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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-19 05:59:41 | 移动端:we,go,to,the,park


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I never thought that a little help would turn out to be the most satisfying thing in my life. I once met a young man 1._______ seemed tired and in pain on my way home. With a smile, he asked 2._______ I could lend him some money. He was paralyzed(瘫痪的) in both legs and was raising money for a(n)3._______(operate). Actually, I was full 4._______ doubts as every day many people play such tricks

5._______ (get) money. I even asked him to show me his legs. Then I gave him some money and left.

After a few days, he again arrived at my doorstep asking for more money. This time I was 6._______(entirely) convinced he was cheating me. I still gave him money and said it was all I had.

Years later, one day I got 7._______ call from an unknown number. The man told me his mane but I didn?t recognize him. He said,” It is because of your help 8.______ I?m now able to stand on my legs and have a good job.” What he said next made me

9.______(surprise). He said he wanted to return my money 10.______ I wouldn?t feel cheated and would continue to help people in need in the future.

Googling something has become a way of life. If anyone thinks about

1.______(look) something up on the Internet, he or she will probably want to “Google it.” The person 2._______ brought this new way of looking things up to people is Larry Page.

Born on March 26, 1973, Larry Page is a computer programmer, and founded Google with his partner, Sergey Brin. He devoted himself 3._______ the development of search engine. Page came from a computer science family. His father was a professor at Michigan University 4._______ Larry Page graduated with honors.

From 5._______ early age Larry Page had been interested in finding out

6._______ mechanical things worked, but it was invention 7._______ interested Page most. Larry Page 8.______(begin) his first Google page while still a student at Stanford. He developed a new algorithm(计算程序) that was 9._______ (good) than every search engine in use in 1996. Then Google was founded in 1998. Since then, Google 10._______(consider) as the NO.1 search engine in the world.

“Thank you.” This short but important English 1._______(express) shows thanks for kind words or actions. But sometimes, those two words are not enough. As _______matter of fact, when it comes to thanking people, you can be creative.

3._______ (thank) people, you can send a letter. Letter writing is becoming a lost art form. When you put pen to paper, people will be happy you spent time

4._______(write). Don?t worry 5._______ the letter?s length. Just express how thankful you are.

You can take your thankfulness one step further and make a video. A visual(看得见的) thank-you can be 6._______(interest). Film yourself opening a friend?s gift. Perform a play or song to show your thanks to people 7._______ have helped you.

You can also put together a simple gift bag. Little gifts show people 8.______ you think they?re important. They can also 9._______ (real) make someone happy.

Do something special. You can take them to dinner 10.______ cook for them. Buy them the book they?ve been wanting. Any of these actions lets them know how much you appreciate them.

Billy, a Chinese boy, is enjoying a holiday in England. He pays a visit to his British friend Jennifer.

Jennifer: Hey, Billy! Come in, please! We haven?t seen each other since I

1._______(come) back from Beijing last year. How is everything going with you?

Billy:I?m fine, but I missed you very much!

Jennifer: I missed you, too. Would you like 2._____(have) a cup of tea?

Billy: Yes, please. I?ve heard a lot about English tea, and I 3.______(real) want it


Jennifer: It?s black tea. I?m sure you?ll like it.

Billy: Oh, it 4.______(smell) good. Can I taste it now?

Jennifer: Just wait a second so that I can add some milk.

Billy: It?s so different 5._______ Chinese tea. We never add milk. I?ll try it. Billy drinks the tea made by Jennifer.

Jennifer: 6._______ do you find it?

Billy: Very nice.

Jennifer: I?m glad you like it. You can add a little sugar to make it taste


Billy: OK. I heard 8._______ you British people have afternoon tea everyday. Is that


Jennifer: Well, it used to be 9.______ daily event. However, changes in our modern

life style have made it go out of fashion for most British people. Afternoon tea

10._______ is popular among tourists is only enjoyed by most British people on special occasions.

Billy: Oh, I see.

John: You look 1._______(real) tired today. Did you not sleep well last night? Carl: No. I worked until two in the morning and slept a little.

John: Are you that busy at work?

