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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-27 15:52:55 | 移动端:初中数学老师推荐信范文



作为徐旭的数学老师同时负责学校学生活动处的工作负责协调和协助学生会的工作。我很高兴将她推荐给你们学校。 我从事教育工作26年是一名高级教师接触过形形色色的学生徐旭在当中给我留下了深刻的印象。她爱思考总是能提出问题。我教过的学生中对自然科学和数学有着较高的兴趣并有着严谨的思维逻辑的女生所占的比例不高而她就是这一群体中的一员。她总是尝试着用不同的方法解决问题我们常常能“殊途同归”。 我的身边不乏优秀的学生徐旭毫无疑问是这些优秀的学生的佼佼者。作为全国百强中学之一课程很深很难但徐旭的数学成绩一直名列前茅多次都获得了满分的好成绩。各科总成绩也一直在班上名列前茅。她有着自己的独特学习方法学习上得心应手而在面对难题时锲而不舍持续地思考探索最佳答案并且和大家分享她的发现分享她的解决思路、解决办法常常还进一步提出问题开展进一步的思考。 她学习成绩优异喜欢提问题积极追求知识。她因此被选拔进入了我们的荣誉班并表现的一直非常出色。她在课后经常会与老师交流她的观点和问题观点新颖而独特。因此我推荐她参加了数学竞赛并取得了二等奖的好成绩。除此之外她还获得了英语竞赛奖。 她兴趣广泛成立了自己的大自然兴趣小组讨论自然界问题以及与时事相关的问题例如 1、近几年地震频发给人类的生命及财产造成了威胁因此地震问题也成了他们讨论题目之一。她作为组织者邀请我参加了一次她们的研讨他们的活跃的思维、大胆的设想、丰富的联想让我震慑。例如他们在讨论地震问题时讨论了大陆板块的运动问题还联想到为什么地球上有这么多的水的问题并尝试给出自己的猜想。 2、从电

视中看到中国地震中的房倒屋塌损失惨重的场面激发了他们关于中国现有建筑的讨论以及如何设计一个结构上安全可靠生态上绿色环保布局合理居住舒适的房屋。 3、她还发起了关于飞机安全问题的讨论。其中一个持续讨论的题目是飞行安全的最后一道保护措施是什么。他们提出了一个被他们称作白盒子的装置来解决这个问题。 她两次赴美国交流每次回国都在我们学校给大家介绍美国学校情况介绍美国的多元文化生活介绍那里的民主制度。她的报告图文并茂条理清楚事例生动让我们产生身临其境的感受她还热心回答大家的提问深受大家欢迎。她还把自己的亲身经历写成了纪实小说在校刊连载获得了优秀新闻奖。她也因此被学校授予了优秀小记者称号。 她还是一位乐观向上有较强沟通能力的同学。 徐旭还具备组织、管理能力是我们学校学生会的领导之一我注意到她为她的同学的成功而鼓掌表现出不同凡响的凝聚力。我在他们班上做过一次问卷调查其中的一个题目是写出你最欣赏的同学为什么令我惊讶的是答卷上几乎都写了“徐旭”的名字徐旭的人格魅力深深感染了同学也感染了我。


Reference Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am xxx, a senior maths teacher of xxxx Senior Secondary School which is a top high school in xxxx province, China. Here, I am honored to recommend one of my excellent students, xxxx, whom I have taught for three years, to pursue her further undergraduate study at your university.

xxxx is one of the most excellent students in my teaching career of 10 years. I found that xxx has a strong expertise in mathematics, especially in solving mathematical problem during my teaching process. To be specific, first and foremost, she is intelligent and talented in mathematics. In other words, her calculation ability is powerful. And her calculation speed is noticeable. It is worthwhile to mention that the accuracy rate is up to percent 100 in general. Secondly, xxxx is high sensitivity to numbers, and her thinking capability of space and logic are more outstanding in our class, which naturally makes her analysis thinking extremely rigorous and meticulous.

On the other hand, Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspirations. xxx not only has a talent in math, but also is very diligent. She always works hard to constantly pursue and explore the knowledge as well as the exact answers to problems. For example, after class I often was asked the some questions beyond her grade by her. Moreover, she always does all in her full strength to finish the homework carefully. In particular, it is surprised for me that xxx usually uses several different methods to solve the same problem from different angles.

