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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-17 11:32:40 | 移动端:we,will,go,to,the

篇一:We will go to the courtyard to meet










1. Ben started his business in his twenties and became ________ after years of hard work.

A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully

2. It is really comfortable ________ in an air-conditioned classroom in summer.

A. study B. to study C. studying D studied

3. It rained so hard that the road was ________________ covered by water soon. (complete)

4. Amy looks after the pets when her parents are away from home. (保持句意基本不变)

Amy ________ _________ the pets when her parents are away from home.

5. He _______ to the exhibition this afternoon because he has to attend a meeting.

A. didn’t go B. doesn’t go C. won’t go D. hasn’t gone

6. It will be our “Open Day” tomorrow, so our school _____ by many parents.

A. has been visited B. is visited C. was visited D. will be visited

7. Sherry ___________ the maths problems with her classmates after school. (discussion)

8. My daughter studies both singing and dancing in the kindergarten. (保持句意基本不变)

My daughter sudies singing __________ __________ as dancing in the kindergarten.

9. Mary asked Tom to meet her friend at the airport at eight in the evening. (改为被动语态)

Tom __________ _________ to meet Mary’s friend at the airport at eight in the evening.

10. Some of the students in my class like to play ______ violin in their free time.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

11. Jenny denied ________ anything about the nissing purse yesterday afternoon.

A. know B. to know C. knowing D. knew

12. Alice _______ a volunteer for our community since she was in Grade 9.

A. has beenB. was C. had been D. will be

13. It is said that a lot of beautiful paintings _________ in Shanghai Museum next month.

A. were shown B. are shown C. have been shown D. will be shown

14. Frank asked me, “ Have you ever created a comic strip? “ (改为宾语从句)

Frank asked me whether __________ _________ ever created a comic strip.

15. Go through the information you have received and write a news report based ______ the interview.

A. on B. by C. inD. for

16. Eating some Deo Perfume Candies(香体糖)makes you smell ________.

A. soft B. frightened C. sweet D. friendly

17. Peter _______ to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find a safe hiding place.

A. succeeded B. managed C. advised D. offered

18. “If he has enough sleep, he ________ well soon,” the doctor said to Tom’s mother.

A. is B. was C. will be D. has been

19. Emotional (心理)support _______ to people with health problems in this area recently.

A. is provided B. was provided C. has been provided D. will be provided

20. No one can exacctly tell us what _________.

A. does Mona Lisa’s smile mean B. Mona Lisa’s smile means

C. Mona Lisa’s smile doesD. does Mona Lisa’s smile

21. It was ________________ of you to tell such a lie. (honest)

22. A story about a bad world often _____________ as a warning about the present. (service)

23. What would you like to ask besides this question? (保持句意基本不变)

What would you like to ask ___________ ___________ this question?

24. It is known to all that bad news has wings and always __________ very fast.

A. spread B. spreads C. is spreading D. has spread

25. People _______ about if there are aliens on the other planets since many years ago.

A. are arguingB. argueC. have argued D. argued

26. I prefer to sleep with the window wide open unless it’s really cold. (保持句意不变)

I prefer to sleep with the window wide open_________ it _________ really cold.

27. Remember to say sorry to others if you do something wrong. (保持句意不变)

Remember to ______________ ______________ others if you do something wrong.

28. It is so noisy here that the students cannot concentrate ________ the final examination.

A. ofB. atC. on D. for

29. The boy’s parents were so poor that they could not _______ to send him to school.

A. offer B. payC. order D. afford

30. Neither of them knows ____________, so I have to ask a third person for help. (France)

31. Tom’s grandpa grows tomatoes in the field every year. (改为被动语态)

Tomatoes ______________ _________ by Tom’s grandpa in the field every year.

32. The Greeks have taken everything with _______ except for a wooden horse.

A. theirsB. their C. themselvesD. them

33. They ________ in Beijing for the meeting for another three days.

A. have stayed B. stayed C. are starying D. will stay

34. Don’t disturb him. He is in deep ________________. (think)

35. He asked:” How can I get to the Bund?” (改为间接引语)

He asked __________ he __________ get to the Bund.

36. The shop owner was losing his customers because his staff worked slowly. (改为反意问句)

The shop owner was losing his customers because his staff worked slowly, _________ _______?

