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外文题目:Review of Financial Service in Logistics

出 处:2008年国际会议论文集——IEEE服务运作,物流及信息作 者:Xiaojing Zhou, Zhuo Zhang, Yin Lu原文:

Review of Financial Service in Logistics

Abstract—This paper mainly analyzes the appearance, operation procedures, development trends, research orientation and the hot issue of Financial Logistics, which is being applied as a new product of logistics service in both domestic logistic industry and international ones. Moreover, the theory and practice development of Financial Logistics and the classification about the existent research results were discussed. Some forecast about the future orientations based on the previous results was presented, Our conclusions can help that design of Intermediation warehouses, application of International Settlements and ways to build logistics banks would be the main subjects in the future development of Financial Logistics.

Index Terms—Financial Logistics (FL), Financial services, Logistics


The logistics industry which is developing rapidly, which has become a pillar industry of the national economy in recent years. At the same time, logistics and financial services have gradually is the necessary of China’s economical development with a huge market demands. The logistics industry, however, was not fully supported by the financial systems in China at present, so it is important for the corporations in competition to do some innovation of service mode by integrating the logistics and financial services in such background. Some of the world famous banks and logistics companies has realized the new proficial point in Financial Logistics (FL) and regard the FL as a new extension of financial products and logistics services. The development of FL is necessary trend, because it is the innovative products of financial services supply chain, coincide with the interests of all participants.

There are a lot of inventories in the whole supply chain process from raw materials

to final consumers. Logistics companies may get into trouble because of stock and the use of large amounts of funds. Lacking of active capital in small and medium-sized corporations always become the bottleneck of development. In order to solve these problems, they can change the enterprises existing inventory into capital resources. For financial institutions, how to reduce the risk in actual financing is the most important, additionally, agency that control logistics activities of an enterprise should be the most direct and most effective spokesman in this time. There are many kinds of property right and operation right transaction such ascombination, annexation, recomposition, trusteeship and pool in the corporations, but the circulation channel of commodity will not change . In order to control the risk, it is necessary for financial institutions (banks) to do something to understand the nature of guaranty and the authenticity of identification, which are not only time-consuming, but also beyond the banks business areas in the ordinary courses. FL service can help logistics business make fully control of the supply chain to ensure the safe transportation of special products and stabilization of long-term customers. In the development of supply chain management, enterprises gradually emphasize on the integration of cross-enterprise, which make customer relationship management to become increasingly significant. Logistics management has been upgraded from single transportation to the value-added of project management. The traditional logistics are no longer meets the needs of modern logistics businesses, how to collaborate logistics enterprises and financial institutions to satisfy the urgent demands on financial services and third-party logistics services has soon become a hot issue, which is concerned not only by logistics and banks but also by researchers.


“Financial Logistics”, in a wide sense, refers to the entire processes of the logistics operations which applies various financial products to implement effective integration of the logistics, from capital flow and information flow, to organize and regulate the currency and capital movement in the supply chain operations to get a better capital efficiency of business activities. In a narrow sense, FL is a services process that the banking and the third-party logistics service providers in the supply chain operation provide financing and billing services. It also can be understood as the corporate

finance services with the help of logistics enterprises, i.e., the inventory and accounts receivable financing in the participation of logistics enterprises. In accordance with the different objects of financing and the different phrases and ways of the production and operation of products, the mode of FL business can be divided into two categories, one of is FL mode based on the inventory, and the second is based on the trading financial contracts .

FL business mode based on the inventory mainly refers to the enterprises which need financing, take their stock as mortgage and transfer the storage to intermediary companies (logistics enterprises) to obtain a credit loan. Such operations can not only happen in the process of sale, but also be presented in the procurement. The FL business mode based on trade contracts mainly refers to the enterprises, which need short-term funds for its continuous development and ease the financial deficiency, that obtain the operation capitals through specific operating procedures by trade contracts. Review the trend of China's FL innovations development in recent years, it is easy to see that FL business mode based on the inventory develop quickly, while the mode based on the trade contracts is still in the process of introduction by foreign logistics enterprises. Whereas, from the angle of the participants, the lenders have developed from purely commercial banks to the guarantee agencies and insurance agencies. The logistics enterprises, moreover, have developed from companies with single storage capital to the third-party logistics, agency and chain management. At the same time, the loan applier is extending, which is from circulating corporation to circulation and producer . Clearly, the potential of FL’s development is enormous, which has far-reaching significance for materials circulation of the society.

3. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FINANCIAL LOGISTICS BUSINESS In the processes of circulation, many different kinds of problems have been solved in the practice of FL, which can receive lots of economic and social benefits. FL means a lot for the logistics enterprises. On one hand, the new service not only increase the value of service but also improve the operating efficiency of the supply chain, finally stabilize and attract the customers; On the other hand, as a mutual trusted one by banks and customers, logistics corporations can be better integrated into the customer's supply chain, the alliance relationship among the banks will also

be strengthened. In fact, for importers and exporters, logistics financial services effectively reduce the risk of settlement and financing, lower transaction costs and the financial burden of both sides. The main risks especially for SMEs are insufficiency of flow capital in their processes of development, which become the "bottleneck" that constrains the development. FL services, which allow these SMEs to get business loans by using raw materials and commodities on the market, can resolve financing problems of expansion the operation scale and reuse the funds to improve the efficiency of capital circulation, ultimately improve the quality of economic operation .

In conclusion, the function and role of LF in macro-economic structure should be paid attention by us , for it plays irreplaceable and significant leverage in improving the circulation service quality and reduces the overstock and consumption, ultimately speeds up the turnover rate of macroeconomic currency in national economic accounting system.


Modern logistics and finance logistics have brought a tremendous impact on logistics enterprises and financial services industries. The development of their concept and technology has a clear feature of high-tech, of which the main characteristic is the informatization based on digital technology and network. To mobilize global resources and reduce inventories, internal logistics is combined with ERP, CRM and SCM by using information and network, which exactly realizes the overall and multi-angle tracking of the whole logistics process. It makes the logistics enterprises management more accurately, quickly and efficiently. The quality of service is highly improved.

The development of "logistics finance" has gone through several phases. It means initial "pledge of movables", "pledge of warehouse receipts", "pledge of the bill of lading"," Silver vendors" and "Logistics bank" ,which is now operated more perfectly. During the process, it generated abundant theories and practice as well as its operational models. Based on the previous research, we can conclude that the further study basically on the financing of middle-small enterprises, operational models of logistics finance business, ways of providing financial services, risk control of bank

credit, customer credit management, credit contract design and pledge materials management etc.. Also, under the guidance of the direction, it may find that the subject to the direction are to be the logistics financial business model innovation, credit contract optimization, applications of advanced management in business, comprehensive financial services of internet banking, broadening the financing modes of SMEs, new discussion of logistics financial operational model in the international clearance, the value of combining logistics finance with future delivery and logistics insurance.

As a new kind of financial product of modern Logistics service, there is still some risks factors we should pay attention to. Only by fully understanding business risks, could we take a effective measure to prevent and control risks in the operations to make the FL business a healthy and orderly development. With the development of the logistics industry and the continuous innovation of financial system, the two sides also need to up build smoother cooperation and more efficient operating system in higher level to get better interactive effects. We have reason to believe that with the continued accumulation of FL experiences and further study of scholars, it will bring a wealth of research results and more accurately scientific theories to serve all the people in social life. FL services will definitely have a good future and high developmental potential.


An internet-based logistics management system for enterprise chains

N. Prindezis, C.T. Kiranoudis

School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University, 15780 Athens,


Received 13 September 2003; received in revised form 20 December 2003; accepted

27 January 2004

Available online 10 December 2004

.Developing the internet-based application tool

Web services offer new opportunities in business landscape, facilitating a global marketplace where business rapidly create innovative products and serve customers better. Whatever that business needs is, Web services have the flexibility to meet the demand and allow to accelerate outsourcing. In turn, the developer can focus on building core competencies to create customer and shareholder value. Application development is also more efficient because existing Web services, regardless of where they were developed, can easily be reused.

Many of the technology requirements for Web services exist today, such as open standards for business to-business applications, mission-critical transaction platforms and secure integration and messaging products. However, to enable robust and dynamic integration of applications, the industry standards and tools that extend the capabilities of to days business-to-business interoperability are required. The key to taking full advantage of Web services is to understand what Web services are and how the market is likely to evolve. One needs to be able to invest in platforms and applications today that will enable the developer to quickly and effectively realize these benefits as well as to be able to meet the specific needs and increase business productivity.

Typically, there are two basic technologies to be implemented when dealing with internet-based applications; namely server-based and client-based. Both technologies have their strong points regarding development of the code and the facilities they provide. Server-based applications involve the development of dynamically created web pages. These pages are transmitted to the web browser of the client and contain code in the form of HTML and JAVASCRIPT language. The HTML part is the static part of the page that contains forms and controls for user needs and the JAVASCRIPT part is the dynamic part of the page. Typically, the structure of the code can be completely changed through the intervention of web server mechanisms added on the transmission part and implemented by server-based languages such as ASP, JSP, PHP, etc. This comes to the development of an integrated dynamic page application where user desire regarding problem peculiarities (calculating shortest paths, execute routing algorithms, transact with the database, etc.) is implemented by appropriately invoking different parts of the dynamic content of such pages. In server-based applications all calculations are executed on the server. In client-based applications, JAVA applets

prevail. Communication of the user is guaranteed by the well-known JAVA mechanism that acts as the medium between the user and code.

