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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-01-01 11:18:08 | 移动端:以第一人称的口吻






2、这篇散文(写景写物),作者从“你”的角度来抒写??,这样写有什么好处? 答;用第二人称的写法,起的是拟人化作用,便于直接对青菜(景或物)抒发自己的赞美之情。















4、文章对??的称呼大多用第三人称,而在??中却有两处用了第二人称,这样写有何作用? 第一问:①文章以第一人称作为全文的基本视角;②偶尔插入第二人称,构成两种不同人称的相互交叉。


解析:人称的变化往往意味着表达方式的转变,意味着作者情感的变化,所以分析人称的时候,就不能忘记这两个方面的分析角度。 我们熟悉了这个知识点,还得充分理解文章的情感和表达方式的转换,准确识别相应的人称以及它所承载的思想情感。 需要特别提醒的是,理解人称千万不能够脱离文章,一定要结合具体的内容,准确扣住作者的议论抒情文段进行分析。



姓名 分数


xìn yǎnɡ w? shì ɡǒu xi?ng yáo bǎi pánɡ biān

húxū zhā gēn páxíng jiān bǎng yì kē


仰()卧()摇( )旁()颗() 柳()臣()遥( )傍()棵()



一()飞机 一()墙 一()学问 一()教师 一()黄牛 一()高山一()铁门 一()垃圾



反:喧嚷()大胆()深( ) 高( )







()的阳光 ()地摇曳 ()的须根()的草坪 ()的土壤 ()的蝈蝈 ()的脚步 ()地叫喊







2.蓝天上飘着( )的气球。


作者以第一人称的口吻,把我们带进了一个纯真的世界。从( )的阳光,()的草坪,到置身于大自然的怀抱,与大自然融为一体,抒发了对()的美好向往和无限热爱。



Ⅰ. 阅读理解


Yahoo is amazing. Every time you think they’re inspired to be a strong organization, they find a way to do even worse. What on earth could Yahoo do to save itself? For inspiration, its leaders might look to Apple, which, 15 years ago, was nearly dead. Today its market value is the highest in the world. What could Yahoo learn from Apple’s turnaround?

Get a strong leader. Apple had Steve Jobs, a co-founder who returned after a decade’s absence. Yahoo’s new boss is Ross Levinsohn, formerly the company’s executive vice president. His title is “temporary CEO”. That won’t cut it. Yahoo needs a permanent CEO.

Know why you’re in business. The first thing Jobs did when he returned was to completely simplify Apple’s product line, killing off everything but two laptops and two desktops. So what exactly is Yahoo? Media company? News organization? Tech company? Search engine? Nobody seems to know.

Admit defeat and move on. Apple recognized that Microsoft had won the PC wars and that it was time to find the next big wave: mobile computing. Ten years later Apple introduced the iPhone. Yahoo needs to figure out where the world will be in 10 years and build for that, for example, cloud services. So far Yahoo has done almost nothing.

Be patient. Jobs took over in 1997, but revenues (收益) didn’t jump until 2005. Employees remember the first years of the turnaround was unhappy. Whatever Yahoo’s strategy (策略), its directors and managers will need the courage to stay the course. Those running Yahoo aren’t likely to follow the kind of long-term strategy that led to Apple’s rebirth. The real power now is Dan Loeb, who pushed to fire Thompson. Levinsohn may be CEO, but Loeb is boss. It’s likely that Loeb wants to break Yahoo up, sell off some parts, and make a profit. Whatever is left will get acquired by Microsoft.

1. Why did the writer ask Yahoo to learn from Apple?

A. Apple is always successful.

B. Yahoo is in great trouble now.

C. Apple ever had similar trouble.

D. Apple ever learned from Yahoo.

2. According to the text, Steve Jobs ________.

A. was the only founder of Apple

B. ever left Apple for some time

C. had always been the boss of Apple

D. made Apple products various

3. According to the writer, Yahoo should ________.

A. predict the right future products

B. be confident and never admit defeat

C. give up their news organization

D. make plans to make profits immediately

4. How is the text organized? (Paragraph 1=①


5. What is the writer’s attitude toward Yahoo’s future?

A. Yahoo will soon be as successful as Apple.

B. Yahoo will be more and more promising.

C. Yahoo will have its own way to succeed.

D. Yahoo will make people a bit more worried.


【解题导语】 雅虎面临困境,它该如何摆脱困境呢?文章给出了几条建议。

1. 答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据文章第一段的For inspiration, its leaders might look to Apple,which,15 years ago,was nearly dead可知,苹果曾经也有过如此的困境。

2. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知史蒂夫·乔布斯是苹果的创始人之一,曾一度离开苹果。

3. 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。从第二段到第五段,文章分别提到:要有一个很强的领导、简化其产品而变得精髓、承认挫败而不失信心、预测好未来的产品、要有耐心。

4. 答案 A

解析 推理判断题。本文结构非常清晰,第一段是总述,从第二段到第五段是分别叙述,而文章最后一段则是总结。

5. 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。文章最后一段一方面说明雅虎不会遵循苹果的做法;另一方面暗示雅虎的领导不定,特别是最后一句揭露其前途令人担忧。

This Is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks Like

If you trust in the yen, the euro, and the dollar ... stop reading.

Because this is a story about the silver coin EVERYBODY wants.

You read the headlines. You know that troubled economic times have put global currency on a rollercoaster ride. But millions have found a smarter way to build long-term value with high-grade collectable silver. And right now, those people are

lining up to secure some of the last 2012 U. S. Mint Silver Eagles, America’s Newest Silver Eagle Dollars. Today, you can graduate to the front of that line. Buy now and you can own these brilliant uncirculated Silver Dollars for only $38.95!

