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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-06 15:38:49 | 移动端:一千字英文文章

篇一:演讲稿的构思与撰写_纯英文_1000字 一千字

How to Write a Manuscript of a Prepared Speech

Step 01:Be Sure of the Target of the Speech


01 To offer information

02 To entertain the audience

03 To touch emotions

04 To move to action

Step 02:Be Sure of Five Major Aspects


01 Who-Audience

If the speaker is a salesman , then the audience are the customers.

①Write down everything you know about the audience,such as age , education ,etc.. ②Understand what they will be interested in --- examples, content, stories, etc ③identify the number of people, common uniting factors, and specific interests

02 What-is the Subject

①Are you positive or negative about it?

②What you are going to present?

③What statement do you want to make?

03 How-are you going to Show

①How long will the speech keep on?

②How will you clarify it?

04 When-is your Speech

9:00 in the morning or 3:00pm in the afternoon?

05 Where-is the physical Layout and the speaking Area

①Will they see me easily?

②Will they hear me clearly?

③Is the microphone needed?

④Is there a place to put my note?

⑤Are there technological resources?

Step 03:Starting to write

①Choose your topic.

A good speech is usually about one thing. There needs to be one message that matches the occasion for the speech. It should reflect the interests of your audience, the feel of the occasion, and, better yet, have something to say that is relevant.

If the speech is for school and is completely open-ended, choose a topic that you'll find easy to be passionate about. The best speeches have very little to do with argument and more to do with delivery and the heart put into it by the speaker. If you can get into it, odds are your audience can too.

②Find your purpose or thesis.

Why are you giving a speech on this topic anyway? ("My teacher told me to!" is not a reason.)

"Thesis" is paper talk, yes. But a good speech is like an informal paper - you still need a point to drill home. If you are writing a speech on an event in your life, it still needs a message. Your topic may be the near fatal death experience you had last year, but your thesis or purpose would be advocating the use of seat belts. When you need reasoning to back it up, "it saved my life" is pretty hard to argue with!

A speech should be made for a good reason: To inspire, to instruct, to rally support, or to lead to action are noble purposes -- but not to merely sound off, to feed a speaker's ego, to flatter, to intimidate, or to shame. For the record.

③Get organized.

Remember that all great speeches (and even those not so great) require "shape": the introduction, the stuffings (the body), and the "outro" or conclusion. A speech is not an amorphous blob or strings of tangled spaghetti; it is not bits and pieces shoved together.

The old saying is hard to beat for shaping your speech: "Intro -- Tell them what you will tell them. Body -- Tell them. Conclusion -- Tell them what you told them." That's exactly how you should think of the structure of your speech.

For your body, come up with at least three points to support your argument. If they build on each other, all the better. At the beginning, draft a list. You can pick out the strongest ones later.

④Be prepared to get persuasive.

You'll need to do this in any way that you can. If your points aren't strong logically, you'll need to pad them with other reasons. If you're not persuading them to agree with you on a topic, you need to at least get them hanging on your every word.

Plato's appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos will come in handy here. Move your audience to agreement by means of your credibility (ethos) or by using others' (when you think of Hanes, do you think of quality underwear or do you think of Michael Jordan? That's right.), by manipulating their emotions (pathos), or by simple use of logic (logos). Neither is necessarily stronger or more effective than the others; it all depends on the point you're trying to make.


①Insist on your important points!

Don't make any changes to your speech just because you think people will judge you (stand up to peer pressure). Make changes because you want them, and are comfortable with your edits.

②Avoid a flat or pathetic:

"Thank you" to signal that, "Yes, the speech is over". This is unnecessary.Start writing as if you are creating an essay or informative article. When you are comfortable with your draft, read it aloud. Listen to a recording. But, the style should be different than a typical essay or article. You can't have complex paragraphs that drone on. Rather than pack your talk with boring facts and figures, give them a supporting handout (after your talk, unless you have to present that document as such -- if so, then give it out beforehand). It's okay to repeat or revisit important points for emphasis.

③Consider your audience's frame of reference.

A simple way to do it is to think about: Who's in the audience? Why are they here? And after hearing your speech, what's the first thing you would like them to do or say to someone else, perhaps?

