renting eBooks.

Why rent eBooks at Amazon? .

~ Save money: Save up to 80% of the normal price of the eBook.

~ Decide how long you rent: From 30 days to 360 days, you decide how long you want it. You can extend the time by as little as a day. Or simply buy the eBook if you want to keep it after all.

~ Use any device: If you rent an eBook from Amazon, you can read it on your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android device, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry, or Kindle.

~ Keep your notes: Do you like to keep annotations (注释) and highlights in your eBooks? Don't worry. You can always revisit your notes and highlights through Amazon. com.

How to rent eBooks?

Simply search for the eBook you want to rent on Amazon. com and select the "Rent eBooks" option. After that, a new page will open where you can select how long you’d like to rent the eBook. You can read eBooks for a period of 30 to 360 days.

You decide how long you need the eBook. If you later find out you need it for longer. You can simply extend the time. Or buy it for the normal price whenever you want.

Once you've chosen the time you want to rent the eBook, you simply go to checkout. Or you can use the "Rent now" button.

60. According to the passage, ________.

A. eBooks will be changed into other types by Amazon. com B. eBooks will replace hardcover hooks in the next few years

C. readers get a discount of at least 20% of the normal priceD. readers are able to rent eBooks only at Amazon. com now

61. To rent an eBook online, which of the following goes last?

A. open a new pageB. select the "Rent eBooks" option

C. choose a rental date D. press "Rent now" button

62. The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

A. inform and explain B. discuss and assess C. compare and evaluateD. describe and argue

60. D. 61. D. 62. A.


The Purpose of Boredom

Being bored can encourage people's creativity---partly to escape the horrible, frustrated and meaningless feeling of boredom---recent studies find it could even be true at work.

Psychologists at the University of Central Lancashire had participants copy numbers out of the telephone book for 15 minutes, while others went straight into a standard creativity task.

Both groups were asked to come up with as many different uses as they could for a plastic cup. The group that felt more bored came up with more uses.

Dr. Sandi Mann, one of the study's authors said. "Boredom at work has always been seen as something to be removed. But perhaps we should be welcoming it in order to encourage our creativity. What we want to do next is to see what the practical implications of this finding are. Do people who are bored at work become more creative in other areas of their work---or do they go home and write novels?"

In a later study, Dr. Sandi Mann found that creativity was reduced when people were still bored but didn't have the chance to daydream.

While we tend to think of boredom as something; that certainly leads to trouble-drinking, gambling, and antisocial behavior, this research suggests different possibilities.

More than anything, the feeling of boredom is a strong signal that we are stuck in some kind of rut and we need to seek out new goals. In the study above, this research led participants to new ideas.

Usually people will do anything to avoid being bored. As it's such an aversive experience. But creative people, like writers, sometimes talk about seeking out boredom.

Here is the comedy writer Graham Linehan talking about boredom Lo The Cuardian. "I have to use all these programs that cut off the Internet, force me to be bored, because being bored is an essential part of writing, and the Internet has made it very hard to be bored. The creative process requires a period of boredom, of being stuck. That's actually a very uncomfortable period that a lot of people mistake for writer's block, but it's actually just part of a long process. "

So, when you start to feel bored, instead of glancing at your smartphone, try being bored for a bit. Who knows what creative thought might come of it?

63. From the study of Dr. Sandi Mann, we can learn that_______.

A. boring tasks make people creative B. daydreaming may increase creativity

C. plastic cups can be used very creativelyD. copying numbers might be very interesting

64. The underlined word "aversive" in Paragraph 8 probably means ________

A. common B. unpleasant C. unusual D. personal

65. According to Craham Linehan. ____________.

A. glancing at a smartphone is a solution. B. he is forced to feel bored by the Internet

C. the boredom period is a block for writers D. being stuck for a period benefits him a lot

66. What is the author's attitude towards boredom?

A. CriticalB. CautiousC. Positive D. Unclear

63. B.64. B. 65. D.66. C.


Cheerleading is the fastest growing girls' sport, yet more than half of Americans do not believe it is a sport. Actually, competitive cheerleading is a sport.

A sport is a “physical activity against/with an opponent, governed by rules and conditions under which a winner is declared, and the primary purpose of the competition is a comparison of the relative skills of the participants." Because cheerleading follows these guidelines, it is a sport.

Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activities. Like gymnasts, cheerleaders must learn to tumble (翻滚) . They perform lifts and tosses. This is where the "flied' are thrown in the air, held by "bases" in different positions that require strength and cooperation with other teammates.

Just as basketball and football have guidelines for competitive play, so does competitive cheerleading. The whole routine has to be completed in less than 3 minutes and 15 seconds and the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area.

