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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2016-11-25 09:52:37 | 移动端:给人启示的英语1000字文章


精选作文:关于俞敏洪给我的启示(1000字)作文 科学在进步,但人才却似乎不见得太多。我们中国是一个以成绩来鉴定人才的国家,多多少少的人都会高考落榜,这已屡见不鲜。相反的是国外的教育体系与我国截然不同,他们的政治概念据目前了解,一个学生只要读好一门自己喜欢的课就行了,而且高考可以考好几次,大大减轻了学生的压力,学生的生理素质与文化内涵在许多方面都得到了提高。我认为我们中国在这一点上不如国外,前提是他们不以考试成绩来鉴定人才。虽然在此多优势上我们不及他们,但多次的紧张的考试中可见已经磨练了我们这代学生克服困难和挫折的能力,因此利弊各占百分之五十。 俞敏洪是个成功的企业家,在还没了解他的背景时,我总以为他是天生就那么聪明,但进一步了解所知,他有着惊涛骇浪的故事。俞敏洪曾两次高考落榜,第三次才考进了北京大学,在此期间努力读书,终于在许多年后有了巨大的成就,那就是在1993年创建了新东方教育体系。这个教育体系在中国可以说是一流的。俞敏洪老师那娴熟的口才,恰当的比喻,幽默的语气,教育家的那种威严气度,无不让我钦佩不已。我记得他讲过很多的教育人的事,但内容广,我把他讲的许多励志的语言加上自己的理解进一步的深化:我们来到这个世界上为的是什么,是为了让生命有好的延续,让生命活得精彩,让生命在是让为人民服务,此三点做到一点就说明你会做人。我们人为什么要有目标,因为目标促使着我们前进,让我的未来有所改善,有所创造,但目标不是迷茫来确定的。我在此给目标下个定义:目标+汗水*不灰心=成功,目标是个常量,汗水是个变量,不灰心是个定量,成功是个不变量。常量+变量*定量=不变量,常量越大,不变量率就就越小(即成功率就越小),定量是人的心是否定下来,如果心不定,那定量变成了偏量,此等式不成立,同样变量较大,常量较小,那所得不变量率(即成功率)就只能是就只能是原来的二分之一,俗话就是事倍功半。因此目标的确定也是一门学问,要在长期的实践中用科学的方法(即学习方法)来证明自己的潜力,这是相对重要的。但我们也不要全是为了成绩,而造成压力太大,心神不宁,因为一个人的成功与读书相对来说没有太大的关系,但将来工作时不读书那才是真正的落后。现在就让我们行动起来,初中是学习的黄金岁月。打基础的时间,让我们一起战胜困难和挫折,向往着未来,我相信在一起走过三年岁月的我们将来走在社会上也能受到尊重。 是啊,人生的路漫漫悠悠,但不去走那能到达目的地吗?浙江衢州横路初中初一:秦算益



日期:2010-4-16 期数:346 来源:北华航天报 作者:刘清华 [字体:大 中 小]也许你不知道,叱咤风云个性张扬的新东方校长俞敏洪原来是一个性格非常腼腆的人。有一次他做客大学生就业节目时提到了自己从前的故事。大学时的俞敏洪曾疯狂的暗恋过一个女同学,但那时候的他极度自卑,想到自己出身在农村,学习不好,长相不佳,普通话说得也不行??这样考虑来考虑去就放弃了,只能苦闷的单相思。他说后来脸皮渐渐变厚,渐渐懂事才明白,任何一个女孩子都会愿意听别人说:“我爱你”的,因为多一个人爱自己总比少一个人爱好,即便你可能真是一个“癞蛤蟆”。俞敏洪说,其实追求一个女孩子,就算是十次都失败了也没关系。因为实际上在你追求她之前,这个女孩也不属于你,追求不成,你也没有丢失什么。但是,万一她答应你,你就会拥有一段美好的姻缘。








2007/05/07 10:37 a.m.
















下页 余下全文篇三:作文素材:俞敏洪:什么对我们最重要?



