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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-12 07:28:56 | 移动端:模拟联合国得议案




Back ground:

China, located in east Asia,is the second lagest country in the word.In

mainland,Chinese goverment established the people's congress system. China has a

colorful folk culture,with 56 different nations in the mainland.Chinese major

environmental problems are the lack of water and air pollution. Up to the year 2010,

the GDP of China more than $7.2 trillion, has become the second economic power in

the world. However,the per capita gross national product(GNP) is only the 89th in

the world.China's position in the world is volatile. China has not been impacted much

of he financial crisis and still maintain the basic balance of the world economy.

However,some countries such as Japan often have collision abhout the territory with

China. China has a very good relationship with Pakistan, Korea, myanmar.Russiais

China’s Strategic partnership.The relationship is not very good between China and

South Korea, Indonesia,especially with Japan.China adheres to an independent foreign

policy of peace, willing to establish and develop friendly relations and cooperation

with all countries.

Problem 1:the air pollution

the situation in China:

The current atmospheric pollution situation is still very serious in our country.

Total suspended particulate matter in the urban atmospheric environment is out of

limit; Sulfur dioxide pollution has been at a higher level; Motor vehicle exhaust

pollutant emissions increased rapidly.

1. Sulfur dioxide.

Coal consumption continues to increase, the resulting sulfur dioxide emissions rising

sharply. In all kinds of emission source, power plants and industrial boilers

emissions accounted for 70%.By expanding scope of acid rain pollution, caused by

emissions of sulfur dioxide has been extended to most of the south of the Yangtze

river, east of the qinghai-tibet plateau region. The annual average precipitation

pH below 5.6 for a threshold effect of acid rain area have accounted for about 30%

of the area of the country.

2. The smoke and dust.

Smoke's main emission source is coal-fired power plants and industrial boilers, as

a result of the local power plants use most of the inefficient precipitator, so the

soot emissions are generally 5 to 10 times of national large power plant.

3. Motor vehicle exhaust pollution.

Driven by economic growth, increase of motor vehicles in our country is rapid in recent

years, especially in some big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and others’

motor vehicle growth rate is far higher than the national average. Auto emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions rise year by year. Because of the densely populated city, traffic is relatively large, motor vehicle exhaust pollution in the proportion of urban air pollution is also rising.

the solution of China:

Taking actions to improve the air pollution is essential. The prevention and control of atmospheric pollution hazard and management way is various, here is the main method is introduced.

(1). Reasonable industrial layout is important.This could facilitate the spread of pollutants and plant between each other can reuse the exhaust gas, reducing exhaust emissions.

(2). Changing the fuel is also a good solution.For example,the development of urban industrial and civil coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas, low sulphur fuel and new energy (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.).To promote mining, to remove most of the sulfur in coal.

(3). Automobile emissions should be reduced. The main way is to change the engine combustion design and improve the quality of the oil burning, which strengthen traffic management.

(4). Chimney dust need to be solved better.The technology of controling the sulfur dioxide in flue gas should be used more widely.

Problem 2:decreasing number of fish in the ocean

the situation in China:

Recent years,the number of Catches in the east sea of China about 6 million tons. It seems that fishery resources is increasing. However, there are problems which are hidden.With resource development efforts of the blind increase, these important economic and big species gradually reduced. 1970s, the main species caught offshore in lower economic value, including the types of horse-faced puffer, Pacific herring and so on. Since the 1980s, small pelagic fish gradually replaced the traditional groundfish fishing became the main target. Bohai Sea fishery resources survey in 1992 showed that crustaceans and animal production decreased by 39 percent 10 years ago, compared with the average weight of fish spawning 30 percent only 10 years ago. Perch, shrimp, crab and other economically important fishery resource biomass yield of 29% just 10 years ago. Besides,the fish species decreased significantly. The overall situation is not very good.We are losing the fishery resources.The reason is that the ocean have be put in too much waste water and polluted.For instance,the oil pollution in China's coastal is really serious. The oil is one of the largest pollutants.The oil pollution do great harm to the marine biological resources.The oil could form a thin film oil in the water easily, causing a widespread phenomenon of lack of oxygen.The oil film can stick to a large number of fish eggs and larvae, making them dead from suffocation.It can also make eggs and larvae deformed.This kind of pollution leads to that fish and shellfish accumulating certain carcinogens.

the solution of China:

1.The government should build more policy about protecting fisheries.And,the government should make sure that the policy can be conducted well.

2. Implementing a regular fishing time is necessary.Besides,In the fishing moratorium, fishing must be totally banned.

3. During the period when the fish are breeding, fishing should be stopped.At the same time,increase the intensity of fish breeding.

4. The government can also implement reward for people who keeping fish,and encourage the investment of fish breeding industry.

Problem 3:global warming

the situation in China:

Our country think the global warming is serious and we should take measures. At the beginning, let me tell you something that happened in recent years.n 2008, the south of China suffered from a snowstorm. Our country got huge losses of economy and casualties. Because of it the airplane couldn’t take off, the crops died, nearly all of the shops were closed, and the electricity was cut off. People’s daily life was seriously affected. Some people even can not be together with their family during the holiday.

Another story is about the polar bear. As we all know, the glacier was gradually melt.. In 2004, America sciences found 4 polar bears were drown. The polar bear is good at swimming, it is amazing that they were drown. Polar bear is not Aquatic organisms, they need ice to sit on. But the recent years, the ice has melt, the habitat of the polar bear is less and less. Because they couldn’t find things to eat, some polar bear went to a village, the villager are afraid of going out, and send SOS to the police office.

These things all because of the global warming, it is us human beings who causes the global warming.We develop our country without caring about the environment. We pour out high emission of the industry gas and the automobile exhaust which lead to global warming.

Our country think the global warming is serious,and it is our fault. We should take measures to slow down he speed of global warming.

slution of China:

It is the human beings that cause the global warming, and it is our duty to pay for it. Think about how to be fair, our country think some developed country should reduce the emission firstly. And because they are developed, their economic is better than the developing country. What they have done that affects environment is also more than developing country. So they should do more than us to save the environment and reduce the speed of global warming. The earth is our home, and all of us should do something to protect it, then it doesn’t mean that us developing country can do everything. We also should decrease the emission, of course, we can

emission more than developed country. We hope one day the global warming can under the control, and we can be not so afraid of it.





再次强调联合国宪章第二条第四款“联合国任何会员国不得使用威胁或武力,侵害任何国家之领土完整或政治独立”。 认为交战双方应立即休战,以免造成更加重大的损失,并撤出争议地区,进行和平谈判。


第一条 呼吁格方和俄方均各自撤回军队,退出有争议区域

第二条 建议在休战期间,暂由维和部队维持争议地区治安

1、 在休战直至未达成一致协议期间,双方均不许再次发生武装冲突

2、 若再次挑起战火,则追究当事国责任并进行国际制裁

3、 若战争再起,则允许联合国派遣观察员进入争议地区进行调查

第三条 强调格鲁吉亚军队发动武装打击南奥塞梯是违反国际法的行为,是得不到国


第四条 建立格鲁吉亚、俄罗斯、南奥塞梯三方谈话机制,并向安理会汇报会议进展,


第五条 遵守不干预他国内政的原则,奉行独立自主的外交政策,支持南奥塞梯人民


第六条 重申遵守《日内瓦条约》的重要性,在撤军过程中,不得以任何理由打击平


第七条 允许国际红十字会、联合国难民署、世界粮食计划署等国际人道主义救援组













