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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-08 10:08:17 | 移动端:企业年会英文


A:Ladies and gentlemen,AB:Good evening!

A:Tonight, we join together to celebrate this joyful occasion ---The 2012 Luxottica Tristar Managers’ Annual Party. B:Yes, we are here to relax, have fun as well as to strengthen our friendship, share the happiness and harvest the success of last year.

A:I’m your host, Kenny

B:I’m Rita. We are so honored to be your host today.

A:First, we’d like to thank our distinguished guests, and other attendants here. Welcome to our party tonight!

B:Welcome all of you! And we would like to extend our NY’s greetings to all of you. May happiness and fortune be with you not only for a year but a life time.

A:Tonight, besides the feast, we will offer you some wonderful performances and a lucky draw.

B:That’s right. I guess everybody has noticed the number on the flower you’ve got. Please bear in mind the numbers since they will be used in the lucky draw, and may them bring you good luck.

A: Ok, now we are delighted to invited CEO Mr. Kong Hemin to honor us an address.

B: Welcome, Mr. Kong.


A:Now let’s welcome our AOD Mr. Alessandro to make a toast.

Performance introduction:

A: Face Changing is a tour de force of Sichuan drama art. It requires great performing attainments and profound artistic sympathy on the part of the performer.

B: let's take a deep breath to welcome our performer!

B: I believe all of you have had your eyes feasted, haven't you? Let’s enjoy another performance called Taiji Quan. It is a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing, which is a precious Chinese cultural heritages.

Lucky draw

A:Let’s start tonight's most exciting section: Lucky draw, let's see who is going to be the biggest winner tonight. B: Hope our host has brought you luck and prosper in the year of dragon, wish everyone happy new year....

A: Now let’s applaud Mr. Kong to draw two numbers out of the box for the chance of a surprise.

…, please.

B: Let’s see what numbers they are. Well, congratulations, Number …, please come here to try your fortune / take your chance.

Thank you. Wish you a good time tonight.

A: Well, ladies & gentlemen, your kind attention please.

Coming up next is another round of lucky draw. Please loudly applaud Mr. Alessandro to draw two numbers. B: Let’s wait and see who has got the luckiest number. The winner …

A: Well, here goes the answer. Congratulations, No…. Who is the winner? Oh, come here please…. Lucky you! Excited? Would you like to say something now?

B: Thank you very much, and may luck always with you.

A: Ok, the lucky draw is over, go on enjoying the party...have fun!

The end

A: Best time always runs so fast, the Get-together is about to end.

B: Wish each of our distinguished guests a successful career and a happy family.

A: Wish our Tristar a more splendid future in the New Year.

B: That’s all for 2012 Tristar Managers’ Annual Party. Thank you for being with us.


年 会 祝 酒 词







- 1 -篇二:2015公司年会祝酒词











篇三:公司年会主持词中英对照 原创




A : 金牛奋蹄开锦绣,

B: 玉虎添翼舞新春,

C: 虎啸青山千里锦,



A: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾

C: 亲爱的同事们

合: 大家晚上好! D:The year of the Ox is coming to the end. We are now expecting the New Year of the Tiger. At this particular moment, we wish we can spent a pleasant evening together . B:Ladies and gentlemen ,welcome to 2010 annual diner party of DBS Shandong district.

A: 又是一季雪飘过。2009年已经迈着坚定的脚步离我们远去,在这一年中,我们有欢笑,有泪水,有惊喜,有感动。。。。。。 B:Accompanied by the melting snow, we waved our hands to the year of 2009, in which, there were laughter, tears, surprises, and impressions.


D:It has been a tough year. Nevertheless, after the hard work surrendered by the whole DBS Shandong district, we have earned a notable achievement in this unusual year.


B:We get together here to memorize the old days in 2009 and welcome the new of 2010. The new year gives us new hope and we will fight for a greater development of DBS Shandong district with our full courage, passion and enthusiasm.


D:We are reaching the new starting point. Looking back on 2009 and looking forward to

2010, we will try our utmost to add a new glory to DBS Shandong district.

A: 2010,新的一年,新的祝福,新的期望!

B: 2010, there is our longing for a happy life and our blueprint of a bright future. C:2010,我们为了同一个目标而奋斗,愿DBS山东区的明天更加灿烂辉煌! D:2010, we are striving to achieve one objective, the more brilliant tomorrow of DBS Shandong district.


B:Now, please let me announce the start of the 2010 annual dinner party of DBS Shandong district.

二、Review Video


D :Firstly, we would like to review the matters that took place around us in 2009 to share our growth and happiness! Please see the big screen.

(开始播放review video)

三、Mr. F


过去的一年里经济危机席卷全球,但在DBS北方区总裁Mr. F的英明领导下DBS北方区的业绩仍然保持高速增长。今晚我们非常荣幸的请到DBS北方区总裁Mr. F来到了晚会现场。现在,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎Mr. F致新年贺词! B:Those warm memories have been treasured up in everyone's heart. A bright future requires our continued hard work.

Over the past year, the economic crisis has been sweeping over the world. However, Mr. F, with his particular wisdom and hard work, led all of us in DBS North China overcome the difficulties and create the economic miracle - the continuous rapid growth of the performance of DBS North China. Tonight, we are much honored to have the director of DBS North China Mr. F came to the party here. Now, let us, with our warm applause, welcome Mr. F to issue the New Year message!


C:谢谢Mr. F的美好祝愿!俗话说的好,火车跑得快,全靠车头带,DBS山东区09年取得骄人的业绩与E辛勤付出分不开的。下面,有请E为我们致新年贺词。

D :Many thanks for the good wishes from Mr. Thomas. As an old saying, the high speed of the train owes to fabulous capacity of the locomotive. Without the hard work and great contribution of E, we can not achieve such remarkable achievements in 2009. Here, let us welcome E make a speech for us.


D: Thanks E for her kind blessing and encouragement. We firmly believe that in the coming year of 2010, all of us in DBS Shandong district will work together to jointly achieve a new stage of success



Now we are going to the exciting moment. Who are the best performers and the strong performers of Shandong district in 2009? The answer will be immediately announced.



B:: You and me in this world, hand in hand like a family. We share laughter and sadness together, walking towards a better tomorrow.


D: Whenever this familiar melodies lingering around my ears, warm filled in our hearts. Because it is the feeling from our hearts - we are a family who love each other! Here, let us sing the song and bless a better tomorrow for DBS.