2014-01-10 1858







现在回过头来想,我最庆幸的就是自己家庭的贫困,父母一无所有,使我有了奋斗的空间。也许你的父母什么都没给你留下,但你脚下的这片广袤大地,却可以由你自己随便走,能走多远是你的事情。 人生中最重要的生命力量之一,生命的动力之一,是我们自己内心想要某种东西的欲望。这种欲望其实就是理想,一种需要让我们的生命提升才能得到的东西。理想是在我们生命遥远的地方,是我们愿意用三年五年甚至一辈子去实现的东西。理想能够让我们不断打破现实走向未来。每一个理想都是有阶段性的,随着一个又一个理想的实现,我们的生命不断扩张,能力不断增强。所以,要用理想来指引我们的生活,来点燃我们内心自强的火焰。











The way to choose employees

How do the business employers judge the qualifications of potential employees? One kind of view is that “When judging the qualifications of potential employees, business employers should rely solely on objective information. Personal interviews are much too subjective and are therefore not a valid basis on which to judge a person’s

qualifications for a job.” However is it totally true? What is the most reasonable way to choose people the enterprise want? Here are my opinions.

First of all, we have to realize that enterprise recruits staff can't simply read resume or face-to- face communication. Enterprise can not only look at resume, but also by the interview. Enterprise only clearly understands who you are and what you lack of and then you can find the employees for their development of business. The test in an interview is an essential important link.

Recruitment testing generally should be divided into interview, knowledge

examination, psychological testing, operation technology assessment and

qualifications review. Interview is the most common method in recruitment activities. According to an interview form and purpose, interview can be divided into many types. Such as structural interview, unstructured interview, general interview, professional skills interview, etc. Interview has many advantages, such as strong adaptability, can two-way communication, can multi-channel to get candidate's

information. The great drawback to interview is not easy quantification and there may be various prejudices.

Knowledge test is another common method in recruitment activities. Knowledge examination refers to through the paper and pencil tests of the candidates in the form of knowledge breadth, depth of knowledge and understanding of the knowledge structure of a way. The purpose of a test is mainly about knowing the width of the candidate's knowledge, the extent of the candidate of professional knowledge and application level.

There is a misconception that qualifications equal to the ability society are wearing tinted glasses for this. From a recruitment perspective, basically large enterprises to recruit staff as sales people first are a college education. Education is a stepping stone, no diploma the interviewer is seeing you, let alone gives you the opportunity. Most people basically thought pattern is that it looks like: qualifications equal to knowledge, knowledge is equal to capacity, no qualifications equal to no knowledge, no ability.

Degree does not necessarily have the knowledge, there is no academic qualifications may not necessarily illiterate, the key only to personal learning and efforts.

Higher education can only prove one o'clock-the person subjected to formal education, systematic learning conditions and a good learning environment. But this man how much knowledge learned in school is not a degree proves that academic achievement also has good and bad points.

Edison didn't finish even primary schools, who would dare to say that Edison has no culture, no knowledge? Mao attended the University, but to comment on China's first great man of the century who can match. Bill Gates didn't finish college, but no one

dare say that Gates is not knowledge, and who would dare to say that biracial more money. Knowledge does not come from the universities, especially not from paper qualifications, but from the study. If it does not have the power and capacity of learning, even in the Beijing University, Tsinghua University and how?

I liked the party's "three represents" a noun – in the times. It is more instructive for our employees: suitable for short term experience may not in the future have been through, to not be eliminated by the market, we must continue to learn, with the times, continuous adjustment, seize the opportunity. Look at our students ' textbooks, something many decades ago. How can it talk about keeping pace with it? Knowledge and ability are two different things. Literate people will of course

consider more comprehensive than illiterate, analyze issues more thoroughly, but a lot of times people who have cultural things like dumplings in a teapot – goods not out, only that it will not do. Theory and practice are far away.

Enterprises recruiting employees is the core to achieve insight into the candidates, read resumes or face-to-face exchanges are just two different ways.

Enterprise staff recruitment core is to do in-depth understanding of applicant, read your resume or face to face communication is just two different ways it.