Carl: Yeah, we are extremely busy. Our group just got a project 2._______ is very

important for the company, so we?ve been spending the last few days

3._______(look) for the best plan.

John: 4._______ doesn?t matter how busy you are. You should take care of yourself. Carl: I want to rest too, but I just don?t have time. I?m often so busy 5._______ I don?t

even have time to eat. Most mornings I want to sleep a little more so I don?t have time to eat breakfast. I just have fast food for lunch 6.______(save) time.

John: Oh my gosh! I think you diet is too 7._______(health). As we all know,

breakfast is the 8.______ (important) meal of the day, but you don?t actually eat breakfast; lunch plays 9._______ important part, too.

Carl: I would love to have a healthy lifestyle, but right now I have to throw myself

into work.

John: Oh, you make me so concerned 10._______ your health.

Reggie was a normal boy, but he had been born deaf. He was well known to everyone in town, and they were all very fond 1.______ him. Unfortunately, he always seemed to be treated 2.______(different) from everyone else.

Reggie didn?t like this very much, But the person 3.______ disliked this most was his friend Michael. Michael decided that things had to change. So he managed to persuade other people in town 4.______(choose) one day of the festival for deaf people this year. During that whole day everyone in town would have to wear earplugs(耳塞). The day 5.______(call) The Day of Silence, and when it arrived everyone stuck plugs in their ears. As the hours passed, people began to realize

6.______ difficult life was for the deaf. Soon no one was thinking of Reggie as

7.______ deaf person. Using his usual gestures, Reggie was the one who could communicate best with everyone. They were 8.______(surprise) at his ability to find solutions to almost any problem. They realized all Reggie needed was a little

9.______(much) time than others to communicate. That was the only difference.

It was on this day 10.______ everyone realized they had to give people a chance to show how useful they are.

Edward: There are so many places to go on our trip that it?s hard to choose where to

go first.

Frank: Let?s first think about 1._____ we will do before breakfast.

Edward: I heard the local beach is a place 2.______ can?t be missed.

Frank: That would be 3._____ exciting way to begin our morning. It would be good to

get out in the sun.

Edward: Yes, I heard that the Culture Museum is pretty close 4.______ the beach. So

it is a perfect for those who are interested in culture relics.

Frank: This is just what I 5._____(hear) before we came here. We might as well go

there since we are just down the street. What we will see in the museum is supposed to be 6.______(amaze).

Edward: Where shall we go in the afternoon? Do you have any 7.______(suggest)? Frank: I think the amusement park is well worth 8._____(visit).

Edward: Yes. And we can go to the restaurant on the edge of the park, 9.______ we

can watch the sun go down.

Frank: That would really be a great end to the day!

Edward: Yes. I feel that this trip will be 10._____(extreme) valuable in my life.

What do the five Olympic signs on the flag represent? 1.______ is widely believed that the five-ring Olympic symbol was created by Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin in 1913. As the founder of the modern Olympic Games, he wanted

2.______(celebrate) the 20th anniversary(周年纪念) of the Games and chose a design of five rings, 3.______ represented the five continents(洲) taking part in the Games. The rings 4.______(become) the official Olympic symbol at the 1920 Games in Belgium.

Pierre de Coubertin thought 5.______ the five interlocking rings meant the five continents competing in the Games and the meeting of their athletes at the Olympic Games. 6.______(actual) every part of the modern Olympic symbol and flag shows the main purpose of the Games in a particular way. The Olympic flag, with its familiar rings, is used as 7.______ international symbol of peace, unity and 8.______(agree). The white background of the flag stands 9.______ peace and truth.

At the end of each Olympic Games, the mayor of the hosting city passes the Olympic flag to the major of the city where the next Olympic 10.______(hold) for years later. The flag remains there until the next Olympics.

You have 1.______(possible) heard of the DuPont Company, which was founded by a family of the same name. But do you know about the museum that one of the family members began?

Hey Francis du Pont received Delaware?s DuPont Company fortune. He was one of the first serious 2.______(collect) of American decorative art objects--- furniture, paintings, and other objects 3.______(make) in the United States between 1640 and 1840. American furniture and household objects has been considered not as good 4.______ those from Europe. But du Pont helped develop a new appreciation

5.______ American decorative arts. He created a showplace for these objects. In 1951 it was opened to 6.______ public as the Hey Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum.

