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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-12-02 12:50:38 | 移动端:诸神之战观后感1500字








"Gods of war" this movie is very interesting, the plot is good, from a coffin of baby to a rescue human hero, it is be hardly worthy of belief.

The film tells a war between men and gods.This movie is mainly about: a

fisherman fishing,accidentally saw a child, he would raise him and named Parr hughes. Once they accidentally saw a group of soldiers who attempted to rebel against Jose, ruining a statue of Jose . Pluto -- Hades, threw the soldiers into the sea.but Parr Hughes lucky escape. He joined the army to revenge. In prison, he met a Goddess:IO, then she told him that he was the son of Jose. He later learned that the total solar eclipse, Hades would release the krakenmonster -- Beihai. At this time,the human will sacrifice to Princess Kraken, Parr Hugheswith Medusa's head, riding a winged horse, with a sword,arrived on time. He lifted the Medusa head, finally defeated the kraken, and would attempted against Zeus Hades to fight back to the underworld.

Hades,the king of the darkness and the misery,was tricked by his brother---Zeus,who reigned over the whole world.So he wanted to change the situation and to free his monster---Kraken,which would destroy the world of human and make the universe full of pain and fear.

But,Perseus,a son of Zeus,determined to defeat Hades and Kraken. His whole family were killed by Hades. So he swore to avenge.With the help of several brave warriors,Perseus came to kill the powerful witch---Medusa. Then he beat Kraken with the head of Medusa and used his sword to prison Hades back to the darkness and the misery.So,Perseus saved the world of human and returned the order of the gods.

At the end of the story, It showed Jose’s love to human beings and Perseus , that moment, he no longer appears to be the ruler of the world, but as a father, saw the son, see his own creation of human beings, aroused waves of love.

This film was based on the Greek mythology.It takes us into a world of magic and mystery,This was created by the ancient Greece people.In this world, there are gods,monsters,and many other strange creatures. Everything could be possible.Gods reigned over everything and they have infinite power and magic.They can do whatever they want such as flying,crashing or even becoming a bird.This film illustrates the whole magic world so that we may feel that we were personally on the scene.


1. 为了战胜美杜莎,帕尔修斯从幽冥女神宁芙那里得到了哪三件武器?

God bag, flying shoes, Leather Helmet

2. 简述美杜莎的生平,以及她的死对其自身的意义?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a Gorgon, before she was a beauty;due to excessive pride and self-confidence, she stood in front of the loud Athena shouting herself more beautiful than God .. She has long hair locks and a pair of tusks, even the neck are covered with scales of a snake, even body also changed into a snake. the goddess of wisdom showed her that when any person who saw her ,she would immediately turn to stone eyes.

Athena taught Perseus how to kill, so he successfully cut off Medusa ‘s head


1. 简要描述希腊神话中万神之王宙斯的性格特征。

At the end of the story, It showed Jose’s love to human beings and Perseus , that moment, he no longer appears to be the ruler of the world, but as a father, saw the son, see his own creation of human beings, aroused waves of love.


一个个惊心动魄的考验,一个个残酷的锻炼,塑造了一个聪明、勇敢、善良的英雄珀尔修斯。在这里,勇气、智慧、善良和团结成了必要的因素,亲情、友情、爱情交替成美丽的瞬间。半人半神,珀尔修斯该怎样去面对;一边是人类的命运,一边是自己的父亲宙斯,珀尔修斯会如何抉择&&《诸神之战》用勇气、智慧、善良和团结诠释了一切。 选择 在人生路上有许许多多的十字路口,你是选择继续向前、向左、向右,还是回去,回到原点。命运掌握在自己的手中,勇敢一点,用智慧去选择,不要逃避现实。电影中的人类因为不懂得如何去选择,逐渐变得软弱,让冥王哈迪斯乘虚而入,从而怪罪到宙斯、诸神身上,引发了人神大战。 勇气智慧 如果你真的遇到了海怪克拉肯,你最需要什么?你需要的不是美杜莎的头,也不是宝剑,而是勇气和智慧。勇气是必需的,智慧也一样。如果只拥有勇气,就会成为有勇无谋的粗人;但如果只拥有智慧,那也不行,遇到困难,即使有办法,也不敢去做。只有把勇气和智慧集为一身,才能像珀尔修斯那样战胜一切困难阻挡,到达成功的终点。 英雄 在《诸神之战》里有许多英雄,如珀尔修斯、爱俄、德拉古、迪精王&&这些英雄为了自由,为了人类,牺牲了好多好多,在珀尔修斯战胜了海怪克拉肯时,整个放映厅爆发出轰鸣般的掌声。 茂名市十五中初一:黄建铃
