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关键词: 建设成本;建设工程造价管理的地位;市场经济条件下管理投资的决策阶段;设计阶段;实施阶段;

即使在世贸组织和中国加入世界大家庭, 是中国建筑业如何有效地控制工

程造价的建设和管理的一个重要组成部分。 然而,






作为这项工程的费用,以项目贯穿整个过程中, 按阶段可分为:投资决策阶段,设计和实施阶段。 所谓工程造价的有效控制, 在优化建设方案,设计方案的基础上,在建设过程的所有阶段使用某些方法和措施,以降低工程成本有一个合理控制的范围 和成本的核定限额。

1 工程造价管理工作的现状

工程造价管理制度形成于50年代, 80年代成熟起来,表现为国家直接参与管理经济活动。规定在设计阶段,以不同的概算或预算的编制以及政府,没有有关部门制订财政预算案、内容、方法和审批, 这份预算案将提供固定费用、设备和材料,采用固定价格的预算编制、审批、管理权限,等等。

随着历史进程经过恢复、改革和发展,形成了比较完备的概预算定额管理制度。 但是,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,制度的许多问题也暴露出来。一般来说,预算是基于直接参与管理国家的经济活动作为先决条件,企业并不是实际的经济实体,由于特征的计划经济体制,并在当时的条件下,生产力必将成为短缺经济。

严重的商品短缺的情况下,只要有一定程度的投资将产品产出。在这种环境下,项目的规划和技术论证就不可能有经济分析。国家控制的项目成本构成要素的设备和材料价格。在这种相对稳定的经济环境,财政预算的制度,核定工程造价, 帮助政府进行投资计划方面发挥了重大作用。


首先,由于技术人员的工程技术和经济观念和意识淡薄 成本控制,成本管理,使质量难以提高。工程造价控制是很难达到的长远目标。


我们现在的任务是要与现代成本管理的,符合中国国情的市场经济的系统目标,借鉴先进发达国家的经验, 建立健全市场经济规律的工程造价管理体系,努力提高工程造价的水平。

投资决策阶段的工程造价管理建设项目投资决策阶段是提出项目建议书, 进行了可行性研究,确定投资估算,最终编制设计任务。在这个阶段,项目的技术和经济决策, 对建设项目工程造价的工程完成后的经济效益有着决定性的影响,建造成本是一个重要的阶段控制。

我国现阶段的工程造价进行的项目管理的目的是出清价,只注重施工过程的成本控制, 忽略开始的项目投资决策阶段的成本控制。投资决策阶段的投资项目,估计是一个重要的决策依据。它直接影响到国民经济及财务分析结果的可靠性和准确性。因为这个阶段是工程的前期工作,信息不能完全, 同类作品或多或少地积累的资料比较少,估计不够全面,不科学。使工程造价管理和成本工人现阶段很难有所作为。




1)实施建设项目法人责任制三峡工程从规划到执行的整个过程和使用的资金偿还责任落实到人。除了要确立的法律制度和工程监理配套机制,由主管部门的 工商及监管部门成立监察小组,负责监督资金的使用。


3)资金必须有正式的承诺文件,各方必须做投资资金到位, 基金必须有文件,以确保可以批准立项后,原定执行。对各项贷款的条件应仔细分析,以减少利息负担和还款压力。





长期以来,我国建筑控制很有效,因此,控制工程造价具有重要意义, 但工程造价的主要方法是控制设计。

目前大部分的业主在设计阶段很少工程的成本控制,而他们认为成本的设计不会有太大的影响,这是不对的,相反的,设计阶段的工程造价控制是最重要的一步。因为它决定了工程设计、施工方法、材料和设备的种类,优化设计阶段的程序或小的变化, 工程造价将会产生重大影响,设计阶段的工程造价控制项目总成本的70% 。以下是如何控制工程从设计到管理。

2.1 作为业主,必须重视设计

设计选定的质量水平直接影响产品质量的设计水平, 而设计产品质量的水平,直接影响定价的工程量。不同的设计单位对同一项目的设计是不同的。同一项目的不同设计研究院工程之间某些方面的工程造价就存在分歧之间,我们假设设计由两个不同的设计院设计, 施工图完成后,,




