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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-25 05:38 | 移动端:get,by























根据费用类型id获取借方科目;__BOTgetExpenseTypeAccount(String 费用类型id,String 公司id)






根据公司id取得供应商 __BOTgetSupplierByCompany(String)


根据费用类型id取贷方科目 __BOTgetLoanAccount(String)


根据费用类型id取贷方科目 __BOTgetLoanAccount(String 费用类型id,String 公司id) __BOTgetCompanyByOrgUnit()



根据费用类型id取核算项目__BOTgetAsstActTypeByExpenseType(String 费用类型id,String 公司id,int 第几核算项目)
































将组织单元转化为利润中心组织,用于将弱类型的组织转换为利润中心组织(仅仅进行类型转换);__BOTgetProfitCenterFromOrgUnit(OrgUnitInfo),返回值为ProfitCenterOrgUnitInfo; __BOTgetCostCenterFromOrgUnit()








根据指定的公司和科目编码获得科目,__BOTgetAccountInSpecifiedFiOrg(String acctNumber, CompanyOrgUnitInfo fiOrg)


根据核算项目ID获得对应对象;__BOTgetObjectFromCussent(String,String,AccountViewInfo/String),参数: 核算项目类型(ID),具体核算项目(ID),科目信息(可以配置为科目信息(AccountViewInfo),或者配置为科目的ID,程序动态解析),返回:辅助账横表信息(AssistantHGInfo);








返回舍入后的数值 1:操作数2:舍入精度








返回对数。 参数1:底数 参数2:操作数




返回10的幂值。 参数1:指数


返回幂值。 参数1:操作数 参数2:指数


返回余数。 参数1:左操作数 参数2:右操作数






返回角度值。 参数1:弧度值


返回弧度值。 参数1:角度值


返回参数的正弦值。 参数1:数值


返回参数的反正弦值。 参数1:数值


返回参数的余弦值。 参数1:数值


返回参数的反余弦值。 参数1:数值


返回参数的正切值。 参数1:数值


返回参数的反正切值。 参数1:数值


转化BigDecmial为整型数。 参数1:java.math.BigDecimal abs()





返回去除两边空白字符后的字符串。 参数1:字符串


返回从左开始指定长度的字符串。 参数1:字符串 参数2:长度 right()

返回从右开始指定长度的字符串。 参数1:字符串 参数2:长度 rept()

返回重复字符串。 参数1:要重复的字符串 参数2:重复次数 len()



返回当前日期时间字符串。 格式:"2004-4-17 14:43:05"


将java.util.Date转化为日期时间字符串。 参数1:java.util.Date对象 year()

返回参数日期的年份部分。 参数1:时间日期字符串


返回参数日期的月份部分。 参数1:时间日期字符串


返回参数日期的日部分。 参数1:时间日期字符串


返回参数时间的小时部分。 参数1:时间日期字符串




返回当前日期是一年的第几天 参数1:时间日期字符串


返回当前日期是一周的第几天。 参数1:时间日期字符串 datevalue()

返回当前日期的LONG值表示。 参数1:时间日期字符串 days()

将LONG值转为等价整数表示天数。 参数1:数值类型


Object Cross Reference document






Part 1Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)





B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (10分)

7. A) German.

8. A) Fish.

9. A) Radio.

10.A) At 9:30.

11.A) In a school.

12.A) He?s having a rest. B) Chinese. B) Soup. B) Weather. B) At 10:00. B) In a shop. C) Japanese. C) Fried chips. C) Holiday. C) At 10:30. D) Asian. D) Chicken wings. D) Season. D) At 11:30. C) At home. D) At a concert. B) He?s having a test.

D) He?s going on a diet.

B) By listening to the tape.

D) By taking lots of notes.

B) Less pollution.

D) Cutting down fewer trees.

B) To ask for help.

D) To move into his house.

B) She?ll have dinner with the man tonight.

D) She?ll have dinner with other people.C) He?s going over his lessons. 13.A) By joining an English club.C) By reading English novels. 14.A) More sandstorms. C) Planting more trees. 15.A) To say “hello”. C) To make a phone call. 16.A) She?ll invite the man to dinner.

