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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-27 16:28:31 | 移动端:求职信项目相关的词组,短语,句型,表达法:

篇一:Book 1 短语及句型 English

Book 1 M 1



1. academic adj. 学术的

2. enthusiastic adj. 热心的

3. amazing[ adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的

4. information n. 信息

5. brilliant adj. 极好的

6. instruction n. 指示;说明

7. method n. 方法

8. bored adj. 厌烦的;厌倦的

9. embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的

10. attitude n. 态度

11. behavior n. 行为;举动

12. previous adj. 以前的;从前的

13. amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的

14. embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;


15. impress v. 使印象深刻

16. encouragement n. 鼓励;激励

17. fluency n. 流利;流畅

18.misunderstanding n. 误解

19. disappointed adj. 失望的

20. disappointing adj. 令人失望的

21. system n. 制度;体系;系统

22. disappear v. 消失

23. move v. 搬家

24. assistant n. 助手;助理

25. cover v. 包含

II. 词组

1. . 说出两者间的差异tell the difference between the two

2 在高中 at Senior High School

3 与。。。相似 be similar to

4.描述一下你对学英语的态度 describe your attitude to/towards studying English

5. 兴奋的面孔 excited faces

6. 科技 science and technology

7.笑容满面、灿烂的笑容 .have the biggest smile

8.令人感到惊奇的房间 an amazing room

9.一位很热情的女老师,称为沈老师 a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen

10.用新的教学方法 with the new method of teaching

12.一点不像他的教学方法be nothing like his teaching method

12.厌烦他的课 be bored in his class/ be tired of his class1

13.分组做do it in groups / pairs

14.高中文凭a high school diploma

15.独自学习 work/study by ourselves

16.换句话说in other words

17.对于/至于我们今晚的作业 for our homework tonight

be looking forward to seeing him

19.对…印象深刻/对他的技术印象深刻 be expressed with his skills

20.在新学年之处at the start/ beginning of the new year

21.被分为两个学期be divided into semesters

22.从1月到5月 September through December/ from September to December

23.积极参加各种课外活动 take an active part in all kinds of after-school activities

24. 文化课academic subjects

25. 在使用机器前阅读使用说明read the instructions before using the machine

26 令人尴尬的问题 an embarrassing question

27. 令人兴奋的鼓励 the exciting encouragement

28. 和…一样the same as

29. 在…开始的时候 at the start / beginning of

30. A是B的几倍大的表达法:(once/ twice/ three times)

A+be+… times+as+adj+as+B

A+be+… times+adj比较级 +than+B

A+be+… times+the+noun+of+B

II. Translation:

1. So/Nor/neither引导的倒装句:

1) ----他足球踢得很好。----的确如此。

----He plays football very well. ----So he does.

2).---我去过北京。 ---真的? 我姐姐也是。

---I have been to Beijing . – Really? So has my sister .

3). 他不知道这事,他也不想知道。

. He doesn't know about it, nor does he want to know.


He is tall , but he doesn't like sports. So it it with his brother ./It is the same with…



I don't think his favorite subject is biology, is it?



The number of the boys is twice bigger/larger than that of the girls in our school./ There are twice as many boys as girls in our school.

2) 这条河是那条河的两倍长。

(1)This river is twice as long as that one.

(2) This river is twice longer than that one

(3) This river is twice the length of that one

(4) The length of this river is twice of that one


They had great fun doing(carrying out ) the physics experiment .

5 . ----你为我回答这些问题好吗?(Would you mind ….?)


Would you mind answering the questions for me?

No, I don’t mind./ No. Go ahead./ Of course not./ Not at all. Please do.

6. 他说如果我犯错误没有关系。 He said that it didn’t matter if I made mistakes.

7. ---你过得怎么样? --很好。 ----How are you doing?---I’m fine.

Book 1 M 2

I. 单词

1. amusing adj. 有趣的;可笑的

2. energetic adj. 精力充沛的

3. intelligent adj. 聪明的

4. nervous adj. 紧张的;焦虑的

5. organized adj. 有组织的;有系统的

6. patient adj. 耐心的

7. serious adj. 严肃的

8. shy adj. 害羞的;羞怯的

9. strict adj. 严格的;严厉的

10. impression n. 印象

11. avoid v. (故意)避开

12. completely adv. 十分地;完全地

13. immediately adv. 立即;即刻; conj. 一……就……

14. appreciate v. 感激

15. admit v. 承认

16. scientific adj. 科学的

17. literature n. 文学

18. loudly adv. 大声地

19. wave v. 挥(手);招(手)

