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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-20 10:20 | 移动端:2017年5a旅游景点

篇一:2016-2017年新译林 5A期中模拟试卷



(60分钟内完成)学号(Number) 成绩(Mark) 听力部分

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听一遍。8分 ()1.A fridge B front C from D forest

()2 A afraid B friend C again Dgreat

()3 A swing B swim C swimming D sing

()4 A hi B high C eight D light

()5 A tails B eyes C earsD wings

()6 A hobby B BobbyC puppy D happy

()7 A thirsty B third C thirty D thirteen

()8 A horse B houseC has D have


()1. A.Here’s a glass of water. B. Here’s a hamburger for you.

C.You can go to bed now.

()2.A. There are some computers. B. There is only one. C There’re two offices.

()3. A. Yes,they are.B. Some little dogs. C. Yes, there are. ()4. A. There are four. B. I can see four.C. It has four.

()5.A. It’s Mike’s. B.He’s Liu Tao.C. Helen’s.

()6.A. I can play football. B. Playing football. C. Football.





学校_______ 班级________ 姓名 _________ 得分______



一、 找出你所听到的内容,填序号 (听一遍)(每小题1分,共10分)

()1、 A.happy

()2、 A. forest

()3、 A. wet

()4、 A.China

()5、 A.just right

()6、 A.between

()7、 A.art room

()8、 A.too cold

()9、 A.long ears B. hungry B.parrot B.hat B. Canada B. all rightB.beside B.classroom B.too hotB.a short tail C.thirsty C.rabbit C.well C.Australia C.just now C.behind C.library C.too hard C.a big mouth

()10、 A.look at B.look outC.look for


1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( )4、( )

5、( ) 6、( ) 7、( )8、( )


( )1. A. There’s a radio in Mike’s bedroom.B. There’s a TV in Mike’s bedroom.

C. There isn’t a computer in Mike’s bedroom.

( )2. A. They can skate. B. They have skate shoes.

C. They can’t skate.

( )3. A.They aren’t students.B. They read English in the afternoon.

C. They read English in the evening.

( )4. A. Bobby is not happy, he is afraid.B. Sam is on the swing. Bobby push him.

C. Bobby likes playing the swing. He’s very happy.

( )5. A. Mike and Liu Tao can play football. B. Ben and Liu Tao can play basketball.

C. Mike and Ben can play football.

四、根据所听对话内容,回答问题 (听三遍)(每小题1分,共5分)

1. Where is the Music room? _______________________________________________

2. How many table tennic rooms are there in the building? ________________________

3. Is there a toilet in the building?

4. Where’s the TV room?

5. What’s on the third floor?



1.The girl is i f of the three bears.

2.Nancy’s cis on the sfloor.

3.My friend Yang Ling c p the piano w

4. On the f floor, there is an a room

bthe m room.


( ) 1. —How many students are there in the classroom?—_______ twenty.

A .There’re B. They’reC .There’sD. These’re

( ) 2. ________ is Helen singing? She’s singing in the music room.

A. WhatB. Where C. Who D. How

( ) 3. Mike and his friends are singing in the room_____________ their teachers.

A. withB. and C. to D. at

( ) 4. Helen likes many beautiful pictures for us.

A. drawing ; drawingB. draw; draw.C. drawing; draw D. draw; drawing

( ) 5. Sandy’s mother one.

A. has; hasB, have; has C. has; haveD. have; have

( ) 6. There isn’t tea in this cup, but there is in that one.

A. any; any B. some; any C. some; some D. any; some

( ) 7. In the US I live on the first floor, but in the UK. The first floor is the floor.

A. firstB. second C. third D. ground

( ) 8. Jim and Mary good English and Computer.

A. are…in B. is…in C. are…at D. is…at

( have the same hobby.

A. too; both B. too ; all C. to; both D. to; all

( ) 10. My animal friend has legs arms. What is it?

A. some; some B. no ; or C. no; and D. two; two


I’m afraid.

2.When the summer sun , he carries an umbrella.

3.The rabbit has 4.Sam is on the swing, he is 5.There’s a glasses of milk 6.Wow! Nancy, your dress is not too long, not too short. It’s

8.Wang Bing is surfing the Internet(上网) in the 9.Miss Li is new here. Let’s her 10.I have two pets. is a fish, is a dog.



( )1.Let’s go and play football A.I like Chinese, Maths and Art.

( )2. Where are the cakes? B.You can have some cakes.

( )3.Do you have an animal friend?C.It’s Monday.

( )4.I’m hungry, Tina. D.It has four.

( )5.How many legs does a dog have? E.I like skating.

( )6.What do you like doing in winter? F.I can play the piano.

( )7.What a beautiful skirt!G.They’re in the fridge.

( )8.What day is it today? H.Thank you!

( )9.What subjects do you like? I.Yes, I do. I have a fish.

( )10.What can you do? J.That’s a good idea.


1. Girl: What are you doing? Boy: I’m digging a hole.

2. Girl: Why? Boy: My goldfish is dead. I want to bury(埋葬) it.

3. Girl: Bury the goldfish? Is the hole too big?Boy: No,no,no!

4. Girl: I think the goldfish is very small.Boy: Yes, but my goldfish is in your cat’s belly!


1. What can Ben do ?________________________________

2. Can Helen swim?________________________________

3. Can Mike and Gao Shan swim?_________________________________

4.What can Mary play?__________________________________

5. Who can dance?__________________________________


1. A: Welcome to our

B: It’s big and bright.