Du Pont divided objects from his collection into 175 “period rooms”, 7.______ with examples of American antiques and decorative arts that followed a certain theme or period in early American history. For example, the du Pont Dining Room has furniture 8.______(date) from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. And, because this was the time 9.______ the United States became a new nation, there is a patriotic(爱国的) theme in the room. Another example is the Chinese parlor, which 10. ______(have) furnishings that reflect American?s fascination with Asian culture during the 18th century.

Alice:Excuse me, I?m from Side by Side TV channel. Can I have a few minutes for

1.______ interview?

Tracy: Sure, with pleasure!

Alice: Congratulations! It was quite a(n) 2.______(achieve)! How do you feel about

3.______(win) this world-class dancing competition?

Tracy: Wow… unbelievable! I?m proud and 4.______(touch) at the same time.

Alice: When did you first become interested in dancing?

Tracy: When I was five years old, my mom 5.______(take) me to a live dance show.

And I started to love it.

Alice: Do you take special dancing courses or do you just do self-learning to sharpen

your talent?

Tracy: Well, I do 6.______ of them. I also learn from some famous dancers. Besides,

I?ve learned traditional musical instruments to support my skills.

Alice: You must have gone through many tough things. What was the 7.______(hard)

one in your career?

Tracy: It was 8.______ I had to convince parents about my career choice. You know,

they are traditional people and had expected me 9.______(become) a doctor. Alice: How do you see about dancing?

Tracy: Dancing is like my soul. I feel completely 10.______ ease while dancing. Alice: Thank you for your time.

Alice: Do you think I?m 1.______(fat) than before?

Bruce: Hmmm a little bit. Are you 2.______(annoy) about that?

Alice: Yes, of course. I don?t like being fat you know! I must go on 3.______ diet. Bruce: As long as you are healthy, I think it?s okay. You?re not too big 4.______ your


Alice: But I think I?m a little overweight. I want to lose some weight.

Bruce: So, what kinds of food you avoid 5.______(eat)?

Alice: That?s the problem. I love cooking with coconut milk(椰子汁) and also fried

food. As far as I know, coconut milk contains saturated(饱和的) fatty acid,

6.______ might increase my weight.

Bruce: Ha ha…yes! Cooking with coconut milk 7.______(give) a better taste, but it can be harmful if you consume too much of it. How about boiled or steamed food? Alice: Well, … I don?t 8.______(real) like them. It would be hard for me to eat food

cooked that way. But no pain, no gain. So I must try my best to control

9.______(I) from now on.

Bruce: You could also do more exercise 10.______(lose) weight as well.

Alice: That?s true.

Do you know who Benjamin Banneker was and what he did?

Benjamin Banneker was a self-educated scientist at a time 1.______ most African Americans were slaves. Born a free black man in the British Colony of Maryland in 1731, he received some formal 2.______(educate), but he mostly borrowed books and taught 3.______(he) science and mathematics. At 22, he borrowed a pocket watch, and without any training, found 4.______ how to carve a working wooden clock that struck each hour. Because of this clock, he became well known and people would visit him just 5.______(see) his creation.

Banneker ran his family farm for may years, but when he was 6.______ his late



姓名 _____________ 得分______________


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分。读两遍) ( )1. A. chatB. friends C. cat D. friend ( )2. A. lessonB. dance C. dancing D. listen ( )3. A. weekends B. workerC. walkman D. works ( )4. A. cinemaB. pictureC. picnic D. visits ( )5. A. happyB. very C. withD. new ( )6. A. sometimes B. always C. something D. usually ( )7. A. hasB. his C. he D. her ( )8. A. roseB. often C. thereD. grow ( )9. A. goes B. does C. flies D. ice ( )10. A. come inB. come to C. come out D. come on


1.2. 3.4.5.

( ) ( ) ( )( )( )


( ) 1. It is summer now.

( ) 2. Our class has a picnic in the park.

