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Unit 1: When is your birthday?

Part 1: Teaching Design 第一部分:教学设计

Period 1: Listening and Speaking (Page 1)

(When is your birthday?)


● To learn to talk about dates ● To learn to use When questions Procedures

■ Warming up by going over titles/ structures

Hi, class. Before we take Unit 1, let’s go over all the titles/ structures we learned in the past and the one we are going to learn today.

1a Listening and repeating

Look at the list of the twelve months of the year in 1a. Read after me one by one.

2b Listening and numbering

Look at the three conversations and read aloud them after me.

Now listen to the recording and number them in the right order. (1-2-3)

1c PAIRWORK 结对活动

Now Listen to the recording again and practice the conversation with your partner.

Period 2: Listening and Speaking (Page 2)

(My birthday is October tenth.)


● To learn to use When questions ● To learn to use possessive‘s’ Procedures

■ Warming up by learning the grammar focus and ordinal number

Hello, class. Look at this sentence:When is your birthday? 何时是你的生日?My birthday is May 4th. 我的生日是五月四日。

2a Listening and repeating

Look at the list of ordinal numbers in 2a. Listen and repeat. As you are reading, please pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling.

2b Listening and circling

Here is a conversation between a teacher and students. They are talking about the class birthday. Listen carefully and circle the numbers in 2a. (5th, 4th, 17th, 22nd) 2c Listening and matching

Look at the box and picture on page 2 in 2c. There are three columns: names, months and dates. Read them aloud. Now listen to the recording again and match the names, the months and dates.

Now let’s go to page 2. Let’s read aloud the tapescript.

While reading try to find all the Whenall the expressions. That’s grammar study, indeed.

Now let’s talk as they do in the conversation. We are going to talk in imitation of the conversation we have just heard and read.

Now read the conversation again to turn it into a text. 2d PAIRWORK 结对活动

Now please work in pairs to ask each other about your and your parents’ birthday.



Unit1 n.机器人 won’t= they’ll=

pron.每件事物 n.纸,纸张 v.使用,利用

adj.(little的比较级)较少,较小 adj.(few的比较级)较少的,较少数n.污染 n.树,树木 she’ll=

n.建筑物,房屋 n.宇航员,航天员 n.火箭

n.空间,太空 太空站 v.飞行

take的过去式 n.月亮,月球 I’ll=

v.落下,跌落,变为 v.fell的过去式 爱上

adv.简单地,孤独地 n.宠物 n.鹦鹉

adv.大概,或许 去滑冰 n.一套衣服

能够……,得以… v.穿衣

adv.非正式地,随意地 pron.哪个,哪几个 adv.甚至 世界杯

v. write的过去式

pron .(反身代词)我自己,我本人 n.面试,面谈 n.预报,预言 n.将来,未来 n.预言,预测 v. come的过去式

实现,达到 n.声音 n.公司

v. think的过去式 n.小说

adj.使人不愉快的 n.科学家 未来,将来

Conj.可是,然而 n.一百

好几百,许许多多 adv.早已,先前 v. make的过去式 n.工厂

adj.简单的,简易的 adj.这样的,这种 adj.厌烦的,厌倦的 adv.各地,到处 n.人,人类 n.外形,形状 n.巨大的。极大的 n.地震 n.蛇 寻找


adj.电的,导电的 n.牙刷


adj.不可能的,不会发生的 n.家务,家务事 n.级别,等级


不让……进入 v.播放

adj.高声的,大声的 v.争论,争吵

adj.错误的,有毛病的,不合适的怎么了? n.风格


Modal v.can的过去式 v.应该

打电话给…… n.票,入场卷

v.使惊奇,使意外 用电话交谈,通话 怎么了? 付款 兼职工作 Adj.好的 Adj.任一的,(两方中的)每一方的 v.烘,烤 青少年论坛 n.家庭教师 adj.新颖的 与……同样

