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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-07 15:43:49 | 移动端:法国食物英文介绍



French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France's extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local production of all types of ingredients, and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.

Meals range from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs that can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours. Obviously, the latter type of dining is exceptional for most people. However, it is this more sophisticated dining which is typically found in "French restaurants" outside France, giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and complicated. In fact, much of the French cuisine is fairly simple, relying on high quality fresh ingredients and loving preparation rather than complex recipes.

It is common in much of France to take a two hour break for lunch, with many working parents (particularly in villages and smaller towns) returning home for lunch. In some areas, mainly in the south of France, even longer lunch breaks are taken. Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM.

Regional influences on French food

Almost all the famous French dishes are regional specialities, some of which have become popular throughout France (such as Coq au Vin and Foie Gras) while others are mainly enjoyed in the regions in which they originate. Although regional specialities are often offered throughout France, the quality of ingredients and preparation is often superior in their region of origin.

Each region, in addition to boasting local specialities, also has a general style of cooking and choice of ingredients. For example, in Provence the food typically features olive oil, herbs and tomatoes. The evolution of regional cooking styles has been influenced by:

Local availability

The French, a nation of gourmets, know that the best food is made from local ingredients, which are fresher and of better quality than items which have been transported long distances. Consequently, coastal regions (such as Brittany and Normandy, on the northwest coast of France) will favour sea fish and will use it more often and in more varied ways than inland areas. Likewise, areas where fruit or herbs grow easily, will incorporate these into their local cuisine.

Neighbouring countries and immigration

Areas of France which border on other countries have incorporated some of the cuisine of their neighbours. It is not surprising to find Italian dishes near the Italian border. More notably, the French region of Alsace is similar to Germany in its food (sauerkraut is popular) and wine, partly due to it currently bordering on Germany and partly due to it having been part of Germany at various points in its history (the border has moved back and forth with various wars). In parts of the south which have a large North African immigrant population one can enjoy the cuisine which they have imported from their original countries.

History and economic conditions

The culture, lifestyle and economic conditions over a long period of time have formed the development of local food traditions. The rich meat dishes and cream sauces of Burgundy are not only due to Burgundian excellence in raising cattle, but in large part to the economic prosperity of this region over several centuries. On the other hand, mountain regions excel in firm cheeses, which allow food to be preserved over the long and difficult winters, and can be produced from mountain livestock which historically were the main means of support for many families in economically limited areas.

In all parts of France one will find a range of dishes, both in restaurants and in homes, which extends far beyond the regional specialities. However, in much of France the regional influences in terms of ingredients and cooking are marked. The most available food and the best cooking tend to be those produced from local ingredients and using local recipes. Therefore, the decision of where to visit or live in France tends to influence which types of food one will enjoy.

The French Mediterranean uses olive oil, herbs and tomatoes in many of its dishes. The cuisine of northwest France uses butter, soured cream (crème fraiche) and apples. The cuisine of northeast France (Alsace, and to a lesser extent Lorraine) has a strong German influence which includes beer and sauerkraut. Throughout the south in general there tends to be more use of vegetables and fruit (in part due to the favourable climate). Near the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean there is a greater consumption of sea food, while inland areas favoured by rivers (e.g. the Loire valley) use more fresh water fish.

The Italian connection

Any discussion of the influences on French cuisine would be incomplete without recognising the historical contribution of Italy to the development of French cooking. In 1533, Catherine De Medicis (a Florentine princess) married Hey duc d'Orleans (who became King Hey II or France). At this point, France was not know for its food or food culture. Catherine brought an entourage of Italian chefs with her to France, who introduced to France a variety of dishes, food preparation and dining practices. Although France and Italy obviously have evolved very different food cultures, both before and since this contribution, much of France's current food culture can be traced back to this time.

Cooking styles

Every region of France has its own distinctive traditions in terms of ingredients and preparation (see France Regions for further information). On top of this, there are three general approaches which compete with each other:

Classical French cuisine (also known in France as cuisine bourgeoise).

This includes all the classical French dishes which were at one time regional, but are no longer specifically regional. Food is rich and filling, with many dishes using cream-based sauces.