You Can’t Afford to Lose

Why are we releasing (发行) this silver dollar for such a remarkable price? Because we want to introduce you to what hundreds of thousands of smart collectors and satisfied customers have known since 1984 — New York Mint is the place to find the world’s finest high-grade coins. That’s why we’re offering you this Brilliant Uncirculated 2012 U. S. Silver Eagle for as little as $37.45 (plus s/h).

Timing is Everything

Our advice? Keep this to yourself. Because the more people who know about this offer, the worse it is for you. Demand for Silver Eagles in 2011 broke records. Experts predict that 2012 Silver Eagles may break them all over again. Due to rapid changes in the price of silver, prices may be higher or lower and are subject to(受??影响) change without notice. Supplies are limited. Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before it’

s too late.

Offer Limited to 40 per household

2012 American Silver Eagle Coin

Your cost 1-4 Coins $38.95 each+


5-9 Coins $38.45 each+s/h

10-19 Coins $37.95 each+s/h

20-40 Coins $37.45 each+s/h

Note: $10 s/h (shipping and handling) for each purchase

For fastest service, call toll-free 24 hours a day


Offer Code (代码) ASE177-04

Please mention this code when you call.

New York Mint 14101

Southcross Drive W.,Dept. ASE177-04

Burnsville, Minnesota 55337

www. NewYorkMint. Com

6. What is stressed in the ad?

A. The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.

B. The coin can be circulated as a currency.

C. Limited supplies guarantee a stable price of the coin.

D. Demand for the coin is bound to break records.

7. If you buy six 2012 U. S. Mint Silver Eagles by post, you should pay at least


A. $230.7 B. $233.7

C. $240.7D. $243.7

8. The ad strongly encourages people to purchase the silver coins by ________.

A. shopping online

B. making a phone call

C. lining up in front of the stores

D. writing to the company


【解题导语】 本文是一则广告。广告从四个方面对2012 U.S. Mint Silver Eagles进行了介绍:收藏价值、购买价格、购买的紧迫性以及一些注意事项。

6. 答案 A

解析 细节判断题。通读全文,在收藏价值、购买价格、购买的紧迫性三个部分里面,都分别提到了银币极好的质量及极大的收藏价值。第一段you can own these brilliant uncirculated Silver Dollars(你可以拥有这些光彩熠熠的尚未流通的银币了);第二段New York Mint is the place to find the world’s finest high-grade coins.(New York Mint是发现世界上质量最好最高档银币的场所);第三段Experts predict that 2012 Silver Eagles may break them all over again(专家预言:2012年Silver Eagles可能会再次打破记录)。因此,答案是A项。The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.(银币是高质量的并且值得收藏的)。

7. 答案 C

解析 数字计算题。从文章的价格部分可知,5-9枚定价是每个$38.45,加上邮寄费$10,共计$240.7,故选C项。

8. 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据For fastest service, call toll-free 24 hours a day可知,广告建议人们通过电话购买,故选B项。

Ⅱ. 完形填空


Spring is coming, the period of time which I am always looking forward to. It ___1___ that the New Year is also coming soon.

That was the preceding (前面的) day of the New Year, and it was also the ___2___ day in my house. My mother went to the ___3___ early in the morning and ___4___ with enough food. From then, the clatter (哗啦声) of dishes and pans and the sizzle of food that had been fried lasted ___5___ the day was very late.

At any place of the house, you could___6___ hear the noisy boil on the stove. You could also smell the burn of coconut jam, which was being ___7___ by my sister. “Why do you always burn it?” I shouted.

“That’s the way I___8___it,” she said and laughed at me.

I loved her jam so much, but she was always ___9___ it until the white coconut jam became the yellow jam. It was ___10___! At noon, the thick ___11___ and the mixed sweet smell from various kinds of food started ___12___ over my house.

After that, certainly, there were my ___13___ footsteps stepping on the floor. He left his half-painted walls in the___14___room to go into the kitchen and complained to

my Mom. “Your smoke is ___15___ me.” In fact, he just wanted to look around the kitchen room with many kinds of food on the table. Then my father smiled when seeing my mother cooking ___16___.

At the end of the ___17___, when everything was done, my house became shining with the ___18___ balloons, ribbons, and flowers. However, you shouldn’t sit next to the ___19___ in the living room because the layer of new paint was still sticky. ___20___, the smell of paint was very strong at the end of this day.

1. A. means

C. agrees

2. A. funniest

C. shortest

3. A. church

C. market

4. A. arrived

C. started

5. A. because

C. until

6. A. even

C. already

7. A. changed

C. drawn

8. A. hate

C. find

9. A. dividing

C. burning

10. A. terrible

C. nice

11. A. water

C. light

12. A. flying

C. moving

13. A. mother’s

C. father’s

14. A. living

C. waiting

15. A. interesting

C. satisfying

16. A. angrily

C. slowly

17. A. street

C. day

18. A. expensive

C. common

19. A. wallsB. shows D. hopes B. longest D. busiest B. school D. hospital B. returned D. stopped B. though D. but B. yet D. hardly B. eaten D. prepared B. like D. make B. sharing D. repairing B. great D. lovely B. air D. smoke B. spreading D. flowing B. brother’s D. sister’s B. reading D. dining B. surprising D. disturbing B. busily D. luckily B. road D. date B. heavy D. colorful B. windows
