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无伤曲 莫言…… 莫相见 相见如隔数百年 百年过后莫再见 再见不识旧容颜 容颜易逝叹忘言 忘言雎鸠河洲边 洲边窈窕有人怜 人怜花香落人间

凭栏夜坠静悄 灯暗路遥 青长柳丝心头绕 迷雾难消 相思催人老 月滴寒露 红叶铺满枫林路 秋霜如故 笑情生情死处 春分草青青

夏至心如火 缘 生 你我初见

无处铭誓言 秋分草萋萋 冬至心如雪 缘 灭 你我莫见



凭栏夜坠静悄 灯暗路遥 青长柳丝心头绕 破晓归时日暮无伤意切情浓残曲悲终花开好 雨知时 蝉饮露 雪染窗 步香阶 觅芳踪 香散去 守空魂

迷雾难消 相思催人老 月滴寒露 红叶铺满枫林路

秋霜如故 笑情生情死处

春分草青青 夏至心如火 缘 生 你我初见

无处铭誓言 秋分草萋萋 冬至心如雪 缘 灭 你我莫见



相见如隔数百年 百年过后莫再见 再见不识旧容颜

容颜易逝叹忘言 忘言雎鸠河洲边 洲边窈窕有人怜 人怜花香落人间 人间无伤词未填 词未填只道莫言


篇二:高中语法 四种完成时态的课后自测题

高中语法 四种完成时态的课后自测题


1. He has already gone home.

He _________ __________ home ____________. (否定句)

____________ he __________ home ___________? (一般疑问句)

2. He has lunch at home.

He __________ _____________ lunch at home. (否定句)

____________ he __________ lunch at home? (一般疑问句)


__________ __________ ________ __________ he been there? (划线提问)



1.She’s _____________ (live) here ever since she was ten.

2.Both of them __________ _________ (be) in Hongkong for ten days.

3.Both of them __________ (come) to Hongkong ten days ago.

4. Half an hour __________ _________ (pass) since the train __________ (leave).

5. Mary________ ________(lose) her pen. ____________ you ______________ (see) it here and there?

6. _____________ you ____________ (find) your watch yet?

7. ---Are you thirsty?

some orange.

8. We _____________already ______________ (return) the book. ---No I _________ just _____________ (have) __________ __________ you ____________ lunch? (划线提问)

9. ___________ they ____________ (build) a new school in the village?

10. I __________ ________(not finish) my homework . Can you help me?

11. My father _______ _________(read) the novel twice.

12. I _________ (buy) a book just now.

13. I _________ (lost ) my watch yesterday.

14. My father _________ _________ (read) this book since yesterday.


1. He said (他从未去过西藏Tibet).

2. since he left Beijing.

3. He said camera).

4. I hope .

5. By the end of that year 他已集了一千多张中国邮票).

6. I really don’t know (他是否已经到了实验室laboratory).

7. The boy knows that he must be braver and firmer


8. I could not remember whether 他已经付了字典钱).

9. I’m afraid I .

10. Don’t worry. Before I get home I 件事全忘光的).


1. ______ two years 2._______ two years ago 3. _______ last month4.______ 1999

5._______ yesterday 6. _______ 4 o’clock 7. ______

4 hours8._______ an hour ago

9. _______ we were children 10. _____ lunch time

11.______ she left here

12. He has lived in Nanjing ________ the year before last.

13. I’ve known him __________ we were children.

14. Our teacher has studied Japanese _________ three years.

15. She has been away from the city ___________ about ten years.

16. It’s about ten years __________ she left the city.


句型转换:1.hasn’t ;gone; yet; Has ; gone; yet 2.hasn’t ; had ; Has ; had

3.How ; many ;times ;has 4.Where ; have ; had

用适当的时态填空:1.lived 2.have been 3.came 4.has passed left

5.has lost Have seen

6.Have found 7.have had 8.have returned 9.Did built 10.didn’t finish 11.has read 12.bought 13.lost 14.has read


1.He said that he had never been to Tibet.(他从未去过西藏Tibet).

2. He hasn’t written to me(他从未给我写过信)since he left Beijing.

3.the end of next month.(他下月底就不用我的照相机了camera).

4.I hope that the rain will have stopped by tomorrow noon.(雨会


5. By the end of that year he had collected more than a thousand

Chinese stamps.(他已集了一千多张中国邮票).

6.I really don’t know whether he has got to the laboratory or not.


7.The boy knows that he must be braver and firmer after he has

experienced such a thing.(在他经历了这样的事情之后). Has gone through

8. I could not remember whether he had paid for the dictionary.


9.I’m afraid I won’t have got the correct answer by then.


10. Don’t worry. Before I get home I will have forgotten all about

the matter.(就会把这件事全忘光的).

