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Nike, from Small Beginnings to World Giant (I)耐克、小开端对世界的巨人

1.Nike is one of the most powerful marketing companies in the business world today, but it had very small beginnings. The global giant company with revenues in 1996 of US $6.4 billion and profits of US $553 million started in the 1960s with the company's founders selling cheap Japanese sports shoes to American high school athletes at school track meetings, using a supply of shoes they kept in their car. One of Nike's founders, Philip Hampson Knight had been a top athlete when he was at the University of Oregon. He moved on to become a student at Stanford Business School, but retained his interest in sport. At Stanford he brought his enthusiasm for track sports to his studies, writing a paper on how to create a cheaper, better running shoe using Japanese labor, which was cheaper than American. 1.耐克是其中一个最强大的营销公司在商业世界,但却有非常小的开始。全球巨型公司,1996年营业额为64亿美元,利润5.53亿美元开始于1960年代日本公司的创始人出售廉价运动鞋来美国高中学校的径赛运动员会议,使用的鞋子供应他们保存在他们的汽车。耐克公司的创始人之一,Philip Hampson骑士被一个顶尖运动员当他是在俄勒冈大学。他搬到成为斯坦福商学院的学生,但他保留了运动兴趣。他把他的热情斯坦福大学轨道运动到他的学业,写论文就如何创造一个更好更便宜的跑鞋,使用日本劳动比美国还便宜。

Subsequently, Knight visited Japan and discovered a manufacturer who fitted the model of the ideal firm — Onituska Tiger Company, which made its own inexpensive, high-quality running shoes.

随后,骑士访问了日本,发现了一个厂家的模型拟合Onituska理想公司——老虎公司,这使它自己的便宜,优质的跑步鞋 Back in the US, Knight got to thinking that he could actually put his knowledge into practice, and make money. He suggested to his old college track coach, Bill Bowerman, that they could work together using their skills and interests in sport and business, and capitalize on the cheaper cost of sports shoes from Japan. In 1964, they each contributed $500 to import Tiger shoes, which Knight began selling from his car at high-school track meets.



Worried that the Japanese Company might find a more established distributor, Knight and Bowerman developed their own brand name, Nike, named after the Greek winged goddess of victory. They paid a local design student at Portland State University $35 to create the famous "Swoosh" logo, and Bowerman created the innovative pattern called the waffle-sole design, by using his wife's waffle iron to impose the pattern on the sole of the shoe. By 1972 Nike began designing its own shoes and was contracting production out to factories in Asia. With excellent timing and a fair share of good luck, the founders of Nike were perfectly placed to cash in on America's sports leisure boom during the 1970s, when millions of Americans began jogging and running as part of their personal campaigns to keep fit and healthy. 担心日本公司就可能找到更知名的经销商,骑士和鲍尔曼先生发展他们自己的品牌、耐克、命名的胜利女神希腊翼。他们为此付出了局部设计波特兰州立大学的学生35美元创造的著名的“穿戴耐克的勾形商标标志,鲍尔曼先生创造的创新模式称为waffle-sole设计,用他妻子的华夫格铁将模式对鞋的鞋底。在1972年开始设计自己的耐克鞋和处于收缩状态生产工厂在亚洲。具有优良的时间和自己应得的好运,耐克公司的创始人都完美放置兑现了对美国的体育休闲热潮,在1970年代,当数以计的美国人开始慢跑和运行他们的个人活动作为保持身体健康、强壮。

To reinforce its dominant worldwide presence, Nike spent US $642 million in 1996 on advertising and promotion. But at the heart of its constant campaign is the star athlete, a principle that was put in place early in the huge American company's marketing plans.

以加强统治世界的存在,耐克公司花了6.42亿美元在1996年的广告和宣传费用。但在繁华的自身不断运动明星运动员的一个原则,较早地安排了在巨大的美国公司的营销计划。 In 1973, the newly formed company implemented its first, and most important marketing strategy, endorsing its first star athlete, running star Steve Prefontaine who in turn used and praised Nike footwear. In 1985 the man who would become one of Nike's biggest successes, Chicago Bulls rookie basketball player Michael Jordan endorsed his first line of "Air Jordan" shoes. The endorsements by star players, encouraging ordinary consumers to buy the sports gear of the stars and dream of being champions themselves, saw Nike selling close to US $1 billion worth of running, basketball, and tennis shoes in 1986, while creating their first sports clothes under the Nike label.