20. respect v/n. 尊敬;尊重

21. period n. 一段时间

22. topic n. 话题;题目

23. discipline n. 纪律

24. relationship n. 关系

25. formal adj. 正式的

26. relaxed adj. 轻松的;松懈的; 宽松的

27. similarly adv. 同样地;类似地

28. grade n. 成绩;分数

29. vacation n. 假期

II. 词组

1. 一位有条理的老师a well-organised teacher

2. 避免和他见面 avoid seeing him/ (avoid being punished)

3. 英语口语取得很大的进步 make great progress in spoken English

4. 对某人对工作要求严格 be strict with sb.in the work

5. 对某人耐心be patient with sb. ( with patience 耐心地)

6. 不断的迟到(keep) keep coming to class late

7. 欣赏他/ 喜欢听音乐(appreciate) appreciate her/ listening to music

8. 承认打破了窗户 admit breaking/ having broken the window

9. 在做科学实验时(during) during (doing) scientific experiments

10. 向他解释迟到的原因explain to him the reason for being late

11. 由于粗心的结果 as a result of carelessness

12. 他最喜欢的科目 his favourite subject

13. 考出好成绩 do well in the exam

14. 喜爱教中国文学(enjoy)enjoy teaching Chinese literature

15. 精力充沛get so much energy/ be full of energy

16. 宁愿听音乐也不愿去游泳 (would rather) would rather listen to music than go swimming

17. 喜欢唱歌胜过画画(prefer) prefer singing to drawing

18. 和他们相处随意而轻松 be quite relaxed with them

19. 有/碰到纪律方面的问题 have big problems with discipline

20. 支付孩子的教育学费 pay for schools/ the education of their children

21. 开拓我们的视野broaden our views

22. 准时做某事be on time(for/to do sth)

23. 和…情况相同 be true of …

24. 向某人解释… explain sth to sb

25. 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚make sure

26. 受…欢迎 be popular with…

27. 在任何时候;随时 at any time

III. Sentences:

1 除非他让我们讲话,我们一句话也不敢说。(unless)

.We don't dare to say a word unless she asks us to.


I think that we'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching us.

3.由他带路(lead the way),我们毫无困难地到达了火车站。(With…) With him leading the way, we had no trouble/ difficulty (in) getting t the railway station..


Even the things like compositions and summaries are fun with Mr. Wu。

5.我第一次看到他的时候,他穿着一件红大衣。(the first time..)

He wore a red coat the first time I saw him.?/ When I saw him for the first time.

6.你学习越努力,你取得进步就越大.The harder you study, the greater progress you'll make.

7.他在考虑买房子。He is considering buying a house.

8.老师长的不好看有关系 / 要紧吗?Does it matter if a teacher is not good-looking?

9.几个外国人在一中任教,58中学也是。(be true of)

Some foreigners teach in No.1 Senior High School. The same is true of No.58 Middle School./ So it is with No58 Senior High School


Nearly all teachers can have big problems with discipline.


Please make sure that the lights are turned off before you leave the room.


The student with glasses left a deep impression on me.

13.就这么定了。 That’s settled.

14.该由你来作选择。It is up to you to make the choice.

15. 他的课组织的很好,讲的很清楚。His teaching is so well organized and clear.

16. 他宁愿骑自行车去上班,也不坐公交车。

He would rather ride a bike to work than take a bus./

He would ride a bike to work rather than take a bus.


Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. Similarly, our minds are developed by learning.

18.我憎恨他上课说话 ( 19.如果你能帮助他我会非常感激的。()