2.2 提倡设计招投标和设计优化战役模式设计单位评估

由专家组成, 按照适用,经济,美学原理和先进技术, 结构合理,以满足建筑节能和环保的要求,综合评价的优点,规划设计, 择优确定中选方案。

成功的投资计划估计将接近一般建设工程范围内的投资。 这意味着两个设计合约,将帮助设计方案的选择和竞争机会,以确保获选设计 先进的技术,独特的新颖性,适应性,以及控制工程造价。设计单位要努力提高自身素质,该项目设计巧妙构思, 当代降低工程成本上动脑筋,以提高设计质量, 力争把设计阶段的工程造价控制批准的投资上限。

2.3 加强设计阶段

以加强监督专员,以确定一个合理的设计, 成熟的技术,减少在施工阶段主要设计变化和在节目中, 在有效控制了工程造价将扮演一个角色。工程的设计,如果工程监理介入排除不利因素,一般可排除80%的错误。 在整个建设过程中的成本控制,在开始施工时尽量节约投资20%,关键施工阶段的识别和控制成本。 监督的设计阶段,包括: 设计院的设计图纸和说明,协助业主处理不同设计方案的经济, 资本开支与发展的初步估计,以确保投资能够得到最有


根据设计院提供的设计图纸和说明,协助业主处理不同的设计方案经济,资本支出发展的初步规划,以确保投资能够得到最有效的利用;与业主不同的设计方案, 需要计算自己的材料和设备进行成本分析和研究, 对设计人员的费用,以协助他们在投资限额范围内设计,以节省投资。寻求一次性投资少,经济好的设计方案,取得最合理的经济指标。


即使批准的设计任务书和投资估算,在保证功能要求的前提下。初步设计和概算控制, 据初步批准的预算总额为设计和施工图设计控制。而每一个专业,每一个都有一个门槛设计的一个目标。在设计过程中,设计师要进步多方案,优化设计, 确保设计在技术上是先进,合理,创新,时尚,而不是打破限制投资的目标, 从而杜绝了工程设计,提高安全系数和设计标准, 或只考虑技术可行性的计划,而非经济理性的现象, 这项工程的费用,以确保有效控制。

又称价值工程的价值分析,是一种现代科学管理技术, 是一个新的技术经济分析的是产品的功能分析,以节约资源,降低成本的目的,一个有效的方法。它弥补了传统的成本管理单纯强调降低成本和质量管理只强调改善质量缺陷,建设,有利于解决长期存在的时间长,浪费大,质量差,成本高的问题。价值工程法一般分为三个步骤:评估的面向对象技术和经济评分评分;计算对象的技术和经济指标; 计算几何设计的物体,平均从比较中选择最佳的设计。

3 建设项目实施阶段的单位工程造价管理

控制工程成本,是合理的 该项目达到质量标准的前提下,在投资决策阶段, 设计及建造阶段的项目,把项目审批出现在管制范围内,力争在各项建设工程合理使用人力, 物力和财力资源,以取得良好的投资效益和社会效益。



3.1 招标施工阶段的施工单位招标制度

控制工程造价的有效手段,申办组织,可以提高成本效益的工程,并确保工程质量, 缩短建设周期,投资回报, 施工单位可充分利用招标的手段,有效控制成本。

施工编号10月7部令发布了“合同与施工合同定价管理” 明确指出,在工程招标使用库存。这就要求建设单位进行招标, 在招标文件中,不仅包括通常的内容如债券投标前附表,招标债券合同的条件、合同协议条款、合同格式、技术规格、图纸、招标文件及其他参考格式,还必须提供工程清单招标作为参考文件的重要组成部分。

建设单位在招标文件中的工程量清单, 按照国家或地方颁布的规则的计算方法,统一的项目划分, 统一计量单位,统一的工程计算规则按设计图纸加以计算和统计安排,取得名单。 数量应遵循的筹备工作客观,公正,科学,合理的原则。编写者必须有一定的知识的工程设计和施工经验, 以及材料与机械施工技术全面的科学知识,为了计算容积的工程无重大遗漏。此基础上,

可少的爱情招标文件规定计算量的项目应该有一个综合测试,作品必须简单,虽然不露出现错误定价项目,要保证正确的工程。应该要求的不同等级分开工程部,情况则有所不同, 我们可能有不同的价格,为项目分开。这就要求编写清单编制人员,认真研究设计图纸, 分析招标文件中包括的工作内容及不同的技术要求, 大家熟悉的过程,并到现场认真调查,预计,以使施工的情况下,会对价格项目得以打破。此外, 因为项目清单计算数额的项目是不完整的工程,并考虑利益施工单位,显然付出代价相同的总体价格 该工程量清单的数量,实际建设是一个具有实际意义。