Nike, from Small Beginnings to World Giant (II)

Then a challenger loomed on the horizon. Nike founder Phillip Hampson Knight had believed that it was enough to make high-quality, low-cost shoes and have leading athletes endorse them for the sales to roll in. But this was not sufficient when rival shoe manufacturer Reebok began to present shoes as a fashion symbol for the trendy people who exercised regularly at health gyms.


People began to see Reebok shoes as "cool" and the trendy thing to wear, while Nike was left with the more rugged image associated with tough sports stars. As a result, in the year between 1986 and 1987, Nike's sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank by more than 40 percent. Knight had to look urgently for a way to prop up the Nike image 人们开始看到锐步鞋认为很“酷”,时下流行的事情,而穿耐克留下了更坚固的象徵性艰难的体育明星。结果,在1986年到1987年之间,耐克(鞋)的销售额下降了18%,利润下降了40%多。骑士看起来迫切想要支撑的耐克的形象

He called in an unknown but imaginative advertising agency, Weiden & Kennedy, which was based in Portland, Oregon, the site of Knight's first university sports successes. To give Nike a new image, the agency created commercials and promotional ideas around Michael Jordan and the controversial black movie director Spike Lee. The commercials focused on Jordan as the man whose hard work and fancy shoes enabled him to fly.


Associated inextricably with the new Nike image and campaigns was another essential factor in Weiden and Kennedy's strategy — Nike advertising campaigns became famous for never pitching the product or even mentioning Nike's name. They create a mood, an attitude, and then associate the product with that mood.

In the advertising world, this is called image transfer. As Weiden & Kennedy put it: "We don't set out to make ads. The ultimate goal is to make a connection." For example, an early Nike advertisement shows Michael Jordan and tennis champion John McEoe playing sports with ordinary people. It was designed to suggest that the world's leading athletes — Nike also uses World No. 1 tennis player Pete Sampras and Chicago Bulls basketball star Dennis Rodman — prefer Nike. 新的耐克紧密相关的形象和运动是另一个重要因素Weiden和肯尼迪的策略-耐克的广告而出名,因为没有投的产品或甚至也提到耐克的名字。他们制造出一种心情,一种态度,然后把产品和心情。在广告的世界,这就是所谓的影像传输。作为Weiden和肯尼迪的那样:“我们不着手做广告。我们的最终目标是做一个连接。"例如,一个早期的耐克广告显示迈克尔乔丹和网球冠军约翰McEoe运动普通老百姓。这是旨在表明,世界领先的运动员,耐克也采用世界第一的网球运动员桑普拉斯和芝加哥公牛队的篮球明星罗德曼-喜欢耐克。

The effect of Nike's well-financed and clearly focused marketing strategies has been that Nike has become the dominant brand in the global sports shoe field, with an overall 35 percent market share; and retailers generally say that Nike accounts for 70 percent of their total athletic footwear sales. To keep on top of the market, Nike puts out new models of shoes for every season: new baseball shoes in the spring, new tennis shoes in the summer, and new hiking shoes in the autumn. Year-round sellers, such as basketball and running shoes, are freshened up with design changes every three or four months. On average, Nike puts out more than one new shoe style every day. The result: in 1995 and 1996, Nike's sales and profits grew 71 percent and 80 percent respectively. Meanwhile, Nike's closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period. 耐克鲜的影响、清晰聚焦的营销策略是耐克公司已成为主导的国际品牌的运动鞋的研究领域,有一个总体的35%的市场份额,零售商大体上说,耐克占总量的70%的运动鞋的销售。保持顶部的市场,指出了新模型的耐克鞋,每一个季节:新棒球鞋在春天,新网球鞋在夏天,和新徒步旅行鞋在秋天。全年卖家,如篮球和跑鞋,用改变设计凉飕飕的每三到四个月。平均来说,耐克公司提出了多个新鞋款的每一天。结果:在1995年和1996年,耐克(鞋)的销售额和利润分别上涨了71%和80%。与此同时,耐克(鞋)的最主要对手锐步仅为百分之九,同一时期。


Fashion, in its broadest sense, is a particular style that is popular for a few months or years. We speak of fashions in automobiles, furniture, or interior design, as well as in music, literature, and art. But most commonly, fashion refers to a style of clothing that is worn at a given time but is expected to change.


