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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-05 11:29:57 | 移动端:外文翻译关于雷达3000字












1.4 GHz的带宽和有14位分辨率的波形。

表一 操作参数

图一 系统框图。在灰色框的模块叠加的是连接各个接收机。







图二 通过位于点A和B两个接收器计算一个点表面高度形成几何形状










The development of radar The basic concept of radar formed in the early 20th century. But it was not until, before and after the second world war LeiDaCai get rapid development. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, European and American scientists already know that electromagnetic waves are reflected by the object. In 1922, Italy g. Marconi radio waves may detect objects of papers published. U.S. navy lab found in double base continuous wave radar can be found in it by ship. In 1925, the United States can start work on ranging radar pulse modulation, and first use it to measure the height of the

ionosphere. The early 30 s, Europe and the United States some countries began to develop detection radar pulse modulation of the plane. In 1936, the United States developed the role is about 40 kilometers distance, resolution of 457 meters, pulse radar detection of aircraft. In 1938, the UK has been deployed on the nearby French native coast a chain of early warning radar observation of enemy planes. During the second world war, due to operational needs, the development of radar technology is very fast. In terms of using spectrum, the pre-war devices and technology can only achieve tens of megahertz. Early in the war, Germany first developed into large power three, four tube, to increase the frequency to 500 MHZ and above. This not only improved the precision of radar search and guide the plane, but also improves the performance of anti-aircraft gun control radar, the anti-aircraft gun has a higher hit ratio. Work in 1939, the British invented in the 3000 MHZ power, ground and airplanes equipped with use of the magnetron microwave radar, the allied forces in the air combat and air - sea operations. Later in the war, the United States to further increase the frequency of magnetron to 10 gigahertz, realize the airborne radar miniaturization and to improve the accuracy of measurement. In terms of fire control, the development of precision automatic tracking radar SCR - 584, the anti-aircraft gun shooting from the early war thousands of rounds of shot down a plane, up to dozens of hit a plane.

Late 40 s moving target display technology, which is beneficial to the ground clutter and sex of discovery targets in clutter background. High performance of the moving target indication radar coherent signal must launch, so power is developed, such as, the forward wave tube device. Appeared high speed jet 50 s, 60 s appeared in the low altitude penetration aircraft and, long-range missiles and military satellite, promoted the rapid increase of radar performance. 60 ~ 70 s, computers, and large scale digital

integrated circuit is applied to the radar, the radar performance is greatly improved, while reducing the volume and the weight, improve the In LeiDaXin system, new technology, has been more widely adopted the s and tracking moving target display, single pulse Angle measuring and pulse compression technology, etc.; In the '60 s appeared; In the 70 s solid phased array radar and pulse doppler radar.

In China, the radar technology grew out from the early 50 s. China's development of the radar has equipped the army. China has developed into anti-aircraft two coordinates, and three coordinates alert to - air missile guidance radar, guidance radar, long-range missiles, the initial period of range measurement radar and reentry period of range measurement and recycling. Developed by China's large radar observations are also used in China and other countries to launch satellites. In civil, ocean-going ships sailing navigation and collision avoidance radar, the airport control of radar as well as weather radar have been production and application. China's development of airborne synthetic aperture radar have been able to obtain large clear map of surveying and mapping. China's development of a new generation of radar have been using a computer or microprocessor, and the application of medium and large scale integrated circuit of the digital information processing technology, frequency has been extended to millimeter wave band.

Radar, is due to Britain and Germany during World War II war, England need a detecting air metal objects radar (Technology) can help search for German aircraft in air defense battle. During World War II, radar has been ground to air, air-to-ground bombing (search), air-to-air (interception) radar fire control, IFF function.

After World War II, the development of the single pulse angle tracking radar, pulse Doppler signal processing, synthetic aperture and pulse compression with high resolution, IFF combined system, combined with

computer automatic fire control system, terrain avoidance and terrain following, passive or active phased array, frequency agility, multi-target detection and tracking new radar system.

Later, with the progress of microelectronics and other fields of science, the development of radar technology, its connotation and the research contents are constantly expanding. At present, means of detecting radar have formerly only radar a detector to the development of the infrared light, ultraviolet light, laser and other optical detection means integration cooperation.

Modern radar and ability of function makes the battlefield commander in various search and tracking of target scanning mode, and the interference error of automatic correction, and most of the control function is completed in the internal.

Automatic target recognition can enable weapon system to maximize the role of integrated radar system, airborne early warning aircraft and JSTARS this is battlefield identification friend or foe ability in fact has become the future battlefield information control center.

Radar, is due to Britain and Germany during World War II war, England need a detecting air metal objects radar (Technology) can help search for German aircraft in air defense battle. During World War II, radar has been ground to air, air-to-ground bombing (search), air-to-air (interception) radar fire control, IFF function.

