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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-22 06:15:02 | 移动端:what,meaning

篇一:语言学Chapter 5 Meaning 练习

Chapter 5 Meaning

I. Choose the best answer (20%).

1. We shall know a word by the company it keeps.” This statement represents _______.

A. the conceptualist viewB. contextualism

C. the naming theory D. behaviorism

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.

B. Sense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form.

C. Sense is abstract and decontextualized.

D. Sense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in.

3. ___________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components called semantic features.

A. Predication analysisB. Componential analysis

C. Phonemic analysis D. Grammatical analysis

4.Alive” and “dead” are ______________.

A. gradable antonymsB. relational antonyms

C. complementary antonymsD. None of the above

5. _________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

A. Reference B. ConceptC. Semantics D. Sense

6. ___________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.

A. PolysemyB. SynonymyC. Homonymy D. Hyponymy

7. Words that are close in meaning are called ______________.

A. homonyms B. polysemies C. hyponyms D. synonyms

8. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by _______.

A. grammatical rulesB. selectional restrictions

C. semantic rulesD. semantic features 9. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are ___( )

A. gradable oppositesB. relational opposites

C. co-hyponyms D. synonyms

10.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.( )

A. +animate, +male, +human, -adult

B. +animate, +male, +human, +adult

C. +animate, -male, +human, -adult

D. +animate, -male, +human, +adult

II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(10%)

11.Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself. For example, within British English or American English.

12. Sense is concerned with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. While reference deals with the inherent meaning

of the linguistic form.

13. Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations.

14. In semantics, meaning of language is considered as the intrinsic and inherent relation to the physical world of experience.

15. Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.

16. Behaviorists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.

17. The meaning of a sentence is the sum total of the meanings of all its components.

18. Most languages have sets of lexical items similar in meaning but ranked differently according to their degree of formality.

19. “It is hot.” is a no-place predication because it contains no argument.

20. In grammatical analysis, the sentence is taken to be the basic unit, but in semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is predication, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.

III. Fill in the blanks.(20%)

21.__________ can be defined as the study of meaning.

22. The conceptualist view holds that there is no __________ link between a linguistic form and what it refers to.

23. __________ means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

24. Words that are close in meaning are called __________.

25. When two words are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning, they are called __________.

26.__________ opposites are pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items.

27.__________ analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components.

28. Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called __________ restrictions, which are constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.

29. A(n) __________ is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element(s) in a sentence.

30. According to the __________ theory of meaning, the words in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for.

IV. Explain the following terms, using examples.(20%)



33.Componential analysis


V. Answer the following questions.(20%)

35.What are the sense relations between the following groups of words?

Dogs. cats. pets. parrots; trunk, branches. tree. roots (青岛海洋大学,1999)

36.What are the three kinds of antonymy? (武汉大学,2004)

VI. Analyze the following situation.(20%)

37.For each group of words given below, state what semantic property or properties are shared by (a) words and (b) words and what semantic property or properties distinguish between the classes of (a) words and (b) words.

(1) a. bachelor. man. son. paperboy. pope. chief

b. bull. rooster. drake. ram

(2) a. table. stone. pencil. cup. house. ship. car

b. milk. alcohol. rice. soup

(3) a. book. temple. mountain. road. tractor

b. idea. love. charity. sincerity. bravery. fear (青岛海洋大学,1999) Key:



II. 11~15 FFTFT 16~20 TFTTT








31.Entailment.It is basically a semantic relation (or logical implication).and it can be clarified with the following sentences:

a.Tom divorced Jane.

b. Jane was Tom’s wife.

In terms of truth value.the following relationships exist between these two sentences.when A is true.B must be also true; when B is false.A must also be false.When B is true.A may be true or false.Therefore we can say A entails B.

32.Proposition.It is the result of the abstraction of sentences.which are descriptions of states of affairs and which some writers see as a basic element of sentence meaning.For example.the two sentences.Caesar invaded Gaul” and.Gaul was invaded by Caesar” hold the same proposition.

33.Compositional analysis.It defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components.or semantic features.For example.the meaning of the word boy may be analyzed into three components.HUMAN.YOUNG and MALE.Similarly girl may be analyzed into HUMAN.YOUNG and FEMALE.

34.Reference.It is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world; it is a matter of the relationship between the form and the reality.



Hyponymy.metonymy or part-whole relationship





(1)The (a) words and (b) words are male.

The (a) words are human.while the (b) words are non-human.

(2)The (a) words and (b) words are inanimate.

The (a) words are instrumental.while the (b) words are edible.

(3)The (a) words and (b) words are worldly or conceptual. The (a) words are material.while the (b) words are spiritual.

篇二:What is connotative meaning









篇三:What is the Meaning of Success in Life成功的意义

What is the Meaning of Success in Life?

People have been striving for it all their life, and many achieving Success, and others are not so fortunate. It seems to elude them, and their life. Many have been pursuing Success for years, and others start towards it and seem to find it almost immediately. Success to one man was the capture and domination of another.

The meaning of Success comes in many forms. It depends on what you are searching for in life. Athletes may have one definition of Success and a stay at home mom may have another.

The Voice, a singing competition television series started in the Netherlands, has been adapted by many countries. In our country, we have The Voice of China and it is quite a shock. In our opinion, The Voice of China’s success has five reasons. 1. it meets the needs .The Voice of China provide the audience with more original TV show and offer us something more close to our life with lots of impressions. 2. Accurate Judgments .The judges select contestants by their voice rather than their appearance. 3. High Standards. The program gets considerable experience from the foreign versions. And the Zhejiang television pursues a higher standard in the transition of local style and the team backstage. 4. Arouse Resonance. The program tries to build up a figure with true story so as to arouse the audience's resonance. 5. The Effect of Celebrity. Liu huan Na ying Yu chengqin Yang kun consist of the first judge's team of The Voice of China.

The most important format features of the show is the blind audition, in which four coaches listen to contenders without seeing them, and turn their chairs to signify that they are interested in working with that artist. It is fairer than other talent shows.

Maybe someone think success is same as accomplishment. There is a difference between Accomplishment and Success.

Accomplishment is where you have engaged in the task or action that you attempted, and have obtained the desired results. It is a based on what was expected, and what results were done. People accomplish things all day long, but really achieve no Success in those actions.

Success is something different. Success to most people is when you have an ongoing string of accomplishments that when put together, add up to a major obtainment in life known as Success. The addition of all the accomplishments in a person's career or life can be viewed as Success in their life and business.

Success then is an ongoing realization and obtainment of worthy desired results, concerning actions, life, business, wealth, or a worthy ideal. There is a more powerful level of High Achievement.

What is Success?

That is up to you. But it is not just accomplishment. It is beyond that.

The steady realization of a moral and worthy ideal is Success to most folks.

The steady realization of a dream and an ideal that is driven by the heart and Passion that will not, cannot, and will never be denied is Success to a few folks.

Those few folks not only know the meaning of Success, but also the experience of a Deeper and Higher level of Success.

They are driven by Success, not just pursuing it. Seven Life Changing Keys to Success:

1. Do and Dare

2. Double Your Failure Rate

3. Use Your Will

4. You need Determination and Commitment

5. Excellence is Required

6. Vision is Necessary

7. Go to Success (“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.”)
