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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-08 10:04:03 | 移动端:广东省麻醉年会


2012年ASA年会于10.13-10.17在Washington D.C.召开

本人是一个住院医师 全程自费来到美帝参加年会 今后5天会将会议内容跟大家共享 俺的兴趣是小儿麻醉和慢性疼痛 所以帖这两方面的资料会多些 啥都不说了 先上图

为了省点公交钱 从union station拖着行李走了3公里路终于爬到了俺住的酒店

因为是全程自费 所以找的其实是青年旅舍 $33 per day, including breakfast, 10人男女混住 虽然有点悲催 不过想当年国父孙中山为了省点**的钱将二等船票换成三等船票 俺这点苦又算什么 订酒店的话至少200刀一晚,俺住5天也才165刀

另外一个好的消息是旅店离会场非常非常近 走过去就5min路

OK, it's time for registering now!

Walter E. Washington Convention Center大厅


拿到的材料 4大堆

我的胸牌 一扫坐车12h+长征3km的疲惫


现在的任务是翻拿到的广告 看哪里注册一下蹭个饭吃 虽然在国内对厂家的免费dinner都不屑一顾

但在国外尤其全程自费毕竟不同呀 还是老老实实做回屌丝吧

(to be continued) 5票


litter edited on 2012-10-13 04:11 举报

? ? ?

? 【讨论】腔镜手术你是选择气管插管还是喉罩?欢迎讨论,大家共同学习 【原创】ASA年会即将召开:Orlando, FL ;October 18-22, 2008 【共享】麻醉科电子书籍

? 【原创】麻醉住院医对主治医的评价



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? 38


? 74



2012-10-13 07:53 消息 引用 收藏 分享


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非常感兴趣,expecting! 0票





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2012-10-13 08:06 消息 引用 收藏 分享 分享到哪里?

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? ? 【求助】Archives of Medical Science已接受,发票不知道怎么填啊






通讯员 左友波

篇三:2005 年麻醉年会投稿(符铁波)

Acute Postoperative Pain Management: Progress and Current Practice in the USA

Tiebo Fu, MD, PhD.

Department of Anesthesiology, Saint Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center

Staten Island, New York, USA


Acute post-operative pain management is a critical aspect for healthcare providers and is an essential component of the care of the surgical patient. The advantages of adequate postoperative pain management include patient comfort and satisfaction, decreased cardiovascular and pulmonary complications, fewer or none of development of chronic and neuropathic pain, early ambulatory and rapid recovery with lower cost.

Historically, post-operative pain control has been underdeveloped. The failure to provide adequate postoperative analgesia is multifactorial. They include (not limited) insufficient education, fear of adverse reactions of the therapy, poor assessment and monitoring, shortage of medical staffs. Over past decade, the medical community in America has being aimed its attention at this very important component of patient care and increasing patient’s life-quality. Numerous guidelines of acute pain management from government and professional associations reflect the growing concern over effectiveness and consistency of the practice for the acute postoperative pain management. With these guidelines, the individual institutions address the issues on pain management practices (such as education and training of care providers, assessments and monitoring pain scale, response to the therapy and adverse reactions, usage of modern analgesic techniques, etc.) to approach and treat acute postoperative pain more appropriately. Anesthesiologists have played a central role in leading Acute Pain Service and treated majority of patients with postoperative pain in the United States.

Clinical data has shown that the afferent neural blockade with local anesthetics is most effective for acute postoperative pain analgesia. The other approaches, in order of efficacy, are high-dose narcotics, neuraxial narcotics and clonidine, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with opioids, non-steroids anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). In addition, analgesia using combined multiple agents and routes are more effective than that with a single agent and route. Number of new techniques and drugs has provided acute pain management with more opportunity and safety.

Since last decade of the 20th century, same day ambulatory surgery (SDAS) has been continuously increasing among all elective surgical procedures (nearly 70% in 2000’s). Besides the advances in medical, surgical and anesthetic technologies, the marked progress in acute postoperative pain management is crucial for this rapid and dramatic explosive growth of SDAS. However, despite the current better understand of

postoperative pain mechanism and detailed recommended protocols, which involve more aggressive techniques and newer agents, some key aspects in postoperative pain

management, still require further improvement. In this lecture, we will discuss the current issues, challenges, status and future of the acute postoperative pain management in the USA.

1. ASA. Practice Guidelines for Acute Pain Management in the Perioperative Setting.Oct. 2004.

2. AANA. Pain Management in the Postoperative Patient.Apr. 2005

3. J.B.Sartain & J.J. Barry. The impact of an acute pain service on postoperative pain management. Anesth Intensive Care

4. S.J. Dolin, et al. Effectiveness of acute postoperative pain management: I. Evidence from published data. Br. J Anesth. 91(3): 448-9, 2003.

5. ASA: Evaluation of a Noninvasive Patient-Controlled Analgesia Delivery System for the Treatment of Acute Postoperative Pain: A Double-blind Multicenter, Placebo-controlled Trial Incorporating JCAHO Pain Management Standards. Abstract A-993

6. M. A.E. Ramsay. Acute postoperative pain management. BUMC 13:244-247, 2000.

7. H. Kehlet. Modification of response to surgery and anesthesia by neural blockade: clinical implications. In Cousins MT, Bridebough PD, Eds. Neural Blockade in Clinical Anesthesia and Management of Pain, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1998

8. P.F. White. Use of patient-controlled analgesia for management of acute pain. JAMA 259:243-247, 1988.

9. A. Gottschalk, et al. Preemptive epidural analgesia and recovery from radical prostatectomy: a randomized controlled trail. JAMA 279:1076-1082, 1998.

J.C. Eisenach. Pain Physiology and Pharmacology: Clinical Relevance. Abstract A-508 ASA 2004.

10. J. Moss. Pain Relief Without Side Effects: Peripheral Opioids Antagonists and Other New Therapies. Abstract A-223, ASA 2004.