M 3 B 1

I. 单词:

1. distance n. 距离

2. abandoned adj. 被遗弃的

3. desert n. 沙漠

4. expert n. 专家

5. product n. 产品

6. scenery n. 风景;景色

7. journey n. 旅程

8. train v/n. 训练

9. seaside n. 海滨

10. frighten v. 使吃惊;惊讶

11. apartment n. 公寓;单元住宅

12. interview n. 面试;面谈

13. interviewer n. (面试)考官;面谈者

14. event n. 事件

15. exhausted adj. 疲惫不堪的

16. downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的

17. ceremony n. 仪式

II. Phrases:

1.在远处in the distance

2.在100米处 at a distance of 100 metres

3.电脑专家 be (an) expert at computers

4.交通方式a means of transport

5.指的是,参考,提及 refer to把…看作… refer to…as…

6.从出租车里下来 get out of a taxi

7.废弃的农场abandoned farms

8.在半夜 at midnight

9.是。。。的缩写形式 be short for

10. 10在20世纪90年代in the 1920s/1920's

11. 通过了一项法律 pass a law

12. 允许人们射杀动物allow people to shoot the animals

13. 允许射杀骆驼 allow shooting camels

14. 给你提供吃的 supply food to/for them/ supply them with them

15. 令人讨厌的狮子the boring lion

16. 玩玩具 play with some toys

17. 以每小时40公里的速度 at a speed (of) over 400 kilometres per hour

18. 参加开幕式attend the opening ceremony

19. 由专家做的一顿大餐 a great meal cooked by experts

20. 尝试着骑马 (try) try riding horses

21. 在闹市区in downtown

22. 以升起的太阳 the risen sun

23. 一偏落叶a fallen leave

24. 粉刷过的房间/两年前粉刷过的房间

a painted room / a room painted two years ago

25. 过时out of date


高考必备短语 1.A

2.a bit 稍微,有点儿

3.a bunch of ①一束,一串 ②一群,一伙 4.a handful of①一把 ②少数的,少量的 5.a range of 一系列的

6.a variety of/varieties of各种各样的 7.above all 最重要的,首先 8.after all毕竟 9.at all根本,全然 10. first of all首先 11. in all总共

12. absorb sth. into sth. 把某事物吸收到某事物中

13. according to 按照,根据……所说

14. account for ①导致,是……的原因 ②解释,26. all at once ①突然,忽然 ②一起,同时 27. all in all 总而言之

28. all the best (祝你)一切顺利 29. all the time总是,一直 30. all over 到处,遍及 31. along with...与……一起

32. an approach to(doing)sth. (做)某事的方法 33. and so on/forth 诸如此类,等等

34. answer for (对已产生的不良后果)负责任,承受……的后果

35. apart from ①除……以外(别无)(=except)②除……之外(尚有)(=besides) ③远离,和……不在一起

36. appeal to 迎合,对……有吸引力 37. apply for 请求,申请

38. arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion得出结论 39. as a matter of fact事实上,其实 40. as a reward for...作为对……的奖赏 41. as far as sb. is concerned 就某人而言 42. as follows 如下 43. as for 关于,至于

44. as if/though好像,似乎

45. as/so long as ①只要 ②和……一样长 46. as usual 照常,照例,跟往常一样 47. as well as 也,又,还

48. ask for permission 请求许可

49. assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 50. at a discount 低于正常价格,打折 51. at a loss 困惑,不知所措 52. at a time 每次,一次 53. at times 有时,偶尔

54. at all costs 不管多大代价,无论如何 55. at an end 结束,终结 56. at dusk 在黄昏

说明 ③占(一定数量或比例) 15. 控告,指责”,多指当面指控或指责某人,但未必诉诸有关当局。 16. adapt (oneself) to 适应 17. 达到目的 18. adjust to 适应,习惯

19. (be) addicted to... 对……有瘾,沉溺于…的 20. admire sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而钦佩/羡慕某人

21. again and again 屡次,反复,再三 22. 违心地 23. agree to 应允,同意 24. ahead of... 在……前面 25. aim at doing sth.旨在做某事

57. at ease 舒适,快活,自由自在 58. at first sight 初次见面,乍一看 59. at least 至少 60. at most 至多, 最多[含有“至多或许还会少于此数目”的意思]

61. at length ①结局,最后 ②详细地,详尽地 62. at last 终于,最后

63. at first(=in the beginning)首先,最初 64. at midnight 在午夜 65. ①服从某人指挥/吩咐②可以自由使用/支配 66. at present 现在

67. at random 随便地,随意地 68. at risk 处境危险,遭受危险 69. at the age of... 在……岁时

70. at the bottom of... 在……底部或末端 71. at the top of... 在……顶端 72. at the edge of... 在……边缘

73. at the end of... 在……结束的时候 74. at the moment 此刻,目前

75. at the start of...在……开始的时候 76. at the beginning of...在……之初 77. at war 处于交战状态 78. at peace 处于和平状态

79. attach sth. to sth. 把某物附在某物上

80. attempt to do sth. 试图做某事,尝试做某事 . B

2.back and forth 往返,来回

3.badly off ①穷困的[比较级worse off]②缺少的

4.ban sb. from (doing) sth. 禁止某人(做)某事 5.bargain with sb. about/over/for... 与某


6.be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专注于

7.be accompanied by... 在……的陪同下 8.be adequate for/to do sth. 足够的,合格的 9.be anxious about/for...为……担心

10. be ashamed of... 对……感到惭愧/羞耻[后接名词、动名词]

11. be associated with (sb./sth.) 与(某人/某事)有 12. be at a loss 不知所措,困惑

13. be/become aware of 知道,意识到

14. be/get back on one’s feet (困境后)恢复,完全复原

15. be based on...以……为基础,以……为根据 16. be blessed with... 有幸拥有……,被赋予……

17. be born into/to/of sth. 出生于某种境况的家庭

18. be bound to (do)... 一定或注定(做)…… 19. be caught in突然遭遇(风暴等) 20. be/get close to接近,靠近

