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红楼梦》唯一正确的英文译名Post By:2010-5-25 19:28:45 [只看该作者]




出现九种译法,但大多译为Dream of the Red Chamber(红色阁楼之梦),以及A Dream of Red Mansions(红色宅院之梦)。九大英文译本中,唯独霍克斯将其定名为The Story of the Stone(石头记),笔者认为只有他翻译正确。众多译者都把“红楼”拆开,逐字翻译,掉进了误读的陷阱。其实,国内很多人对“红楼”也存在误解。







直到1973年,《红楼梦》书名误读才得到真正的解决。霍克斯深知“红楼”涵义难以完整地翻译,于是他放弃了“红楼梦”这个名字,而选择曹著的本名“石头记”,译作The Story of the Stone。这个犹如神助的更名避免了硬译“红楼”的困窘,更加贴合西方文化的理解,同时又无损原著的完整,真可谓两全其美!






A Dream of Red Mansions and the "Redology"

The novel A Dream of Red Mansions written by Cao Xueqin (about 1715-1763) in the middle of the 18th century is a monumental work in the history of the development of Chinese literature.

With the tragedy of the love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu as its main thread, the novel describes the decline of Jia the noble family, which consists of the Rong Mansion and the Ning Mansion, vividly presenting a vast scenery of the life in the period when China’s feudal society was moving towards corruption and decline.

The literary skill of this novel has indeed attained the acme of perfection. Because of its moving story and extraordinary artistic charm, the novel won warm immediate acclaim, and soon hand copied and various printed versions soon spread far and wide among the people and the royal palace proved no exception. For centuries, the novel captured great admiration from the broad readers from one generation after another, and scholars making researches on A Dream of Red Mansions emerged in swarms and the “Redology”, the study on the novel, soon became a branch of special learning. The Institute of “A Dream of Red Mansions” has been set up in the Arts Academy of China. In addition, there are a great number of professional and amateur researchers in many institutions of research and higher learning throughout the country who are engaged in studies on the Redology. Many students also show great interest and become successors to the contingent of the Redology. To facilitate the exchanges of research results and thoughts in this line, special periodicals like Studies on A Dream of Red Mansions and Collected Essays and Studies on

A Dream of Red Mansions have emerged, and several national symposiums on A Dream of Red Mansions have been convened. As for books on A Dream of Red Mansions, they are simply beyond count. The spring breeze of China’s reform and opening up has brought about a new surge of the study. The Redology is no longer just a research topic for special scholars but a heated subject of great topical interest among the common folks. There is now an exceptionally flourish in the research on the Redology, like a hundred different flowers competing in splendor.

The joining in the discussion by some famous writers has really enlivened the academic atmosphere. The series of articles by Wang Meng on A Dream of Red Mansions offered some new insights. Five years ago Liu Xinwu, another famous writer raised some totally new views based on his study of the background of Qin Keqin, an important character in the novel. Some people say that Liu has opened up a new branch the “Qinology” in the Redology. Though there are different opinions, Liu’s exploration is one of the new flowers in the garden of the Redology adding to its splendor and has pushed the studies on the novel into a new depth.

The novel A Dream of Red Mansions not only is well known to every household in China but has also won a high reputation all over the world. It has been translated into many foreign languages like English, German, French, and Russian. The two unabridged English translations respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and Galdys Yang and by David Hawkes (with the title of The Story of the Stone) found millions of readers in English speaking countries. The Redology has become a world-wide learning as part of Chinese culture. Scholars in many foreign countries have also achieved fruitful results and made their contributions to the development of this learning.


1. 在介绍历史人物时,最好注明生卒年份。

2. 本文中(《红楼梦》一书)“问世”是否等于出版,大家可以思考。至于该书是否可叫做 bestseller 更成问题。翻译要注意历史情况。

3. 需要指出的是,本文有不少意境性的溢美之辞,翻译时要适当“降调”或具体化,例如“辉煌灿烂的艺术丰碑”就是典型的汉语修辞手法,给人以叠床架屋的感觉,“丰碑”当然是“辉煌灿烂”的----事实上连“丰”字都是多余的----这样多此一举的修饰语译成英语时与应该去掉。但是“丰碑” 译成 milestone/landmark(里程碑)不确切;还有人用 monumental stone,变成“像碑一样的石头”或“用于造碑的石头”了。把这本书说成是 a monumental work 倒是可以的。此外,establish a monument 的搭配有问题(可用 build,set up,put up,erect 等动词)。

4.“主线”可以译做 main thread,也可以译为 theme,但在 theme 前面加上main 一词更好。有人会问 main 一词是否多余,因为 theme 本身的意思就是“主题”。一般情况下不说 main theme,但是《红楼梦》这一巨著内容实在丰富,恐怕不止一个主题,故这里不妨一用。有人用了 focus一词,大大缩小了《红楼梦》一书的内容,center on 也不确切;而用 line 和 clue 也不对,前者指“(划出来的)线条”,后者则指“(破案的)线索”;还有人用 backbone,不知道是有什么思路得出来的,此词不可能用以指一本书的内容。Leading story 倒是勉强可以。但是“以??为主线”不能用 regard ?as?的句式,use..as?也不好。

