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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-28 07:19:44 | 移动端:外贸函电接受信


Miss LIN Jieling

10ECG5,Department of

Electronic Information Teachnology

SSTI,#1007 Fuqiang Rd.

FutianDistrict, Shenzhen

Guangdong Province


Your ref:BC20140222-1 Our ref:KB20140225-1 February 25,2014

Mr. J. H. Watson

The London Export Corporation

6 and 7 Clifford Street



Attention: Mr. J. H. Watson, Export Manager

Dear Mr. J. H. Watson,

We have obtained your address form the Cotton fabric of your Embassy in China and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of spinning industrial products, and feel sure we can sell large quantities of London goods if we get your offers at competitive prices.

As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of China, Shenzhen, as a reference.

Please let us have all necessary information regarding your products for export.

We await your early favorable reply.

Yours faithfully,

Miss LIN Jieling



Encl.:1.illustrated catalog

c.c.: Mr.G Well

P.S. As requested, we will airmail you two samples tomorrow.

Miss LIN Jieling10ECG5,Department of

Electronic Information Teachnology SSTI,#1007 Fuqiang Rd.


Guangdong Province


Mr. J. H. Watson

The London Export Corporation 6 and 7 Clifford Street





一对一真人外教,每节课仅需6元 ,有网络就可以学,30天让别人对你的口语刮目相看! 外贸英语培训班讲解道歉信13个写法 我把客户当初恋,客户却要我说道歉?这种事情有木有发生在你的身上呢,亲!外贸的道路上没有总是一帆风顺,总会有点小插曲,比如:漏看邮件,迟回复客户邮件,


致歉有时也是需要一点技巧,把客户捧得高高的,稳稳的,那么订单就妥妥的,跑不了。 春喜外贸英语培训班透漏13句道歉信常用句子给大家:

1.please accept our profound apologies for this mistake, which could not have

happened to a more valued customer.实在不应该对我们尊贵的客人发生这样的错误,请您接受我们深深的道歉。

2.please accept our sincere apologies if this late reply to your mail of dec.

19 has caused you any problems.现收到您12月19日的邮件,回复太晚给您带来不便,请您接受我们诚挚的歉意。

3.we owe you an apology for not answering your e-mail letter sooner.没有及


4.please accept our sincere apologies for the error in your bill of dec.16. we

have corrected the situation and are very sorry for any inconvenience. 请接受我们12月16日为您开出的账单上的错误,我们已经更正错误,很抱歉由此给您

带来的不便。 我为我的疏忽表示抱歉,希望修正后能让贵公司满意。

6.none was intended.事发突然。

7.please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause.由


8.we are sorry for the error in your bill and thank you for calling it to our



9.i sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding! 对此造成的误解我真诚道歉!

10.i apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of

our implementation asap.

很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。 我们确信尚未产生永久和实质的危害,并为这个错误给贵公司带来的困扰表示最诚挚的