在评价和审查的投标应做的单位,个人总报价和综合评估价格不符合要求的个体显示物价符合要求, 与最低总价不能解释单一,价低。投标人往往知道总成本,以维持相同的情况下, 该计划很可能会改变较小的项目,以降低价格。变化可能较大项目的价格上升,以达到竣工结算工程,将增加为目的。我们也做价格和相应数量的工程技术综合评估的大批量项目注重价格分析。价格会做与工作内容,施工计划,是一个全面的技术评价过程中, 因而倾向于选择施工单位。建设施工阶段的合同成本控制基础。签订严密的施工合同,同时加强施工合同管理,可以保证合同价是合理的, 合法性,减少履行合同的纠纷,维护双方利益的合同,有效地控制了工程投资费用。





3.2.1 建筑计划

加强技术经济比较施工方案是施工组织设计进行了重新的工作内容,合理的施工方案,缩短建设工期,确保三峡工程质量, 提高经济效率,施工方案正确,从技术和经济评价进行了比较, 通过定性和定量分析,质量,时间,成本三项技术和经济指标,是理智的, 并有效地使用人力,物力和财力,取得较好的经济效益,良好的施工管理人员之间的关系, 全面成本管理是一个重要途径。

3.2.2 严格涉及更改项目预算控制在概算内

施工造成的变化,原因有很多,包括工程设计不良,使工程合同与图纸不符规定;当前市场供应的材料不符合标准规格的设计要求。这些问题已离开初级工程造价的因素。因此,在施工过程中,我们必须加紧海关变化通过任何更改设计,扩大建设规模,提高设计标准,增加建设内容, 最好实行“分级控制,限额签证”制度。有权变更设计,尤其是涉及到成本的设计变更,必须经设计单位, 建设单位现场代表,监理工程师共同签字,并应提前这种变化,减少损失, 因为已完成或部分完成的项目将进行拆除工作的内容, 这势必造成重大变更损失。因此,建设单位应指派工程造价管理专业人员常驻施工现场,掌握在任何时候控制工程造价的变化。



学生姓名 张欢 班级 2006级

学 院交通学院

专 业指导教师林惠英职称教授

Auto service will face professional obtain employment

At present, our car industry, but whether the technology or sales are not in with the international level, the car industry with international this requires a lot of relevant professionals to develop technology and open market. from this perspective, the bus services technologies and marketing professional employment outlook for a light. then, the bus services technologies and marketing professionals needs of the status quo? this is what is the professional requirements of employees? the german people in the net

Car sales have the status quo and demand

Since the 1990s, automobile industry since the middle as the pillar industry in China have a rapid development. In 2006, China's car market demand for the 700 million vehicles and breakthrough of the global automotive market share of sales more than 10% in 2008, for the first time, China's car market and 934.51 million vehicles and respectively 938.05 million vehicles. Although suffered financial crises, 2008 China vehicle market volume reached 10 million cars have expected, but China's domestic and imported automobile is mainly, early 2009, both at home and abroad have increased automobile manufacturers of domestic market development, and auto fields, scrap automobiles subsidies, small-engine cars purchases duty reduced, fuel, automobile industry fees instead of rejuvenation such policies and measures, and policy of various manufacturers, a new model for 2009 auto market is growing rapidly.

According to China's auto industry association, 2009 April auto production of 115.68 million, compared 5.61% increase year-on-year, 17.89%, Sales 115.31 million vehicles, compared 24.97% year-on-year growth 3.91% respectively, car sales, including 83.10 million cars, 37.37% year-on-year growth. Four months before the year accumulative total sales of cars, China 383.19 million cars, 9.43% year-on-year, the United States, as the world's biggest consumer. According to China's passenger car joint figures, 2009 in the car again 80 million vehicles in both breakthrough. Domestic auto sales for five consecutive months year-on-year growth, passenger car

joint estimates, 2009 China auto sales will greatly exceed the overall sales last year, more than 11 million cars, year-on-year growth of 9% has no suspense.

Car quantities, along with the continuous growth of new car sales, car maintenance, spare parts supply, financial services and insurance service and accessories sales, sales, transportation vehicle driving education market expansion of space. Generally speaking, auto after-sales service market is the most stable profit source, can occupy the total profit of about 60-70%. At present, relative to the vehicle sales profit shrink, China's auto after-sales service market, while the profit as much as 40 per cent market is still at the primary stage, the development potential. 2006, according to Chinese auto aftermarket predict 2010 will reach 1900 billion yuan of large scale, automobile industry in Asia, Japan, big second. Now this is likely to be first in Asia.