( ) 3 The third group is drawing pictures. ( ) 4. We are not having a good time. ( ) 5. The leaves are very beautiful. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(每空1分,共10分。读三遍) 1. A:What _________your sister __________ do at__________. B:She basketball.

2. A: _________ Mary __________ kites?B: _________ ,she ___________.


一、选出单词画线部分读音与其余不同的选项。(每小题1分,共5分。) ( ((( ( - 1 -


1. 一堂舞蹈课_________________2. go to the cinema 3. 拜访我的老师 _________________ 4.fly a kite 5. 和他聊天 _________________ 6. get out 7. 在网上_________________ 8. too fat9. 举行野餐 _________________ 10. eat a lot 三、单项选择。(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分) ( ) 1. Peter often emails to his friends.

A. send B. give C. sends

( ) 2. My e-friend often chats with on the Internet.

A. I B. me C. we ( ) 3.Su Yang sometimes in the park.

A. flys kites B. flies kites C. flies kite

( ) 4. He often ___________with me.A. doing homework B. go home C. watches cartoon ( ) 5..I like _________ very much.A. draw B. MusicC. swiming ( ) 6. —Where ________ Nancy study?

—She at the No.1 Primary School.

A. does; studiesB. do; studiesC. does; study ( ) 7. —Does he go swimming every day?

—Sometimes he sometimes he . A. do ; doesn’t B. does; don’tC. does; doesn’t ( ) 8. Yang Ling and I going fishing at weekends.

A. likeB. are like C. likes

( English this term. We all likeA. us; sheB. us; herC. me; her ( ) 10. I always at weekends.

A. has dinnerB. have dancing lessonC. doing my homework

四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分) 1.--What ___________ (do)Su Yang usually do at weekends?--She usually ___________ (fly) kites.

2. My father often________(have) dinner at home. 3. Miss Li often chats with _________(I) after class.

4. --_______ Mr Green_______ (chat) on the Internet now?--No, he_______.

5. My sister __________ (like) going shopping on Sundays.. 6.--Where_______ (do) Tom live?--He_______ (live) in London now.

五、按要求完成下列句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分) 对划线部分提问)

_________ _________your grandparents often_________ in the evening? 2. He often has picnics with his friends. (改为一般疑问句). _________ he often_________ ________ with his friends? 3. I often go swimming after school. (用she 代替 I



_________ _________ _________ _________after school.



Weekends to people mean(意味着) that they can have two-day good rest. For example(例如) ,they can go out to visit their friends and relatives(亲戚).They can enjoy interesting CDs with their family. Everyone spends(度过) weekends in his own way. Within two days, some people listen to music, read books or watch films. Some people play basketball, swim or dance. I often spend my weekends with my friends. Sometimes I visit my friends, sometimes I go to the library to borrow(借)some people in my family. They are my grandparents, my father, my mother and I.

My grandparents in the US. My father and mother usually the housework every evening. I often them. We always go to the supermarket on Sundays. Sometimes we go there by books. I like reading. Outing(远足)is my favourite(最喜欢) way of spending weekends. Weekends are always enjoyable for me.

( )1.People have one-day good rest at the weekends. ( )2.Some people go to the cinema at the weekends. ( )3.I often spend my weekends with my grandparents. ( )4.Reading is my favourite way of spending weekends. ( )5. Different (不同)people have different weekends.


Hello, my name is Gao Shan. I am a student. I often do my homework on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, I usually read English. Then I go to the park with my parents. We usually fly kites and have a picnic there. On Sunday, my friend Mike comes to my home. I usually play table tennis with him. We all like to play table tennis. We have a good time.

判断正(T)误(F) ( )1. Gao Shan is a student.

( )2. Gao Shan does his homework on Sunday morning.. ( )3. Gao Shan goes to the park with his friends.

( )4. Gao Shan and his parents usually have a picnic in the park. ( )5. Gao Shan and Mike like playing table tennis.


At weekends, some people like to stay at home, some like to go out to play. My brother Leo works in a factory during(在……期间) the day. At weekends he always does the same thing. On Saturday he drives his car to a farm with our families. Our uncle and aunt have a large farm. We can do a lot of things there. My brother and my parents help to do farm work. I help to give food to their animals. At the end(结束) of the day, we all feel hungry. My uncle and aunt give us a big meal. We enjoy(享受) the weekend on their farm. ( )1.Leo works _________________.