歉意。 感谢您关于投诉新购买的激光打印机存在严重缺陷的传真。您的投诉证据充分。我们为


时回复您,我临时去欧洲出差,4天都不在办公室。 外贸英语培训班讲解道歉信13个写法由春喜外语供稿。篇二:外贸函电模板大全 目录

chapter 1 建立贸易关系

1. 请求建立贸易关系 request for establishing business relations

2. 回复请求建立业务关系 reply to the request for establishing business


3. 索取产品资料 request for product literature

4. 回复索取产品资料 reply to the request for product literature

5. 邀请会面 invitation to the business appointment

6. 接受会面邀请 accepting the invitation to the business appointment

7. 谢绝会面邀请 declining the invitation to the business appointment

8. 要求更改会面时间及地点request for changing the time & place of the


chapter 2 推销

9. 向特定客户推销 sales letter to specific customers

10. 向不特定客户推销 sales circular to non-specific customers

11. 寄信给老客户 sales letter to old customers

12. 寄信给新客户 sales letter to new customers

13. 推销新产品 sales letter for promotion of new products

14. 推销劳务 sales letter for promotion of labor services chapter 3 询盘和订货

15. 一般询盘 general inquiry

16. 回复一般询盘 reply to the general inquiry

17. 具体询盘 specific inquiry

18. 报虚盘 making a non-firm offer

19. 报实盘 making a firm offer

20. 买方还盘 making a counter offer

22. 下订单 placing an order

23. 接受订单 accepting an order

24. 拒绝订单 declining an order

25. 下续订单 placing a repeat order

26. 推荐替代品 offering a substitute product

27. 接受替代品 accepting a substitute product

28. 拒绝替代品 declining a substitute product

29. 涨价通知 notice for price increase

30. 回复涨价通知 reply to the price increase notice chapter4 付款

31. 询问付款方式 asking about payment terms

32. 接受付款方式 accepting payment terms

33. 要求修改信用证 request for amendment to l/c

34. 信用证修改 amendment to l/c

35. 付款通知 payment notice

36. 收到付款通知 receipt of payment notice

37. 催促付款(初次)urging payment (first notice)

38. 催促付款(最后通告)urging payment (last notice)

39. 索取发票 asking for invoice

40. 寄送发票 sending invoicechapter 5 包装和交货

41. 包装要求 packaging requirements

42. 回复包装要求 reply to packaging requirements

43. 装运时间 time of shipment

44. 回复装运通知 reply to time of shipment

45. 催促装运 urging shipment

46. 回复催促装运 reply to urging shipment

47. 出货通知 shipment advice

48. 货物抵达通知 goods arrival noticechapter 6 投诉和致歉

50. 对货物未寄达致歉 apology for goods arrival failure

51. 出货延迟 late delivery

52. 对出货延迟致歉 apology for late delivery

54. 对货物质量不佳致歉 apology for poor quality of goods

56. 为数量错误致歉 apology for wrong quantity of goods

58. 为发货有误致歉 apology for sending wrong goods

60. 为包装不良致歉 apology for poor packaging

61. 付款出错 payment error

62. 为付款出错致歉 apology for payment error

63. 对服务的不满 service dissatisfaction

64. 对服务不满致歉 apology for customer service dissatisfaction chapter 7 商务交往

65. 请求筹备出差 request for preparing for a business trip

66. 回复请求筹备出差 reply to the request for preparing for a business trip

67. 确认预定行程 confirming itinerary reservation

68. 出差后的感谢 thanks for a business trip

69. 活动通知 activity notice

70. 集会通知 gathering notice

71. 邀请担任演讲者 inviting speaker

72. 回复演讲邀请 reply to the invitation for speaker

73. 展销会通知 trade fair notice

74. 回复邀请 reply to the trade fair invitation

75. 请求帮忙做问卷调查 request for filling out questionnaire

76. 请求转载许可 request for reproduction permissionchapter 8 公司人事

77. 人事查询 personnel enquiry

78. 找寻人才 looking for qualified personnel

79. 晋升公告 promotion announcement

80. 调动通知 transfer noticechapter 9 公司内部

82. 会议通知 meeting notice

83. 例行报告 routine report篇三:道歉信: 道歉信:





范例: 向客户致歉




当然,你方是急着要货的。可是,需要量远远超过我们以往的经验,特向你方道歉! 你的忠实的xxx



dear sirs:

we are a factory of fiberglass in china and our main product is chopped strand

mat (csm) and stitch chopped strand mat and etc. i wonder if you need this product; if you are interested in our products, please

kindly return this mail.maybe now you have regular business partner。if so..please leave my message in

your email box..maybe someday it will be useful。 yours sincerely




1..文字太长..很难扫一眼就看明白..至少要花10 多秒钟时间来看。而一般老外看邮件






最好的办法就是什么都不写.. 但是让他有那么一刻的犹豫..是不是先存一下这封邮件。这就


有恶 意贬低他人的嫌疑。而且一分钱一分货的道理他们是知道的。专业的客人和大买家都不


搞清楚了..最后谈价格..成交率会大大提高。如果有朋友读过roger dawson写的“secrets of

power negotiating”..就知道怎样跟客人谈价格了。这是题外话..我以后如果写一篇如何


话让他一看..就会觉得你卖的东西是cheap item..不是他的style..那就画蛇添足了。更何



试着和你原来的开发信比较一下..是不是大大减肥了.. hi sir,

glad to hear that youre on the market for fiberglass. we specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of chopped strand mat and stitch should you have any questions, pls do not hesitate to contact me. freesamples will be sent for your evaluation!


tel: ***

fax: ***

mail: ***

website: ****** (请记住..如果你非要在里面加上网页链接..请放在签名里..不要放正

文..让人感觉更像搞推销的..不太好。) 一开始开门见山指出..很高兴获悉您对某某产品感






不是说价格低就能赢得订单的..真正拿到order是综合性的考量.. 价格是重要的一方面..