Haute cuisine

It is classical French cuisine taken to its most sophisticated and extreme. Food is elegant, elaborate and generally rich. Meals tend to be heavy, especially due to the use of cream and either large portions or many smaller portions. There is a strong emphasis on presentation (in particular, vegetables tend to be cut with compulsive precision and uniformity). The finest ingredients are used, and the meal is correspondingly expensive.

Cuisine Nouvelle.

This style developed in the 1970s, as a reaction against the classical school of cooking. The food is simpler and lighter. Portions are smaller and less rich; the heavy cream sauces of the classical approach are particularly avoided. Cooking is less elaborate and quicker, with more emphasis on local and seasonal ingredients.

Cuisine du terroir.

This focuses on regional specialities and is somewhat more rustic in nature. Local produce and food traditions are the main focus.

Each of these three traditions are strongly represented in France, with each having its supporters and specialist restaurants. At the moment, Cuisine Nouvelle is less popular than it was, while Cuisine du terroir has grown in popularity in recent years.

Wine and cheese

Aside from bread and water, the most common accompaniments to a French meal are wine and cheese. Unlike other countries, in France wine is considered a standard part of everyday meals, and is neither expensive nor reserved for special occasions. With everyday meals, ordinary wines are served, although it is expected that the style of wine match the style of food.

In addition to its use in cooking, cheese is often served as a course in itself. In this case, it is served after the main meal but before dessert. This typically consists of a platter with three or four different cheeses, from which guests can slice pieces according to their preferences. Sliced bread (e.g. slices of a baguette) are typically provided at the same time.

Restaurant guides

The most famous and successful restaurant guide in France is the Michelin Guide Rouge, which has approximately 50% market share. It has enormous influence; the award of a single star by the Guide Rouge to a restaurant can add 25% to its turnover and the loss of a star can mean financial ruin for a restaurant.

The Guide Rouge is both a restaurant guide and a hotel guide, although its better known for the former. For the towns in the Guide Rouge there is a list of the main tourist attractions and for the larger towns there is a map. In addition to having one in the house it is handy to have one in the car (e.g. if you are unexpectedly delayed on a journey and need to find a good local restaurant).

Although the Guide Rouge does not provide exact details on the criteria they use for rating restaurants, there are a number of factors beside the quality of food: service, atmosphere and value are some of the other considerations. This perhaps explains our experience that not all restaurants with the same overall rating have the same quality of food, one restaurant may have tremendous atmosphere and average food while another with the same rating may have exceptional food but little atmosphere. The Guide Rouge sometimes makes a few comments under a recommended restaurant; these are worth reading as they give an indication of what aspect of the restaurant impressed the reviewer. The comments sometimes note specialities of the house, which are often the best items on the menu.


















任何关于法国烹饪所受影响的讨论若没有涉及意大利对法国烹饪发展的历史贡献都将是不完整的。1533年,凯瑟琳梅第奇(佛罗伦萨的公主) 与奥尔良亨利公爵结婚(后成为国王亨利二世) 此时,法国的食品和饮食文化还不为人知。凯瑟琳随行带来的一位意大利厨师给法国引进了各种菜肴、食品制备及用餐方法。尽管在这一贡献前后所有时间里,法国和意大利明显地演变成了非常不同的饮食文化,但法国目前很多饮食文化皆可追溯到这个时期。



France has a long culinary tradition.French cuisine nowadays is a result of centuries of research,elaboration and perfection.The French are proud of their cuisine.It is an integral part of their culture.Thanks to the interest in the French for good food,the chefs have always been encouraged to elaborate new dishes to satisfy the most discriminating palate.

The origins of the success of French cuisine can be attributed to Catherine de Medicis.When she became Queen of France in 1533,she brought her own Florentine chefs from Italy.At this time,Italian chefs were more experienced than French chefs.They introduced new dishes and sophisticated techniques that they adapted to French products.This gave French cooking a real boost,and the country's culinary influence has never stopped.

French cuisine is sophisticated,varied,well balanced and based on local and high-quality products.France has established some regulations to protect product names from fraud,and guarantee the origin and product quality to the customer.To carry the prestigious label "App茅lation d'Origine Contr?l茅e" (A.O.C),products must comply with strict rules related to geography,varieties,method of fabrication and other criteria.