A. on a farm B.at a schoolC.in a factory D.in an office ( )2.My family go _______at weekends.

A.to a farmB.to the beach C.to a factory D.to a school ( )3.My uncle is a _______________.

A.teacher B.studentC.worker D.farmer ( )4.I _______on the farm.

A.help to do farm work B.do my homework

C.play football D.feed(喂) the animals ( )5.We go to the farm ______________.

A.on foot B.by busC.by carD.by bike


- 2 -

that man beside the car, Tim?B: He’s myA: He’s very ? . B: He’s a . He helps people. He stops thieves.A: That’s cool. 3.根据对话内容填空

A: Hello, Helen. you have e-friends? B: Yes, I do. I have two e-friends. A: are they? B: They are twins, Lily and Lucy. A: do they ? B: They live in a big city, London. to them?

on the Internet too.

Unit Seven单元练习卷听力文字稿


1. friends2. listen3. weekends4. visits5. with6. sometimes 7. his8.grow 9.flies 10.come in

二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(每小题读两遍) 1. We often play basketball at weekends. 2. Helen likes dancing very much. 3. There is a fish in the basket.

4. I usually go to the cinema on Sundays. 5. Does she like skating? No, she doesn’t.


Today is Sunday, it is October now. Our class has a picnic in a park. There are three groups. The first group is collecting leaves, there are many golden leaves, they look like the butterflies. The second group is catching butterflies, it is very interesting. And my group is taking pictures. We want to remember this wonderful day. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(每小题读三遍)

1. A:B:She basketball.

2. A: kites?B: ,

Unit Seven单元练习卷参考答案



四、1.does often weekends oftenplays

2. Does like flying Yes does

笔试部分 (更多精品试卷 www.xcyy.tk www.xcyy.hk.to ) 一、CCBCC

二、1. a dancing lesson 2. 去看电影 3.visit my teacher 4. 放风筝

5. chat with him6. 出来 7. on the Internet 8. 太胖 9. have a picnic10.吃许多 三、CBBCB BCABB

四、1. does, flies 2. has 3. me 4. Is, chatting, isn’t5. likes

6. does, lives

五、1.What, do, do 2. Does, have, picnics 3.She ,often, goes swimming 六、(A)FTFFT (B) TFFTT (C)CADDC 七、1. five live do help bus(bike) watching

2. Who’s uncle tall basketball well Does policeman 3. Do any Who Where live e-mails chat

- 3 -





1. _______(最后) , our basketball team won the game.

2. We got very excited when we saw the ________(模型) Golden Gate Bridge.

3. There are _________(超过) 2,000 students in our school.

4.Which team won the World __________(奖杯) in 2002?5. Do you enjoy watching the _________(日落)?

6. How will we go to the World Park, by train or by________(长途汽车)?

7. What was the score at__________(中场休息)?

8. Let’s __________(欢呼) for our basketball team, OK?

9. The old woman lives by__________(她自己).

10. I hear _________(总统) George Bush will visit China next month.


1. Playing computer games is one of his ________ (interesting).

2. Did you enjoy__________(you) at the party last night, children?

3. Shanghai and Beijing are big___________(city) in China and in the world.

4. They played some music at the ________(begin) of the meeting.

5. My mother always cooks _________(taste) food.

6. The _______(win) will get a prize of $500.

7. Wang Yongfeng is a good_________(climb) in China.

8. The scientists told us some _________(amaze) stories of UFOs.

9. I thought the film was a little _________ (bored).

10. ________(luck), I got 60 marks and passed the exam at last.


1.The children enjoyed _______ very much last night.

A. they B. themC. themselves D. theirs

2.-Do you want one-way____ round-trip?

-Round-trip. We’ll return____ December 8th.

A. or; in B. and; in C. or; on D. and; on

3.You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

A. needn’t to comeB. don’t need come

C. don’t need coming D. needn’t come

4.-Don’t step on the grass next time, Mike.