Everything is executed on the client side. Data in this case have to be retrieved, once and this might be the time-consuming part of the transaction.

In server-based applications, server resources are used for all calculations and this requires powerful server facilities with respect to hardware and software. Client-based applications are burdened with data transmission (chiefly related to road network data). There is a remedy to that; namely caching. Once loaded, they are left in the cache archives of the web browser to be instantly recalled when needed.

In our case, a client-based application was developed. The main reason was the demand from the users point of view for personal data discretion regarding their clients. In fact, this information was kept secret in our system even from the server side involved.

Data management plays major role in the good function of our system. This role becomes more substantial when the distribution takes place within a large and detailed road network like this of a major complex city. More specifically, in order to produce the proposed the routing plan, the system uses information about:

? the locations of the depot and the customers within the road network of the city

(their co-ordinates attached in the map of the city),

? the demand of the customers serviced,

? the capacity of the vehicles used,

? the spatial characteristics of road segments of the net work examined,

? the topography of the road network,

? the speed of the vehicle, considering the spatial characteristics of the road and the

area within of which is moved,

? the synthesis of the company fleet of vehicles.

Consequently, the system combines, in real time, the available spatial characteristics with all other information mentioned above, and tools for modelling, spatial, non-spatial, and statistical analysis, image processing forming a scalable, extensible and interoperable application environment.

The validation and verification of addresses of customers ensure the accurate estimation of travel times and distances travelled. In the case of boundary in the total route duration, underestimates of travel time may lead to failure of the programmed routing plan whereas overestimates can lower the utilization of drivers and

vehicles, and create unproductive wait times as well (Assad, 1991). The data corresponding to the area of interest involved two different details. A more detailed network, appropriately for geocoding (approximately 250,000 links) and a less detailed for routing (about 10,000 links). The two networks overlapped exactly. The tool that provides solutions to problems of effectively determining the shortest path, expressed in terms of travel time or distance travelled, within a specific road network, using the Dijkstra’s algorithm(Winston,1993). In particular, the Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in two cases during the process of developing the routing plan. In the first case, it calculates the travel times between all possible pairs of depot and customers so that

the optimizer would generate the vehicle routes connecting them and in the second case it determines the shortest path between two involved nodes (depot or customer) in the routing plan, as this was determined by the algorithm previously. Due to the fact, that U-turn and left-,right-turn restrictions were taken into consideration for network junctions, an arc-based variant of the algorithm was taken into consideration (Jiang, Han, & Chen, 2002).

The system uses the optimization algorithms mentioned in the following part in order to automatically generate the set of vehicle routes (which vehicles should deliver to which customers and in which order) minimizing simultaneously the vehicle costs and the total distance travelled by the vehicles This process involves activities that tend to be more strategic and less structured than operational procedures. The system helps planners and managers to view information in new way and examine issues such as:

? the average cost per vehicle, and route,

? the vehicle and capacity utilization,

? the service level and cost,

? the modification of the existing routing scenario by adding or subtracting


In order to support the above activities, the interface of the proposed system provides a variety of analyzed geographic and tabulated data capabilities. Moreover, the system can graphically represent each vehicle route separately, cutting it o? from the final routing plan and offering the user the capability for perceiving the road network and the locations of depot and customers with all details.


N. Prindezis,C.T. Kiranoudis




可在线 二〇〇四年十二月十日

翻译 曹蓝











? 在城市道路网在车厂地点和客户(他们统筹重视在城市地图)接受服务







因此,该系统结合实时,可用空间特征与上述其他所有信息,以及造型,空间,非空间,和统计分析工具,图像处理形成一个可伸缩,可扩展和可互操作的应用环境。验证和核查,确保客户的地址的旅行时间和旅行距离准确估计。在边界线的总时间的情况,可能导致低估了,而高估了编程路由计划可以降低所用车辆的能力, 的净工作道路部分的空间特征研究, 道路网地形, 车辆的速度,考虑到道路的空间特征和地区范围内的移动, 该公司车队车辆的合成。

篇三:物流工程毕业设计外文翻译 - 副本



外文题目:Application of Collaborative Transportation Management

to Global Logistics: An Interview Case Study


学 生 姓 名: 林巧智

专 业: 物流工程0801班 指导教师姓名: 冯欣 评 阅 日 期:






