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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-31 06:02 | 移动端:冯山


My Contribution to Low-carbon Proposition

Hello, everyone!

My name is Feng Shan .The topic of my presentation is my contribution to low-carbon proposition

After the outstanding Copenhagen Conference, China set a target of cutting the nation’s carbon intensity by 45 percent by 2020, compared with the level of 2005. Since then, low-carbon has become a high-frequency and fashionable word; low-carbon lifestyle has also become a trend among certain groups of people.

However, with the popularity of low-carbon, not everyone understands it. Some think it seems so far away and has nothing to do with them, let done contribution to low-carbon proposition. In fact, low-carbon is integrated into each aspect of people’s daily life. Every one of us can do something to contribute to low-carbon. Here are some tips on what we can do for it.

When we brush our teeth, or wash our hands, don’t leave water running. Besides, we should tighten leaking taps as soon as we see them. Each time we are the last to leave classrooms, we should make sure that the lights have been turned off. Moreover, we had better use efficient light bulbs and other environment friendly products so as to reduce energy consumption. We should make full use of every piece of paper that can be double printed. Maybe we should give up the habit of using disposable chopsticks, a big waste of forest resources. In addition, every student from rural areas can advise your parents never to burn the stalks

of crops, which is able to decrease the emission of greenhouse gas. Please forgive me that I can’t make a list in details.

All in all, everybody has the ability to do something for low-carbon and should take own responsibility. It is not only the matter of a few entrepreneurs, but also of the general workers. It’s your duty, my duty and it’s everyone’s duty.

If everyone save one drop of water, all the country can save thousands of cubic meters, and the whole world?

If everyone save one kilowatt-hour electricity, all the country can save billions of kilowatt-hours, and the whole world?

If everyone save one piece of paper, all the country can save thousands of tons, and the whole world?

Surprised? A great shock!

So long as everyone contributes a little for low-carbon proposition, our country will make much progress. Thus, any small action can have a far-reaching effect.

As is known to us, the earth is warming continously; earthquake is happening frequently; serious diseases are spreading rapidly. Therefore, we have no time to hesitate. It is high time to take steps to defend our common home. We must stay informed, get involved and spread the low-carbon; we must appeal more to join us; we must make our own contributions to low-carbon proposition. Try our best! Let's take actions, at once!

Thank you. Thank you for your listening!

篇二:冯山 数据结构






(1) 复习C语言的基本用法;

(2) 学会用类C的语言对算法进行描述的方法,将类C算法转换成C源程序的方法


(3) 抽象数据类型的定义和表示、实现;

(4) 加深对数据的逻辑结构和物理结构之间关系的理解; (5) 初步建立起时间复杂度和空间复杂度的概念。 实验内容:(类C算法的程序实现)

(1) 输入一组数据存入数组中,并将数据元素的个数动态地由输入函数完成。求输入数据的最大值、最小值,并通过函数参数返回所求结果; 实验准备:

1) 计算机设备;2) 程序调试环境的准备,如TC环境;3) 实验内容的算法分析与代码设计与分析准备。 实验步骤:

1.安装TC并设置好环境,如果已安装好,可以跳过此步; 2.录入程序代码并进行调试和算法分析;

对实验内容(1)的操作步骤:1) 用类C语言描述算法过程;2) 用C语言环境实现该算法。

对实验内容(2)的操作步骤:1) 完成算法的C实现;2) 分析其时间复杂度和空间复杂度。


实验结果:// 动态分配数组空间

#include "stdio.h" #include "malloc.h"

int size,i; int *pArray; int *p;

void malloc_size() { pArray=(int *)malloc(size*(sizeof(int))); }

int input_size() { printf("please input the size:\n"); printf("size= "); scanf("%d",&size); return 0; }

int input_data() { printf("please input the value:\n"); for(i=0;i<size;i++)

