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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-03 09:26:17 | 移动端:地下隧道5000字中英文翻译


Planning and designing railway tunnels with an explicit reference to safety issues is becoming of utmost importance since the combination of high speed,mix goods-passenger traffic and extreme length of the new tunnels under design or concept evaluation,have sensitively modified the inherent safaty of the railway tunnel. Although the probability of occurrence of accidental events may still be considered rather low,the possible consequences of such events in long tunnels can be catastrophic,therefore raising the overall risk to levels that may be no more acceptable. The scope of this paper is to illutrate the state-of-practice related to risk analysis of long railway tunnels. First,ambitious tunnle projects are briefly reviewed. The applicable risk-analysis procedures are then described and discussed. The problem of risk appraisal is addressed and quantitative target safety levels are proposed. Safety systems for risk reduction sre outlined.q2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.

规划并明确提到安全问题,设计铁路隧道正在成为最重要因为高速的组合,混合货物,旅客运输量和正在设计或概念评估新隧道的最大长度,已敏感地修改了铁路隧道的固有安全性。虽然偶然事件发生的概率可能仍然被认为是相当低的,在长隧道此类事件可能带来的后果可能是灾难性的,因此提高了整体风险的水平,可能是不接受的。本文的范围,说明有关长铁路隧道风险分析的国家的做法第一,有事业心隧道工程简要回顾那么适用风险分析程序描述和讨论。风险评估的问题得到解决和定量目标安全水平提出了建议。出版Elsevier科学版权所有All Rights降低风险斯雷outlined.q2000安全系统预留。

The railway is now moving rapidly toward a modern service transportation industry.High Speed Rail(HSR) systems are already operating in many countries such as Japan,England,France,Italy and Germany.A further development of the whole European HSR network is planned.In order to achieve the design velocity up to 300km/h,a considerable part of the routes is in tunnels with lengths greater than 10 km and in some cases of 50 km.Table illustrates a list of exisiting long tunnels worldwide.In this European context,the Commission of the European Communities(CEC) aimed at homogenizing the HSR projects also with respect to the safety issues.However,neither the CEC guidelines nor the existing railway regulations and codes directly address to the problem of quantitatively assessing the safety level for railway systems.


industry.High高速铁路计划迅速移动。为了实现在设计速度高达300公里/小时的路由的一个相当大的部分是在与长度大于10千米的隧道,并在50 km.Table的某些情况下,示出已有的长隧道worldwide.In本欧洲上下文的列表,欧洲共同体委员会(CEC)旨在对均质高铁项目也给安全issues.However,无论是CEC的准则,也不是现有铁路的法规和规章直接涉及到定量评估铁路的安全水平问题系统。 Ths is mostly due to the fact that railway transport is considered by railway operators and perceived by the publicee as a safe mean of transportation,This approach to safety might be applic able to traditional railway systems,wich have proven throughout the years their performance;it is,however,not enough to guarantee the safety of railway systems where innovative and particular conditions are present,or of the existing lines that have to be upgraded to new exercise standards.For example,the combination of high-speed transit,high traffice intensity,combined transport of passengers and dangerous goods and extremely long tunnels,might lead to unacceptable safety levels.


Therefore,the designer has to choose a railway system configuration together with the preventive and mitigative measures of accidents that minimize the risk and ultimately should verify by means of a risk analysis that the obtained safety level is below a predefined target level.The scope of this paper is to illutrate the state-of-practice related to safe tunnel design and associated risk-analysis aspects of long railway tunnel.First,ambitious tunnel projects are briefly reviewed from the safety point of view.The risk-analysis procedures are then described and discussed.The problem of risk appraisal is addressed and quantitative trget safety levels are proposed.Finally,safety system for risk reduction are illustrated.




1. In the application of Intelligent Instruments

SCM has a small size, low power consumption, controlling function, expansion

flexibility, the advantages of miniaturization and ease of use, widely used instrument, combining different types of sensors can be realized Zhuru voltage, power, frequency, humidity, temperature, flow, speed, thickness, angle, length, hardness, elemental, physical pressure measurement. SCM makes use of digital instruments, intelligence, miniaturization, and functionality than electronic or digital circuits more powerful. Such as precision measuring equipment (power meter, oscilloscope, various analytical instrument).




