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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-02 09:30:52 | 移动端:超级美女scute系列

篇一:(牛津译林版)新7A U1-U2阶段测试卷


一 听力(20分)

A. 听下面的10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出



1. What sport does he like?

2. What does Mary look like?

3. How does Jim go home every day?

4. What time does Mr. Wu have breakfast?

A. B. C.


5. What class is Li Lei in?

A. Class 3.

6. Where are they talking?

A. In a bookshop.B. In a sports shop.

C. In a clothes shop. C. 6. C. England. C. Tom. 7. How many lessons does Meimei have every day? A. 4. B. 2.8. Where is Lily from? A. London. 9. What’s the boy’s name? A. Tim.

B. Class 4. C. Class 5.B. Shanghai. B. Jim.1

10. Where are Kate’s glasses?

A. On the table. B. Under the chair.C. In the bag.




1. What color is the kite?

A. It’s in the picture. B. It’s Nick’s.

C. It’s yellow. C. He cleans the wall. 2. What does Nick often do at the weekend?A. He does his homework. B. He flies a kite.


1. How many good friends does Susan have at school?

A. 5. B. 3.

C. 4. C. After school.

C. Play Ping-pong. 2. When does Susan and her friends often chat? A. In the playground. B. At lunchtime. 3. What do they often do after school?A. Chat with each other. B. Play basketball.


1. What time does Mr Hu often get up on Sundays?

A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30.

2. Where does he go after breakfast?

A. He goes to work. B. He goes to the park.C. He goes to the bookshop.

C. He swims there.

C. His friends. 3. What does he often do in the park? A. He runs for half an hour.B. He waters flowers. 4. Who does he play basketball with? A. His students. B. His teachers.

5. How long does he look for things on the Internet?

A. Two hours.


()1. you good at ?

A. Do, dance B. Do, dancingC. Are, dance D. Are, dancing

()2. At weekends , Simon alwaysfor half an hour.

A. go runningB. go to run C. goes to run D. goes running

()3. your long or short ?

A. Is, hairB. Are, hairs C. Does, hair D. Do, hairs

()4. ---“.How do you say it in English ?”

--- , I don’t know.”

A. Sorry, Excuse meB. Excuse me, Sorry

C. Pardon, SorryD. Excuse me, Excuse me

()5. It’s 8 o’clock in the morning. Let’s 2 C. At 6:30. B. An hour. C. Half an hour.

A. begin B. begins C. beginningD. to begin

()6. Can youmy little dog , please ?

A. look at B. look for C. look afterD. look like

()7. His father is talking the teacher his son’s English.

A. with, with B. about, aboutC. with, aboutD. about, with

()8. ---can you see in the picture?

---Some birds.

A. What elseB. What other C. How elseD. How other

()9. Li Hua plays football very.He is a player.

A. good , wellB. well , good C. well , well D. good , good

()10. English teacher is very fun. He always makes the lessons so interesting.

A. Tom and John’sB. Tom and John

C. Tom’s and JohnD. Tom’s and John’s

()11. —Whose book is this? Is it ______? —No, ______is blue.

A. Millie; she B. Millie’s; hers C. Millie’s; herD. Millie; hers

()12. ---“Where my glasses ?”--- on the desk.”

A. is, ItB. are, They C. is, It’s D. are, They’re

()13. Everyone in my family music.

A. enjoys listening B. enjoys listening to

C. enjoy listening toD. enjoy listening

()14.There’s “u” and

A. a , an , an , a B. an , an, a , anC. an , an ,an , aD. a , an , a , a

()15. He goes to school by bus, but he walks ______after school.

A. to home B. home

三、完形填空(10分) C. his homeD. the home

Many Americans like having their holidays in other countries. One day an American comes to China. This is her first time to China and she wants 2 some friends there. She meets a

with the American. When he sees her, he comes up and

says ” to her. Then he begins his first woman. “How old are you?” the

. “I’m. Please don’t ask a lady (女士The Chinese is surprised (感到惊奇). He doesn’t knowyou help him?

( ) 1. A. man B. boy C. woman D. child

( ) 2. A. to make

( ) 3. A. by English

( ) 4. A. OK

( ) 5. A. about

( ) 6. A. asks

( ) 7. A. sure

( ) 8. A. supper

( ) 9. A. how

( ) 10. A. Can

B. have C. make B. with ChineseC. in EnglishB. hello C. sorry B. atC. of B. tellsC. talksB. twentyC .glad B. age C. job B. why C. what B. Must3 D. having D. in Chinese D. good-bye D. with D. speaks D. sorry D. family D. which D. Do C. Need



Mary is an English girl, but she is in France (法国) now. She is six years old. Her mother

says to her. “You are six years old, and you will start school here. You will like the school very

much, because it’s a nice school.”