Although fashion usually refers to dress, it does not mean the same thing as clothing. People have worn clothing since at least 20,000 BC, but people have only been concerned with fashion since the late Middle Ages (1300—1500). Before then, people wore clothes that reflected the long-standing customs of their communities, and clothing styles changed extremely slowly. Fashion, however, causes styles to change rapidly for a variety of historical, psychological, and sociological reasons. A clothing style may be introduced as a fashion, but the style becomes a custom if it is handed down from generation to generation. A fashion that quickly comes and goes is called a fad. 尽管时装通常指的服装,这并不意味着一样的衣服。人穿的衣服至少始于公元前20000年,但是人们已经仅被关心时尚自中世纪晚期(1300-1500)。在此之前,人们穿著衣服,体现了他们长期的风俗社区,衣服的款式变化的速度极慢。然而,使时尚风格迅速改变为多种历史的、心理的、和社会学的原因。一个服装风格可被引入,作为一种时尚,但风格成为一个定制的如果是一代一代地传下来。一种时尚,很快来了又去了被称为一个潮流。

True fashions began to appear in northern Europe and Italy when a system of social classes developed in the late Middle Ages. At this time, the people of Europe began to classify one another into groups based on such factors as wealth, ancestry, and occupation. The clothes people wore helped identify them as members of a particular social class. Before the late Middle Ages, only wealthy and powerful individuals concerned themselves with the style of their clothes. But when the class system developed, the general population began to compete for positions within society. Fashion was one means by which people competed with one another.

真正的时尚开始出现在欧洲北部和意大利当一个系统的社会阶级在中世纪晚期发展。就在这个时候,欧洲人开始互相群体分类基础上的财富,祖先等因素和职业。人们所穿的衣服帮助识别他们某个特定的社会阶层的成员。在中世纪晚期,只有富强的个人有关自己风格的衣服。但当阶级体制的发展,一般民众开始争夺立场,在社会。时尚是一个竞争手段,与另一个人。 People follow fashion for many reasons. Often, people imitate the style of a person or group with whom they identify. In the past, most fashions originated in the upper classes and trickled down to the lower ones. Ordinary people sometimes hoped to raise their social position by following the fashions of privileged people.


Long Report:

Nike's Unique Way to Success



II. Executive Summary-----------------------------------------------------------------------1 Production--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

High Focus on Innovation

High R&D Capabilities

IV Marketing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Figure out the needs of customers

Star effect & Advertisement


V Management------------------------------------------------------------------------------11


The Key Strategic Elements

VI Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

VII Bibliographies---------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Executive Summary

“As long as you have a body, you are an athlete. And as long as there are athletes in the world, Nike will continue to grow stronger! ”

Said by William J Bill Bowerman(February 19, 1911 – December 24, 1999), who was an American track and field coach, Over his career, he trained 31Olympic athletes, 51 All-Americans, 12 American record-holders, 22 NCAA champions and 16 sub-4 minute milers. During his 24 years as coach at the University of Oregon, the Ducks track and field team had a winning season every season but one, attained 4 NCAA titles, and finished in the top 10 in the nation 16 times.

But maybe his most successful achievement was founding NIKE with Phil Knight, who was a student athlete thatBowerman coached at the University of Oregon.

NIKE was founded on January 25, 1964, which has become one of the world's leading brands. In the period of 1986-1996, the average annual growth in stock returns of NIKE was 47%, and Fortune ranked NIKE within the top 10 fastest growing companies.

Truth be told, in the field of sports equipment production, NIKE was just a rookie at that time, some old brands like Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Converse (acquired by NIKE in 2003), etc. the marketwas already occupied by them, so how did NIKE become one of themost successful sports equipment production companies in the world in just two decades.

Nowadays, NIKE becomes the best one in its field, which hasmarket value of84.909 billion dollars.

Market Share Sports Goods (2013/14)






NikeAdidasVF CorporationPumaOthers


Nike SWOT分析原文


Nike is a very competitive organization. Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that 'Business is war without bullets.' Nike has a healthy dislike of is competitors. At the Atlanta Olympics, Reebok went to the expense of sponsoring the games. Nike did not. However Nike sponsored the top athletes and gained valuable coverage.

Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. This makes a very lean organization. Nike is strong at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. They then manufacture wherever they can produce high quality product at the lowest possible price. If prices rise, and products can be made more cheaply elsewhere (to the same or better specification), Nike will move production.

Nike is a global brand. It is the number one sports brand in the World. Its famous 'Swoosh' is instantly recognisable, and Phil Knight even has it tattooed on his ankle.


