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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2019-06-26 00:12:41 | 移动端:关于Myday教案

关于Myday教案 本文关键词:教案,Myday

关于Myday教案 本文简介:关于Myday教案  7AUnit2  课时1Welcettheunit  课题:7AUnit2课时:10Checut  一、课前预习导学  (1)学习目标:  1.对本单元所学语法进行复习和总结。  2.对本单元所学活动方式进行总结  3.掌握词汇:answerquestinclever词组:th

关于Myday教案 本文内容:


  7A Unit 2

  课时 1 Welce t the unit

  课题: 7A Unit2课时:10 Checut




  2. 对本单元所学活动方式进行总结

  3. 掌握词汇:answer questin clever 词组:the answer t ……



  1Wh ___________(l)after u when ur parentsare ut?

  2. Mar lves ___________(chat) with us at lunchtie.

  3. __________(she) favurite lessn is Engllish.

  4. Mu sas that we shuld’nt watch t __________(多)TV.

  5. This pair f shes ____________(atch)her new cats ver uch

  6. What tie _______the first class__________(begin)in ur schl?


  1. We alwas _____________.

  A. have fun B. has a gd tie C en us D en urself

  题解:选A. ‘玩的开心’有三种表达(1)have fun (2)have a gd tie (3)eni neself。 句中的主语为we,所有应用have a gd tie ,因此可先排除B。. C,D 两项都用了第三种表达,但是en的宾语应用反身代词urselves而非us或urself。

  2. I frgt ______the dr ,s it is still pen.

  A,clse B. pen C. t clse D. clsing

  题解:选C。动词frget后可跟动名词或动词不定式。frget ding sething意为“忘记已做过某事”;frget t d sething意为“忘记要做某事”(此事还未做)。根据题干后半句“门仍然开着”,说明是“忘记去关门”,故应用frget t d sth. 。



  1. 住在北京__________ 2. . 约会___________________

  3. 带他散步__________ 4. 在7年级1班___________

  5. 许多朋友__________ 6. 谈论___________________

  7. 每次午饭时间_____________ 8. 有许多时间做某事_______

  9. 把他们发送给---__________ 10. 和他的朋友们交谈________

  四. 课后拓展延伸


  1. Se cats ust dn’t nw hw _______ a gd tie.

  A. have B. t have C. has D. having

  2. He spends an hur________usic ever da.

  A,listen B. listening t C. listen t D. hearing

  3. Can u nw the answer ____the exercises?

  A. t B. fr C. with D. f

  4. It’s tie fr class________ .

  A. begin B. beginning C. t begin D. begins

  5. -----What des ur ther d after wr ?

  -----She ften _______her gd friends. .

  A. sa with B. sas C. tal t D. tals t

  6. ----------u pla ftball ver well!


  A. Nt at all B. That’s O C. Than u D. N,I’ nt gd

  7. A is best friend . We alwas have ____tgether.

  A . a fun B. fun C. funs D. funn

  8. I alwas tals t i at lunchtie . He is ___friend .

  A. well B. fine C best D better

  9. ____ur sister _____her hewr at 7:00 ever da ?

  A. D ; d B Des; des C . Des ; d D . D; des

  10. I lie chatting _____ friend ______the phne.

  A. with ; n B. with ; with C. t ; with D. t ; n

  11. It is tie _______________.

  A. getting up B. get up C. fr get up D. t get up

  12. I’d lie ______right nw?

  A. g shpping B. t g shpping C. ging shpping D. t shpping

  13. I spend tw hurs ______ hewr ever da

  A. d B. des C. ding D. t d


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