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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-06-01 05:45 | 移动端:理所当然的近义词



屹立—矗立 霎时—刹那 依旧—照旧 颤动—颤抖 逐渐—渐渐 关注—关切 预料—预测 茂盛—茂密 人迹罕至—荒无人烟 不可计数—数不胜数

应接不暇—目不暇接 的确—确实 镇静—镇定

凶猛—凶恶 笑盈盈——乐呵呵 恍恍惚惚—模模糊糊 舒服—舒适 牢固—坚固 空隙—间隙 均匀—平均 仔细—细心 出名—有名 隐蔽—遮掩 挖掘—发掘 简单—简易 搜索—搜查 慎重—谨慎 惊奇—惊讶 随遇而安—入乡随族 吻合—符合 静谧—宁静 偶然—偶尔 豪放—豪爽 坐立不安—如坐针毡

喧闹—喧哗 允许—许可 训斥—斥责 凝视—注视 荒凉—荒芜 孤独—孤单 宽阔—广阔 恢复—复原 诧异—惊异 激动—冲动 清理—整理 彼此—互相 痕迹—踪迹 勤勤恳恳—兢兢业业 谦虚—虚心

寒冷—酷寒 朋友—好友 融化—融解 神奇—神秘 热闹—喧闹 愤怒—愤恨 灵活—灵巧 亲热—亲切 厉害—严重 看守—看护 严肃—严厉 譬如—比如 从容—镇定 侍候—侍奉 高傲—骄傲 敏捷—灵敏 局促不安—忐忑不安 左顾右盼—东张西望 奢侈—浪费 荣膺—荣获 姿势—姿态 攀谈—交谈 掂量—思量 古怪—奇怪 呼唤—呼喊 勇猛—勇敢 温柔—温顺

尽职—负责 变化多端—千变万化生机勃勃—生气勃勃 警戒—警备 成绩—成果 欺侮—欺负心思—想法 凄惨—悲惨 尖锐—尖利 讨厌—厌恶 伏—趴 慈爱—仁慈 瞭望—眺望 陡峭—峻峭 智慧—才智 气魄—气势 单看—只看 凝结—凝聚葱郁—葱茏 耸立—矗立 游赏—游玩 金碧辉煌—富丽堂皇 神清气爽—心旷神怡 宏大—庞大 鸟瞰—俯视 模拟—模仿 健壮—强壮 绝无仅有——独一无二 所向披靡—所向无敌 保持—维持 谴责—斥责 协调—调和 平衡—平稳 理所当然间隔—距离 联结—联合 沉着—从容 如同—犹如 彼岸—对岸 期待—期望 庄重—庄严 怜悯—可怜 嘱咐—叮咛 目不转睛—聚精会神 恍然大悟—豁然开朗屏息—屏气 希望—愿望 羡慕—爱慕 显然—明显 宽裕—富余 不由自主—情不自禁 神气—神采 光芒—光彩 疑惑—迷惑 胸怀—胸襟 得意洋洋—神气十足 耀武扬威—张牙舞爪 繁华—繁荣 模范—榜样

究竟—到底 惩处—惩罚 沉思—深思 欺凌—欺负 期待—期望 蕴含—包含 仔细—详细 推荐—推举 透露—泄露 居然——竟然 燥热—炎热 闪烁—闪亮 质朴—朴实 楷模—模范 非凡—高超 惬意—满意 匆匆—匆忙 疲倦—疲惫 反驳—反对 充足—充分

道别—告别 冒着—顶着 立即—立刻 危险—危急 怀念—思念 摆脱—解脱 烦恼—苦恼 讨教—请教 忽然—突然 大概—大约 发明—发现 改变—转变 幻想—梦想 依赖—依靠 改善—改进 依然—仍然 舒适—舒服 悦耳—好听 减弱—削弱 准备—预备 陌生—生疏 指令—指示 持续—延续 后裔—后代 笨重—沉重 繁衍—繁殖 敏捷—灵敏 庞大—浩大 五彩斑斓—五彩缤纷 膨大—膨胀 特殊—特别

傲游—漫游 差异—差别 壮丽—壮观 呈现—显现 不容置疑—千真万确 展示—展现 简单—简明

重要—重大 腔调—语调 逐渐—逐步 唯独—唯一 冒昧—冒失 告诫—警告 讨教—请教 筛选—挑选


1.…is a major commodity for…..是最有用的/最有价值的东西

Money is a major commodity for people.