What’s more, she also has developed some good habits of learning especially in mathematics. First of all, she is extremely crazy about data analysis, and summing up the difficult case. Before class, she usually previews the course carefully. At the same time, she has a habit of collecting

and classifying the difficult questions after class. Secondly, xxx is skillful at creative thinking. The best favorable evidence for this point is that she prefers to use a variety of methods and perspectives to complete the problems of the mathematical proof. In addition, xxx is almost obsessed with math in mentally and physically. When faced with thought-provoking questions, she can calmly and flexibly apply existing mathematical knowledge to deduce and calculate frequently from different points of view in order to obtain the correct answer. Last but not least, as for her personality, I would like to sayxxx is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. She is always ready to help classmates and friends by sharing her own learning results and methods actively. Consequently, xxx is deeply admired and adorated by people around her for unique personal charming and outstanding talent.

In short, hard works pay off. Thanks to her own spirit of studious, courageous and persistent as well as endeavor in mathematics, xxx always ranks top 3 in every math examination. And she has won 1st or 2nd prize in National High School Mathematics Competition for several times. xxx really has a good head for mathematics. I believe the innovative thought and solid mathematical background will pave a smooth way to her further study at your university. Thank you very much for your consideration and time to read my letter. If you need more information about xxx, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards.

Yours, sincerely


xxxxSenior Secondary School

Add: No.49, Qingnian Road, xxx city xxx Province, China. 030001


Telephone: 0351-xxxxxx



Letter of Reference

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am XXXX, a senior mathematics teacher and work in XXXX Middle School, which was founded in XXXXand is the Provincial Key Middle School in first list in XXXX Province.With great pleasure, I am writing this letter to recommend XXXX, one of my most excellent and impressive students to you.

I have known XXX in the September, 2014 When I have become the Head Teacher and Math Teacher of her class. In my opinion, XXX is a patient, intellectual, and cooperative student and has developed a good habit in learning math. In class, she is not only careful but also actively answer questions put forward by me and classmates. After class, she will preview in advance, and review the content in time. Moreover, she will aim at her weak link to do a lot of practice purposely, and then sum up the different thoughts of problem solving. Particularly, XXX has a special notebook for recording the wrong questions that she did in practice and summarizing the typical problems that I emphasized. In short, with the keen interest in mathematics, she would like to expand the depth and breadth of her thinking by solving a problem with different methods from different perspectives.

Moreover, as we all known, mathematics is a relatively boring course for most students especially girls, which not only needs a rigorous logical thinking ability but also the undaunted patience to repeatedly deduct and calculate. Both of theses key points can be found on XXX’s study. The best evidence is the draft paper she used: surface flatly, writing neatly and layout clearly, on which it is obvious for you to find and check her analytical thinking, detailed steps and the whole of deduction process. Some classmates even once joked that the draft paper was to XXX what the unfinished status was to a sculpture artist. But she explained that it was effective way to check and further reduce the error rate in maximum extent. And what she pains give wins, her academic grades on math always ranked top 10%.

On the other hand, another highlights about XXX I have to point out is her versatility. Specifically, the piano, painting, calligraphy, and photography are all extensive covered by her, and even made remarkable achievements in some field when she was in early age. At the same time, I discovered that XXX enjoys the surprising natural gift in writing and language application. The best illustration is that she published the passage “I Have a

Date with the Sea” on the Taiyuan Evening News Paper in the Sep.,2014. And in the Aug.,2015, she won the Provincial 1st Prize with the work “ Why So Hurry” in 17th “Chinese Newspaper Cup” among the national high school composition contest. In addition, for English learning, she won the 3rd prize in North China Division in 14th National Creative English Contest and in the Aug.,2015.


Last but not least, as the head teacher, I know her comprehensive quality from her different roles in campus activities and social practices. Specifically, she was the Game Organizer to arrange the Campus Singer Competition, including the program designing, getting sponsored and arranging interview. She was the “Best CEO” in 5th Business Simulation Match held by our school. Meanwhile, She also was an actor to play a role in Campus Microfilm “ Ni Xi”in the Feb.,2016. What’s more, she is a Volunteer, one of the Volunteer Association of our school to visit the orphans once a month, sharing her books, clothes and snacks with them. And she often works as the voluntary librarian in Taiyuan Xinhua Book Store . All in all, her excellent ability in keeping the balance among work, study and hobbies has left an indelible impression on me.(参见的实践活动描述)

I, XXX, sincerely hope you can take consideration seriously on XXX’s application. I think, this confident, diligent, positive and kind-hearted girl has made adequately preparation in receiving a complete and rigorous program for Bachelor's degree in your school with her strong desire for knowledge research and life. I will offer her my sincere blessing and look forward to your favorable reply. Please contact me by your convenience should you need more information about XXX.



Senior Mathematics Teacher(职称)


Add: (学校地址)