21. be concerned with... ①与……有关系(或有牵连) ②对……关心(关注或感兴趣)

22. be condemned to sth 被处以某种刑法 23. be confident of/about... 对……有信心 24. be crazy about 对……狂热/着迷【表示状态】 25. be crowded with...挤满了…… 26. be curious about...对……感到好奇

27. be devoted... to... ①对……专一 ②用于 28. be distant from…… 离……遥远 29. be divided into被(划)分成

30. be dying for/to do sth.极想,渴望 31. be employed to do sth.受雇做某事

32. be equal with... 与……平等,与……相同 33. be equal to sth. 胜任(做)某事 34. be faced with面临

35. be fair/unfair to... 对……公平/不公平 36. be famous/known for 以……而闻名 37. be filled with充满着

38. be greedy for...对……贪婪的/贪心的 39. be guilty about“因为……而觉得愧疚”; 40. be hard on ①(sb.)对某人苛刻,对某人严厉 ②(sb./sth.)对某人/事物有害

41. be honoured for... 因……而受到尊敬

42. be identical to... 和……一样,与……一致 43. be impressed by/with... 对……印象深刻 44. be in fashion 正在时兴,正在流行

45. be in love with爱上,喜欢[表示状态] 46. be/feel in the mood for sth.有意做某事,有做某事的心情

47. be intended to be/do sth. 目的是作为某物 48. be/become interested in... 对……感兴趣 49. be lacking in 欠缺,没有 50. be likely to do sth./It is likely that 很可能,有希望

51. be made up of...由……组成(构成)

52. be meant to do sth.打算,有意要做某事 53. be modelled after 根据……模仿,仿造 54. be native to... 源于……的,原产于…… 55. be nervous about/of sth. 因某事害怕/焦虑不安

56. be occupied with... 忙于(做)…… 57. be of bad/poor quality质量差的 58. be of benefit to... 对……有裨益

59. be of great/no significance有重大/无意义的 60. be opposed to 反对

61. be optimistic about... 对……持乐观态度 62. be pleased to do...乐于做…… 63. be prepared to do sth. 准备做某事 64. be ready to do sth. 准备做某事

65. be proud of... 为……感到骄傲/自豪 66. be puzzled about/with... 对……感到困惑 67. be limited to局限于

68. be related to... 与……有关系 69. be restricted to 限于,局限于 70. be rude to... 对……粗鲁

71. be satisfied with... 对……感到满意 72. be scared/frightened to death 吓死了

73. be senior to sb. ①比某人级别高 ②比某人年长

74. be short for... 是……的缩写/简称 75. be strict with sb. 对某人严格的 76. be strict about sth. 对某事严格的

77. be superior to... 比……优越,超过…… 78. be supposed to应该,应当

79. be/get tired of 指“对……厌倦”。

80. be to blame (for sth.)(对某事)负有责任,该受责备的

81. be true of/for... 与……情况相同,对…适用 82. be typical of... 是……的特点,典型的 83. be characteristic of... 为……所特有的 84. be under debate/discussion在讨论中 85. be unique to...是……独有的

86. be up to sb. 是某人的职责,由某人决定 87. bear in mind (that)记住

88. be wealthy in... 在……方面丰富/富有 89. because of 因为,由于

90. become of (某人或某事)怎么样了,将会怎样 91. before long 不久以后 92. beg for 乞求,请求

93. begin/start with... 以……开始

94. believe in ①信仰,相信……的存在 ②相信……的效用,认为……有益 ③信任

95. belong to 属于

96. betray oneself 原形毕露,露马脚 97. beyond belief 难以置信地

98. beyond one’s control 超出某人的控制 99. beyond/out of...range超出……的范围 100.bid...goodbye 向……告别 101.block out 挡住(光线)

102.blow up ①使充气 ②爆炸 ③大发雷霆 103.break away (from) 挣脱(束缚),脱离

104.bother sb. about/with... 以……打扰、麻烦某人

105.break down ①(机器)损坏,不能运转②禁不住哭出来 ③(关系等)中止 ④失败

106.break in“强行闯入”,为不及物动词短语,in为副词,后不接宾语。

107.break out (坏事)突然发生,爆发 108.break off ①折断 ②中断

109.break up ①碎裂 ②分裂 ③(关系)破裂 ④散会,结束

110.bring...back to life 使复生,使复活

111.bring on ①使进步,使提高 ②引起,导致(不好的事) ③促进(农作物)生长

112.bring up ①教育,培养 ②养育,抚养


113.build on... ①建立于……上 ②以……为基础 114.build up ①逐渐增强 ②建立 115.burn down 烧毁,烧坏 116.burst in闯进,突然闯入 117.burst into突然……起来