The organization does have a diversified range of sports products. However, the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. This may leave it vulnerable if for any reason its market share erodes.

The retail sector is very price sensitive. Nike does have its own retailer in Nike Town. However, most of its income is derived from selling into retailers. Retailers tend to offer a very similar experience to the consumer. Can you tell one sports retailer from another? So margins tend to get squeezed as retailers try to pass some of the low price competition pressure onto Nike.


Product development offers Nike many opportunities. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand. However, like it or not, consumers that wear Nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport. Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion brand. This creates its own opportunities, since product could become unfashionable before it

wears out i.e. consumers need to replace shoes.

There is also the opportunity to develop products such as sport wear, sunglasses and jewellery. Such high value items do tend to have associated with them, high profits.

The business could also be developed internationally, building upon its strong global brand recognition. There are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. For example, emerging markets such as China and India have a new richer generation of consumers. There are also global marketing events that can be utilised to support the brand such as the World Cup (soccer) and The Olympics.


Nike is exposed to the international nature of trade. It buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. Such an exposure could mean that Nike may be manufacturing and/or selling at a loss. This is an issue that faces all global brands.

The market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. The model developed by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days

(high value branded product manufactured at a low cost) is now commonly used and to an extent is no longer a basis for sustainable competitive advantage. Competitors are developing alternative brands to take away Nike's market share.

As discussed above in weaknesses, the retail sector is becoming price competitive. This ultimately means that consumers are shopping around for a better deal. So if one store charges a price for a pair of sports shoes, the consumer could go to the store along the street to compare prices for the exactly the same item, and buy the cheaper of the two. Such consumer price sensitivity is a potential external threat to Nike.

If you have a body, you are an athlete - Bill Bowerman said this a couple of decades ago. The guy was right. It defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how Nike pursues its destiny. Ours is a language of sports, a universally understood lexicon of passion and competition. A lot has happened at Nike in the 30 years More . . .

Disclaimer: This case study has been compiled from information freely available from public sources. It is merely intended to be used for educational purposes only.

耐克 SWOT分析(中文对照)


耐克是一家极具竞争力的公司。耐克公司创建者和CEO菲尔·耐特(Phil Knight )最常提及的一句话便是“商场如战场”。耐克公司不会敌视它的竞争对手。亚特兰大奥运会时,锐步公司是奥运会的赞助商,而耐克公司并不是。然而,耐克公司赞助了顶级的运动员,并得到了有价值的报导。

耐克公司没有自己的工厂。它不会为厂房和工人们所束缚,这使耐克得以成为一个精简的组织。耐克公司的优势在于研发,这一点可以从它不断发展和创新的产品系列可以看出。然后耐克会在任何用可能的最低成本生产高质量产品的地方进行外包生产。如果当地生产成本上升了,而其他地区生产更为便宜(相对于同样或更好的产品规格),耐克就会转移到那里外包生产。 耐克是一个全球品牌,它是世界上排行第一的运动品牌。耐克的著名标志“Swoosh”一经问世,迅速为世人所知,菲尔·耐特甚至把它纹在脚踝处。



零售部门对价格非常敏感。耐克公司在Nike Town里有它自己的零售商。然而,耐克的主要收入源于向其他零售商提供产品。零售商们趋向于向顾客提供非常相似的经历体会。你能区别出不同的零售商吗?所以,当零售商们设法将一部分低价竞争压力转嫁给耐克公司时,公司的利润就会遭受挤压。



开发运动服装、太阳镜和珠宝等新产品,对耐克公司来说,也是一种机会。这种高价物品和高利润直接相关。由于耐克全球品牌的高度认知,耐克公司的业务得以在国际间开拓。这里存在着市场空间,高收入人群可以任意消费高价体育商品。例如,中国和印度等国出现了新的一代富有消费者的市场。此外还可以利用全球销售事件来支持品牌,比如足球世界杯和奥运会等。 威胁:

耐克公司受困于国际贸易。它用不同的货币购买和销售产品,因此成本和利润不能保持长期稳定。这种影响意味着耐克公司也许会亏本生产和(或)销售。这是所有全球品牌都面临的问题。 体育用鞋和体育服装的市场竞争非常激烈。菲尔·耐特在斯坦福商学院时所创立的模式现在正被广泛应用,而且这个模式已经不再是可持续性竞争优势的基础了。竞争对手们正在创建可替代的名牌来夺走耐克的市场份额。