用since和for填空:1.for 2-6.since 7.for 8-13.since 14-15.for




I. Fill in the blanks. (写出发音不同的单词)

under the tree.

II. Fill in the blanks. (找出不同类的单词)

1. A. wore B. put C. read D.hit

2. A. slow B. quickly C. fastD.lovely

3. A. my B.your C. herD. it

B. flyC. plays D. reads

B. anC. or D. a

III. Fill in the blanks. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. Yesterday (be) a holiday.

3. We (fly) kites at the beach now

4. (be) there any telephones fifty years ago ?

5. The summer holiday is coming. My mum(buy) an air-cons..

6. Whose pencil-box is _____ (big),yours or hers? Hers is.

7.Ben jumps ______ (high) than some of the boys in his class.

8.Does Nancy sing ______(well) than Helen? Yes, she does.

9.My eyes are ________(big) than hers.

10.Which is ________(heavy),the elephant or the pig?

11.Who gets up ______ (early),Tim or Tom?

12.Do the girls get up____(early) than the boys? No,they______.

38.Jim runs ____ (slow). But Ben runs _____(slow).

IV. Choose the correct answers (读一读,选择正确的答案)

( ) 1. John and Jessedrinking

A. am ,colasB. is ,coffee C. are,water

( ) 2. Theyhomework.

A. are like doingB. likes doingC. like doing

( ) 3. Jack listenseveryday.

A. radio B. to radio C. radios

( ) 4. Did hea telephone fifty years ago ?

A. hasB. had C. have

( ) 5. He oftenon Sundays.

A. rides a horse B. rode a horse C. will

( ) 6. I don’t like go dancing, Jim doesn’t like it .

A. too B. either C. both

( ) 7. Penny is best friend .I write a letter to every week

A. I, her B. my, her C. my, she

( ) 8. he go last year? He went to the USA.

A. What didB.? When do C. Where did

( ) 9. the child playing football ?

A. Do, likesB. Does, like C. Does, likes

( ) 10. This butterfly likes , , and reading

A. danceing,running,fling B. dancing,runing,flying

C. dancing,runing,flying D. dancing,running,flying

( ) 11. Mary likes playing _____ piano.

A. the B. /C. a

( ) 12. ____ there any cameras when your grandpa was young?

A. Were B. WasC. Is D. are

( ) 13. What ____ Tina _____ doing in her spare time?

A. is; like B. does; like

( ) 14. His grandma _____ mobile phone forty years ago.

A. didn’t use B. wasn’t use

( ) 15. Jack ____ to school on foot yesterday morning.

A. goes B. went C. go D. gone

V. Read and write (根据要求写句子)

1. Billy likes roller-skating. (改成否定句)


2. Is there any cola when you are young ? (将句子改为过去时)


3. Does she ever play the recorder? (肯定回答)


4. don’t a lot music I either like playing of(连词成句)


5. I like reading..(根据答句,写出相应问句)


VI. Read and write (完形填空)

Last Sunday a rainy day. My my home. her rainco

at and , you at home, it hard outside. I the wi

ndow. It really was. So I TV inside. I am interested in a flim. is

Harry Potter.

() 1. A. is B. are C. was D. were

() 2. A. comeB. goes C. comes D. came

() 3. A. put on B. took away C. bringD. took off

() 4 A. say B. said C. says D. didn’t say

() 5. A. should B. may C. shouldn’tD. would better

() 6. A. stay B. be C. stayed D. were

() 7. A. isB. was C. am going toD. be

() 8 A.look out of B. look at C. has a look at D. looked out of

() 9 A. seeB. sawC. watched D. watch

() 10 A. a B. the C. A D.The

VI. Read and write (阅读短文,回答问题)

Joan got home late from work today, and she was very happy. When she opened

the refrigerator, she was upset. There was nothing to eat for dinner. Joan sat down

and made a shopping list. She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrot, a quart of

milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, half a pound of chicken, and a loaf of

bread. Jone ran out of the house and drove to the supermarket.

When she got there, she was very unhappy. There weren’t any carrots. There

wasn’t any milk. There weren’t any tomatoes. Joan was tired and upset. She lost her

appetite(食欲,胃口),drove home, didn’t have dinner, and went to bed.

()1.Was there anything to eat in the refrigerator?

A. Yes, there was. B. No, there wasn’t.

()2.Did Joan need any fish?

A.Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t.

()3. How did Joan go to the supermarket?

A. By car..B. On foot.

()4.Joan bought _____________ in the supermarket.

A. nothing B. milk

()5.What did Joan do after she drove home from supermarket?

A. She went to bed. B. She ate dinner.

VIII. Composition. (作文)