118.by accident 偶然,无意中,不小心 119.by all means当然可以 120.by and by 不久以后

121.by means of... 用……的方法,凭借…… 122.by the way顺便说一下 1.C

2.call at 拜访

3.call for ①提倡,号召 ②需要,要求 4.call in ①请(某人),请进 ②打电话 5.call off 取消

6.calm (...) down (使……)平静下来, 7.禁不住做某事 8.迫不及待地做某事 9.care about 关心,忧虑,惦念

10. care for ①喜欢,愿意,想 ②关心,照顾 11. carry on with sth./doing sth. 继续(做)某事,坚持(做)某事

12. carry out 实施,开展,执行,落实(计划、命令等)

13. cast/shed/throw light on/upon

帮助弄清楚某事,阐明某事 14. cast/put sb. into prison把某人关进监狱 15. catch/take fire 着火 [表示动作] 16. catch on ①学会,开始明白 17. catch sight of 看见,瞥见

18. catch up with (在落后的情况下)赶上,追上 19. 改变主意

20. check in ①(在旅馆、机场等)登记 ②托运(行李)

21. cheer up 加油,打起精神

22. choke up ①(人因激动等)说不出话来 ②(物)堵塞

23. clean up打扫/清除干净

24. combine... with... 把……与……结合起来 25. come across (偶然)遇见,发现

26. come down ①(价格、温度等)下降,降低②(雨、雪等)落下 ③降落

27. come into being/existence 形成,产生

28. come into effect (法律、决议等)被实施,开始生效

29. come into use 投入使用,开始使用

30. come into view/sight 出现,在视野中,进入眼帘

31. come round①苏醒 ②拜访,探访

32. come straight to the point 谈正题,开门见山 33. come to ①苏醒 ②总数是,总计 ③(sb.)被想到,被想起

34. come true (愿望、梦想等)实现

35. come up ①走近,靠近 ②出现 ③提出,提及

36. come up with ①想出(主意),提出 ②拿出 37. compensate for 补偿,弥补 38. comment on...对……发表评论 39. commit crime 犯罪

40. compare to... 与……相比 41. complain about/of 抱怨,诉苦

42. concentrate on 聚精会神,集中思想 43. conclude with... 以……来结束 44. contrast with... 与……形成对照

45. contribute...to... 把……捐献给……, 46. convince sb. of sth./that 使某人相信某事 47. cope with 对付,应付

48. correspond to ①相当于 ②与……相符 49. count on/upon 依靠,指望

50. crowd in (on sb.)/into (sth.) (想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海

51. cut back on 减少,削减,缩减 52. cut down ①砍倒 ②减少 ③杀死

53. cut off ①切除,切掉 ②断绝,切断(水、电等)

54. cut in ①打断,插嘴 ②超车

55. cut out ①割掉,剪下 ②剪出(某种形状) 56. cut up 切碎 57. D

58. dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞 59. date back (to) 起始于,追溯到 60. day and night 日夜,昼夜,整天

61. declare for/against sth.表态支持/反对某事 62. deposit sth. with sb. 把某物寄存在某人处 63. deserve to do sth.理应做某事 64. die from 死于

65. die away (声音、风、光等)慢慢变弱,渐渐消失

66. differ from...和……不同,不同于…… 67. dig out 掘出,发现

68. disagree on/about/over sth.在某事上意见不一 69. dive into ①迅速把手伸入 ②一心投入 70. do/cause damage to... 对……造成损害 71. 尽自己的职责

72. draw/call attention to sth.使人们关注某事 73. draw on/upon 利用,凭借,依赖

74. draw up ①起草,拟定 ②(车到达某处)停下 75. dream about/of 梦见,梦想 76. dress sb. up 乔装打扮 77. drive away 赶走,驱赶

78. drop back/behind 落后,掉在后面 79. drop in 顺便走访

80. drop off ①中途下客或卸货 ②打瞌睡 ③下降

81. dry up ①(指河流、井等)干涸,枯竭 ②枯竭,耗尽 82. 某人)不在时 83. E

84. either...or... 要么……要么……, 85. 谋生 86. end in 结局为

87. escape (doing) sth.逃过/逃避(做)某事 88. even if/though 即使,尽管 89. ever since 从那以后

90. every now and again/then 有时,偶尔 91. exchange...for...以……换取…… 92. exi