④Think hard before incorporating flip charts or a dry-erase board into your presentation.

Eventually you may find yourself talking to your flip chart and not to the audience. The audience might be distracted by your illegible scribblings -- or watching you fumble with your exhibits. Insecure or shy speakers like stage props because they take the focus off them. Whatever best suits your situation is fine.

⑤The type of event you are attending will determine the length of your speech.

Consider that the average speaker speaks 100 to 135 words per minute. Below are sample speech lengths:

Standard keynote speaker: 18 - 22 minutes (est. 1800 to 2970 words)

Motivator: 12 - 15 minutes (est. 1200 to 2025 words)

Ceremonial speaker: 5 - 7 minutes (est. 500 to 945 words)

News conference: 2 - 3 minutes (est. 200 to 405 words)

Wedding toast: 2 - 3 minutes (est. 200 to 405 words)


Don't give a lengthy and boring speech. Otherwise people will literally fall asleep during the speech. Always have a sense of humor to liven up the place a bit.

Don't be a windbag. Time your speech in a few practice runs. If it goes more than five minutes you had better be a spellbinding speaker. The typical amateur speaker will have the audience checking their watches after about three minutes. Remember, Abe Lincoln only needed a minute or two for the Gettysburg Address.





一、趣味教学 摆脱枯燥






要培养学生正确的语音,听力反应是相当重要的。听辨音游戏可分两类:一类是书面练习,如 Listen and circle(圈出你所听到的音标),Listen and tick,Listen and number,Listen and connect等;另一类可以利用音标卡片来举一反三地做出许多种游戏,如“听音举卡片”、“听音举音标排队”,在九格纸板上做“听音摆卡片”等等。




二、培养学生能力 提高学习效率










三、严格要求 持久运用

教完48个音标及拼读方法,并不意味着完成了语音教学任务。许多学生往往在开头学得很好,以后就只重视句型和对话,忽视了音标的巩固,甚至有语音退步现象。如单词thank,一开始由于教时强调口形、舌位,发得较准,慢慢地,由于疏忽,发成了[Ienk] ,最后随口说成了[senk]了。因此音标教学绝不能仅限于入门阶段,而是要贯穿于整个教学过程。教学中,我们教师应随时注意这个问题,尽量做到以下两点:

(一)音形结合 掌握规律

教会学生音标的认读及拼读之后,应注意培养学生按照读音规则,把单词的音、形、义联系起来迅速反应的能力。每次教新词时,不仅要会发音、会拼读,还要与旧词联系,进行一些归类性的训练。如教单词thank时,先让学生回忆th发[I]的单词,如出示卡片 让学生读读,再与th发[ ]的一组卡片做比较。学生们不仅渐渐地知道p发[p],b发[b],m[m],h[h],还知道sh发[ ]th发[ ]或[ ],ch[ ],ng[ ],kn [n],ght[t],ow [au],ea[i:]/[e]等,用这样的方法,能培养学生自觉地把单词、音标作音、形比较,直至掌握


(二)严格要求 常抓不懈

教师在教学中要做到持之以恒,严格要求学生。不断正音,不让语音退化。当然,严格要求,及时纠音,也应和适当宽容相结合,因为每个人的接受能力不同,而且语音学习是需要一个过程的,不可能一下就学得十分标准。起初时,应允许把一点“错误”逐步标准化。我在教学中经常注意在复习环节中安插一点时间操练音素,防止回生。平时检查读书、背书时也十分重视学生的发音。如学生往往容易把short发成[ ] 短音;[ ]与[e]不分。由于方言的干扰,学生常把[ ]发成[s],把[ ]发成[z]等,这就要靠教师经常训练,不断提醒,并及时表扬发音好的学生,形成正确发音的风气。在课文中所出现的连读,我也利用音标提示学生,如an English teacher用 引导学生连读。还有不完全爆破,如a black cat用括号提示学生发正确[]。句子的语调、会话、朗读的感情,都做到严格要求,一丝不苟,学生在这种训练下,语音才会越来越好。在试教中,我体会到,只要教师肯在教法上钻研创新,而且持之以恒,常抓不懈,就完全可以处理好教学中的这一难关。