二.. 好..我想问lz..我发的开发信..有人回了..可是回复之后就都没反应了。我该怎

么办..有几个回了两三次..大概就是问了些问题..然后就over 了。主要看对方怎么回..如

果是一句no, thanks. 那就算了。如果真的有内容..而且里面是有些问题的..那就要争取..

要想办法抓牢。 我的经验是..如果一个客人和我来来回回写了1个月email..我会觉得成交

希望很大..如果和我写了3个月email 讨论一个产品或一系列产品..我就有9成把握了..如





不得不把订单下给你为止.. 关于你的问题..恐怕还要具体分析..我没有看到来回的邮件..

不好妄作判断。我想说的是..开发信能联系到客人..其实就已经成功了.. 客人还跟你讨论具

体问题..那已经perfect 了......接下来能否有进一步发展..就要各方面去把握了。有可能



人的身份..究竟是importer..还是distributor..还是retailer.. 针对不同的客人..你的


三.. 感谢楼主的..讲解哦。想想老师讲的那真是.. 老师彻底的out 了。非常感谢..收







四.. 好久没看到这样掏心掏肺的好帖子了..呵呵..楼主..谢谢了产品没有优势很正常


小的贸易公司做sales..没有产品优势..没有供应商优势..没机会去展会..一开始连b2b 都

没有..唯一的办法就是google和欧洲的yellow page啊。我当时想出来的优势有这么几个..


料..价格.. 箱量..起订量..装柜数..装运港..以及计算运费等等..只要客人一封询价



1. 通知

本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。

I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address.

我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。同时, 恳请订购。

Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order.

本公司于5月1日将改为股份有限公司, 特此奉告。

We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on the 1st May.

本公司股东年会, 将于3月1日在银行家俱乐部召开, 特此函告。

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers' Club on Mar. 1.

今天我们已付给R.S.先生120美元, 特此告知。

By this we inform you that we have today paid Mr. R.S. $120.

通过这些渠道, 他们会发来甚多订单, 特此函告。

Through these lines, we intimate you that they may send you considerable orders.

2. 回信

本公司断定我们所提供的货色优良, 价格公道, 感谢贵公司给我们一个机会, 使我们的要求得以实现。

We are certain that we are offering a sound article at popular price, and we should appreciate an opportunity to substantiate our claims.

贵公司5月6日函悉, 本公司无法承购贵公司开价的商品。此复。

In answer to your favour of the 6th May, we inform you that we are unable to take the goods offered by you.

关于贵公司所询麦麸一事, 现可提供该货20吨。

In answer to your inquiry for bran, we offer you 20 tons of the same.

贵函收悉, 此地商场仍保持平静。

Answering to your letter, we state that the market remains quiet.

至今未复5月8日贵函, 甚感歉疚, 还望原谅。

本月8日贵函敬悉。??先生是位诚实可靠的人, 特此告知。

In response to your letter of the 8th inst., I am pleased to say that Mr. ?? is a man of trustworthy character.

关于所询H.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 他是一位足以信赖的人。

In response to your inquiry respecting Mr. H., we have pleasure in stating that he is a thoroughly reliable man.

关于S.公司的情况, 我们特此欣然函复。

We are glad to answer your inquiry concerning S. & Company.

关于J.先生的情况, 谨此高兴地告知, 我们认为他是绝对可以信赖的人。

Answering to your inquiry respecting Mr. J., we are pleased to say that we found him absolutely reliable.

17日贵函关于结帐一事, 谨此告知, 我们将很快寄去支票。

Replying to your letter of the 17th respecting the account, I will send you a cheque shortly.

谨复贵公司本月10日函询; 我们不能提供贵公司特定的那种餐盘的报价。

Replying to your inquiry of the 10th inst., we are unable to offer you plates of the size you specify.

