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留学理财 选择合适的银行卡节省费用






(1) This section is a brief introduction to the forging industry and its products in terms of their important role in our way of life, highlighting their technological and economic significance.


(2)In earlier days forging was the process shaping metal by heating and hammering.today,metal is not always heated for forging and the work may be performed by several types of heavy machines which apply impact or squeeze pressure with swift precision.in today's forging industry the skill and seasoned judgment of the forgemen is enhanced by the machines of modern technology to produce metal parts of unparalleled strength and utility.


(3)As efficient use of material becomes more necessary, the ability of forgings to provide strength with minimum weight becomes more attractive. As more use is made of costly, difficult-to-machine alloys, the relative precision and dimensional uniformity of forged parts become more desirable. The products of the forging process as old as antiquity are as new as tomorrow.


(4)The production of closed-die forging in the titanium and nickel-base superalloys , which are specified for the most exacting aerospace applications , is a complex sequence of processes . An essential requirement is close co-operation between the manufacturer of the billet material and the die forger responsible for shaping the material to the geometry, quality , and engineering property requirements of the ultimate customer.


(5)By using the techniques described the degree of the surface chilling of the forgings due to die contact, with its consequent effect on surface cracking potential and limitation of metal flow near

die contact surfaces, can be minimized, thus enabling in many cases a more economic use of material than is possible with forging processes in which the forging and die are in continuous contact.


(6)Press forging employs a slow squeezing action in deforming the plastic metal ,as contrasted with the rapid impact blows of a hammer. The squeezing action is carried completely to the center of the part being pressed thoroughly working the entire section. These presses are the vertical type and may be either mechanically or hydraulically operated. The mechanical presses which are faster operating and mostly commonly used .Range in capacity from 500 to 10000 tons.


(7) In drop forging , a piece of metal , roughly or approximately of the desired shape , is placed between die faces having the exact form of the finished piece , and forced to take this form by drawing the dies together . This method is widely used for the manufacture of parts both of steel and brass. Large ingots are now almost always forged with hydraulic presses instead of with steam hammers, since the work done by a press goes deeper. Further, the press can take a cooler ingot and can work to closer dimensions. The forging should be done at about the same temperature as rolling; the process improves the physical properties of the steel just as rolling

does. In the final forging it is important not to have the steel too hot, for an overheated steel will have poor mechanical properties when cooled. In heating for forging the temperature is usually judged by the eye , but where large numbers of the same pattern are made , the piece to be forged are heated in furnaces in which the temperature is indicated by pyrometers , and often is automatically controlled



(8) Pressworking operations have increased dramatically over the last few years, but like many other manufacturing operations, the existing technology has sometimes failed to keep pace with the changing applications. One area where this is especially true is die bending.


(9)Rotary bending will not completely replace the need for either vee bending or wipe bending for all applications.but in those situations where rotary bending is appropriate ,the cost savings and overall efficiency of virtually any bending operation can be markedly increased


(10) Fine blanking is a techique used for production of blanks perfectly flat and with a cut edge.which is comparable to a machied finish.this quick and easy process is worthy of parts justifies the cost of a blanking tool esprations such as shaving are eliminated.


(11)In fine blanking the breaking stress during shearing occurs only at the edges of the punch and die. in the shearing zone the material is only deformed



(12) The study of metal flow through conical converging dies covers such processes as wire drawing, open-die extrusion, hydrostatic extrusion, and extrusion through a confined chamber.


(13)These three process variables - reduction, cone angle, and friction - are independent in that the process planner may exercise a degree of freedom in choosing their values. The severity of

friction, for instance, is controlled, within limits, by choices of lubricant, die material and finish,

speed, etc. The above three parameters, namely, reduction, cone angle and friction are the primary factors affecting the process. Their effects on the first dependent parameter, the drawing or extrusion force, will be analyzed first. Other independent parameters also play a role during processing. For example, the drawing or extrusion force is linearly proportional to the flow strength of the material, but when inertia forces are neglected, it is independent of the speed. The power, on the other hand, is linearly proportional to speed. Furthermore, we will first consider isothermal processing, where temperature is not a factor and then extend the treatment to handle adiabatic processing and temperature effects. Thus, at first, only the effectof the three independent parameters (r%, a, and m) is considered.