A. Is that so? B. Don’t worry.C.I don’t know.D. Sorry, I won’t

5. The White House is a beautiful building ________ a big garden and many trees.

A. have B. has C. withD. there is

6. Mr. Green plans ______ Beijing with her daughter.

A. visit B. to visitC. visited D. visits

7.—Our team won the basketball final today!


A. I hope not. B. I'm not sure.C. I know. D. That's great!

8.Mike decided ________at home.

A. stay B. stayingC. to stayD. stays

9. Beijing Zoo is an interesting place ______.

A. visit B. visits C. to visitD. visited

10.I hope_________ my birthday party next Saturday.

A. you to come to B. that you to come C. you comeD. that you can come to

11. The bus had to stop because there were many stones _________ it.

A. in frontB. in front of C. in the front ofD. at the front of

12. We were all_________ at the ________ news.

A. exciting; excitingB. excited; excited C. exciting; excitedD. excited; exciting

13. We will lose the football game ______ your support.

A. with B. underC. if D. without

14. David Beckham scored a wonderful goal _____ the end of the football final and the British Football Team won the game_________ the end.

A. in; in B. in; at C. at; in D. at; at

15. When people visit the USA, they can see ________.

A. the Eiffel Tower B. the Opera HouseC. the Statue of Liberty D. the pyramids



1. He came and gave us a talk last Sunday. (用动词不定式改写)

He came ________ ________us a talk last Sunday. 对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Kitty plan to________?

3. Tom can go with us. He can stay at home. (合并成并列句)

Tom can go with us________ stay at home.

4. They are playing football. The others are playing basketball. (合并成并列句)

They are playing football ________ the others are playing basketball.


1.We must reach the post office as soon as we can.

We must_____ to the post office as soon as______.

2. The school bus takes over two hours to get back to my school.

The school bus takes ______ ______ two hours to get back to my school.

3. We had a good time in the park last Sunday.

We _______ ________ in the park last Sunday.

4. I learned English all by myself.

I _________ _________ English.





The Great Wall is famous________ _________ _________ _________.

2. Sam邀请我们参加聚会。

Sam _________ _________ __________ join in the party.

3. 决赛是昨天举行的。

The final match ________ _________ yesterday.

4. 快点,只有五分钟了,我们不能再等了。

Hurry up. There’re only five minutes left. We __________ wait________ ________.


The students are busy __________ _______ the test.

6. 最后,他决定不去了。

He _________ ________ _________ go __________ __________ ___________.

7. 当我听到这个消息时,我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。

I _________ ________ my ears when I heard the news.

8. 你可以在因特网上看到这些照片。

You can see________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

9. 看到如此多的世界名胜真有趣。

It was interesting ________ ________so many ________ ________ ________from all over the world.

10. 人不应该专为自己而活着。

One should not live just_________ __________.



Hiking is a good way to exercise. Do you like it?

go on overnight(整夜的, if you decide to be alone, you’good idea to bring Backpacking is also a kind . You can carry food, clothing and other things on your back in a pack. 1. A. are good at B. is good at C. are good forD. is good for

2. A. and B. butC. so D. or

3. A. keep B. to keepC. keepingD. keeps

4. A. inB. afterC. on D. at

5. A. long B. short C. longer D. shorter

6. A. HoweverB. But C. BecauseD. Until

7. A. returnB. return back C. arrive at D. reach

8. A. some books B. some moneyC. a guideD. a map

9. A. pleasure B. hike C. tripD. travel

10. A. noneB. no any C. notD. no


A. Flight 137 B. Flight 320 C. Flight 226 D. Flight 405

2. Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at_______.

A. 11.43a.m. B. 10.12a.m.C. 12.32p.m. D. 10.12a.m.

3. A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing, she should go to Gate________.

A. 14B. 15C. 12D. 18

4. Flight 226 to London is from _________.

A. Pan American B. Japan Airlines C. Air CanadaD. CAAC

5. A man is at Gate 18. He’s going to________.

A. TokyoB. Hong Kong C. London D. Paris


I’m going to take my family to have an overseas trip. My wife, our two children and I will all go along. My elder brother is going with us. He has never been overseas and he is even more excited than the children. My father is so old that he’d like to stay at home and takes care of the house.

