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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-25 06:17:02 | 移动端:优势用英文怎么说

篇一:分组的优势 英文版

Grouping the Gifted: Pro

Grouping the gifted can avoid the bad effects taking by the bad students.

Grouping the gifted can encourage the students to cooperate to study. Grouping the gifted is good to put the stratified education into practice.

Nowadays there is a heated discussion whether we should group the gifted into a special class. As we all know, the gifted children have been identified to own innate ability in some places. In order to help the gifted to learn better and develop more widely, we should group them as nearly as possible.

In the regular classes, there are all kinds of students, the gifted and the non-gifted, and they are mixed together. With the moral values and the philosophy not completely coming into being, children may be influenced more easily by others. What’s more, at that age children are curious about everything around them and they are eager for following a special trend to show themselves out. In every regular class, there are always some bad students who don’t like to study and just want to do something freak to bother the course. These bad students are sometimes attractive to others, for they dare to fight against the teacher. Many students regard the bad students as their heroes and began to imitate them to give up the study and take part in the member of bad students. So, we

should divide children into different classes to avoid the bad effects taking by the bad students.

As the say goes, no common goal, no common cause to cooperate. If we put the students who are in different levels together, perhaps they can’t get well along with each other. They hold the different views of learning and have different goals in the road of life, which may cause the bad results. They shall hate each other, even look down upon each other. With the time going, the conflict between the two different kinds of students will become sharper and sharper. At that time the rule will be broken and the atmosphere of study will disappear gradually. It is not good for the teaching. In terms of this situation, we should put them in different places to avoid the bad influence.

In modern society, we take more attention to the stratified education which is benefit for the teaching. The conception of the stratified education comes from the Confucianism ‘teach students in accordance of their aptitude’. However, in a regular class, the number of students are large and the students present multi-levels and disequilibrium in learning. Sometimes the teacher have trouble in picking up the materials, because some students will feel it difficult to catch the knowledge, but a few students will feel it easy and boring to get the information. Both of them will be unsatisfied in the content. If we don’t group the gifted, we will have difficult in putting the stratified education into practice. So

considering this conception, we should adopt the grouping system. Having apart the students into gifted and non-gifted groups, the teacher can choose the right materials purposefully to help the students to learn better and morn fast. In addition, the gifted students will be challenged by their work again. They will be more energetic to face the challenge and give off more power to come over the difficulty. The non-gifted students are able to catch up gradually and seem to be more confident. Everyone has the right to go to the good class, but it depends on the hard-working you pay. So, the grouping system can encourage the slow students who have a big ambition to work harder and harder to achieve their dreams.

We divide children into different types, just in order to help children to learn better and grow to the fullest extent of their abilities. If every student can gain more happiness from studying, our dream comes true.


王丹虹 13102845


关键词:中国大陆,Mainland China, China’s mainland, the Chinese mainland, the mainland of China,优势与劣势。

摘要:对于“中国大陆”一词的英文翻译分别有Mainland China, China’s mainland, the Chinese mainland, the mainland of China这四个不同的译法,这四种译法虽然看似相似,但在表达的内涵上却有微妙的差别,表现了各方不同的观点和立场。因此在翻译时要注意翻译的合理且能表达我方的观点和立场。

中国大陆主要是地理里上的概念,但现如今其政治概念远大于地理概念。如今,在国际上很少称中国为Mainland China或China’mainland,而是直接称 “China”.而“中国大陆”一词主要是相对于台湾。现在国际上通用的主要是Mainland China。

四种翻译的对比及其优势。Mainland China 使用范围最广,也是中国国内媒体对外使用最多的称呼,词义简洁明了,并且不会造成政治上的歧义.如例句:The programs will be beamed to Mainland China. 这些节目将对中国大陆播放。再如:Asia has a population of 3 billion people, and 1.1 billion of them live on the mainland of China. 亚洲有三十亿人口,中国大陆就占十一亿多。

而China’s mainland 则没有这种说法,这种翻译比较生硬,从中可以看出中式英语的痕迹,而且这种说法比较侧重于地理位置层面,不好表达政治上的含义和意味。?中国大陆?一词是港澳