After the car service market needs a large number of employees, the future for quite a long time, the car after the automobile market and business management, technical service and trade, automobile and automobile insurance claims the enterprise market behavior etc, also need more relevant to a professional knowledge of automobile talents. Automotive technical services and marketing personnel demand will continue to rise, talent demand will achieve a mass. While the personnel quality far industry development needs, because the system of professional demand, the study of the personnel training without any car service industry. China automobile service industry personnel, and cultural level of the junior high school, high school for 38.5% of culture, college or above 51.5 cultural level is only 10% (including the majority of college level of undergraduate level, and less), the structure 4:5:1 ratio is about. In developed countries, this ratio is generally 2:4:4. The skill level employees also alarming situation, technicians and senior technician accounted for only 8% of mechanic. Due to the overall quality of employees, in labor productivity, low management level is not high, the quality of service. In recent years because of higher vocational and car market, the graduates entering a status change, but highly qualified professionals, especially the mastery of professional knowledge and skills of the talents still very badly. This year's car service enterprise need graduates are still in short supply.

Automobile marketing position of distribution

Through the investigation result, automobile service scope of business activities

involved, from different angles can be divided into different types, according to the consumer can be divided into:

Marketing service: truckload sale and accessories sales. Old trading, financial loans, advertising, exhibition, automobile car consultation,

Service: management agency. Fuel supply. Maintenance and repair. Hairdressing adornment, lease, navigation supports, parking, security guards, accident rescue driving school, motels, etc.

Interests: regulations consultation and inspection, analysis, insurance accident arbitration claim; etc.

Auto service covers all aspects of automobile consumption, but each service is based on knowledge of automobile technology, and also needs the support related domain knowledge.

(1) auto sales enterprise

Car sales enterprise's marketing professional automotive technical service and the main direction of employment. Car sales enterprise post group according to enterprise business department can be divided into:

1) marketing consultancy, 2) receptionist, 3) insurance member 4) insurance claims, 5) add commissioner, 6) service advisers, 7) service commissioner, 8) attendant, 9) exhibition hall sets guest statisticians, 10) products and accessories sales.

(2) the insurance companies

According to the present condition of the insurance industry, automotive technology services and marketing professional students in relevant property insurance company for them and employment. Specific as follows:

1) insurance

Insurance: the main work is a hillock policy. This position requires professional insurance knowledge, professional, on the automobile insurance learned to compensate for the advantage of with other involved. Insurance hillock is divided into:

Teller: business personnel office work, have the fixed time, responsible for reception to store some customers, door working arrangements.

Reality: mainly responsible for customer contact for store lire premium, commonly known as the "run" insurance.

2) insurance claims position

The car accident damage: damage, the survey, it needs a professional knowledge, and automotive technical services and marketing professional, such as: the car accident, what place after be or get out of danger, need to repair damaged or change of automobile, the structure of the understanding on the engine, such as knowledge structure and maintenance of the automobile chassis, construction and maintenance ", and other relevant content and need to experience. After the entry, insurance company internal training and exam will damage member, work after six years of primary certificate, certificate of intermediate and senior examination certificate, the position of development foreground is very good.

Nuclear damage: after damage to superior departments, nuclear damage, loss of high level than the nuclear damage, no years work experience is not easy.

Claim: in insurance claims on the stage, the need for HePei member of the audit. Last reparations This work is generally experienced staff can do. But after working experience, member of the damage can be realized HePei damage and member of the promotion.

Automobile marketing class professional ability

Car sales position of vocational ability request according to professional ability, social skills and methods. Display is professional ability, based on automobile marketing business post group need ability is included, the basic social ability to focus on vocational accomplishment, cooperation and communication, and plan and innovation ability.

Professional competence in:

1, basic computer skills,

2, automobile products market survey,

3 and abundant knowledge and ability to automobile structure of automobile technology assessment;

4 and grasp the basic principle of automobile sales and marketing skills,

5, have certain car sales planning and implementation of ability,

6, automobile sales site management ability, grasps the user psychology, social etiquette,

7, have engaged in car insurance, insurance and claims service ability of war, 8, auto after-sales service knowledge and skills,


Unit3 computer architecture and microprocessors

3--1 Computer Architecture

1) Computer architecture , in computer science , is a general term referring to the structure of all or part of computer system . The term also covers the design of system software , such as the operating system (the program that controls the computer) , as well as referring to the combination of hardware and basic software that links the machines on a computer network . Computer architecture refers to an entire structure and to the details needed to make it functional . Thus , computer architecture covers computer systems , microprocessors , circuits , and system programs . Typically the term does not refer to application programs , such as spreadsheets or word processing , which are required to perform a task but not to make the system run .