After World War II, the development of the single pulse angle tracking radar, pulse Doppler signal processing, synthetic aperture and pulse compression with high resolution, IFF combined system, combined with computer automatic fire control system, terrain avoidance and terrain following, passive or active phased array, frequency agility, multi-target detection and tracking new radar system.

Later, with the progress of microelectronics and other fields of science, the

development of radar technology, its connotation and the research contents are constantly expanding. At present, means of detecting radar have formerly only radar a detector to the development of the infrared light, ultraviolet light, laser and other optical detection means integration cooperation.

Modern radar and ability of function makes the battlefield commander in various search and tracking of target scanning mode, and the interference error of automatic correction, and most of the control function is completed in the internal.

Automatic target recognition can enable weapon system to maximize the role of integrated radar system, airborne early warning aircraft and JSTARS this is battlefield identification friend or foe ability in fact has become the future battlefield information control center.

Radar and the role of the eyes and ears similar, of course, it is no longer a masterpiece of nature, at the same time, it is the information carrier of radio waves. In fact, whether visible light or radio waves, in essence is the same thing, is the electromagnetic wave propagation in a vacuum, the speed is the speed of light C, the difference is their different frequency and wavelength. The principle is that the transmitter radar equipment to electromagnetic energy into space in one direction through the antenna, electromagnetic wave reflection in this direction of objects encountered; radar antenna to receive the reflected wave, and sent to the receiving equipment for processing, extract some information about the object (target object to the range, range rate or radial velocity, range, etc.).

Measurement of the distance is a measure of the actual transmitted pulse and the echo pulse time difference between, because the electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, accurate distance which can be converted into the target.

Measurement of target azimuth is sharp beam position measurement using






学 院 相控阵和雷达技术的突破 发射KU-波段的相控阵天线在FSS通信系统中的应用 电子信息学院

专 业



【摘要】 许多人认为雷达是一个成熟的领域,不会发生任何新的变化,这种看法存在很久了,没有比这个看法更错误的了。当我1950年参与到雷达领域的时候,我也有过同样的看法,例如,我认为麻省理工学院的雷达丛书已经是包罗万象了,不需要增加任何新的内容。然而我是多么的错啊,从那时起雷达技术领域中已经发生了许多令人眼花缭乱的发展,雷达一直受益于Moore s定律和许多新的技术上的成果,例如,MMIC GaAs T/R组件和相控阵组件。现在雷达技术发展得更快了,在这篇文章里,我将给出某些最近突破的例子。

【关键词】 雷达;有源相控阵;MMIC;MEMS;T/R组件;相控阵;AESA;电扫;GaAs;GaN;SiC;CMOS;数字波束形成;自适应阵列;旁瓣对消器;超宽带天线;金属材料;电子管;真空电子器件;回旋管;磁控管;速调管;行波管;微波功率组件;MPM;功率放大组件;SBX;GBR—P

0:SEA-BASED X-波段雷达

24层楼高的SEA-BASED X-波段相控阵雷达是一个世界奇迹。

1:GaAs MMIC T/R模块(单片微波集成电路)

在过去的十年成功和广泛的应用了MMIC和AESA(有源电子扫描阵) 2:低成本 ¥19K AESA

谁说AESA是非常昂贵的,在DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency美国国防部先进研究项目局)的低资金¥19K资助下使35GHZ相控阵成为可能。DARPA已经资助发展了¥10 X-band,10’smW,单T/R芯片模块。




宽禁带的GaN和SIC MMIC 芯片,使,在T/R模块电源上提高1-2个数量级,成为可能。这项技术将有可能在未来通过升级现有的AESA替换GaAs T/R 组件或SIC T/R与GaN模块,提高10倍电源。这个提供了10倍的改善在搜索整个或者78%轨道范围中。


SiGe具有使用Si为基质的优势,对集成电路产业的技术,其丰富的资源,可以借鉴。它以较低的成本提供了较高的性能潜能。SiGe 在微波输出功率和噪声系数与GaAs竞争中没有优势。它提供了低成本和在单芯片上整合多种功能的能力。在一个芯片上可以增加微波功率放大器和低噪声的数字接收机也可以是增加A/D和数字电路。

6:CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor互补金属氧化物半导体)






由于有超带宽的阵列,可以使一个天线在不同的地带有各种不同的应用。 9:电子管的进展(TUBE ADVANCEMENTS)



我想谢谢Raymond Hale 和 John DeFalco,还有Raytheon 公司提供的GaN,SiC,SiGe和CMOS。


Phased-Array and Radar Breakthroughs

Dr.Eli Brookner Raytheon Comp

(M/S 3—1—162 528 Boston Post Rd.,Sudbury,MA 01776 Te1.:978—440—4007;ELI_BROOKNER@RAYTHEON.COM)

【Abstract】 Many think that radar is a mature field,nothing new to happen,it having been around a long time. Nothing can be further from the truth.When I entered the field in the 50`s I thought the same thing.The MIT Radiation

Lab.Series was the definitive volume and there was to be nothing more.How wrong 1

was.Since then many amazing new developments have taken place,radar having benefiting from Moore`s law and the incorporation of new technology developments such as MMIC GaAs T/R modules and electronically steered phased array.Things are moving even faster now. In this paper I shall give examples of some of the recent breakthroughs.The topics to be covered are indicated in Fig.1.