“Is it an English school?” Mary asks。

“Yes, it is.” Mother says.

Mary goes to school. The teachers are very nice and speak good English. And there are two

other English girls in the class, too. She begins to like the school.

Her mother takes her to school in the morning and brings her home in the afternoon. Her

mother goes to school at 4 o’clock, and Mary runs out of her classroom and says, “We have a new

girl in our class today. She is six years old, too. She is very nice, but she isn’t English. She is

German (德国的)”.

“Does she speak English?” Mary’s mother asks.

“No, but she laughs (笑) in English,” Mary says happily.


( .

A. FranceB. England

C. Germany(德国)D. Canada (加拿大) B. she plays happily there ( . A. her mother says it’s a nice school C. she can speak French D. the teachers are good

D. four ( )3. There are English girls in Mary’s class.A. one B. twoC. three

( )4. Which is right?

A. Mary goes to school by herself.

B. Mary’s mother takes her to school at 4 o’clock.

C. Mary’s mother takes her to school and brings her home in the evening.

D. Mary goes to school in the morning and gets home in the afternoon.

( )5. The new girl in her class is.

A. GermanB. English C. French D. Chinese


Morgan is very happy these days. She is in Grade 7 at L.B Clarke Middle School, the USA.

She gives her journals (日志) to the teacher. She writes them in the summer holiday. She says, “I

read many books to finish them.”

In the summer holiday, most schools in the USA ask students to read. But L. B. Clarke starts

a program (项目) this year.

Students write their journals three times a week. The journals are about books they read or

their everyday life. “” says a teacher in the school, “Our

program also asks them to read, but in a different way(用不同的方法).”

Caroline, another student, finishes six journals. She writes about her favourite books and

family trips(旅行).


“The program helps me learn new things,” she says, “and if(如果) I forget something, I can look in my journals.”

( ) 6. Where does Caroline come from?

A. England. B. America.

( ) 7. How does Morgan finish the journals?

A. She visits many places.

C. She asks her parents for help. C. France.D. Japan.B. She asks many friends.D. She reads many books.

B. Twice a month. ( ) 8. How often do the students write journals?A. Twice a week.

C. Three times a week . D. Three times a month.

( ) 9. One of Caroline’s journals may(也许,大概)be about ___________________________.

A. a movie called the SmurfsB. a basketball game between Lakers and Heat.

C. a student called Morgan D. a book called the Joy Luck Club

( ) 10. What does the underlined (划线的) sentence mean?

A. You don’t need to read many books if you want to be a good writer.

B. A good reader must be a good writer.

C. As a good reader, you must write very well.

D. If you want to be a good writer, you must first read many books.



1.Now ,we are in (年级) 7.

2.They are in the same class, and they are (同班同学).

3.Who (其他) will go to the park with you.

4. My (梦想) is to be a good basketball player.

5. They like (购物) at weekends.


6.The baby is very /kju:t/. We all love her.

7.Swimming and Dancing are his /'h?biz/ .

8.He likes /'mju:zik/ very much.

9.I want to make /frendz/ with you.

10.My father /?n'd???z/ walking in the park..


11. He (study) at home at weekends.

12. One of his friends (be) from London.

13. you 14. My room is on the ground floor. (they) are on the first floor.

15. I want to make it (come) true.

六、句型转换 (共5分,每空一词,每空0.5分) ’s cousin. (对划线部分提问)

is Millie’s cousin?

2.Sandy has some comic books.(改为否定句)

Sandy comic books.




第I卷( 分)

I. Listening Comprehension(20? )

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. Coke. B. Coffee. C. Tea. D. Water.

2. A. At a restaurant. B. At a studio. C. At a concert. D. At a theatre.

3. A. Relieved. B. Worried. C. Confused. D. Depressed.

4. A. The Browns. B. The Browns?son. C. The postman. D. The neighbour.

5. A. 7:00. B. 7:10. C. 9:00. D. 9:10.

6. A. The ring is not hers. B. She doesn?t have gold rings.

C. She prefers gold to silver. D. She lost her silver ring.

7. A. The screen doesn?t have to be cleaned. B. The keyboard also needs cleaning.

C. The man shouldn?t do the cleaning. D. There?s not enough time to clean both.

8. A. The driver will stop the bus immediately. B. The guy by the door will help the woman.

C. The woman should check the map. D. He will tell the woman when to get off.

9. A. She dislikes fireworks. B. She has plans for the evening.

C. She doesn?t feel like going out. D. She has to get theatre tickets.

10. A. They can?t see the stars clearly. B. They?re not in the city tonight.

C. They?re looking at the stars from the city. D. They?re talking about movie stars.

Section B

Directions: In Section B,you will hear two short passages,and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages.The passages will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11through 13are based on the following passage.