37. We learn new words with pictures. We can remember them easily. (合并成一句)

We learn new words with pictures ________ _________ we can remember them easily.

38. The doctor told me to eat more _________ because it is good for my health.

A. apple B. vegetables C. ice cream D. fish

39. A kind ______________ raised much money for those homeless people there. (art)

40. Be quick, or you can’t catch the bus.

_____________ you _________ quick, you can’t catch the bus.

41. When will we take an English exam? We wanted to know. (改为宾语从句)

We wanted to know ___________ we __________ take an English exam.

42. From Monday to Friday in our school, every student has to wear _______ uniform.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

43. We can go to Shanghai Forest Park easily through Xiangyin Road Tunel which is ____.

A. 2-kilometre-long B. 2 kilometres long C. 2- kilometre long D. 2- kilometres-long

44. Ships of all kinds ________ the Yangtze River, so we shouldn’t swim there.

A. fill B. are full of C. fill with D. are full with

45. Trees can __________ CO2. So we must protect them.

A. take part in B. take in C. take place D. take into

46. The sick man’s allowed to take a walk in the garden every day, __________?

A. isn’t he B. hasn’t he C. is he D. wasn’t he

47. _________ freezing weather it is! The water in the river has frozen.

A. How B. What a C. How a D. What


A. take her seat B. take down her seatC. sit her seat D. sit down her seat

49. A: Mr. Li, may I ask you some question?

B: ________________

A. What was itB. Never mind C. Go ahead D. Yes. What is it?

50. How can I get rid of this ___________________ visitor? (welcome)

51. The weather in Shanghai _____________ greatly in the early spring, doesn’t it? (variety)

52. Grangnam Style requires people to dance _______ like horse riding than usual.

A. accurate B. more accurate C. accurately D. more accurately

53. Do you agree that an exchange of _________________ is helpful? (opinion)

54. Let life be beautiful as summer flowers and ___________ like autumn leaves. (die)

55. The cartoonist has made the script into a finished comic strip. (改为被动语态)

The script __________ __________ made into a finished comic strip by the cartoonist.

56. Mr. Wang has three sons and ________ of the is a doctor.

A. all B. both C. none D. neither

57. My cousin said that he _________ an iPhone 5 next week.

A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. buys

58. David was able to __________ the math problem with the help of his classmates. (solution)


__________ ___________ Jack try to wake up his wife?

60. We can go to the museum by bus. We can go there by underground instead. (保持句意不变)

We can go to the museum __________ by bus __________ by underground.

61. Recently there have been a _____________ of health education activities in our school. (various)

62. Kitty expressed many thanks to her parents on Thanksgiving Day. (改为被动语态)

Many thanks ____________ ___________ by Kitty to her parents on Thanksgiving Day.

63. Yesterday my friend Charlie said sorry to me because he brokes my glasses. (保持句意)

Yesterday my friend Charlie _____________ to me __________ breaking my glasses.

64. We listened eagerly and carefully, ___________ he brought news of our families.

A. and B. but C. so D. for

65. We cannot predict the exact time and location of earthquake now. (保持句意不变)

__________ ________ we cannot predict the exact time and location of earthquake.

66. I liked this article very much _______ because I liked the Gangnam(江南)Style ____ I enjoyed the video of the Eton Style.

A. neither…nor B. either..or C. both...and D. not only…but also

67. _____ difficult homework we had yesterday! We can only work out part of it.

A. How B. What C. What aD. What an

68. These softwares _____________ users to connect the computers to the Internet more easily. (ability)

1. C 2. B 3. completely 4. cares for5. C6. D7. discussed 8. as well

9. was asked 10. C11. C12. A13. D14. I had15. a16. B 17. B 18. C

19. C20. b 21. dishonest 22. serves 23. in addition 24. B25. C 26. if..isn’t

27. apologize to28. C 29. D30. French 31. are grown32. D 33. D

34. thought 35. hwo could36. wasn’t he37. so that38. D39. artist 40. Unless..are 41. when would42.

A 43. B 44. A45. B46. A47. D

48. A49. C50. unwelcome 51. varies52. D 53. opinions 54. death

55. has been 56. C57. C58. solve 59. How did60. either or61. variety

62. were expressed 63. apologize for 64. D65. at present66. D67. B 68. enable

篇三:We will go to visit the museum this