【Key words】 Radar,active—phased arrays;MMIC;MEMS;T/R module;phased array;AESA;electronic scanning;GaAs;GaN;SiC;SiGe;CMOS;digital beam forming;adaptive arrays;sidelobe canceler;Ultra—Wideband Antenna;metal materials;tube;Vacuum Electron Device;gyroklystron;gyrotwystron;magnetron;klystron;traveling wave tube; T;microwave power modules;MPM;power amplifier module(PAM);SBX;GBR—P


The Sea Based X—Band(SBX)24 story high phased array radar shown is a new wonder of the world.


The last decade has seen the successful and extensive application of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits(MMICS)to active electronically steered arrays (AESAs). 2 LOW COST,$19K,AESA

Who said AESAs have to be expensive.On DARPA funding the feasibility of a low cost,$19 K.35 GHz array was demonstrated ;see Figs.6 and 7.DARPA has also funded the development of a $10 X-band.10`smW ,single chip T/R module.


If only we had a low loss phase shifter.Then we could go back to the passive architecture electronic scanned phased array with one module feeding many

phase shifters,like 10.This could potentially reduce the cost of an electronically scanned phased array by a factor of nearly ~ 10. Micro-ElctroMechanical systems (MEMS)offer this promise.MEMS switches have improved their reliability by 3 orders of magnitude over what was reported Oct.2003 in to a life of 600 billion switches.There is still need for improvement in the loss. The loss through a 4 bit phase shifter used in a 1-D scanned RADANT space-fed lens antenna is ~1.25 dB.Two lenses are needed for 2D scan so that the 2-way loss for a 2D scanned RADANT array would be ~5dB.but progress is being made.


Wide bandgapGaN and SiC MMIC chips offer the potential of one to two orders increase in T/R module power;see Fig.8.This technology would make it possible in the future to upgrade an existing AESA by replacing the GaAs T/R modules with GaN or SiC T/R modules having 10 times the et.3his provides either a 10 times improvement in search volume or a 78% increase in track range.

5 SiGe

SiGe has the advantage of using Si as a substrate,the technology of the integrated circuit industry and whose extensive resources can draw upon.It offers the potential of higher performance at low with GaAs with respect to

cost.SiGe does not compete microwave output power or noise figure.It offers low cost and the ability to integrate many functions on a single chip.On one chip in addition to microwave power amplifiers and low noise figure receiv-

er it can have A/Ds and digital circuitry.Fig.9 shows a moekup of an AESA radar using SiGe T/R modules having a 1 W peak output power.


CMOS now operates at microwave frequencies.It too uses a Si subtrate and is the technology widely used in the computer industry.It holds the promise of low cost and low power for the receiver parts of T/R modules.Like SiGe it has the advantage of allowing the integration of many functions on a single chip,even more so than SiGe.One chip can have RF,IF,baseband,microprocessor,memory,tuneable filters and A/Ds—a system on a chip(SOC).It can be combined with GaAs or GaN for the microwave power amplifier and low noise figure receiver.Using GaN has the advantage of being robust enough so that a limiter may not be needed.


DBF is here for microwave AESAs radars.We see it being used more and more; It provides many significant advantages over analog beam forming. For large arrays it is presently being implemented at the sub—array level but eventually it will be done at the element leve1.Doing so eliminates the analog combining hard.. ware,analog down-converting and all the errors associated with them.This in turn will lead to ultra—low side— lobes.It will allow the implementation of multiple beams pointing in different directions.It will enable the adaptive use of different parts of the antenna for different applications at the same time.It permits search with about a 3 dB reduction in transmit power .Now with the continual advance of Moore`s law.the increased cost due to the increased signal processing needed will be far less than the gain from the 3 dB reduction of transmitter power. DBF can also reduce the search occupancy(by about a factor of two)and the search angle accuracy by about 40%.DBF will also permit better adaptive array processing.In fact the equivalence of a fully adaptive array without its computation and transient penalties can be achieved.This can be accomplished with Adaptive—Adaptive Array processing .This involves no more than locating digitally where the jammers are,then pointing beam at these jammers(these beams are effectivelyeigenbeams)and using these beams as sidelobecancelers for the main beam; With 10 jammers we now have to invert an 11×11 matrix instead of a 1000×1000 matrix and the transient time is reduced by a factor of 100;In a classical fully adaptive array one does not make use of the location of the jammers which we can easily determine rather than putting on our blindfolders; This method is equivalent to the method of Principal Components .


Ultra wideband arrays are here.These will allow the use of one antenna for many different applications at different bands.


Tubes are making major advances. Some of these are because of the powerful software that permits the design of availability of tubes without the need for trial and error.