2. In the industrial control application

With the MCU can constitute a variety of control systems, data acquisition

system. Such as factory assembly line of intelligent control




3. In Household Appliances

Can be said that the appliances are basically using SCM, praise from the electric

rice, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, color TV, and other audio video equipment, to the electronic weighing equipment, varied, and omnipresent.





4. In the field of computer networks and communications applications

MCU general with modern communication interface, can be easy with the

computer data communication, networking and communications in computer applications between devices had excellent material conditions, are basically all communication equipment to achieve a controlled by MCU from mobile phone, telephone, mini-program-controlled switchboards, building automated communications call system, train radio communication, to the daily work can be seen

everywhere in the mobile phones, trunked mobile radio, walkie-talkies, etc..




5. Microcomputer in the field of medical device applications

SCM in the use of medical devices is also quite extensive, such as medical

respirator, the various analyzers, monitors, ultrasound diagnostic equipment and hospital beds, etc. call system.




6. In a variety of major appliances in the modular applications

Designed to achieve some special single specific function to be modular in a

variety of circuit applications, without requiring the use of personnel to understand its internal structure. If music integrated single chip, seemingly simple function, miniature electronic chip in the net (the principle is different from the tape machine), you need a computer similar to the principle of the complex. Such as: music signal to digital form stored in memory (like ROM), read by the microcontroller, analog music into electrical signals (similar to the sound card).

In large circuits, modular applications that greatly reduce the volume, simplifies the circuit and reduce the damage, error rate, but also easy to replace.




7. Microcontroller in the application field of automotive equipment

SCM in automotive electronics is widely used, such as a vehicle engine controller, CAN bus-based Intelligent Electronic Control Engine, GPS navigation system, abs anti-lock braking system, brake system, etc..

In addition, the MCU in business, finance, research, education, national defense, aerospace and other fields has a very wide range of applications.

Application of six important part of learning




MCU learning an important part of the six applications


1, Bus:

We know that a circuit is always made by the devices connected by wires, in analog circuits, the connection does not become a problem because the device is a serial relationship between the general, the device is not much connection between

the , but the computer is not the same circuit, it is a microprocessor core, the device must be connected with the microprocessor, the device must be coordination between, so they need to connect on a lot, as if still analog circuit like the microprocessor and devices in the connection between the individual, the number of lines will be a little more surprising, therefore the introduction of the microprocessor bus Chong Each device Gong tong access connections, all devices 8 Shuju line all received eight public online, that is the equivalent of all devices together in parallel, but only this does not work, if there are two devices send data at the same time, a 0, a 1, then, whether the receiver received what is it? This situation is not allowed, so to be controlled by controlling the line, time-sharing the device to work at any time only one device to send data (which can have multiple devices to receive both). Device's data connection is known as the data bus, the device is called line of control all the control bus. Internal or external memory in the microcontroller and other devices have memory cells, the memory cell to be assigned addresses, you can use, distribution, of course, to address given in the form of electrical signals, and as more memory cells, so, for the address allocation The line is also more of these lines is called the address bus.




2, data, address, command:

The reason why these three together because of the nature of these three are the same - the number, or are a string of '0 'and '1' form the sequence. In other words, addresses, instructions are also data. Instruction: from single chip designer provides a number of commonly used instructions with mnemonic we have a strict correspondence between the developer cannot be changed by the MCU. Address: the search for MCU internal, external storage units, input and output port based on the address of the internal unit value provided by the chip designer is good, cannot be changed, the external unit can be single chip developers to decide, but there are a number of address units is a must (see procedures for the implementation of the process).



3, P0 port, P2 and P3 of the second function I use:

Beginners often on the P0 port, P2 and P3 port I use the second function puzzled that the second function and have a switch between the original function of the process, or have a directive, in fact, the port the second feature is automatic, do not need instructions to convert. Such as P3.6, P3.7 respectively WR, RD signal, when the microchip processing machines external RAM or external I/O port, they are used as a second function, not as a general-purpose I/O port used, so long as a microprocessor implementation of the MOVX instruction, there will be a



NATM tunnel design principle in the construction of major and

Construction Technology


I.The NATM Design Principle

1.Tunnel design and construction of two major theoretical and development process

Since the 20th century, human space on the ground floor of the growing demand, thus the underground works of the study of a rapid development. In a large number of underground engineering practice, it is generally recognized that the tunnel and underground cavern project, the core of the problem, all up in the excavation and retaining two key processes. How excavation, it will be more conducive to the stability and cavern facilitate support : For more support, Supporting how they can more effectively ensure stability and facilitate the cavern excavation. This is the tunnels and underground works two promote each other and check each other's problems.