{printf("pArray[%d]= ",i);scanf("%d",&pArray[i]); } return *pArray; }

int Compare() { int x,y,i; x=y=p[0]; for(i=0;i<size;i++) {if(x>=p[i]) x=p[i];if(y<=p[i]) y=p[i]; } printf("min= %d\t max=%d\n",x,y); return 0; }

int Output_data() { p=pArray; printf("before ofpaixu :\n"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) {printf("%d\t",*pArray);pArray++; } printf("\n"); return *pArray; }

void paixu() { int x=0; int i,j; printf("later of paixu:\n"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) {for(j=i+1;j<size;j++){ if(p[i]>=p[j]) { x=p[i];p[i]=p[j];p[j]=x; }}printf("%d\t",p[i]); } printf("\n"); }

void main()

{ clrscr(); input_size(); malloc_size(); input_data(); Output_data(); Compare(); paixu(); }


实验二 线性表及其基本操作实验(2学时)


(1) 熟练掌握线性表ADT和相关算法描述、基本程序实现结构; (2) 以线性表的基本操作为基础实现相应的程序;

(3) 掌握线性表的顺序存储结构和动态存储结构之区分。


(1) 一元多项式运算的C语言程序实现(加法必做,其它选做); (2) 有序表的合并; (3) 集合的并、交、补运算; 实验准备:

1) 计算机设备;2) 程序调试环境的准备,如TC环境;3) 实验内容的算法分析与代码设计与分析准备。 实验步骤:


2.编写实验报告。 实验结果:


#include "malloc.h" #include "stdio.h" #define M 6

typedef struct node { int data;

struct node *next; }*Sqlist;

void Initlialize(Sqlist &L) { L=(Sqlist)malloc(sizeof(Sqlist)); L->next =NULL; }

int Getlength(Sqlist L) { int i=0; Sqlist p=L->next ; while(p!=NULL) {

i++;p=p->next; }

return i; }

int Getelem(Sqlist L,int i) {

int j=1,e; Sqlist p=L->next; while(j<i) {

p=p->next ;j++; }

e=p->data ; printf("第 %d 个元素是:%d\n",i,e); return 1; }

int Locatelem(Sqlist L,int x) {

int i=0; Sqlist p=L->next ; while(p!=NULL&&p->data !=x) {p=p->next ; i++; } if(p==NULL)return 0; else{printf("%d 是第 %d 个元素\n",x,i);

篇三:C语言 四川师范大学 信息与计算科学 冯山实验四

数学与软件科学学院 实验报告

2015 年 5月 23日 课程名称:C语言程序设计专业:信息与计算科学2014级 6班 实验编号:实验四 指导教师:冯山

姓名:杨帆 学号:2014060634 实验得分


(1) 掌握C语言程序设计中逻辑量的表示和运用方法;

(2) 掌握C语言程序设计中条件表达式的值的计算方法及其跟程序执行流程之间的逻辑顺序关系;

(3) 掌握C语言中的4中选择结构语句的执行逻辑及其运用方法。


(1)if 语句的实验。 (2) if else语句实验。

(3)试用if else if else if ...else实现求4个数中最大者的程并做相应测试。 (4)试用switch语句句型实现以上程序,并做相应测试。 (5)请理清习题5-23的逻辑关系,上机进行验证。


(1) 阅读并分析第1题中的逻辑关系及其分支测试方法; (2) 分析并编写2、3、4题(需要绘制流程图)的程序代码。


(1)if 语句的实验。 (a)流程图如下:





1)、用2、 0、 4就可以使程序段中每个处理语句都执行一次;应找nA=2 nB=0或n=2 nB=0 nX>1 的数据进行测试。 2)、用3、0、1和 3、0、2这两组数据可以使程序段中的每个分支都至少运行一次;为找出各个分支中的逻辑错误,应选用nA>1&&nA!=2&&nB=0或者 nA=2||nX>1进行逻辑测试。

(2)if else语句实验



注意:比较几个数的大小有很多方法,其中最常用的有 用?表达式来表示(如a>b? a,b表示如果a>b输出a否则输出b)还有就是令一个为最大,以此与最大的比较。

(3)if else if else if ...else语句




(4)switch 语句