2)1.Design Elements

3)In designing a computer system , architects consider five major elements that make up the system's hardware : the arithmetic /logic unit , control unit , memory , input , and output . The arithmetic /logic unit performs arithmetic and compares numerical values . The control unit directs the operation of the computer by taking the user instructions and transforming them into electrical signals that the computer 's circuitry can understand . The combination of the arithmetic /logic unit and the control unit is called the central 一

processing unit (CPU) . The memory stores instructions and data . The input input and output sections allow the computer to receive and send data , respectively .

4) Different hardware architectures are required because of the specialized needs of systems and users . One user may need a system to display graphics extremely fast , while another system may have to be optimized for searching a database or conserving battery power in a laptop computer .

5) In addition to the hardware design , the architects must consider what software programs will operate the system . Software , such as programming languages and operating systems , makes the details of the hardware architecture invisible to the user . For example , computers that use the C programming language or a UNIT operating system may appear the same from the user's viewpoint , although they use different hardware architectures .

6)2.Processing Architecture

7)When a computer carries out an instruction , it proceeds through five steps . First ,the control unit retrieves the instruction from memory , for example , an instruction to add two numbers . Second , the control unit decodes the instruction into electronic signals that control the computer . Third , the control unit fetches the data (the two numbers) . Fourth , the arithmetic/logic unit performs the specific operation ( the 二

addition of the two numbers ) . Fifth , the control unit saves the result ( the sum of the two numbers ) .

8) Early computers used only simple instructions because the cost of electronic capable of carrying out complex instructions was high . As this cost decreased in the 1960s , more complicated instructions became possible . Complex instructions ( single instructions that specify multiple operations ) can save time because they make it unnecessary for the computer to retrieve additional instructions . For example , if seven operations are combined in one instruction , then six of the steps that fetch instructions are eliminated and the computer spends less time processing that operation . Computers that combine several instructions into a single operation are called complex instruction set computers ( CISC ) .

9) However , most programs do not often use complex instructions , but consist mostly of simple instructions . When these simple instructions are run on CISC architectures , they slow down processing because each instruction--whether simple or complex --takes longer to decode in a CISC design . An alternative strategy is to return to designs that use only simple , single--operation instruction sets and make the most frequently used operations faster in order to increase overall performance . Computers that follow this design are called reduced instruction set computers ( RISC ) .

10) RISC designs are especially fast at the numerical computations required in science , graphics , and engineering applications . CISC designs are commonly used for non-numerical computations because they provide special instruction sets for handling character data , such as text in a word processing program . Specialized CISC architectures , called digital signal processors , exist to accelerate processing of digitized audio and video signals .

11)3.Open and Closed Architectures

12) The CPU of a computer is connected to memory and to the outside world by means of either an open or a closed architecture . An open architecture can be expanded after the system has been built , usually by adding extra circuitry , such as a new microprocessor computer chip connected to the main system . The specifications of the circuitry are made public , allowing other companies to manufacture these expansion products .

13) Closed architectures are usually employed in specialized computers that will not require expansion , for example , computers that control microwave ovens . Some computer manufacturers have used closed architectures so that their customers can purchase expansion circuitry only from them . This allows the manufacture to charge more and reduces the options for the consumer .

14)4.Network Architecture

15) Computers communicate with other computers via networks . The simplest network is a direct connection between two computers . However , computers can also be connected over large networks , allowing users to exchange data , communicate via electronic mail , and share resources such as printers .

16) Computers can be connected in several ways . In a ring configuration , data are transmitted along the ring and each computer in the ring examines this data to determine if it is the intended recipient . If the data are not intended for a particular computer , the computer passes the data to the next computer in the ring . This process is repeated until the data arrive at their intended destination . A ring network allows multiple messages to be carried simultaneously , but since each message is checked by each computer , data transmission is slowed .

17) In a bus configuration , computers are connected through a single set of wires , called a bus . One computer sends data to another by broadcasting the address of the receive and the data over the bus . All the computers in the network look at the address simultaneously , and the intended recipient accepts the data . A bus network , unlike a ring network , allows data to be sent directly from one computer to another . However , only one computer at a time can transmit data . The others must wait to send their messages .