Running the red the Chinese way

Every day, we can see the familiar scene that some passers-by run a red light in the street. Maybe they will be so late for work that they have to run a red light so as to save time, or they want to get home quickly in order to see their lovely children and his or her beloved wife or husband. Anyway I think that the behave itself is wrong. After all, they have already violated the traffic rules. Sometimes I want to know why this situation always happen in China, However it rarely happen in the West. I hold the fundamental reason for this phenomenon is that Chinese people’ herd mentality and bystander effect.

Why does the herd mentality appear? The role of human demonstration and imitation may be the culprit ..In life, we often encounter such a situation when someone is doing something that is wrong, and we will also create such a misconception that other people can do it,, and nobody criticize the conduct, so we can also do it like that.. Once the spread of this mentality ,it will form a Bandwagon effect. After the formation of such a bandwagon effect, it will cause great harm to society. To begin with, the deed violates the law and ethics, and undermines the normal order of social life. If people continue to do so, laws and regulations will not work.. The dignity of the country will cease to exist, and the concept of legal society will also become a dead letter. What’s more, the behavior may also endanger the lives of their own . It is

known that most of accidents are caused by non-compliance with traffic rules. But many people still take chances that these things will not happen to them.. However, at the same time, we should keep in mind the old saying that there is no regret drugs sold in the world.. All in all ,please comply with the traffic rules in order to ensure the safety of your life. Since this phenomenon has already exists, then we should take some effectives measures to put an end to this phenomenon. On the one hand , a nation-wide campaign should be launched so as to make people realize the importance of obeying the rules of Traffic. On the other hand ,corresponding laws and regulations should be set up to publish those who misbehave .Only in this way, the herd mentality can be eliminated fundamentally.

Another reason for this phenomenon is that the bystanders do nothing about it, which is what we called the bystander effect. Why does this exist, I think it may have a great relationship with our tradition. Admittedly, since ancient times, we ,Chinese people, have developed the habit of joining in the fun. If they are only out of curiosity to watch, the action itself can be understandable. However, the purpose that some people watch is not to stop the kind of behavior ,but only pleasure themselves .Take running the red light for example, if some people can encourage those who run a red light , instead thinking that his life has nothing to do with me . Bystander inaction can lead to apathy among

people. If this phenomenon is not well eliminated. It

Will have a negative social impact. It may make the whole social atmosphere become worse, and there will not be trust among people, only to find selfishness and indifferent left . It also contradicts the idea of harmonious society that we have been advocating. Since the question arises, then we should think of ways to solve it.. To begin with, a nationwide activity of mutual help and love should be carried out. Only in this way, will people radically change their thought., and will our society become more and more harmonious.

In the West, the situation that people run a red light rarely see. Why ? Maybe there exists difference between Chinese and Western cultures. But I think the most important thing is that the

Concept is different .In the West, the schools carry out educational activities related to traffic rules. Parents often give children guidance in this aspect. Countries have also introduced a number of laws and regulations to severely punish those who violate traffic rules. In China, the schools lack the relevant publicity. The country give lighter punishment to those who violate the traffic rules.

I think the cause of this phenomenon can be stated as follows; At fist, ideological propaganda is not in place. Second, Penalty of the law in this aspect is not enough. So I deem our country should enhance the efforts of propaganda. In addition to that, our nation should increase the intensity of

the penalty. As for us , what can we do ? I hold that we should start from the side of the little things. start from ourselves so as to develop a good habit of law-abiding. I believe only in multi-pipes , can we solve this problem fundamentally.

In all ,Count-measures must be implemented immediately ,and only in this way, can the situation be eliminated .Besides, I think that since the problem has emerged, we should find a solution to the problem. The phenomenon of running the red light reflects the bad side of our country’s tradition and culture. A country’s tradition and culture is formed by accumulation of habit. Therefore , we only have to change the bad habits and develop the good habits. Over time, we will be able to form a fine tradition and custom. Finally, our society will be show a positive atmosphere.