贵函收悉, 我们已将样品提交本公司的买方, 特此奉告。

In reply to your letter, we are pleased to inform you that we have shown the sample to our buyer.

你方6月12日的来函收悉, 兹寄去面额为150美元的支票一张, 谨此奉复。

In reply to yours of 12th June, I send herewith a cheque, valuing $150.

3. 收讫

您昨日来信已收悉, 谨于此按您所约定的条件。接受此项任务。

I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention.


We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 1st June.


We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 5th inst.

本商品将于12月最后一班轮船付运, 货到时请惠于告知。

Kindly acknowledge receipt, and have the goods sent by the last steamer in December.

我们如期收到您5月15日的信, 信中所谈事宜尽悉。谢谢。

We duly received your favour of the 15th May, contents of which we note with thanks.

6月6日来函收悉, 我们无法交运该货, 甚感遗撼。

We are in possession o fyour favour of the 6th June, and regret having to inform you that it is impossible for us to deliver the goods.


We are in possession of your invoice of the 15th July.

7月7日的贵函收悉, 感谢您订购下列货物: ...

Your favour of the 7th July is at hand, and thank you for your order for: ...


Your favour of the 10th July came duly to hand.


Your favour of yesterday covering a chequie of $100 is duly to hand.


Your favour of yesterday is duly received.


We have received your letter of yesterday.


We duly received your letter of yesterday.


We received on the 1st May your valued favour dated 3th April.


We duly received your favour of the 27th May, with a draft for $150.


We have received your letter dated 6th February.

您6月5日的来函收悉, 多谢。

We have to own with thanks the receipt of your favour of 6th June.

4. 确认


To confirm||Confirming||Confirmation


In Confirmation of


A letter of confirmation

关于上周本公司通过电话给您的报价, 我们特予以确认。

We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.


We confirm our respects of the 3rd May, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.

兹确认已收到"O"号轮船送来的货物, 现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。

I confirm the receipt of your shipment by m.s. "O", and now send you a cheque, valuing $550.

兹确认我上星期致您函, 请及早约定与我方代表面谈的日期。

Confirming our letter of last week, we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative.

兹确认本公司6月11日的信, 同函附上50包的提单。请查收。

Confirming ours of the 11th June, we now hand you enclosed B/L for 50 packages.


We confirm our respects of yesterday, and have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you.


We have much pleasure in confirming herewith the order which you kindly placed with us yesterday.

您对我公司所提订单, 请务必于明天下午三时前来电确认。

Kindly let us have confirmation of these orders by telegraph tomorrow by 3 p.m.

谨确认今日电报, 非常遗撼, 该工厂于昨夜被毁于火。

In confirmation of my cable today, I regret to state that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night.

为确认今早电话中所订货物, 请寄来订货单。

Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.

5. 愉快欣慰

我们欣慰地告知你们, 我们将于明日给银行寄去5张面额为500美元的债券。

We have the pleasure to inform you that we will forward by tomorrow's mail to the Bank five bonds of $500 each.


We have the pleasure to acknowledge your favour of yesterday advising 25 cases for Shanghai.


We have the pleasure of enclosing herewith the documents.


We have pleasure in forwarding you a cheque for $50,000.


We have pleasure in enclosing herewith a Bill of Lading covering 50 bales of cotton.

祈注意 "B House" 是B大街10号。

We have pleasure to bring to your notice "B House" No. 10B Avenue.

我们愿向您提出下列订货: ...

We have much pleasure of placing the following order with you: ...


I have much pleasure in confirming my verbal order of this morning.

我们高兴地通知您, 从伦敦给您发来的书和其它东西的邮包已经到达。

We take pleasure in informing you that a parcel containing books and others has arrived for you from London.


We shall be pleased to enter your order at $900 per pound.


I shall be pleased to supply you with 10 cases of toys at the low price of $1000 per box.


We shall be pleased to show you some of our safes.

我们欣慰的告知您, 去年度业务是最成功的一年。

We are glad to inform you that the past year has been a most successful one.


We are glad to report on S. & Co., of this cith.


I an glad that you have accepted my offer.