Tunnels and underground caverns, and focusing on the core issues with the above practice and research, in different periods, People of different theories and gradually established a system of different theories, Each system includes theory and resolve (or are studying the resolution) from the works of understanding (concept), mechanics, engineering measures to the construction methods (Technology), a series of engineering problems.

A theory of the 20th century the 1920s the traditional "load relaxation theory." Its core content is : a stable rock self-stability, no load : unstable rock may have collapsed. need shoring structure to be supported. Thus, the role of the supporting structure of the rock load is within a certain range may be due to relaxation and collapse of rock gravity. This is a traditional theory, and their representative is Taishaji and Principe's and others. It works similar to the surface issues of the thinking is still widely used to.

Another theory of the 20th century made the 1950s the modern theory of timbering or "rock for the theory." Its core content is : rock stability is clearly bearing rock to their own

self-stability : unstable rock loss of stability is a process, and if this process in providing the necessary help or restrictions will still be able to enter the rock steady state. This theoretical system of representative characters Labuxiweici, Miller-Feiqieer, Fenner - Daluobo and Kashitenai others. This is a more modern theory, it is already out of the ground works to consider the ideas, and underground works closer to reality, the past 50 years has been widely accepted and applied. demonstrated broad development prospects.

Can be seen from the above, the former theory more attention to the findings and the results of treatment : The latter theory is even more attention to the process and the control of the process, right from the rock for the full utilization of capacity. Given this distinction, which both theory and methods in the process, each with different performance characteristics. NATM theory is rock for the tunnel engineering practice in the representation method.


NATM that the new Austrian Tunneling Method short the original is in New Austrian Tunneling Method, referred to as the NATM. France said it convergence bound or some countries alleged to observe the dynamic design and construction of the basic principles.

NATM concept of filibustering Xiweici Austria scholars in the 20th century, Professor age of 50. It was based on the experience of both the tunnel and rock mechanics theory, will bolt and shotcrete combination as a major means of supporting a construction method, Austria, Sweden, Italy and other countries, many practical and theoretical study in the 1960s and patented officially named. Following this approach in Western Europe, Scandinavia, the United States and Japan and many other underground works with a very rapid development, have become modern tunnels new technologies landmark. Nearly 40 years ago, the railway sector through research, design, construction combining, in many construction of the tunnel, according to their own characteristics successfully applied a new Austrian law, made more experience, have accumulated large amounts of data, This is the application stage. However, in the road sector NATM of only 50%. Currently, the New Austrian Tunneling Method almost become weak and broken rock section of a tunnel construction method, technical and economic benefits are clear. NATM the basic points can be summarized as follows :

(1). Rock tunnel structure is the main loading unit, the construction must fully protect the rock, it minimize the disturbance to avoid excessive damage to the intensity of rock. To

this end, the construction of sub-section should not block too much, excavation should be used smooth blasting, presplit blasting or mechanical tunneling.

(2). In order to give full play to rock the carrying capacity should be allowed to control and rock deformation. While allowing deformation, which can be a rock bearing ring; The other hand, have to limit it, Rock is not so lax and excessive loss or greatly reduced carrying capacity. During construction should be used with rock close to, the timely building puzzle keeps strengthening Flexible support structure, such as bolting and shotcreting supporting. This adjustment will be adopted supporting structural strength, Stiffness and its participation in the work of the time (including the closure of time) to control the deformation of the rock mass.

(3). In order to improve the support structure, the mechanical properties, the construction should be closed as soon as possible, and to become a closed cylindrical structure. In addition, the tunnel shape with a round should, as far as possible, to avoid the corner of the stress concentration.

(4). Construction right through the rock and supporting the dynamic observation, measurement, and reasonable arrangements for the construction procedures, changes in the design and construction management of the day-to-day.

(5). To lay waterproof layer, or is subject to bolt corrosion, deterioration of rock properties, rheological, swelling caused by the follow-up to load, use composite lining.