11. A. It can make her famous. B. It is easy and rewarding.

C. It is dangerous but exciting. D. It has its moving moment.

12. A. Somebody was killed. B. Nobody was injured.

C. Karen was physically hurt. D. Many buildings exploded.

13. A. A fierce war. B. A serious injury.

C. A terrible explosion. D. A brave journalist.

Questions 14through 16are based on the following passage.

14. A. Internet use is increasing quickly in rural and urban areas.

B. More and more rural residents have Internet access.

C. People have a limited choice on Internet providers.

D. City residents use the Internet frequently.

15. A. Over 2million. B. Around 6million. C. 23million. D. 17million.

16. A. More girls have their own websites than boys.

B. 1in 4kids have Internet access from home.

C. Most kids think they get too little time online at school.

D. Internet connection at home is quicker than that at school.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

I. 听力部分


11 – 13: CCD14 – 16: BAD

17. Blair 18. Wednesday 19. 513 031820. Italian

II. Grammar and Vocabulary(1|5 )

Section A

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

( A )

Let?s say “Hi” to this cute yellow duck! Thousands of (crowd) the harbor of Kaohsiung city(高雄市), Taiwan to welcome this giant floating yellow rubber duck.

The 59-foot-tall duck is a copy from a bathtub toy22 (love) by children. It was created by a Dutch(荷兰的) artist,message of happiness.

The duck now is floating happily on the water of Kaohsiung city. It will not leave the city October20.Later, it will begin visiting other cities in Taiwan. It this special guest will attract about three million visitors and bring tens of millions of dollars.


Eric Chen, a 17-year-old student from California, U.S.A., was the big winner of this year?s Google Science Fair(谷歌科学挑战赛). He introduced new medicine to fight spread of flu viruses.

Flu viruses, such as H7N9, (pose)a great threat to the world and have already killed millions of people.

“I felt like this was a really m and I thought, ?can?t I find a new anti-flu medicine??” Chen said. Then he started his research wowed the judges of the Google Science Fair.

As the winner, Chen got a $50,000 scholarship and a trip to the Galapagos Islands(加拉帕哥斯群岛). He plans to use part of the money to develop a33(powerful ) flu medicine.“I really like 34 (do) research,” Chen said. “I?m doing work 35will make the world a better place.”


21 crowded 26.loved 27.who 28.to send 29.until 30. is expected

31. a 32. against 33.pose 34.urgent 35.Why 36.and 37. more powerful

38.doing 35. that

About sixty years ago, on a stormy night in 1945, the inspiring American physicist Robert Oppenheimer stepped onto the stage of a movie theatre in the secret city of Los Alamos, New Mexico. He was there to __36__ to hundreds of scientists---the men and women who build the first atomic bombs under his __37__. Exploded over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, those bombs had just __38__ the most destructive war in human history---and __39__ the face of war forever

The world would soon learn what they already knew. Oppenheimer warned: Nuclear weapons were surprisingly cheap and easy to make, once you __40__how. Soon he said, other countries would be making them, too. Their power of destruction---“already incomparably greater than that of any other weapons”--- will grow, he declared. Despite these unsetting (尚未确定的) __41__, Oppenheimer found __42__ benefits in the breakthroughs(突破), calling nuclear weapons “not only a great danger, but a great hope.”

What was Oppenheimer thinking? The serious danger was __43__: Hiroshima and Nagasaki lay in ruins, with tens of thousands of killed and thousands more seriously injured. What “great hope” nuclear weapons might __44__ was hard to imagine, even in victory. Sixty years later it still

38-40 B ,C, D41-46 AB,CD,AC,BC,AD,A

IV. Reading Comprehension 31%

Section A10%

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrases that best fits the context.

The 28-year-old had spent six years working night while she gained her university degree primary school. With the help of her friends, she had an interview with the Head.

"I noticed a tiny hole in one of my stockings earlier," she____51____. "I thought about changing them, but I knew I'd be late if I did. And by the time I got to the interview, ." The would-be teacher didn't get the job.

is she going to be?"