Unlike other countries,France does not have one national dish.Because each region has its own local products and specialties,it is more appropriate to name regional dishes than a single one.Here is a tour de France of the regional specialties:


Alsace cuisine is strong and unique.It plays a major part on holidays and at family gatherings.Alsatian cuisine is rich and copious.Most Alsatian dishes are not found in other parts of France.The most famous specialty is Chouchroute,sauerkraut garnished with potatoes and a variety of meats such as sausage,pork or ham.The Baeckaoffe is a one-of-a-kind Alsatian fare baked with white wine usually in a traditional pottery dish only made in the village of Soufflenheim.It's a stew comprised of pork,beef and lamb garnished with potatoes.There are many Alsatian cakes and desserts,but the best is the Kougelhopf,brioche pastry with butter,eggs,raisins,whole almonds marinated in kirsch.At Christmas,bredles and gingerbreads decorate the tables of all Alsatian families.Bredles are cookies of different shapes flavoured with anise,cinnamon or almond.


Brittany has excellent fresh seafood:Coquilles-St-Jacques (sea scallops),lobsters,langoustes,crabs,clams,shrimps,mussels,and oysters will all be found on the market stalls of Brittany.This region is also famous for traditional cr锚peries serving wheat cr锚pes and buckwheat galettes accompanied with cider.La Chandeleur,celebrated February 2nd,is the cr锚pes day in France.Eating cr锚pes the day of la Chandeleur will bring a year of happiness! Burgundy

A trip to France would not be complete without sampling escargots and frog's legs.Burgundy snails are with the petis-gris snails,the two varieties eaten in France.Escargots 脿 la Bourgignonne are stuffed with garlic butter.Frog's legs are saut茅ed in butter with fine herbs.The Boeuf Bouguignon is another typical Burgundy specialty.It's a beef stew marinated with Burgundy red wine.The best-known regional product is Mustard de Dijon,secretly produced in the town of Dijon.This strong mustard is used in vinaigrette,sauces and nicely compliments red meat. Normandy

Normandy is renowned for the quality of its dairy products and apples.The region is home to the world-known Camembert cheese.Originally made more than 200 years ago in the lovely village of Camembert,genuine Camembert cheese is exclusively produced in Normandy.Apples also play an important part in the Norman cuisine.They are not only used in desserts,but in alcohol and liquors.The region is famous for cider and a strong apple brandy called Calvados.A mixture of Cider and Calvados,the Pommeau de Normandie is another regional beverage.In Normandy,it is tradition to drink a glass of Calvados in the middle of a meal to help digestion.This 200 century-old ritual is called Trou Normand.Nowadays,a Trou Normand is still served in the middle of a meal,but as an apple sorbet soaked with Calvados.


The warm and sunny weather of Provence produces high-quality fruits and vegetables whose delicious scents can be spotted in the open markets of Southern France.The basic ingredients of Proven?al cuisine are olive oil,garlic and herbes de Provence.Among the typical proven?al dishes,Ratatouille is a vegetable stew made out of tomatoes,peppers,zucchinis,onions and olive oil and Salade Ni?oise,comprised of lettuce,tomatoes,green beans,tuna,eggs,black olives and anchovies.As Provence is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea,Proven?al cuisine also revolves around fresh seafood.Marseille's specialty,la Bouillabaisse (seafood bouillon) and Ancho?ade (sauce made of anchovies,olive oil,garlic) are two of the main Proven?al specialties.

Southwest France

Cuisine of Southwest France is made of produits du terroir.Truffles thrive in the P茅rigord region.Most popular are the Black Perigord Truffles,rare underground mushrooms known for a unique taste and aroma.Truffles are used in sauces,omelettes and numerous other recipes.The other local specialty of the Southwest is goose.Goose's liver is used to make foie gras,which is a traditional Christmas and New Year dish in France.The cities of Toulouse,Castelnaudary,Carcassonne are renown for their Cassoulet,stew made of sausage and white beans.The region is also home to one of the oldest cheeses,Roquefort.It has been produced in the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon for centuries.


Lyon touts itself as the gastronomic capital of France.The city is home to several world renowned Grands Chefs including Paul Bocuse,Pierre Orsi,L茅on de Lyon.Famous professional cooking schools like the Institut Vatel and Paul Bocuse School of Culinary Arts are based in Lyon.Streets are lined with a multitude of small family-run bistros called Bouchons Lyonnais,and these serve traditional Lyonaise food.Local specialities include Andouillette de Lyon (sausage made out of pork chitterlings and marinated with white wine),Quenelles (light dumpling made of fish),and Rosette de Lyon (dry sausage made from leg of pork).Lyon is also known for regional cheeses,such as Saint Marcellin,and locally made chocolates and candies,called Coussins de Lyon (marzipan sweets shaped and decorated like cushions).


