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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2019-06-27 00:37:49 | 移动端:Travellingabroad教案参考

Travellingabroad教案参考 本文关键词:教案,参考,Travellingabroad

Travellingabroad教案参考 本文简介:Travellingabroad教案参考  Travellingabrad教案  ?Step4Furtherreading  Questin:WhatindfpersnduthinXieLeiis?Findevidenceinthearticletsupprturpinin.  Suggesteda

Travellingabroad教案参考 本文内容:


  Travelling abrad教案

  ?Step 4 Further reading

  Questin:What ind f persn d u thin Xie Lei is?Find evidence in the article t supprt ur pinin.

  Suggested answers:excellent,diligent,brave,strng inded,fir deterined,hard-wring,independent,ptiistic,sciable...

  “It's nt ust stud that's difficult.u have t get used t a whle new wa f life...”

  “Seties I feel lie a child...”

  “Als,when I iss fail,it's a great cfrt t have a substitute fail t be with.”

  “I have been s ccupied with wr that I haven't had tie fr scial activities.”

  ?Step 5 Grup wr

  Tas:Suppse u are Xie Lei,a newspaper reprter is interviewing u abut the advantages and disadvantages f studing abrad,and write a paragraph.


  Suggested answers:


  1.It will help us t be independent.

  2.It wuld be easier t learn a freign language.

  3.It wuld be easier t learn advanced nwledge and technlg.

  4.It helps t learn a lt abut lcal custs and braden ur hrizns.

  5.It is fun t live in a new cuntr.

  6.Travelling is relaxing and we can get rid f anxiet.

  7.Peple wh leave their native cuntries have an new experiences.


  1.At first it is difficult t cunicate with thers.

  2.It will cst a lt f ne.

  3.It a be tiring t live in a new cuntr.

  4.If a child studies alne in a new cuntr,he/she ust l after hiself/herself.

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