First impressions In other words, if you've viewed positively within the critical(关键的)first four minutes, the person you've met will positive. Leave the interview a bad impression, and often he will assume you have a lot of other unsatisfactory characters.Worse, he or she may not take the time to give you a second employers believe that those who look as if they care about themselves will care more about their jobs.

50. A. profession B. position C. career D. occupation

51. A. repeatsB. reminds C. recallsD.. responds

52. A. I wasB. he wasC. it was D. they were

53. A. looking at all B. looking at him C. looking round D. looking my best

54. A. Head's B. student's C. friend'sD. would-be teacher's

55. A. figure B. image C. aspect D. shape

56. A. person B. workerC. graduate D. teacher

57. A. lasting B. remaining C. continuing D. persisting

58. A. rarely B. occasionallyC. probablyD. certainly

59. A. job B. thoughtC. chance D. Question


Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. -Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just


Whether the hair is long or short, it must be regularly brushed and washed. For greasy (油腻的) air, especially if the owner lives in a town, it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days. Those with dry hair can usually go a little longer, but this is a matter V each person to decide.

If a woman is not able to go to hairdressers very often, it is important that she choose a Vacate can easily manage for herself, and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standard.

One thing should be remembered though, that is, whatever you apply to the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care. Or you may use milder products. As for style, this must be studied according to what the latest fashion is and also to suit the individual at different times of her life.

Young people who have spots or skin troubles on their face, should take particular care to make sure that the hair is clean and does not touch the affected piece of skin. Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running his hands through his hair and afterwards touching his face, or letting his hair over his face, might spread infection from one place to another.

Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face, so if you want to look nice, please start with your hair.

60. According to the text, the most basic thing to do in hair care is to_______.

A. go to hairdressers very often

B. choose better and milder products for the hair

C. wash and brush the hair regularly

D. keep the hair away from the skin trouble

61. The best hair style can be achieved by_______.

A. having the hair cut standard

B. following the latest fashion to suit one's age

C. not combing the hair with hand

D. not applying anything strong to the head

62. The thing you wash your hair with must be_______.

A. used with care B. very strong

C. extremely mild D. fashionable

63. To prevent the hair from infecting the skin, we'd better_______.

A. keep the hair completely clean

B. wash the hair very often

C. have hair cut four times a year

D. avoid combing the hair with our fingers

64.'Those with dry hair can usually go a little longer' means if your hair is dry_______.

A. you can walk longerB. your hair can grow longer

C. you don't have to wash it so often D. you can grow taller

61-64 CBADC


The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September, 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives. The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King's baker's in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

By eight o'clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St. Paul's and the Guildhall among them.

Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect, wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, among them the new St. Paul's.The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place; a city for the future and not just of the past.

65. The fire began in_______.

A. a hotelB. the palaceC. Pudding LaneD. Thames Street

篇三:Engelbreits the Name, Cute Is My Game

Mary Engelbreit was a talented but struggling artist in her mid-twenties when she flew to New York from her native Saint Louis, hoping to find work illustrating children's books — her life's goal. So she was disappointed when all the book publishers she visited turned her down. One even suggested her drawings might be better suited to greeting cards.

"I was crushed," Engelbreit admits. Greeting cards seemed a come-down from her high expectations, but the advice stayed with her, and she decided to give it a try. The results transformed her life forever.

玛丽是一个有才华但挣扎的艺术家在她二十多岁时,她飞到纽约,从她的家乡圣路易斯,希望能找到工作,说明儿童书籍-人生目标。所以她很失望,当所有的图书出版商拒绝了她,她参观了。一个甚至建议她图纸可能更适合于贺卡。 Mary "I was crushed," Engelbreit admits. Greeting cards seemed a come-down from her high expectations, but the advice stayed with her, and she decided to give it a try. The results transformed her life forever. “我被承认,“漫画。贺卡似乎因为从她的期望很高,但建议就陪她,她决定给它一试。结果永远改变了她的人生。

Today Mary Engelbreit sells an astonishing 14 million greeting cards a year. Her popular designs appear on more than 2,000 products, including books,

calendars, and kitchen items. She runs a retail company with shops in nine cities (16 more are planned), and her products are carried by 25,000 retailers. Annual retail sales are in the $100 million range — all as a result of that fateful,

disappointing trip to New York. It's probably no accident that one of Engelbreit's bolder cards shows a young girl in overalls, her bare feet up on a desk, a farm field in the window behind her. "We Don't Care How They Do It in New York," the card boasts.


Once you know Engelbreit's distinctive style, you can recognize her cards from 20 paces away — bright, funny, and with an eye to the past. Her cards usually have elaborate border designs comprised of repeated images: hearts, flowers, peaches, and teapots, for example. Most often, there's Ann Estelle, a woman with short, straight hair, big glasses, hat and an acid tongue. Ann Estelle (named after her grandmother) is the imaginary representative of Mary's outlook.