这三个工艺变量-缩小量、锥角和磨擦-在工艺设计者在选择这些变量的值中可能运用自由度时是独立的。例如,磨擦的激烈程度可通过选择润滑剂、模具材料和磨光、速度等而控制在一定限度内。以上三个参数,即缩小量、锥角和磨擦是影响工艺的最主要因素。首先将分析它们对第一相关参数-拉丝力或挤压力-的影响。其他独立参数在工艺过程中也发挥作用。例如,拉丝力或挤压力与材料的流动强度成线性比例关系,但是当惯性力被忽略时,它与速度无关。另一方面,功率则与速度成线性比例关系。而且,我们将先考虑等温过程,在这种情况下,温度不是一个因素,然后将处理扩展,以处理绝热过程和温度的影响。因此,首先只考虑三个独立参数(r%, a和磨擦)的影响。

(14)Basic industrial stretch forming is used mainly in the aircraft industry to produce parts of large radius.importantly,springback is here minimized by the predominantly tensile stresses and lack of strain gradient through the thickness.the sheet is placed over the die and clamped in the jaws,and then the ram is raised until the desired shape is achieved. as the strains in this operation frequently approximate to plane strain little diffuse necking is available and only components where the maximum strain required is relatively low can be formed satisfactorily ; alternative,a very ductile material is needed, plus good lubrication.


(15)in this variation, a blank is gripped on two edges only and stretched into the plastic region before wrapping it over a punch and then bringing down the die to

complete the operation .


(16)Earring is due to the variation in the γ-value in the plane of the sheet. as a highγ-value means a resistance to thining, it also means a resistance to thickening and so high γ regions result in waves and low γ regions in troughs, as the flange of the blank feels a compressive hoop stress during drawing.


(17) this process combines a modified tractrix die with a number of ironing rings to produce,originally,cartridges,with their traditional thin walls and thick bases. in 1972, diesel engine cylinder liners were made by this route and still are today. fire-extinguisherbodies are another product ideal for deep drawing and ironing manufacture .


(19)Tractrix shapes are often proposed for the die radius ,and industrially many thousands of engines cylinder liners and fire extinguisher bodies have been manufactured by contoured die drawing followed by wall ironing, which is another way to produce a deep cup.


(20)A circular sheet metal blank is rotated in a lathe and a manually operated tool deflects it against a rotating former until the required shape is produced. This is usually achieved with a number of strokes. The back up lever is used judiciously, to avoid compressive instability. Originally, the roller former was a wooden forming bar. In the simple spinning process, very little thickness change is produced and so there is a minimum dependence on material ductility. Additionally, the process is very flexible and blanks from 5mm to 5m in diameter and from 0.5mm to 30mm in thickness are spun with simple mechanical aids.




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《中美比较财务会计学》附录《Glossary for International Accounting Standards》