Savoy features a traditional mountain cooking based on cheese and potatoes.Savoy's cheese-board includes,among others,Tomme de Savoie,Beaufort,Reblochon and Emmental de Savoie.One of the authentic Savoyard dishes is Tartiflette,a gratin of potatoes with reblonchon cheese,onions and bacon bits.Two Savoyard dishes have popularity extended far beyond the Alps:Fondue,half emmental,half beaufort cheese melt with Savoy white wine in a special

saucepan and Raclette,raclette cheese melt in a special grill and served with potatoes,delicatessen products and pickles.


Corsica produces excellent cheese,meats and deli products known for their singular flavour.It is an unspoiled island where pigs,goats and ewes are raised freely.Dishes are prepared with spices exclusively found in the Corsican scrub.Cheese is still made by shepherds using ancestral ways.These factors,combined with a mild climate,produce unique and high-quality products.Many Corsican recipes are prepared with Bruccio,a fresh goat cheese that is only created here.It is used in omelettes,and with pastas,meats,fish or vegetables.Chestnuts are omnipresent in Corsican food.They are used in cakes,pies,donuts and custard tarts.

As with all cooking,French cooking is considered an art.And as with any art form,it has roots in the past,but remains in a constant state of evolution.French chefs are always striving to maintain high-quality standards,while also demonstrating creativity.


Italy and French cuisine

Good afternoon, everyone, we today talk about food in Italy and French. I know it’s hard to understand it, which only through human senses, like taste, smell, touch, and eat can be impressed. So the aim of our ppt is make you know everything of something, not something of everything. My topic divides into 2 big parts, Italy and France, and there are almost 3 listed cuisines in each.

Part 1 Italy

1) When it comes to Italy food, the first occurs to us should be Spaghetti. Before we know it, we should know pasta, a food made from a mixture of flour, water, and sometimes eggs that is formed into different shapes (such as thin strips, tubes, or shells) and usually boiled(面条的统称), and spaghetti is one kind of it. There are over 130 pasta.

Alphabets - 字母面,通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的。

Macaroni---通心粉,短于4CM才叫通心粉,大了就是另外的种类了。 Rotini ("Spirals" or "Twists") -螺旋粉。一般短于4CM。螺旋形。

Angel Hair, Capellini ("Fine Hairs")- 天使面,细长如发丝,亲切地称之“天使的发丝”。

Manicotti - 大通心面(袖筒面),直径很大,内部可填充馅料。

Jumbo Shells -大扇贝面,内部体积大,可填充馅料。

Butterflies -蝴蝶结面,因其形状深受女性的欢迎。

Medium Egg Noodles- 蛋面,扁形。

Medium Shells, Conchiglie- 扇贝面,大面的缩小版,里面不填馅。

Spaghetti --长面,传统的长条形,也是一般意义的“意粉”

Orzo ("Barley") - 粒粒面,饭粒形状。


Lasagne -千层面(宽面),一层面一层馅焗制,或者拿去包意式云吞,口感独到。 Radiatore ("Radiators") - 层层面,造型别致精巧。

2) Here I list tow special disserts we were familiar with but not totally get known them. One is Tiramisu. I believe almost each girl would fall in love with it instantly if you got a chance to date with it. Tiramisu is a classic Italian delicacy. It’s rich in taste, just like treasure-hunting, every layer has a different taste.(Tiramisu),在原文里,“Tira”是“提、拉”的意思,“Mi”是“我”,“Su”是“往上”,合起来就是Pick Me Up——拉我起来,带我走的意思;也有另一种解释是说提拉米苏 (Tiramisu) 能让人更有精力!当然了,提拉米苏 (Tiramisu) 里面又是咖啡又是酒,叫这个名字一点都不奇怪!About its name, it has a story. During world war II, an Italian soldier have to leave their homes to join the army. Deeply loved his wife would like to prepare some sacks for him. However, his family was too poor to provide the food. As a result, his wife only to find out all biscuits, bread and coffee, layer and layer stack up, made into dessert and name it tiramisu. Every time the soldier eats this dessert on the battleground he always think of his home and his beloved wife. So Tiramisu means “taking me away” in Italy. In fact, it takes away not only delicious, but also love and happiness. The soldier brought it, representing his wife’s love to the battleground. In addition, it usually also have another meaning “remember me”, to remember someone

you loved. Therefore, it is called “the taste of love” that can not be overstated. And that is why many couples like to order a tiramisu in western countries.