Engelbreit is cheerful, down-to-earth, humorous, and always cute. "I think the world could use more cuteness," she explains. Indeed, it's her trademark. Her business card once featured a drawing of Ann Estelle, cigar in her mouth and drink in hand, with the message "Engelbreit's the Name, Cute Is My Game." She adds, "As the world gets more complicated, it's nice to have old-fashioned stuff around to help people cope with the demands of modern life. It's like comfort food. This is comfort art."


Old-fashioned art — and values — have always been at the core of Engelbreit's life. Born June 5, 1952, in St. Louis, the oldest of three daughters, she started drawing almost as soon as she could hold a pencil.


One of her earliest memories, from age four, is of sketching her parents all dressed up to go out for the evening. "I was so impressed I had to record it," she says. But what impressed her most were illustrations from the children's books that her mother read to her. Artists such as Jessie Willcox Smith,


illustrator of children's literary classics, and Johnny Gruelle, creator of Raggedy Ann, were very influential in the development of her early drawings. While attending secondary school, Engelbreit sold dozens of hand-drawn cards to a local shop for 25 cents a piece — her first venture into art and commerce. She ignored her teachers' advice to become an English teacher and didn't bother with going on to a university because "I was ready to plunge into my life as an artist." Working in an art-supply shop, "I met working artists and realized you can make a living doing this." A later job as a designer at an advertising agency "taught me about the business of art" . 插图的儿童文学经典,和强尼·格鲁埃尔,创建者拉格迪奥恩,是非常有影响力的发展了早期的素描。在上中学,是卖几十手绘卡当地商店25美分-她的第一次创业到艺术和商业。她对她老师的忠告成为一名英语老师,也不想上大学是因为“我是准备投身到我的生命作为一个艺术家。”工作在艺术品原料店,“我会见了工




In 1975 Engelbreit met social worker Phil Delano, and the couple married two years later. Delano became his wife's biggest supporter. "Even when we had no money, he never said, 'Go get a job,'" she says. "I can't express my gratitude for his support." After that ill-fated trip to New York, Engelbreit sent a sample of her drawings to two greeting-card

companies. One bought three of her original drawings, and she did occasional work for the other, sketching a lot of whales, dragons, castles and mythical animals. Then in 1980 the birth of her son added a new element to her work. "Suddenly everyday life seemed more interesting to me," she says.

孩子,宠物,甚至“善良的老妈妈”开始出现在她的贺卡。她的工作成了“日常生活的画卷,每个人都经历过的事情”。在怀孕八个月,在1983,她决定开始自己的公司。在两年的时间里,她的公司生产了近100种不同的贺卡,卖一百万人一年。她在1986许可版权的卡到日出的出版物,谁现在经营自己的生产和分配,让她把重点放在其他项目。这些是她的室内装修杂志,发送到550000人。Children, pets, even "good old Mom" started showing up on her cards. Her work became "pictures of daily life, things everyone's been through". While eight months pregnant, in 1983, Engelbreit decided to start her own company. Within two years, her company was producing nearly 100 different cards and selling a

million of them a year. In 1986 she licensed the copyrights to the cards to Suise Publications, who now manages their production and distribution, allowing her to focus on other projects. Among these is her home-decorating magazine which is sent to 550,000 people.

尽管她的成功,大的脚牢牢地插在。她还住在16公里从她长大的地方,有很多的朋友可追溯到学校来,和从大房子搬到较小的一个,因为,她说,她的家人没有使用的所有空间在老地方。她作画多半在自己家的工作室在晚上。Despite her success, Engelbreit's feet are planted firmly on the ground. She still lives 16 kilometres from where she grew up, has many friends dating back to school years, and moved from a large house to a smaller one because, she explains, her family didn't use all the space in the old place. She does most of her drawing in her home studio at night.

她的工作起飞,在这么多的方向,也许是不可避免的,她最终会实现她的梦想说明儿童书。1993她创造了一份图纸的儿童书,看到它成为一本畅销书。同时,她作出了一个惊人的发现:“这很有趣,但奇怪的是,我还是最喜欢做贺卡。” With her work taking off in so many directions, it was perhaps inevitable that Engelbreit would eventually realize her dream of illustrating a children's book. In 1993 she created drawings for a children's book and saw it become a

best-seller. At the same time she made a surprising discovery: "It was fun, but oddly enough, I like doing cards best."