Glossary for International Accounting Standards

part 2

balance between benefit and cost 收益与成本的平衡

balance sheet 资产负债表

balance sheet date 资产负债表日

balance sheet liability method 资产负债表负责法

bank overdrafts 银行透支

basic earnings per share 基本每股收益

beginning of the period 期初

benchmark treatments 基准处理方法

beneficiary 受益人

best estimate 最佳估计

bid bonds 投标保函

bid price 出价

bills 帐单

binding sale agreement 约束性销售协议

board of directors 董事会

bonus 奖金;红利

bonus issue 红股

bonus plan 奖金计划

borrowing agreements 借款协议

borrowing cost 借款成本

bottom-up test 由下而上测试

branch 分支机构

brand name 商标名称

brokerage 经纪人佣金;经纪人业务

business combination 企业合并

business combination which is an acquisition 购买式企业合并

business segment 业务分部

buy back 回购

buying segment 采购分部

call option 看涨期权、买入期权

callable 可赎回的

callable debt 可赎回债券

cap (利率)上限

capital 资本

capital approach 资本法

capital asset pricing model 资本资产定价模型

capital commitment 资本承诺

capital contributions 资本投入

capital gain 资本利得

capital maintenance 资本保全

capital transactions 资本交易

capitalisation 资本化

capitalization issues 资本化发行

capitalization rate 资本化比率

carry forward 结转后期

carry forward of unused tax credit 未利用的税款抵减结转后期

carry forward of unused tax losses 未利用的可抵扣(应税利润额的)亏损结转后期

carrying amount 账面金额

carrying back a tax loss 可抵扣(应税利润额的)亏损抵前

cash 现金

cash basis 收付实现制

cash equivalents 现金等价物

cash flow 现金流量

cash flow risk 现金流量风险

cash flow statements 现金流量表

cash generating unit 现金产出单元

cash in banks 银行存款

cash inflow 现金流入

cash on hand 库存现金

cash outflow 现金流出

certificates of deposit 存单

changes in accounting policies 会计政策变更

changes in financial position 财务状况变动

charge against 借记;计入

chief executive officer 首席执行官,行政总裁,总经理

class of assets 资产类别

classification 分类,归类

clearing house 清算所

closing rate 期末汇率

collateral 抵押品

collateralised borrowing 抵押借款

collectability 可收回性

collection cost 收帐费用

combination of shares 并股

combine 合并

combined entity 合并实体

combined result 合并经营结果

combining and segmenting construction contract


combining enterprise 参与合并的企业

commission 佣金

commitment 承诺

commitment fee 承诺费,承约费

commodity contract 商品合同

commodity future contract 商品期货合同

commodity-based contract 以商品为基础的合同

common share 普通股

comparability 可比性

comparable uncontrolled price method 不加控制的可比价格法 comparative period 比较期限

compensated absences 带薪缺勤

compensation 补偿,报酬

compound instrument 复合金融工具

computer software 计算机软件

concentration of credit risk 信用风险集中

concentration of risk 风险集中

consideration 对价

consistency 一致性

consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表

consolidated financial statements 合并财务报表

consolidated group 合并集团

consolidated income statement 合并收益表

consolidation 合并

consolidation of shares 并股

consolidation procedure 合并程序

constant rate of return 固定回报率

construction contract 建造合同

construction overhead 施工间接费用

constructive obligation 推定义务

consumable 易耗品

contingencies 或有事项

contingent asset 或有资产

contingent commitments 或有承诺

contingent gains 或有利得

contingent liabilities 或有负债

contingent losses 或有损失

contingent rental 或有租金

contingent issuable shares 或有可发行股

contract 合同,合约

contractor 承包商

contractual obligation 合同义务

contractual provision 合同条款

contractual right 合同权利

contribute 注资,出资

contribution 出资,提存金

control 控制

convention 惯例

conversion option 转换期权

conversion right 转换权

convert 转换

convertible 可转换

convertible bonds 可转换债券

copyright 版权

corporate assets 总部资产

corridor 区间

cost 成本

cost method 成本法

cost of acquisition 购买成本,收买成本,购并成本

cost of an investment 投资成本

cost of conversion 加工成本,转换成本

cost of disposal 处置成本

cost of goods sold 销货成本

cost of inventorise 存货成本

cost of labor 人工成本

cost of purchase 采购成本

cost of sales 销售成本

cost of sales method 销售成本法

cost recovery approach 成本收回法

cost saving 成本节省

cost-plus contract 成本加成合同

cost-plus method 成本加成法

cost of acquisition 购买成本

cost of meterial 材料成本

cost of registering 注册费用

cost to complete 完工尚需发生的成本

counterparty 对应方

credit 贷记;贷项

credit facilities 信用便利

credit risk 信用风险

credit term 赊销期限

creditor 债权人

creditworthiness 信用可靠度

cumulative preference dividends 累计优先股股利

cumulative preferred share 累计优先股

currency risk 货币风险

currency swap 货币互换

currency translation differences 货币折算差额

current and expected profitability 当期和预期盈利能力 current assets 流动资产

current cost 现行成本

current cost approach 现行成本法

current cost financial statements 现行成本财务报表

current interest rate 现行利率

current investments 短期投资

current liabilities 流动负债

current obligation 现时义务

current period 当期

current salary approch 当期工资法

current service cost 当期服务成本

current tax 当期税金

curtailment 缩减

customer loyalty 顾客信赖,顾客忠诚

Part 3

如需转载,请注明来处 FanE『翻译中国』http:/// date of acquisition 购买日,收买日,并购日

date of contribution 出资日

date of report 报告日

date of the valuation 评估日

day-to-day activity 日常活动

dealing securities 交易性证券

debt default 债务拖欠

debt instrument 债务性工具

debt security 债务性证券

debt-equity ratio 债务-权益比

decline 下跌

deductible temporary differences 可抵扣暂时性差异 default 违约

deferral method 递延法

deferred compensation 递延酬劳

deferred compensation arrangement 递延酬劳安排

deferred foreign exchange gain or loss 递延汇兑损益 deferred income 递延收益

deferred payment 递延付款

deferred payment terms 递延付款条件

deferred revenue 递延收入

deferred tax asset 递延所得税资产

deferred tax liabilities 递延所得税负债

deferred taxes 递延所得税