3)创设于1525年以后的圣芳济教会(Capuchin)的修士都穿著褐色道袍,头戴一顶尖尖帽子。圣芳济教会传到意大利时,当地人觉得修士服饰很特殊, 就给他们取个Cappuccino的名字,此字的意大利文是指僧侣所穿宽松长袍和小尖帽,源自意大利文“头巾”即Cappuccio。 然而,老意爱喝咖啡,发觉浓缩咖啡、牛奶和奶泡混合后,颜色就像是修士所穿的深褐色道袍,于是灵机一动,就给牛奶加咖啡又有尖尖奶泡的饮料,取名为卡布奇诺(Cappuccino)。英文最早使用此字的时间在1948年,当时旧金山一篇报导率先介绍卡布奇诺饮料,一直到1990年以后,才成为世人耳熟能详的咖啡饮料。卡布奇诺也和一种猴名有关。非洲有一种小猴子,头顶上有一撮黑色的锥状毛发,很像圣芳济教会道袍上的小尖帽,这种小猴子也因此被取名为Capuchin, 此一猴名最早被英国人使用的时间在1785年。Capuchin此字数百年后洐生成咖啡饮料名和猴子名称,一直是文字学者津津乐道的趣闻。

干卡布奇诺(Dry Cappuccino)是指奶泡较多,牛奶较少的调理法,喝起来咖啡味

浓过奶香,适合重口味者饮用;湿卡布奇诺(Wet Cappuccino)则指奶泡较少,牛奶量较多的做法,奶香盖过浓呛的咖啡味,适合口味清淡者。

Part 2 France

The Italian connections

any discussion of the influences on French cuisine would be incomplete without recognizing the historical contribution of Italy to the development of French cooking. In 1533, Catherine De Medicis (a Florentine princess) married Hey duc d'Orleans (who became King Hey II or France). At this point, France was not known for its food or food culture. Catherine brought an entourage of Italian chefs with her to France, who introduced to France a variety of dishes, food preparation and dining practices. Although France and Italy obviously have evolved very different food cultures, both before and since this contribution, much of France's current food culture can be traced back to this time.

French cuisine is extremely diverse, ranging from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs that can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours.

1)A standard baguette has a diameter of about 5 or 6 centimeters (2 or 2? in) and a usual length of about 65 centimeters (26 in), although a baguette can be up to a meter (40 in) long.

The "baguette de tradition fran?aise" is made from wheat flour, water, yeast, and common salt. It does not contain additives, but it may contain broad bean flour (max 2%), soya flour (max 0.5%), and wheat malt flour (max 0.3%).[8]Standard baguettes however may contain a certain number of additives.[9] Depending on

those used either in the original flour or those added separately to the bread ingredients, a baguette — or any other French bread — may not be considered vegan or kosher.[

2) bread and butter are the best choice. So next is cheese. There are about 400 different types of French cheeses. For a single type of cheese, there are may be several hundred different producers. The cheese from these producers will be somewhat different due to variations in the milk, yeast, and production approach used. Cheese should be stored in a cool, dry location. It’s preferable to be wrapped in paper rather than in plastic, as the paper allows it to breathe.

Camembert is simply made of cow milk, and tastes far better when creamy, so let is outside of the fridge for a few hours before serving so that you make it softer. Goat’s milk cheese is excellent and will be the ally of most good red wines because it brings out their flavor.

Goat’s milk cheese can be very dry, fresh, or creamy: prefer a medium dry one. Fromage frait; jut as above, many people are fond of it and appreciate to have this choice on your cheese board, or just by itself after a heavy meal.

3) A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean Ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. Some of the truffle species are highly prized as a food. French gourmand called truffles "the diamonds of the kitchen".

4) In terms f wine, the vin is the most famous around the world. But we don’t talk about how to taste them, how identify them. We today discuss the French vin Classification.