5.“贾家荣、宁两府”指同姓(贾)的两户人家“荣国府”和 “宁国府”。“府”字则指高官的“府第”,一般译为 mansion(官邸)。“荣(国)府” “宁(国)府” 分别译为 the Rong Mansion 和 the Ning Mansion,虽有点勉强,但尚能凑合。(David Hawkes 译为 the Rong-guo House the Ning-guo House 好像不足以显出官气来。)还要指出的是,写中国事物不宜搬用 blue blood 之类说法。

6.“达到了出神入化的境界”译为 has indeed attained the acme of perfection 是赞誉到了顶点,因为《红楼梦》确实非同一般,一般情况下英语很少用这类极端的说法,其实,superb 一词就可以表达“出神入化”的意思。

英语中的 perfect(ion) 一词也应该慎用,汉语常说的“不断完善?”译做continuously being perfected 逻辑上也是讲不通的,因为 perfect 是一个顶点状态,无法再深化或进一步,也没有 the perfect level 的说法。

7. 对本文的“风靡一时”要配合上下文理解。因为《红楼梦》决不只是“风靡一时”后就销声匿迹了,所以不宜采用汉英词典提供的译文 popular / fashionable for a time,all the rage(注意,最后一个短语是俚语,指一下子流行开来的事物,不用于正式文体),译为 win immediate acclaim (注意,比译做 win acclaim immediately 更符合英语习惯)可较好地表达本文的中心意思。至于用 fashionable 一词也不准确,一本书不可能变得 fashionable。而 get popularity 完全不符合英语习惯用法,raved about it 的意思完全不同。

8.“手抄本”和 manuscript(s) 有什么不同,大家应该判断得出来。

9.“为之倾倒”可译为 captured great admiration (from?),其中动词 capture 用得非常好。我们知道英语常用 V + N + (prep) 的句式表示动作概念,其中N是概念化了的、表示动作的抽象名词,而其前面的动词的动作概念已经淡化或虚化,如 have a look at?,take care of?,pay attention to?中的 have, take 和 pay,其动作意义很弱(有人称之为“虚动词”),这也是英语趋于静态化的表现之一。但是将这些动词换成有特殊词义的动词,动词本身的意思会加强,从而会起到一种特有的修辞作用,以 have a look at?为例,可以将动词 have 换为:

get a look at? 有机会看?一眼

throw a look at? 漫不经心地朝?看一眼

grab a look at? 抢着看?一眼

steal a look at? 偷偷地看?一眼

sneak a look at?鬼鬼祟祟地看?一眼

be given a look at? 被允许看?一眼


take a close(r) / (more) careful look at? (更)仔细地看?一眼

take a final look at? 最后再看?一眼

take a disapproving look at? 不赞成地看?一眼

take a reproachful look at? 带责备地看?一眼

take a doubtful / dubious / questioning look at? 不相信地 / 有疑惑地看?一眼

take a reflective look at? 若有所思地看?一眼

take a loving look at? 满怀深情地看?一眼

take an expectant look at? 满怀希望地看?一眼

take a pitying look at? 同情地看?一眼

take a pleading look at? 恳求地看?一眼

take a reluctant look at? 勉强地看?一眼

take a trembling look at? 抖抖缩缩地看?一眼

当然,还可以将 look 换成 glance, glimpse, watch 等词,表现不同的意思。这是英语特有的丰富的表达方式,我们在汉译英时应学会用这种结构,写出地道的英语。

有人将“为之倾倒”译成 overwhelmed with admiration。不妨查一下词典,看看这样译为什么不妥。尽管 conquered 可以有“赢得?的青睐/欢心”的意思,但一般指人不指书,captivate 倒是可以的。

10. 这里“专门的学问”类似于一门学科(不是 knowledge,而且 knowledge 是不可数的),“专门”只能是 special 而不是 professional,也不是specific。前者是相对于“业余的”而言的“职业的”,后者的意思是“特定的”。下文中“业余的”当然应该用 amateur 一词,有人却用了 amateurish(ly),意思变成“外行”、“不熟练的”了。有人还用了major, scholarship 等词翻译“专门学问”更不对,前者意为“学术成就”,后者指大学生主修的专业课程。还有人用 subject,请大家查查词典,看看是否妥当。

“红学”一般译为 Redology,但是为了方便译文读者,最好加上一个说明 the study on the novel A Dream of Red Mansions。至于“秦学”可以根据 Redology 仿造一个词:Qinology。这里还要提一下,把 ology 作为一个单词用以表示“学科”的意思,是一种戏谑的用法,往往带有嘲讽的意味。

11. 英语中的介词显得不起眼,可是很重要,要注意各种习惯用法。比如“??的接班人”英文应该是 successor to? 而不是 of?。下文“带来崭新的局面”光是一个 bring 不行,而必须是 bring about。请大家考虑 bring 的直接宾语是什么。