在应对世界全球化和大规模制定以及时刻变化的市场需求时,全球物流企业的经营发挥了重要的作用。在国际贸易中全球分销效率是取得成功的关键。它不仅仅是协同运输管理(CTM)在托运人和承运人之间的一项新的合作战略,它也是一个新的商业模式。本文提出了一种应用CTM在全球物流业务中的一个描述性的个案研究。深入与来自跨国电子制造服务(EMS)公司和运输物流服务提供商中的受访者的访谈活动。我们的分析显示,第三方物流(3PL)服务供应商在全球跨国公司的采购中发挥了重要作用。把CTM用于企业资源计划中,并通过信息技术(IT)可以有效地规划运输能力,并在最短的时间内实现及时交货。CTM在增强商业物流在全球商业舞台中竞争能力方面有着极其重大的影响。 1 介绍


交通运输消耗美国国内生产总值(GDP)的5.5%,大约与公司的销售收入比例相同(尔逊和德莱尼,2003)。运输服务是订单交货时间的一个重要组成部分。大部分订货时间的变化是由过境时间的变化引起的(CTM 2004)。吞没巨大的资金方面是交通运输行业的特点,很难解决这个问题,如果增加供应能力或在短时期内找到替代品的话也是有可能的。在供应链管理方面取得成功,关键在于是否能在需要的时候在正确的地点进行补货。供应链是由很多部分组成的复杂系统。


一个单独的供应链中的单个成员不能做太多事,解决供应链中存在的问题。这就是为什么供应链中合作伙伴之间的协作已成为许多公司,对其他公司战略中许多和基本要素中最感兴趣的话题的原因。供应链协作以往的研究主要集中在供应链之间的合作,主要包括:供应商,制造商,批发商/分销商和零售商(阿米斯特德和奥弗顿,1994;鲍尔索克斯克拉,1999;霍姆伯格,2000;霍伊特,2000;托马斯和格里芬,1996;)事实上,供应链不仅由下游客户组成,而且由第三方组织组成,如:流和运输供应商(威廉姆斯,2003)。严究人员包括萨瑟兰(2003). 布朗宁和白(2000), 威廉姆斯,(2003) 和主教(2004)都指出,必要在供应链的贸易伙伴间加入协同运输管理(CTM) ,协作规划,预测与补货(CPFR)等要素。虽然CPFR是主要基于买方和卖方的研究, CTM包括运输服务供应商,其中运输服务商含有运营商和第三方物流,来确保高效和有效的装运交货。然而,为了获取上述利益,应该采用和实施CTM来避免物流瓶颈,或用于克服由于在托运人和运输组件之间缺乏相互交流,信息共享引起的效率低下等问题;培育更密切的合作关系。企业之间的协同商务是一个相对较新的企业经营的概念。(哈里斯,2002)。因此,已开发企业仅包括为数不多的几家例如:敦豪、联邦快递等全球第三方物流服务提供商,或只含有创思普莱斯的大型物流和运输管理服务提供商,或只拥有众所周知的零售商如:沃尔玛、宝洁公司,这样的企业是非常罕见的。虽然研究CTM的相关文献和案例非常稀缺,但是CTM的操作、应用及其影响是一个值得进一步研究的话题。


2 文献回顾



CTM已经在协同供应链执行过程中被称为“缺少的环节”,主要用于减少运输方面成本,提高资产利用率,改进服务,提高客户满意度来提高整个协作过程的价值(萨瑟兰,2003)。威廉姆斯(2003)认为CTM是CPFR一个相对较新的延伸;正如在早期发展阶段,在现存的文献已经难以找到衡量CTM标准。信息技术在协作形成过程中扮演着“支持者”和“推动者”的双重角色,起着非常重要的作用。一个描述第三方CTM系统供应商致力于过程调查和CTM的利益案例的研究。他们发现通过实施CTM信息系统,通过先进的规划,优化,不断更新货物状态可节省运输成本4%-20%,提高服务的及时性从5%至30%不等, 由于在规划范围扩展到运营商,提高互补回程机会,减少运输造成的损坏,降低行政成本,并最大限度地减少金融风险,使船队利用率增加了10%-42%。



3 研究方法

如上所述,CTM是一个相对较新的概念,因此相关研究非常稀缺。在这项工作中, CTM在全球物流业务中的应用是检查使用描述性案例的研究。进行深入访谈,以获取有关数据分析。这家公司是由台湾的一家全球电脑公司推荐的,建议把这家公司作为一个案例研究(大众全球公司)和作为一个全球物流和运输的协作管理的一个突出例子,即全球性的综合物流。受访者都是生产,进口/出口资深管理者和海关业务部门经理。