时髦的,流行的 n.理发,发型

prep除,把……除外 adj。心烦的,沮丧的 v.失败

相处,进展 n.足球

prep.到……为止 v.适合,适应 尽可能 n.压力

v.抱怨,控诉 v.包括,包含

adj.固执己见的,一意孤行的 v.发送,寄 各种,许多 v.比较



(在)一方面 Adj.有组织的 (在)另一方面 n.自由


Abbr.不明飞行物,飞碟 n.(为男子服务的)理发师 理发店

n.浴室,盥洗室 n.卧室,寝室 n.厨房

出去,离开 v.剪,切,割

n.从另一个世界来的生物,外星人 v.buy的过去式 v.着陆

v.get的过去式 n.衬衫,衬衣 起飞

Conj. 当……时候 n.经历,体验 adv.大约

adj.奇怪的,陌生的 v.跟随,追随 adj.令人惊异的

v.开玩笑,戏弄,欺骗 adj.恐惧的 v.攀登,爬 v.跳跃

v.呼喊,呼叫 v. ride的过去式 n.猫 火车站

v. run的过去式 逃跑,跑掉 Adv.任何地方 v. meet的过去式 进来 v.发生 n.事故

北京国际机场 n.飞机

v. hear的过去式 adj.现代的,现代化的 v.杀死,致死 v.&n.谋杀,凶杀 听说

Adj.明亮的,发亮的 n.运动场,操场 n.钟,铃,门铃 v. ring的过去式 v. tell的过去式 v.关闭

n.寂静,沉默 发生

Adj.最近的,近来的 世界贸易中心

v.破坏,毁坏 n.恐怖分子 n.意思,含义 像……(一样) v. become的过去式 n.航班,班机 n.地球 n.英雄

v. fly的过去式 n.悲剧


adv.曾经,永远 adj.疯狂的,狂热的 adv.再,还,今后 n.小吃 直接引语 间接引语 首先

n.消息,信息 传递

v.假定,认为,期望 被期望或被要求

Adj.勤勉的,努力工作的 在……方面做得好 n.爷爷,外祖父 身体健康 成绩单

Adj.神经紧张的,不安的 n.信封 adv.幸运的 n.学期

adj. bad的最高级 adj.真实的

adj.使人失望的,令人扫兴的 adj.幸运的 v.复制,抄袭


克服,恢复,原谅 n.乡村 北京大学

n.(大学)毕业生 n.志愿者 教育部 中国少年先锋队 adj.乡下的,乡村的 n.地区,地域 n.米,公尺 海平面 adj.稀薄的 v. eat的过去式 adv.幸运地 n.决定,决心 n.丈夫 n.宿舍 高中 打开

n.开始,开端 n.影响


“绿色和平”组织 照料,照顾 n.边境,边界


(= 世界野生动物基金会

(= n.危险

Unit5 n.牛仔裤 v,组织 拿走

n.清除,打扫 n.花

n.代理人,代理商 在世界各地 谋生


n.慈善团体,慈善事业n.机会,机遇 一直

adj.受伤的,受损害的 adv.真诚地 n律师

n.今晚,今夜 移动电话


) )

v.收集,搜集 n.贝壳,壳 n.马拉松赛跑 n.一对,一双 n.溜冰鞋

prep.自从,自……以来 山顶学校(学校名) v.筹集

adj.几个的,数个的 n.溜冰者 n.邮票 n.风筝

n.怪物,妖怪 n.球状物,球体 pron.任何人 用完,用尽 v.储存


adv.特别,尤其,异乎寻常的 n.收藏家

顺便,附带说说 adj.共同的,公共的 adj.额外的 n.钱币,硬币 n.话题,主题 v. be的过去分词 对……感兴趣 n.作者,作家 n.省会,首都




adj.犹太人的,犹太族的 n.犹太人 比……多 n.一千 n.皇帝 n.外国人

adv.相当,十分 adj.确实的,无疑的 奥林匹克运动会 在远处

v.思念,想念 Unit7 v.介意 一点也不

调节(收音机等)使音量变小 n.院子

立刻,马上 n.盘,碟

n.任务,工作,作业 n.海报 n.女服务生

v. bing的过去式 n.衣服

n.解答,解决办法 n.排,队,列 排队等候

v.使恼怒,使生气 adj.恼怒的,生气的 adj.有礼貌的,客气的 adv.或许,大概 n.门

v.归还,返回 插队 hasn’t=

压低声音,使缓和 n.声音 n.术语 n.礼节

adj.正常的,正规的 n.行为,举止,表现 首先

adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的 欧洲


adj.无理的,粗鲁的 v.允许,承认 n.公众

当心,小心 v.咳嗽 v.打喷嚏 违反规则

adv.客气地,斯文地 v.抽烟,吸烟 熄灭

n.香烟,卷烟,纸烟 v.批判

adj.小心,当心 v.扔,丢 n.垃圾 捡起



n.建议,提议 n.评论,意见

n.集子,相片簿,唱片集 adj.私人的,个人的

adj.特别的,特殊的,专门的 v.收到,接受 v. give的过去式 n.家伙,人 n.蜘蛛 n.老鼠 n.仓鼠 n.海龟


adj.大腹便便的,大肚子的 n.猪

n.有利条件,优点 n.不利条件,缺点 adj.流行的

adj.完美的,理想的 n.兔,野兔

adj.清洁的,干净的 v.价值(若干),花(多少钱0 adj.睡着的 入睡 v.选择 n.礼物 v.打开


v. give的过去分词 赠送,分发

n.(木制或石制的)长凳,长椅 胜于 瑞典

Adv.代替,而不是 奥利匹克运动会

(= v.参加,进入 adv.几乎

v. sing的过去式 adv.清楚地,明显地 n.舞台

adj.本地的,本国的 n.胜利者

adj.谦虚的,谦让的 adj.感兴趣的 v.鼓励

n.发言人,代言人 n.进步,前进 奥委会 听说

v.建议,提议 对……感兴趣

Prep.而且,除……之外 ,与……交友 n.声明,陈述 v.提及,说起 v.开车,驾驶


n.复习,回顾 n.发生的事情,(尤指)重要事情n.结果

n.(正式或礼貌的)要求,请求 n.道歉,致歉 v.解释,说明 n.策略,计策

adj.下列的,下述的 为了…… v.提高,改进


一 词汇

A 根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。

1. Look! Workers are b _________their new houses.

2. London will h________the 30th Olympic Games.

3. Little Tom lives________(某处)near our school.

4. I want to be a reporter,because I e_____talking with people.

5. I’m going to study a_____(外国)language.

7. ------I bought this shirt yesterday.--------It_______beautiful.