C) She?ll have dinner at Jinjiang Restaurant.

C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (7分)

17. The interview happened in Carol?s jewellery(珠宝) shop.

18. She became a jeweler(珠宝商) by going to college.

19. She taught both adults and teenagers to make jewellery in Bond Street.

20. Bond Street is a place full of expensive shops in London.

21. It?s too bored for Carol to make jewellery in the shop.

22. She put the workshop(车间) in the shop because people like to see her

making their jewellery.

23. She even made a wedding ring for Queen Elizabeth.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词): (7分)

24. Since you can?t feel the clothes, the quality might be ________.

25. Some people buy something that isn?t as good as the advertisements ________.

26. ________ percent consumers failed to fight for their rights.

27. According to consumer protection laws in China, consumers have ________ rights.

28. ________ the label and read the information carefully before you buy something.

29. If there?s any problem with your goods, try to get your money back or get an ________.

30. If you can?t reach an agreement, go to your ________ consumers association for help.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 词汇和语法)

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)

A police officer?s job responsibilities are varied. Police make sure that people follow the law. They solve crimes, direct and traffic, help in emergencies such as car accidents, collect evidence at the scene of a crime, and even testify(作证) in court.

Police also work in a wide of places. Some work in offices or police stations, but __53__ patrol(巡逻) communities on foot, by car, on a motorcycle, or even on a horse! Still other types of police officers ride in boats to protect rivers, lakes, and harbors.

Most police wear a uniform. These are the police you can recognize. But other police may not be as easy to spot: Detectives or special agents wear street clothes.

Police can be men or women, and they have a very dangerous job. This is because police often or nightstick, to protect them from harm. Sometimes police officers are to car chases or

have to go to risky places, such as the scenes of fires and explosions. Police officers always put themselves in harm?s way to keep us safe, so it?s important to them.

Ⅳ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)

59. Good ___________ serve their country. (citizen)

60. Nice, the fifth largest city in ___________, attracts people from all over the world. (French)

61. I entered a chess competition and finished ___________. (three)

62. People like to change things around to go on with ___________. (they)

63. The little child was ___________ to see a figure in the dark. (frighten)

64. Alice sang to the music with her hand waving ___________. (gentle)

65. The only way to ___________ is through hard work. (success)

66. The most ___________ car was a Benz which had only three wheels. (usual)

Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共14分)

67. The students have many exercises to do every day. (改为否定句)

The students _________ _________ many exercises to do every day.

68. They tried everything they could to improve the situation. (改为反意疑问句)

They tried everything they could to improve the situation, _________ _________?

69. We must train them to think independently. (改为被动语态)

They must _________ _________ to think independently.

70. 对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ Ben Rogers come along the road?

71. I didn?t make a phone call. I sent an e-mail. (保持句意基本不变)

I sent an e-mail _________ _________ making a phone call.

72. The music at the cafe sounded so noisy that I couldn?t stay any longer. (改为简单句) The music at the cafe sounded _________ _________ for me to stay any longer.

73. Eddie couldn?t remember. What happened after the accident? (合并为一句)

Eddie couldn?t remember _________ _________ happened after the accident.

Part 3Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

A.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (12分)

Visit the ancient kingdom of Nepal(尼泊尔)

Why not take a holiday somewhere completely different?

Visit Nepal – a land of excitement and adventure! From Everest

Base Camp high in the Himalayas, to the jungles of the Royal

Chitwan National Park, to the ancient city of Bhaktapur,

Nepal?s amazing scenery and fascinating culture make it a great

holiday destination.

Any trip to Nepal starts in the Kathmandu valley, with a visit to the Nepali capital. The old centre of Kathmandu with its crowded old streets and beautiful architecture is very different from the expensive modern hotels, shops and restaurants on the city?s outer areas.

The valley is also home to two other cities. Patan is quieter and less crowded than Kathmandu, and is famous for its temples and other old buildings. However, the oldest and probably the most attractive of the three cities is Bhaktapur. Many of its beautiful temples and palaces were built in the seventeenth century, when it was the capital of Nepal.