2. Sb never fail to do sth 某人必定做某事

When you come to Putian, you will never fail to notice beautiful Meizhou island.

3. it is widely believed/acknowledged/accepted that.... 众所公认,

It is a common belief that....

It is a common belief that people’s views on birth control vary from person to person.

It’s widely believed that people differ from others in their opinions about birth control.


4..Recent years have witnessed ….近几年来

Recent years have witnessed a steady increase in college eollment.

Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of online shopping.

5. the most noteworthy of….最显著的特点是....

The most noteworthy of college life is that controllable time is on the increase. 大学生活最显著的特点是可支配的时间多了。

6When it comes to…谈论到…

In terms of/on the subject of谈论到…

Eg:When it comes to study, we should put hard-working in the first place.


In terms of writing, it is a must for us to master/have a good command of grammar.

7. take it for granted that……认为。。。是理所当然的

eg。 Some students take it for granted that their parents should work hard to raise them.

一些学生认为这是理所当然的,家长应该辛苦工作来养活他们。 人们理所当然地认为学好语法很难.

8 there is nothing wrong with sb doing sth…某人做某事并没有错…..

From my point of view/from my perspective, there is nothing wrong with college students pursuing fashion. 从我的观点来看,大学生追求时尚没有错. 9 I am deeply convinced that…我深信

I’m deeply convinced that standing on one’s own feet /relying on oneself is 我深信自食其力是最好的选择.

10. It has to be pointed out /noted that…必须指出

It has to be noted that charging higher fees during peak travel seasons does more good than harm.

11. It is likely that /Sb stand a good chance of doing sth…/there is a possibility that/it is highly probable that很可能做…..

She stands a good chance of getting the job.

It is highly probable that she will get the job.

There is a possibilitiy that she will get the job.

12It is no exaggeration to say that..... 毫不夸张地说

It is no exaggeration to say that water and soil erosion is a grave problem. 毫不夸张地说,水土流失是个严重的问题。

13. can not afford to承担不了什么后果,不能做某事 We cannot afford to overlook the negative impact of coumputer on chidren. 我们不能忽视电脑对孩子的负面影响。

14 have no choice/alternative but to do sth 除。。。外,别无选择 15 People are becoming increasingly aware .....人们越来越意识到

People are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of a sound social environment.

16. It is undeniable/indisputable that ...毋庸置疑

It is undeniable that people have a love-hate relationship with mobile phones. 毋庸置疑,人们对手机又爱又恨。

17There is a prevailing trend for sb to do sth...有.....流行的趋势

There is a prevailing trend for people to buy a house before their children’s marriage.

18 It is by no means good value for sb to do sth....... 绝不是好的品格

It is by no means good value for colleage students to cheat in the exam. It is by no means a good phenomon for people to jump the line.

Doing sth is by no means an easy thing.做什么事绝不是件容易的事。

Eg:Going to college is by no means an easy thing. 上大学决不是件容易的事。 19 There is no point in doing sth做某事毫无意义

What we should do urgently is that ……我们迫切要做的事应该是…….

Eg。There is no point in just wasting so much precious time in talking. What we should do urgently is that we are supposed to make full use of our time to do some useful things.



20 Nothing in the world can delight me so much as doing sth

Eg Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants. 世上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡更令我高兴。

21 In a gesture to do sth. /in an effort to do sth/in order to

Eg In a gesture to keep healthy,there are at least three things we can do every day. 为了维护健康?我们每天至少可做三件事。

22. We can never emphasize the importance of(doing)sth … too much. We can never attach too much importance to(doing)sth ….


Eg We can never emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不过分。

We can never attach too much importance to reading books widely and wisely. 广泛而聪明地看书是非常重要的。

23.As the saying goes 正如谚语所说

There is a saying that goes,

As a proverb says,

Eg。As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.


There is a saying that goes, “failure is the mother of success.”


As a proverb says, no pains, no gains.


24. It is obvious/ apparent/ clear that … 显而易见

It is obvious Reading can broaden our horizons.


25. There is no denying the fact that….不可否认的…

We can not deny the fact that….

There is no gainsaying the fact that.