We’re going by train to New York, and then take a ship to Europe. When we arrive in Europe, we’re going to several countries for sightseeing. We’ll go to places either by train or by bus. We’re going to fly home.

It took us a long time to decide where to go, but I think we have planned a very interesting trip. We will go to England, France and Italy. My wife is very interested in going to France because she is a teacher of French. And my brother, who speaks very good Italian, is looking forward to the trip to Italy.

We also talked about how we would go to Europe. At first we wanted to fly because it would be faster and would save more time. But my brother likes to take a boat trip and the children enjoy that, too.

1. My brother is very excited because__________.

A. he has many friends in other countries B. he has never traveled by plane

C. he wanted to buy some books in Italy D. he has never been overseas

2. We’re coming back home by________.

A. sea B. air C. bus D. train

3. In Europe, we will________.

A. go sightseeing at the seasideB. go to different countries by ship

C. buy a lot of presents D. go from place to place by train or by bus

4. My wife works in a ________.

A. hospital B. factory C. shop D. school

5. My brother and my children would like to_________.

A. do some shopping in Europe B. study the Italian language in Italy

C. enjoy a trip by shipD. learn French in France


Dear Carlos,

Tony and I are having a great holiday here in Colorado. The holidays are wonderful. The scenery is beautiful, and there are many things to do. of course you can camp, hike and fish. But the best thing is going down a river on a raft(竹筏). In the small mountain town there is a company that takes you on the river. First, you ride in their car for about twenty miles to a special place on the river. Then you put the raft in the water and get in. a guide from the company comes with you to help you. he tells you what to do. the water moves very fast, and the raft moves very quickly. It is a little scary(害怕的), but it is a lot of fun.

There is a photographer(摄影师) who stands near the river and takes pictures. How do you think he gets the film to the store? He sends it on the back of a pigeon(鸽子)! Really! He says it is very fast, and the photographs are ready when you finish your trip. We will show you ours when we get home. See you soon! Say hi to everyone.




1. What is Nick’s favorite thing to do in the holidays?

2. How can Nick take the raft trip?

3. How does Nick think of the trip?

4. What does the photographer use the pigeon for?

5. What does Nick really want to tell us in this letter?



提示:上星期六我们班在西山 (West Hill) 进行了一次野餐。我们走到西山脚下后,休息了一会儿就吃午饭。吃过午饭后我们开始唱歌、跳舞,然后爬山。我们看到了许多漂亮的花,听到了鸟叫,采了许多野果 (wild fruits), 玩得很开心。回到家里我觉得很累,但很高兴。



A. 1. Finally2. model 3. over4. Cup5. sunset6. coach7. half-time

8. cheer 9. herself 10. President

B. 1. interests2. yourselves 3. cities 4. beginning5. tasty6. winner(s)

7. climber8. amazing9. boring10. Luckily


1-5 CCDDC 6-10 BDCCD 11-15 BDDCC


A. 1. to give2. What did; do 4. or 5. and

B. 1. get; possible 2. more than 3. enjoyed ourselves 5. taught myself


1. C. and改为or 2. D. children改为child 3. C. in改为by 4. B. but改为and

5. D. in front of改为in the front of6. C. himself改为themselves

7. D. many改为much8. C. passed改为past


1. all over the world 2. invited us to 3. took place 4. can’t; any more

5. preparing for6. decided not to; in the end 7. couldn’t believe

8. these photos on the Internet 9. to see; places of interest10. for himself





B. 1-5 DBDDC


1. It’s going down a river on a raft.

2. The guide from the company tells them what to do.

3. It’s a little scary, but full of fun.

4. He uses the pigeon to send people’s photographs to the store when they finish their trip.

5. He wants to tell us he had a wonderful time in Colorado.


Our class had a picnic last Saturday. We went to the beautiful West Hill on foot. We had a short rest after we got to the foot of West Hill. Then we had our picnic at noon. After lunch we sang and danced happily. Then we began to climb the hill. We saw many flowers, heard the birds singing and got a lot of wild fruits. We had a wonderful time.

I felt very tired when I got home, but I was very happy