Travel eight hours by bus west of Kathmandu to reach the beautiful lakeside city of Pokhara. This is a perfect place to relax – row a boat on the lake, read a novel, or just hang out in one of many great restaurants. If you are feeling more energetic, you can go for a three- or four-day journey around Mount Annapurna.

Northeast of Kathmandu, near the border with China, is Mount Everest, the world?s tallest a popular destination for tourists. However, there have been problems with tourists leaving litter at Base Camp – so remember to take your rubbish away with you!

In the south of the country, near the border with India, is the Royal Chitwan National Park. Very different from the cool mountains of the Himalayas, Chitwan is a hot and sticky tropical jungle. In the past, this was where rich British and Nepalese hunters shot elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, leopards and deer, but today all these animals are protected. You can take a tour of the park, riding on the back of an elephant.

74. This passage is probably .

A) an advertisement

C) a report

A) is very ancient

76. Bhaktapur is ________.

A) one of the three cities in the Kathmandu valley B) the capital of Nepal

C) less crowded and more attractive than Patan

77. The underlined word ?it? in the fifth paragraph refers to ________.

A) Mount Everest B) Kathmandu C) Everest Base Camp D) China

B) doing some reading

D) swimming in the sea 78. As a tourist, you can do all the things to relax in Pokhara except________A) rowing a boat on the lake C) hanging out in a certain restaurant D) bigger than Kathmandu B) a newspaper article D) a letter B) is very exciting and interesting D) has amazing scenery 75. The main point of the first paragraph is that Nepal ________. C) has mountains and jungles

79. According to this passage, which sentence is NOT TRUE?

A) Kathmandu is famous for its crowded old streets and beautiful architecture.

B) Patan is famous for its temples and other old buildings.

C) Everest Base Camp is a place for climbers to prepare to climb the mountain.

D) The Royal Chitwan National Park is now a place to hunt animals.

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

How Do You Get to School?—by Wayview School Newspaper

How did you get to school today? A recent survey shows that Wayview students get to school by riding the bus, driving, biking, walking and riding a scooter.

Our survey shows that 25% of Wayview students take the bus to school. Fourth grade student Wesley Gibson explained, “The bus is the best way to get to school. I can relax and chat I even finish my homework on the bus!” to school by their parents every day. In the bus or a car.

The other 50% of Wayview students ride their bikes, walk, or ride a scooter. Fifth-grader Alexis Wang is one of the 20% of Wayview students who walk to school each day. She said, “” Another 20% of Wayview students ride their bikes. Chris Madsen said he likes riding his bike because “it?s faster than walking, and you can race with your friends.”

The last group of Wayview students get to school by riding scooters. The number of

students riding scooters to school has . Last year, only 5% of the

students rode scooters, and this year it?s 10%. Ella Peterson said, “Riding a

way to get to school. It?s as fast as a bike, and

scooters are cool.” Headmaster Wang wanted to remind all Wayview students

riding a bike or scooter to school must wear a helmet.

As you can see, Wayview students find all kinds of ways to get to school. In the end it doesn?t really matter how you get here, as long as you get here on time!

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (12分)

Super Singers

Imagine yourself singing in front of an audience,

performing in other countries, and having your music put on a

CD! All this excitement isn?t just for rock stars. Joining a

children?s chorus gives kids the chance to do these exciting

activities. What does it take to get into a children?s chorus? You

don?t need years of singing lessons. You just need to have a love

for singing and be willing to learn and follow directions.

It all starts at the audition(试唱). The choirmaster, or conductor, will have you sing with a group of kids. As the group sings, the conductor listens to how your voice comes together. You?ll also probably be asked to sing by yourself. The conductor wants to figure out what type of voice you have. A girl with a high voice is a soprano while a girl with a low voice is an alto. A boy with a high voice is a tenor, while a boy with a low voice is a bass. When the whole chorus sings together, the different types of voices sing different notes to the same song. This is called “singing parts”.

Once you pass the audition, you might be assigned to a specific group. Beginning singers are often grouped together in a “Treble Chorus”. More advanced singers might be in a “Concert Chorus”. Different choirs have different names for these groups. No matter which group you?re in, you?ll need to go to rehearsals. Most children?s choirs rehearse once a week.