12.“开全国(性)会议”不等于“在全国各地开会”,所以译成 meetings were held all over China/the country 是不对的(请查all over?的确切意思)。

13.“热门话题”译为 hot topic 倒也未尚不可,但参考译文的处理比较细腻一些,值得借鉴。要尽量把原文所含的意思表达出来,有时需要加上一说明性的词语。

14.“百花烂漫”和“盛况空前”是两个成语,有些译者抄了汉英词典提供的两个译文,放在一起,显得不连贯。参考译文的灵活处理值得学习。不少人不管上下文抄汉英词典提供的译文,如将这里的 “盛况空前”译为a grand occasion/grandeur 都是不妥的,因为这里不是该成语通常表示的“场面盛大”的意思。

15.“学术气氛”译为 the academic atmosphere 是可以的,但是这里的“活跃”译成 active 就

不符合英语习惯用法,倒可说 lively atmosphere。而 active 一词可用在下列说法中:an active market(活跃的市场),lead an active life (日子过得有生气)。The atmosphere of the Redology 不通,因为一门学问没有什么atmosphere 可言。Stimulate the atmosphere 的搭配不合适。

16. 原文第三段第一句以“尤其”开始,但是英语中用 especially 作为一句的开头很别扭。不妨看看英语词典里 especially 的例句。

17.“全新的看法”不少人译为 a totally new opinion,给人以“另起炉灶,与以前的研究无关”的印象,用 insights 则可表示出“深入一步”的含义。注意,这里用复数表示各种具体的观点、看法和结论。

英语中许多抽象名词的复数形式都表示具体的概念,如 greeting 表示打招呼的行为,但是 greetings 表示具体的打招呼用语。又如:home comforts 表示家里令人感到舒适的各种设备,uncertainties 表示各种不确定性,irrelevances 表示具体的不相关之处。

18. 在一定的上下文中把“家传户诵”译为 household name/word 也许可以,但本文不行,因为这里讲的是一本书乃至一门学问,不是一个名字或一个词。

19. 把“走出国门”直译为 has gone abroad, goes out of China 等会让人莫名其妙,好像“红学”已去了国外不在国内了。而 has passed out the national gate 之类的译法实在叫人看不懂。

20. 不少参赛的译文语法还存在问题,例如主谓语的一致、时态接续、单复数问题、冠词的用法—比如,普通名词组成的专有名词前应该有定冠词,讲某个世纪或年代要用定冠词等,甚至大小写、拼写等,都需要注意。把“五年前”译成 before five years,把“无数的”译成 without number,把“走出国门”译成 at abroad 等属于太“低级”的错误,然而在发来的参赛稿中这类的错误相当多。而像 learning fruit,make the book become bestseller,had it entered a new state 等完全是 Chinese English。要做好汉英翻译,必须要学习地道的英语表达法,不要根据汉语的说法逐字往英语里搬。此外,词与词的搭配更是一个突出的问题,如 reach/set up achievements,put forward standpoints,communicate one’s research,exchange achievements 等都很有问题,promote a further study,(the book) enjoy millions of readers 等则在逻辑上说不通。还有 a 和 one,number 和 amount 等的概念分不清,literature 和 literacy,issue 和 publish,show 和 present,special 和 specific,comment 和 commend 等的含义分不请。还有人把“几次讨论会”译作 several sessions of the national symposium,变成“(一次国家级的讨论会的)几段会议”了。还有人将 before long 误用做连接词。建议大家查查词典,包括搭配词典。

21. 还有一点需要提一下,汉语和英语的标点符号是不一样的。比如,英语中没有书名号《》,一般用斜体字表示或放在引号里;汉语的句号是一个小圆圈,而英语的句号是一个实心的小圆点。

汉语本来没有标点符号,是从西方文字系统里借来的。如果说,标点符号是英语语法的一个组成部分,用法比较严格,汉语的标点符号相对而言不那么严格,比如,一段文章可以“一逗到底”,最后来一个句号。其实,汉语里的逗号更多表示说话时的停顿和休止,在主语(其本身常常可以是一个或几个动宾或主谓结构)与谓语之间,在动词和宾语之间都可以加上一个逗号,这些在英语里都是不许可的。(而且,英语里仅是一个逗号不能连接两个并列的从句,如:We are studying, they are playing in the playground. 是不符合语法的,逗号之后必须加上一个and。)。







Ever since the publication of A Dream of Red Mansions some 200 years ago, hundreds of millions of people have read its Chinese original or its translations in various languages. Of these innumerable people, how many have read the novel by starting with a perusal of the critics' articles and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by the critics as to how to read the novel? Next to none. All literary works, especially a monumental one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content and involve diverse social strata-to such an extent that they virtually resemble a mountain of treasure or a labyrinth. And the readers are even more complicated, differing from each other in family background. They will each appreciate a certain aspect of the novel according to their own individuality. They may feel inspired and enlightened, and hence love it, or they may feel hurt, and hence loathe it. In short, the reactions vary.