(6). Lining in principle, and the early rock deformation Supporting the basic stability of the conditions under construction. rock and supporting structure into a whole, thereby improving the support system of security.

NATM above the basic elements can be briefly summarized as : "less disturbance, early spray anchor, ground measurements, closed tight."

3.With a spring to understand the principle NATM

(1). Cavern brink of a point A in the original excavation ago with stress (stress self-respect and tectonic stress) in a state of equilibrium. As an elastic stiffness of the spring K, P0 under compression in a state of equilibrium.

(2). Cavern excavation, A point in attacking lose face constraints, the original stress state to be adjusted, if the intensity of rock big enough, After less stress adjustments may cavern in a stable condition (without support). But most of the geological conditions of the

poor, that is, after the stress cavern adjustments, such as weak protection, we could have convergence deformation, even instability (landslides), must be provided to support power PE, in order to prevent landslides instability. Equivalent to the Spring of deformation u, in the role of PE is now in the midst of a state of equilibrium.

(3). By the mechanical balance equation, we can see in the spring P0 role in a state of equilibrium; Spring in the event of deformation u, PE in the role they will be in equilibrium, assuming spring elasticity of K, were : P0=PE+Ku

Discussion :

(1) When u = 0, that is not allowed P0=PE rock deformation, is a rigid support, not economic;

(2) when u ↑, PE ↓; When u ↓, PE ↑. That is, rock deformation occurred, the release of some of the load (unloading), we should allow some extent rock deformation, to give full play to rock the capacity for self. Is an economic support measures, the rock self-stability P=P0-PE=Ku;

(3) When u=umax, landslides, have relaxation load and unsafe.

4. Points

(1). Rock cavern excavation is affected by that part of rock (soil) body, the rock is a trinity : have a load bearing structure, building materials.

(2). Tunnel construction is in the rock stress is of special architectural environment, which can not be equated with the construction on the ground.

(3). Tunnel structure rock + = bracing system.

II. The new Austrian highway construction in the basic method

NATM one of the characteristics is the scene monitoring, measurement information to guide construction, through the tunnel construction measure receipts and excavation of the geological observation for prediction and feedback. And in accordance with the established benchmark for measuring the tunnel construction, excavation section steps and sequences, Supporting the initial parameters for reasonable adjustments to guarantee the safety of construction, a tunnel rock stability, the quality of the project and supporting structure of the economy and so on. The author of commitments (Chengde) Chek (Chifeng) East Maojingba Tunnel NATM basic construction method for investigation concluded, synthesis of a new

highway tunnel Natm the selection of different types and the basic characteristics of the construction methods and tips.

1.A tunnel construction method of choice tunnel construction method of choice, mainly based on the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions Construction, rock type, buried deep tunnel, the tunnel section size and length lining types, Construction should be the premise of safety and engineering quality at the core, and with the use of the tunnel function, the level of construction technology, Construction machinery and equipment, time requirements and economic feasibility of factors to consider in selection.

When choosing the method for tunnel construction on the surrounding environment negatively affected, should also be a tunnel, the environmental conditions as the method to choose one of the factors, taking into rock changes the method and the applicability of the possibility of change. Tunnel project to avoid mistakes and unnecessary increase investment in public works. NATM new construction, we should also consider the entire process of construction of auxiliary operations and changes in the surrounding rock to measure control methods and the tunnel through special geological lots of construction means for a reasonable choice.

2. New Austrian Tunneling Method program New Austrian Tunneling Method used all methods can be divided into sections, Division level and the three major types of excavation method and some changes in the program.

(1) Full-face method. That whole section excavation method is based on the design of an excavation face excavation molding. Excavation order is its full face excavation, steel bracing, pouring concrete lining. Often choose to IV-VI Class Rock Hard Rock Tunnel, which can be used blasting deep hole.

Excavation whole section of the law is a larger space operations, introducing supporting large mechanized operations, improving the speed and process small, less interference and facilitate the construction organization and management. Excavation is due to shortcomings in the larger, lower relative stability of rock, and with each cycle of the relatively large workload, it requires the construction units should have a strong excavation, transport and slag out and support capability, Maojingba VI : Class V rock used in the full-face excavation to achieve the desired results.