台地区居民用词,基本不属于现代汉语言词汇范畴,使用面极窄,偶作“地理地貌描述”使用,或港澳新闻报道。由于中国内地和特别行政区之间经济文化往来日趋加深,方言也互有融合。只能译成"P.R.China",而"Mainland, China"只在地理表述中偶尔见到,通常不出现在正式文章中。再比如,香港 一定要译为"Hong Kong, S.A.R" 澳门 一定要译为"Macau, S.A.R."更正规的还要在它们之后跟"China"一词。特别适用于法律文件,软件进口(软件本地化),演讲稿等重要场合。之所以这样处理翻译,还比如,香港人说,“一间银行”,而不说“一家银行”。地理词汇的翻译还夹杂政治的因素在内,常常体现一国的国格和主权尊严,所以建议翻译前慎重考虑。

所以当译成the Chinese mainland也不可,没有这种说法,且涉及到国家主权等严肃问题,the Chinese mainland 显得不够正式,会造成歧义。

至于?The mainland of China ?从地理意义上来描述中国大陆是正确的,也是国际上用的比较多的。但是相对于?Mainland China? 这种翻译,?The mainland of china”显得过于繁琐,不利于表达。但相应的,这种翻译方法相对于?Mainland China? 来说更为正式和准确.例如:

CheongU, Commissioner Against Corruption. Born

in November, l957 in themainland of China.

廉政公署廉政专员 张裕,男,1957年11月生于内地。

Entryinto the HKSAR of persons from the mainland of China is regulated inaccordance with the previous practice.


虽然说’Mainland China’和’the mainland of China’这两种表达是对的,但我们任要注意“Mainland”既中国大陆这种说法仅限于对地理位置和对台湾问题,并不是正式的官方表达,其中涉及到我国领土完整的政治意义,要注意使用的场合。

篇三:手机使用的优缺点 英文版

School of Foreign Studies

Term Paper for Advanced English

On the Pros and Cons of Cell Phones


Student ID ********

Class: 英语本科特色班

Abstract:This article describes the pros and cons of mobile phone ,The author of this paper from two aspects of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone, then obtain the corresponding inspiration: proper measures must be taken to control the abuse and overuse of mobile phone and great efforts should be made to lead mobile phone develop and improve on a healthy and sustainable way.

Key words: advantages disadvantages mobile phone



(Introduction)As we step into 21st century, many gadgets, such as personal computer, MP3 and mobile phone, were introduced into our lives. There are a considerable number of discussions over them. One of the questions under debate is the pros and cons of Mobile phone. It is wildly acknowledged that mobile phone has become an indispensable part of our daily life in such an information age, which makes our communication more efficient and convenient.

(Body)Recent surveys show that mobile phones are prevailing at an accelerating speed. 80% Chinese possess mobile pones. With mobile phone, our world becomes increasingly smaller. Mobile phone, to a certain extent, lent us a pair of wings to enjoy a bigger space and freedom. We can join an important conference through mobile not having to fly half a globe to attend personally. We can send our greeting and wishes to our friends through Short Message Service. We do not have to bother ourselves with the long queue for a public phone, with a mobile phone we could comfortably call whomever we want at any time at any place. Moreover, a call may bridge over trouble water and save us in an emergent situation, which embodies perfectly in the 2004 Hollywood thriller movie Cellular. The advanced mobile phone serves us with the multifunction of MP3 , mini PC, which undoubtedly becomes a good entertainment. Although people’s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades by cell phone, it must be admitted that, it also brought us many problems. The rings of mobile phones, the answering of phone in public place consist in one the sources of noise pollution. The abuse of cell phone, such as harassing call, dirty short messages, etc. may ruin your good appetite for a whole day. Still, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain about the Mobile Phone Syndromes like the aching of fingers for sending SMS over the top; the sick feeling of loss and worry if they live without a mobile phone and so on.

(Conclusion)From what has been discussed, we may draw the conclusion that, although cell phone is plagued by this or that disadvantages, its advantages still outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society. therefore, proper measures must be taken to control the abuse and overuse of mobile phone and great efforts should be made to lead mobile phone develop and improve on a healthy and sustainable way.