Competitive cheerleaders' goal is to be the best. Just like gymnasts, they are awarded points for difficulty, creativity and sharpness. The more difficult a mount, the sharper the motions, the better the score. Cheerleading is a team sport so without cooperation, first place is out of reach.

equipped with hip pads or helmets, smiling cheerleaders are tossed into the air and spiral down into the arms of trusted teammates. The fliers must remain tight at all times so that their bases can catch them safely. Also, because cheerleading is not yet recognized as a sport by many schools, neither proper matting nor high enough ceilings are provided to ensure safety. Instead, the girls use whatever space is available. More recognition of competitive cheerleading as a sport would decrease the number of injuries.

So why do many Americans not think cheerleading is a sport? Some people argue that cheerleaders are just "flirts in skirts" with their only job to entertain the crowd, but cheerleaders today work just as hard as other athletes.

Hopefully, cheerleading will become as well-known a sport as football and basketball, and even appear in the Olympics since cheerleaders are just as athletic and physically fit as those involved in the more accepted sports.

67. What does the underlined word "bases" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Strength and cooperation. B. Lifts and tosses. C. Supporting teammates. D. Physical activities

68.Gymnasts are mentioned in the passage to _________.

A. explain the dangers of cheerleading B. show their similarities with cheerleaders

C. suggest cheerleaders learn to do gymnastics D. present the guidelines of gymnastic movements

69.It can be learned from the passage that cheerleading_______.

A. is a good sport for all people B. lacks necessary guidelines to follow

C. is more than a form of entertainment D. enjoys greater popularity than other sports

70. This passage is written mainly to________.

A. attract more girls to cheerleading B. draw people's attention to cheerleading

C. call for more recognition of competitive cheerleading as a sport

D. criticize some Americans who do not think cheerleading as a sport

67. C. 68. B. 69. C.70. C.


That someone has gone to college and perhaps even earned a postgraduate degree in education does not mean he is or will be a good teacher. The measure of a good teacher is found in the results he sees in his students. Also, the attitude towards teaching, the school in which one teaches, students and parents will greatly affect those results. Their attitude must be positive. The teacher must approach education with a belief that what he is doing will affect the world. They must have an attitude of belief in their students regardless of the natural ability in learning of their students.

篇三:Unit 2 单元试题

Unit 2 周测试题(八年级备课组)

姓名:_____________ 班级:____________分数:____________


1. 很早以前______________________________ 11.只不过是;除了……都没有_______________

2.最喜欢的游戏___________________________ 12.从那时起,从那以后_____________________

3.下国际象棋_____________________________ 13.不再…… ______________________________

4.一粒大米_______________________________ 14.终年,一年到头_________________________

5.……的剩余部分_________________________ 15.交通事故______________________________

6.很长一段时间;很久_____________________ 16.抄写;誊写____________________________

7.命令某人做某事_________________________ 17.……等等______________________________

8.一袋米_________________________________ 18.向(某人)挑战……______________________

9.意识到了问题___________________________ 19.用这种方法;这样_______________________

10.接受某人的建议________________________ 20.为了,以便_____________________________



( A. told B. knew C. wanted D. guessed

( A. kind B. clever C. cool D. happy


A. right B. quickly C. carefully D. hard

( A. took offB. picked up C. put down D. wrote down


A. many B. much too C. a lot of D. a few


( )6. — I like playing _____ cards. What about you, Eric? — I like playing ____ chess.

A. /; a B. the; /C. a; the D. /; /

( )7. — Does your uncle grow ______ on the farm?

— Yes. He also grows vegetables there. And he gave us five _____ of vegetables yesterday.

A. rice, bagsB. rices; bags C. rice; bag D. rices; bag

( )8. — _______ were you born, Peter?— I was born ________.

A. When; in Oct. 8, 1992 B. Where; in 1992, Oct. 8

C. When; on Oct. 8, 1992 D. Where, on 1992, Oct. 8

( )9. — I promise _____ sports three times a week, Mum. — Good boy! _____ your promise.

A. to do; Keep B. doing; Keep C. doing; MakeD. to do; Make

( )10. — What do you get when you _____ the number 3? — I get the number ____.

A. double; sixth B. divide; sixC. divide; sixth D. double; six

( )11. — If it’s fine tomorrow, ______ go hiking?

— Sorry, I’d like to stay at home to finish my homework _____.

A. let’s; instead ofB. shall we; insteadC. shall we; instead ofD. let’s; instead

( )12. — _____, where is Mr Park’s office? — It’s on _____ floor.

A. Sorry; the seventhB. Excuse me; the seven C. Sorry; seven D. Excuse me; the seventh

( )13. — How did people count things ____? — They used their fingers and toes ____ do it.

A. long time ago; toB. a long ago; for C. a long time ago; toD. for a long time; for

( )14. — How many students are there in Grade ____? — Four ____.

