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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:00 | 移动端:英语日记范例








January 18, 2011 Friday Sunny

I'm free now, because I'm in the winter vacation.

Although I have some homework, I can finish them in a few days. There's plenty of time to rest and use. My god! After hard study, I have been very tired. In the winter vacation, I want to have enough sleep and a lot of delicious food to reward myself. Last but not least, I will have a good rest.

I have rested for a week, then began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn't go to a special place, we just had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. One year later, we will become mature. We will learn more things, get a new life, but we do not have enough time to play, waste and lose. We only have two years. In two years, we will get really for our own life which only belongs to ourselves.








1. 日记必须包括所表现的主要内容,可适当增减细节,使其完整、连贯;

2. 时间:2003年5月4日,星期五;天气:阴;

3. 词数:100-120.

may 4th, 2003 monday cloudy

after school i went home for supper. when i got home, i found my mother lying in bed. she was ill. my father was away from home on business. "what shall i do? "i thought to myself.

since mother was ill, i must take good care of her. so i decided to try cooking by myself. i did the cooking with great difficulty and it got burnt at last.

i had thought mother would never like it. but i had to ask my mother to have supper. to my joy, mother praised me for the meal i had cooked. she said, "it tastes delicious. i'm very pleased with it. "i know that mother is encouraging me to do more by myself.


Sample Travel Diary

July 11, 2012 – London, England

What a busy day!

To start off, I could barely sleep last night because of the hard bed we slept on (can’t say I don’t miss my own bed from home!) and because of my excitement at touring London for the first time! I’ve always wanted to visit London, and I’m finally here! After Jim and I got ready in our tiny room, we went downstairs for our complimentary breakfast. The tea and pastries were delicious, and they made amazing pancakes! We asked the concierge about some hot spots she recommended, and with our list and map in hand, we were off!

Since our hotel is in a great central spot, we were able to walk to a lot of places. First, we wanted to see about getting tickets to a show for the evening, since London

theatre is top notch. Then we wanted to make our way to Buckingham Palace. What an experience! We wanted to try out London’s public transportation, and after having a hard time figuring out which way to go and which stop to take, we finally asked some locals, who were very friendly and helpful. The tube wasn’t very crowded, which was nice, and it wasn’t a very far ride, which was double nice! Once we got off the tube, it was a bit of a walk to the actual palace, but since it was such a nice day (only a little London drizzle), we didn’t mind. Plus, the Palace grounds are absolutely gorgeous!! I think I found my new dream home. :) The gardens themselves are exquisite. We got to see the changing of the guards, which is one of the things I’ve always wanted to do, took lots and lots of pictures, and sent our regards to the queen!

Once our Buckingham Palace experience was over, we were already getting hungry for lunch. So a guide at the Palace recommended a pub nearby that was within

walking distance. Jim was especially excited about going to an authentic British pub; I was mostly really hungry and tired! The pub, which was called The Frog and the Toad, was adorable, and the food and drink hit the spot! We asked how to get to the famous London Eye, and the bartender recommended taking a taxi, since that can be fun too! It was! Especially because they drive on the other side of the road. When we got to the Eye, we knew we’d have to wait in line, but we didn’t think it would be two hours! Oh well...we really wanted the experience, and it was a great way to see all of London without having to walk so much. :) There were other Americans in our little pod, too! They were from Texas and were just as excited as we were about the London experience.

After the Eye, we wanted to make sure to find a double-decker bus so we could see even more of the sights. Some highlights that we saw were Big Ben, the River Thames, and the Parliament building. Such history!!! Jim got his picture taken with everything! Our tour guide recommended a ―charming little tea house‖ where we could experience afternoon tea. It was great to be able to sit in one place for a while and enjoy a bit of class. We felt quite elegant drinking our tea and eating our scones!

We decided to head back to our hotel after tea for a much needed rest and to get ready for dinner and the show. Then, back out we went to a lovely bistro that our concierge recommended. It was delicious and romantic! We enjoyed it so much that we were almost late for our show! We rushed out of the restaurant and rushed over to the theatre (luckily it wasn’t too far away!!). We were very happy with our show choice, too; it was exquisite!

After the show, we stopped at a little cafe for some coffee and then straight to bed! Jim passed out right away, but I just had to get it all down on paper while my head was still swimming with the day’s events...

I can’t wait to head out to Paris tomorrow afternoon after some more souvenir

shopping! I’m sure I’ll have just as many details of our experiences, and I hope they will be just as good as London’s!

Until then...

Sample Diary Entries

March 3, 2012

Dear Diary,

I’m so upset!! I don’t even know where to begin!

To start off, I think I completely failed my geometry quiz, which I know I should’ve studied more for...my dad’s not gonna be happy about that. :( Then, we had a pop quiz in history on the reading homework from last night, and I completely forgot most of what I read, which made me even more upset because I actually did the reading! But what really made me mad was the note that Sarah slipped into my locker during passing period. She said she was sad that I’ve been hanging out with Jane more lately and thinks that I don’t want to be her friend anymore. I can’t believe she thinks that, especially after talking with her on the phone for hours and hours last month while she was going through her breakup with Nick! Just because I’ve been hanging out with Jane a little more than usual doesn’t mean I’m not her friend anymore. She completely blew me off at lunch, and when I told Jane, she thought that Sarah was being a ―drama queen.‖

This is just what I need! My parents are getting on my case about doing more extracurricular activities, I have a huge paper due for AP English soon, and I can’t understand a thing in advanced Spanish! The last thing I need is for my best friend to think I hate her and barely text me back anymore.

