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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-26 15:39:28 | 移动端:澳洲留学博士,推荐信




澳洲留学文书润色是很重要的。一篇优秀的留学文书创作,是经过好几道加工程序才精雕细琢出来的。有关留学文书写作招聘也是有很多。这足以间接证明了留学文书市场的火热,大家对留学文书创作的高度重视。 每年赴澳留学的学生数以万计,澳洲留学文书修改以及留学文书润色很关键。那些留学文书写作招聘小广告,更是铺天盖地。澳洲留学文书写的好坏全凭澳大利亚留学推荐信写的如何。有的学生可能认为澳洲留学推荐信写作技巧一点用都没有,推荐信谁都会写格式都一样没有什么其他的不同。其实不然一封好的推荐信对自己以后的留学道路会有很大的帮助。 准备详实的个人材料夹 教授写好一封推荐信,需要你提供详实的个人材料。即使在一所很小的大学里,每个教授一学期要教许多学生。如果教授从你那仅能得到成绩单,那么在推荐信中他只能提到你这几年的学习成绩。如果你希望得到一封优秀的推荐信,你就需要整理自己的个人材料,准备一个详尽的文件夹,并清楚的标明你的全名。你的个人材料文件夹需要包括以下材料: 你的成绩单(如果GPA在3.0至4.0之间,当然不错。) 简历(一页)。你的简历应突出你所做的义工,和你选修的与申请的大学有关的课程。这样,你的教授便会较全面的了解你。如果这些他们都知道,那就再提醒他们一次。 其他与之相关的表格等等,你都需要一并把他们放入相应的贴好邮票的信封内。 如果可能的话,最好附上官方的成绩单。 另外,别忘了写你自己的个人陈述和学业目标(半页纸)。听起来有点俗,仔细想想。教授们喜欢有远大志向的学生。简单的说,一个学生如果没有明确的方向,会给你的教授留下非常坏的印象。如果没有具体的实施步骤,也许你的教授会认为你还没有为将来的学习作好准备。


To:EPU Committee

From:Prof. ******

College of Resource Environment and Tourism

****** University

Beijing 100048, China.


Ref. Recommendation letter for ******

Date. Dec.2014

Dear ******,

I take great pleasure to write this letter of reference for ******, a doctoral candidate of Geographic Information System at the Key Laboratory of 3D Information Acquisition and Application in ** University. As her doctoral supervisor, I have witnessed her performance well and potential of advanced studies.

Since Sep. 2013, Ms. ** has been engaged in the research of automated texture mapping of building models based on oblique photogrammetry. I’ve learned that she also participated in some research projects about the calibrations of multi-sensor integration including airborne LiDAR, POS and Camera during her graduate study. Through a series of projects practice,she has excellent programming ability, favorable research ability and strong theoretical knowledge of GeoInformation science. She masters the the entire workflow of advanced mapping methods including oblique photogrammetry,airborne LiDAR, etc.

In nearly 3 years of cooperating with her, she has showed good communication skill, strong sense of responsibility, team work spirit, passions at scientific research, and the ability of quick learning. Ms. ** has quite an active and precise mind. She can independently lead a team of certain research subject. It is worth to mention that Ms. ** is both intelligent and diligent. I have been very impressed with her use of English as a tool to read foreign publications and journals in order to stay abreast with the advances in the field around the world.

I believe Ms. ** devotion to scientific research, coupled with her pleasant personality and proficiency in English, will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your scholarship program. I recommend Ms. ** without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.

Sincerely Yours,

Prof. **




语言要求方面,一般澳大利亚正规院校的要求是雅思总分6.5分 (单项不低于6.0分)。 博士申请材料包括,申请表格、推荐信、个人简历、研究计划书、学历学位证书及成绩单等。 那些在澳大利亚本土攻读授课式硕士学位(coursework)后攻读博士学位一般需要有工作经历(包括研究经历和论文的发表);而在澳大利亚攻读研究型硕士学位(re-search)后一般是不需要任何工作经历就可攻读博士学位的。