8. An old lady said she_________a job as a teacher.

9. New year I am going to study_____than this year.

10. I’m _____a letter to my parents.

二 选择填空

1.-------Could you please sweep the floor?----_______I have to do my home work.

A.Yes,sure .B.Why not?

C.Sorry,you can’tD.Sorry,I can’t

2.------Could you please buy ______drinks and snacks?

-----Sorry,I don’t have _______money.

A,some,any B.any,any

C.some,some D.any,some

3.Nancy,thank you for ______my nice fish.

A.look B.looks

C.looking D.looked

4.We will have_____to do in English class.

A.something different B.different something

C.anything different D.different anything

5.This shirt is a little______than thar one.

A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheapestD.cheapest

6.------Could I please _______?-------Sorry,you can’t.Your father has to use it.

A.read the news paperB.go to the movie

C.use the car D.go to school

7.Yao Ming was born ____September 12,1980.

A. On B. In C. AtD.of

8.There ______any sharks in the aquarium.

A. are B.aren’tC.isn’t D.is

9.-----How was the movie?-----It was _____.I don’t like it.

A.funny B.goodC.well D.boring

10._______readers said they were going to learn a new language.

A. A littleB.LittleC.A few D.Few

11.You look tired.Y ou need______a good rest.

A.hasB.have C.to haveD.having

12.Bec kham is a popular soccer_______.


13.I_______my aunt in Australia this winter vacation.

A.visitB.am going to visitC.visitedD.was going to visit

14.Don’t forget _____the lights when you leave.

A.to turn offB.turning off C.turn off D.turned off

15.He likes ________the car because it can be clean.

A.wash B.washing C.washedD.washes

三 句型转换

1.They are going to meet outside the school.(改为一般疑问句)

________ _________ ________ _________meet outside the school?

2.He is going there by plane.(改为一般疑问句)

________he _________________by plane?


________ _____the foreigners______to leave?

4.We are going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors next vocation.(改为否定句)

We________ _______to see the Terra Cotta Warriors next vocation. 对划线部分提问)

_________ _______students______ ____to do some shopping this Sunday?

6.I agree with what you say.(改为一般疑问句)

_________you _________ _________what I say? 对划线部分提问)

________is Mr. Li going to ________? 对划线部分提问)

________ _________you going to go hiking. 对划线部分提问)

_______ ________Tom ______after a long walk?

10.They have some problems getting there.(改为否定句)

They_________ ________ ________problems gettings there.


Mr. Smith works in an ___1__of a factory.His home is far from the factory.He usually goes

to work__2__.But this morning ,he had to work to his office.

It was Sunday yesterday.H didn’t have to _3__.Early in the morning,he went out to see his

uncle in the __4_on his bike.It was about thirty__5_from his home to his uncle’s.He rode

very_6_.At a quarter to seven,he was near his uncle’s house.He was very _7_.But suddenly,he saw

a big stone in the __8__.There was no time for him to _9_the bike.He jumped_10_the bike at

once.He fell to the roadside.Luckily he didn’t hurt himself badly.But his bike was broken.

1A.officeB.workshop C.hospital D.company

2.A. On footB.by buses C.by bikeD.with his uncle

3.A. walk B .work C.get up early D.stay at home

4.A.school B.factoryC.office D.country

5.A. days B.hours C .metersD.miles

6.A. slowlyB.carefully C.fastD.early

7.A.happy B.sadC.worry D.sorry

8.A.river B.lakeC.road D.hill

9.A. ride B.stop C.takeD.leave

10.A. onto B.off C.to D.into

四 阅读理解

Hello,everyone.Here is something important for everyone going to London next month.As you

know,you are going to stay with a family for two weeks,Now,the most important thing is

money.You should take about $530 with you.I think it will be enough for everyone.Then when

you arrive,your new family meet you.You must remember to wear a red shirt,so the family will

find you easily.They have told you all wear red shirts.You’ll need a take with you photo of

yourself and,of course,it’s very important that you take the school letter.While you are there,if you

have any problems,you can call Leech School Office.I’ll give you the phone number now;it’s

580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs Belcher.......She’s in the office room nine o’clock in the

morning until five in the afternoon every day.OK.That is everything.Have a good journey!

五 书面表达

根据汉语提示及要求,以“My Dream Job” 为题用英语 写一篇不少于60词的短文。


3.高中毕业后想去北京上大学 4.想在一家电台工作并环游世界