Uggh! I can’t concentrate on anything right now because of it. I hope she gets over it!!! Love,


March 4, 2012

Dear Diary,

Today was a little better. I texted Sarah last night asking if she wanted to have lunch with me today, just the two of us, and she said sure. I told her that just because I’m hanging out with Jane, it doesn’t change anything about our friendship. After all, we’ve

been friends since first grade! She said that she knows that, but she just felt like the third wheel because she doesn’t think that Jane likes her and because Jane and I have a lot of classes together. I told her not to worry about what Jane thought and that I’d talk to her about it. Sarah felt a lot better, and after we both cried a little, we spent the rest of lunch catching up on the latest gossip, which I missed!

During English, I talked to Jane about what Sarah said. She said that it’s not that she doesn’t like Sarah; she just thinks that she gets too worked up about things sometime, like her breakup with Nick. I explained why Sarah was so upset about it and how Nick had cheated on her, which Jane didn’t know, and she felt bad for saying mean things about Sarah. I think Jane’s really cool, but I wish she wouldn’t assume things about people. I’m worried she was saying mean things about Sarah to our other friends

when she didn’t know the truth. She sometimes likes to spread rumors even when she doesn’t know if they’re true.

I thought it would be fun for the three of us to get some coffee after school and try to make everything better. I’m not sure how well that worked, because even though Jane was trying really hard to be nice to Sarah, I could tell that Sarah was being really fake with Jane. When I texted Sarah later, she said everything was fine, but I know her well enough to know that’s not completely true.

::Sigh:: Oh well. I’m not her mom, and I can’t force her to feel anything. It just frustrates me because I don’t want things to change between us...

We’ll see what happens. I have to get some math homework done now!



March 6, 2012

Dear Diary,

Sorry I didn’t get to write last night! It was such a busy day, and I was too tired to write anything...

I was right about Sarah not being okay. Yesterday, she barely spoke to me, and

anything she did say was a ―yes‖ or ―no‖ answer. I tried so hard to get her to cheer up, but of course she just kept saying, ―I’m fine, I’m fine.‖ Uggh! I wish she would just be honest with me! I’m always honest with her! It’s not fair!

Jane also seemed mad all day because she could tell that Sarah was being fake nice to her. I hate being in the middle of all of this. What am I supposed to do? Sarah’s been my friend since forever, and Jane is my new friend, and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings! But I think that Jane is right about Sarah. I think Sarah sometimes gets too dramatic about things. She’s being kind of a brat about all of this, but I don’t want to tell her that to her face, she’d never forgive me.

I wish things were simple like they were in elementary school. :( :( :(



Sample Personal Journal Entry As I watched the tube fill from a glossy yellow to a deep red, I felt less alive than ever. It entered the machine, whirring and spinning as if inconvenienced. Meanwhile, I sat there. At first it seemed like hours, and it slowlybecame hours. What felt like the entire day ticked by—as slowly as the red in the tube—while I stared at the machine. I could be called, at best, an accessory to this process. Most of the other people plugged into their own machines were older than me. If this is something that adults need, why do I have to be here?

Today marks six months since I started hemodialysis. I had to start because I got really sick. I have always been more or less healthy, but the doctors told my parents that I have ―chronic glomerulonephritis.‖ You would think that word wouldn’t be a part of a normal high school sophomore’s vocabulary, and you’d be right. Believe me, even though it’s the biggest word I know, I wish I had never had to learn it. There’s this big scientific explanation about what is going wrong with the various structures in my kidneys, but that isn’t what I want to write here. If doctors can be relied upon for anything, certainly they can keep their own records.

No, the important thing that you need to know is that the disease I have makes my kidneys almost useless. A year ago, I didn’t even know what kidneys do, aside from vaguely resembling a disgusting bean that bears their name. It turns out, though, that your body uses its kidneys to filter out the waste left over from other bodily processes. You wouldn’t think that ―toxins‖ would be a significant label for very much in our bodies. Apparently, though, our bodily cells are cranking out toxic waste all day long. So, that’s my problem: lots of toxins in my blood, and my kidneys are no longer filtering them out. That’s why I have to get plugged into a dialyzer machine. Toxic blood goes in, but what else? Sometimes, I feel like the machine is sucking out who I am, too. Think about all of the people walking around with clean, non-dialysis-filtered blood. How many of them are even aware that their kidneys are keeping them alive? Maybe one percent? And that’s being generous. I, however, have learned way more than I ever wanted to about exactly how the bean-shaped organs keep the toxins out of everyone’s veins and arteries. Everyone’s veins, it seems, but mine.

If it weren’t for the machine, I would die. I remember my first time. I had been feeling very sick for a while, so I guess I was pretty hopeful. Yeah, I felt better afterward. But I had to go back again. And again. And again. For six months. I may even have to keep going back for my entire life, or what’s left of it. What kind of life do you have when you need to be plugged into a machine that performs an incredibly slow process that most people don’t even know exists. Sometimes I ask myself, ―Is it worth it?‖

What I have learned from this is who I am and what is really important to me. I don’t know what the life expectancy is for people who have chronic kidney failure, but I can’t

imagine it keeps pace with the life expectancies of normal people. This realization, while terrifying, has pushed me to write down my dreams, my fears, and my innermost thoughts. Ever since I could scrawl out little more than my name in crayon, I have always felt a pull toward writing, as if it were my life’s calling. It is, perhaps, the only way to experience who I really am—for other people as well as myself. In expounding my most personal self on paper, I hope to find both strength and meaning. Sincerely written, the events of our lives can transform into digestible lessons that nourish our souls’ growth. It could be that someone else who is suffering as I am might take

solace in my writing. I certainly hope it helps them, because that process could never be performed by a machine.