A. Eight; hundredB. Eighth; hundred ofC. Eight; hundreds D. Eighth; hundreds of

( )15. — Jack, I will go for a picnic ___ my parents after the exam. — _____

A. and; Is that all?B. with; It doesn’t matter.C. with; Have fun!D. and; With pleasure.


There was once a wise and kind king named Frederick. He lived in a beautiful palace and had many servants who waited upon him. ’s duty was to sit outside of the king’s bedroom and be ready to him at any time. One night the king late. So Carl was busy running around the palace until past midnight. The morning the king rang his little bell which he Carl. But there was no . So the king opened the door and found little Carl in his chair. Next to him he saw a ’s mother:

―Dearest Carl,

You are a good boy to send me all your wages, for now I can sister, thank you for…

The kind went back to the room quietly. he them all into the boy’s pocket. after a while, Carl and was surprised to find the gold coins.

―Oh, your Majesty !‖cried Carl .‖ I know about this money, I didn’t steal it .

―have courage, my boy.‖ said the king. ―people say that fortune to us in our sleep. you should send the gold pieces to your mother with my best ‖

( ) 1.A.Like B. Among C. BetweenD. As.

( ) 2.A. standB. sit C. serveD. give

( ) 3. A. stayed up B. turned upC. turned down D. looked up

( ) 4. A. pastB. last C. nextD. former

( ) 5. A. are usedB. is used C. was used D. used

( ) 6. A. questionB. answer C. problem D. suggestion

( ) 7. A. talking B. playing C. sleeping D. walking

( ) 8. A. picked B. rang C. stuck D. gave

( ) 9. A. takeB. cost C. spend D. pay

( )10.A took off B. cleared up C. took out D. put away

( )11.A. threw B. took C. cutD. put

( )12.A.wokeB. slept C. worked D. talked

( )13.A something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

( )14.A disappears B. appears C. leaves D comes

( )15.A.orderB. wishes C. adviceD. ideas



We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. It also gives you more energy. Besides, you will feel better about yourself. It’s good to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough.

There are many ways to exercise. You can walk. Run, play sports or swim. Many people go to special places to exercise. They are called ―fitness canters ‖. These places have a lot of equipment(器材). Some people buy equipment for their families. But home equipment is expensive. Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness centre. Or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?

( )1. We should exercise _____

A. everyday B. 30minutes a week C. twice a week D. twice a month

( )2. At fitness centers, _____

A. you can buy expensive equipment B. people can do many kinds of exercise

C. exercising is very expensive D. exercising is not fun

( )3. Which kind of exercise is Not mentioned in the passage?

A. playing sportsB. swimmingC. running D. Dancing

( )4. Which is TRUE about exercise ?

A. exercise is expensive B. exercise is good for your heart

C. only doctors exercisesD. Friends never exercise together

( )5. What is the main idea?

A. exercise equipment is expensive B. friends need to exercise together

C. Every person needs exercise D. Fitness centers are popular


Tony is an English boy. He likes watching soccer games very much. He often watches them on TV. He needs to go to school from Monday to Friday. He can’t watch many great matches. He is very sad.

One day he knows there is a big soccer game in the afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he can’t. He has to go to school.

―Can we have a video, Mom?‖ Tony asks his mother. ―Then you can record the game for me.‖

―But we can’t afford one,‖ his mother says. The next day, Tony comes home with a video. ―Where do you get the money?‖ his mother asks. ―I sell our TV, Mom,‖ answers Tony.

( )1. What does Tony do from Monday to Friday ?

A. he plays soccer games. B. he goes to school C. he watches soccer games D. he stays at home.

( )2. Why does Tony want to have a video?

A. because his mother wants to have a videoB. Because he doesn’t like TV

C. Because he wants to record the soccer game D. because he wants to sell the TV

( )3. In the afternoon, there is

A. a speech contest B. a music festival C. a school trip D. a soccer game

( )4. How does tony get the video?

A. he sells the TV B. someone gives himC. his mother buys itD. his friend buys it for him

( )5. which is TRUE?

A. Tony is from American B. Tony doesn’t like his school

C. Tony likes watching soccer games. D. his mother wants to sell the TV


1. There are ________ (9) chapters in this book. The __________ (9) is the most difficult.

2. Harry sits in Row __________ (5).

3. The students are standing in line and Mary is the _____________ (19).

4. Six p ________ eight is fourteen

5. Twenty m ________ five is fifteen.

6. D _________ 9 by 3, and you can get 3.

7. 3 m __________ by 2 is 6.

8. S _________ 3 from 12, and you can get 9.

9. 9 divided by 3 e _________ 3.


1. 你可以用字典查这个单词。

You can ________ the dictionary ________ look up this word.

2. 我们班男生的数量是33。

_________ ________ ________boys in our class is 33.

3. 我们的数学老师尽力使自己的课堂有趣。

Our Maths teacher tries his best to ________ his class ____________.

4. 我们的英语老师让我们把黑板上的单词抄下来。

Our English teacher asked us ________ ________ ________ the English words on he blackboard.




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