Eg:There is no denying that money is important, but we should take it in a legal way.不可否认,金钱很重要,但我们应该取之有道。

26. be of benefit to/ be befeficial to/ make for/ contribute to/ do good to (对……有好处)

Eg.I think out-school activities are of great benefit to/ are befeficial to/ make for/ contribute to

the development of our character.我觉得课外活动对我们性格的发展有好处。

27. It is a pity that ……(形式主语it)(很遗憾…….)

Eg.It is a pity that a lot of people haven’t been aware of the importance of saving water.


28. There is no one but longs to go to college.没有人不渴望上大学

There is no one who doesn’t crave for going to college.

29. We have reasons to believe that我们有理由相信

eg.we have reasons to believe that western festivals will never take the place of Chinese traditional festivals.


30. play a more and more important role起越来越重要的作用

e.g.In the age of information, the computer is playing a more and more important role. 在信息时代,电脑起着越来越重要的作用。

31. It goes without saying that 不用说,毫无疑问

e.g.It goes without saying that a gooden key can open any door.


32 we have a long way to go in doing sth。在…….我们还有很长的路要走 It is sb’s duty/responsibility to do做……是某人的责任

eg.we still have a long way to go in protecting our mother river. Therefore, it is everyone’s duty/ responsibility to do his little bits.


33. Despite many obvious advantages of sth. , it is not without its problem. Eg. Despite many obvious advantages ofbicycle, it is not without its problem. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。

Today,the capsized eatern ship has been righted by rescue team.


解雇:lay off/downsize

基于……理由,根据on the grounds of (=on the basis of, in the light of,) 某人突然想到:It suddenly dawns on sb that /it suddenly hits upon sb that 遭受:Be subjected to/fall victim to/ suffer from

来源于:Stem from/derive from/spring from/originate from


倾向:Tend to/be inclined to

居民Resident/ inhabitant

放弃:forgo/give up

违背violate/go against the law


哄骗孩子coax the babe/beguile the babe

哄孩子睡觉lull the babe/put the babe into sleep

挖隐私dug out/pry the privacy


出现crop up/pop up/ appear/emerge

出神be absent-minded/zone out/space out

渴望have a burning desire /thirst for /yearn for

许多(a majority of意思是许多的,大量的,常加可数名词。the majority of意思是大多数的。 加可数不可数均可)

加不可数:the tremendous amount of practice, a great deal of wisdom, the vast store of knowledge, / the bulk of the language acquisition

加可数: a multitude of things, an overwhelming majority of the public; /a myriad of/ an increasing number of, a growing number of/a host of

两者均可:/a wealth of /plenty of/an army of/an ocean of /a seaof/ a large proportion of (大部分)/ the majority of /a large quantity of

沉迷:be infatuated with/be obsessed with have a passion for sth/sbhave a crush on sb




难以置信地,惊人地/的:staggering /surprising/amazing

发泄:vent;wreak;abreact;give vent to

She recounted how the little girl was confined indoors, patting the window to vent her frustration at being unable to play outside

住院:be in hospital/be hospitalized/be confined to the hospital

很忙: be busy with/be tied up with/be pretty occupied with

结束:be finished with/wrap up one’s work/wind up

The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.

猛烈抨击 To assail vigorously.

The new policy was rounded on when it was announced.新政公布后受到了猛烈抨击. The author lashed out against chauvinism

激怒:eage; irritate; infuriate; exasperate; inflame;


嘲笑 taunt ;mock

跟上时代stay or keep abreast of the times/keep pace with the times


His film was barred from being aired due to “thematic problems

潜在的Underlying/latent/potential considerations

主持:preside over/chair the forum

著名的noted authors/eminent/famous/renowned/celebrated/illustrious/reputed sel?bre?t?d /distinguished著名的;受人尊敬的 celebrity s?l?br?ti 名人 披露:unfold/reveal/unveal/lay bare


丢弃jettison 也可作名词/abandon


演艺圈showbiz/entertainment circle

激怒: irk/irritate/ eage;infuriate;exasperate;inflame

引起:This has sparked/caused/occasioned a flurry of reaction including the frenetic efforts of entertainment companies


详述:state in detail/expound in detail

欺诈的tricky/treacherous dealings

忽悠:hoodwink/jerk sb around


上涨:rocket up /escalate/soar


恶搞practical joke/mischievous distortion/hoax

取消cancel/rescind the mortgage transation抵押交易


塞车:be caught in the traffic jam /be held up in the traffic jam

专心:be wrapped up in one’s study/be immersed in one’s study


早餐:morning chow /breakfast

引发:trigger/touch off/spark dispute

用完:use up/exhaust/run out of petrol/deplete

We have exhausted /depleted all our material resources...


the exhaust from a car engine...


分歧:divergence/ramification (分支)

恰逢:fall on/happen to

篇三:四年级上册 近义词



屹立——矗立 霎时——刹那 依旧——照旧 颤动——颤抖 逐渐——渐渐 犹如——好像


宽阔——狭窄 沸腾——平静 风号浪吼——风平浪静 人声鼎沸——万簌俱寂

2、 雅鲁藏布大峡谷


奇异——离奇 关注——关心 预料——预测 人迹罕至——荒芜人烟 反义词:

强烈——微弱 奇特——寻常 巨大——微小

3、 鸟的天堂


不可计数——数不胜数 应接不暇——目不暇接


光明——黑暗 静寂——吵闹 茂盛——枯萎



镇静——冷静 凶猛——猛烈 笑盈盈——笑呵呵


凶猛——温和 镇静——慌张 恍恍惚惚——清清楚楚



舒服——舒适 牢固——坚固 空隙——间隙 均匀——平均 反义词:

弯曲——笔直 牢固——薄弱 均匀——不等 仔细——粗心 舒服——难受



出名——有名 隐蔽——遮蔽 慎重——谨慎 挖掘——发掘 简单——简明 搜索——搜查 随遇而安——入乡随俗 反义词:

慎重——轻率 粗糙——光滑 柔弱——刚强 干燥——湿润 简朴——奢华



静谧——宁静 偶然——偶尔 豪放——豪爽 坐卧不安——如坐针毡 反义词:

偶然——必然 崭新——陈旧 不可思议——可想而知



喧闹——吵闹 允许——许可 训斥——斥责 凝视——注视 荒凉——荒寂 孤独——孤单


漂亮——丑陋 喧闹——寂静 荒凉——繁华 允许——禁止 任性——约束



宽阔——广阔 恢复——复原 诧异——惊异 激动——冲动 清理——整理 仍旧——依旧 茂密——茂盛


宽阔——狭窄 简单——复杂 谦虚——骄傲

清澈——浑浊 茂密——稀疏



寒冷——酷寒 朋友——好友 融化——消融


朋友——敌人 融化——凝固 寒冷——炎热



神奇——神秘 热闹——喧闹 愤怒——愤恨 灵活——敏捷 重要——重大


亲热——冷淡 愤怒——愉快 撒谎——诚实 灵活——呆板 重要——次要 神奇——平凡



看守——看护 严厉——严肃 譬如——比如 从容——镇静 侍侯——侍奉 高傲——傲慢 局促不安——忐忑不安 反义词:

奢侈——简朴 敏捷——迟钝 偶然——必然 从容——慌张 一丝不苟——粗心大意 局促不安——心安理得



古怪——奇怪 呼唤——呼喊 勇敢——勇猛 温柔——温和 尽职——负责 变化多端——千变万化 生气勃勃——生机勃勃 反义词:

老实——狡猾 温柔——粗暴 天真——世故 古怪——正常 生气勃勃——死气沉沉



警戒——警备 成绩——成果 欺侮——欺负 心思——想法 凄惨——悲惨 尖锐——尖利


尖锐——迟钝 勇敢——胆怯 慈爱——凶狠 欺侮——爱护 讨厌——喜欢



唯独——唯一 谴责——斥责 协调——调和 平衡——平稳 理所当然——理所应当


懒惰——勤劳 满意——不满 大概——确切 美好——丑陋 谴责——赞许 理所当然——岂有此理 轻快——沉稳



沉着——镇静 如同——犹如


苍白——红润 凋零——绽放 沉着——慌张



庄重——庄严 怜悯——可怜 嘱咐——叮咛 依然——依旧 关切——关心 目不转睛——聚精会神 恍然大悟——豁然开朗 反义词:

悲哀——兴奋 恍然大悟——百思不解



羡慕——爱慕 希望——期望 显然——明显 不由自主——情不自禁 反义词:

宽裕——贫困 湿润——干燥 给予——剥夺



诸生——诸位 胸怀——胸襟 得意扬扬——神气十足 耀武扬威——张牙舞爪


热闹——冷清 左顾右盼——目不斜视 清楚——模糊