A: There is a blackboard the two pictures.

B: Do you a TV?

A: No, we on the teacher’s desk.

B: What’s on the bookcase ?

A: two balls.

2. I’m sam! I a new friend. Its body is

It eight run. I give It a

3. A: are the students?

B: They’re in theA: Nancy and John like computer games .

A: What Helen doing?

B: Shestories.

A: Let’s go and find them.



阅读短文,填写表格。 (每小题1分,共5分 )

Welcome to the zoo. Come and see the Indian elephants and the bald eagles from the US. The bears are waiting(等待) to meet you and the kangaroos from Australia are jumping with you, the monkeys from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets(票): Grown-up(成人)$2.00

Children: Over(超过)12 $1.00 Under 12 Free

Opening time: 9:00a.m.--4:00p.m.

Except(除外)Friday: 10:00a.m.--3:00p.m.

Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, give food to or go near the animals.




一、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听一遍。8分

()1.A fridge B front C from D forest

()2 A afraid B friend C again Dgreat

()3 A swing B swim C swimming D sing

()4 A hi B high C eight D light

()5 A tails B eyes C earsD wings

()6 A hobby B BobbyC puppy D happy

()7 A thirsty B third C thirty D thirteen

()8 A horse B houseC has D have


()1. A.Here’s a glass of water. B. Here’s a hamburger for you.

C.You can go to bed now.

()2.A. There are some computers. B. There is only one. C There’re two offices. ()3. A. Yes,they are.B. Some little dogs. C. Yes, there are.

()4. A. There are four. B. I can see four.C. It has four.

()5.A. It’s Mike’s. B.He’s Liu Tao.C. Helen’s.

()6.A. I can play football. B. Playing football. C. Football.


()1.How many students are there in the class?

A.18. B.20. C.38

()2.Who likes writing stories?

A. Nancy. B. Nancy’s brother. C. Both A and B.

()3. What can you see in the tree?

A. A bird. B. Two birds. C.There are two birds.

()4. Where are Susan and her friend?

A. In the classroom. B. In the park.C. At home.

()5.What is it?

A. It’s a duck.B: It’s a panda. C. It’s a bear.

()6. What does Liu Tao’s animal friend have?

A: Big ears and small eyes. B. Small eyes and long ears.

C. Big eyes and small ears.


It is __________today. Jim and his family are at home. Jim _________ reading,but his sister __________ . She likes ___________. Their mother likes_________ _________.And their father likes __________ ________ ________. They all have some __________.



1. second(基数词)__________

3. soft(反义词)__________

5. dance(动名词)__________ 2. their(同音词)__________ 4. watch(三单式)__________


1.第二层________________________ 2.擅长________________________



7.害怕 _____________________________ 8.带他参观___________________

9.a hole in the ice______________________10. in winter ________________

七、 单项选择20分

( )1 There is ___________umbrella behind the door. ______ umbrella is nice.

A.an;The B.an; An C. a ; The D. the;An

( )2 He cannot see________pies at the snack bar.

A.some B.any C. a D.no

( )3 _______ is popular in China.

A.CoffeeB. TeaC.Milk D. Juice

( )4 Mike likes________ table tennis. He can________well.

A.playing;play B. .playing;playing C. play;playing D. play;play

( )5 The cakes are too_______. Do you have any soft ones?

A.small B.soft C.hardD.white

( )6 His hobby is ___________.

A.reads books B.reading bookC.read books D.reading books

( )7 It has _____legs _______arms.

A.no;andB. some;orC.no;orD.any;or

( )8 There are two cats under the tree. One is fat and __________is thin.

A.the other B.other C. the one D.one

( )9 _________ only four years old,but ______ animal friend is eight.

A.He’s ; his B. He’s; he’s C. She’s;she’s D. She;her

( )10 There ________ some rice in the bowl.

A.is B.are C.has D.have

( )11 There aren’t ________ table tennis rooms in the building.

A. a B. some C. any

( )12 The library is on ________ floor.

A. three B. third C. the third

( )13 Liu Tao can’t ________.

A. sing B. sings C. singing

( )14 A: What does Helen ________?

B: She _______ a pretty dress.

A. have;has B. has;have C. has;has

( )15 Don’t ________ the door.

A. to open B. openingC. open

( )16 There are some trees ________ the farm.

A. in B. on C. at

( )17 Nancy’s animal friend ________ jump and run.

A. do B. doesC. can

( )18 We have ten ________.

A. finger B. fingers C. arms

( )19 There ________ an English book, two storybooks and four exercise books in the bag.

A. are B. is C. have

( )20 Let ________ go and see.

A. we B. us C. our



1 Don’t push___________(he/him)! It’s too high.

2 There is a river between the ___________(hill/hills).

3 Mike’s dog ________(have/has)eight legs.

4 Look,there is some _____________(hamburgers/bread) on the table.

5 Can you _____________(swim/swimming) in the river?


1 My brother can swim very_____________(好).

2 You are _________ (这么)heavy.

3 Elephants have big __________(身体).

4 The two pictures on the wall are ______________(都) beautiful.

5 The rabbit ___________(有) a short tail.


1. There are some toys on the bed. (改成否定句)

There _________ _________ toys on the bed.

2 Nancy has a cute dog.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ Nancy_________ a cute dog?

3 There are some apples on the desk.(改为单数句)

__________ ________ apple on the desk. 对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ your friends like __________?

5 Does he skate well?(改为同义句)

__________ he __________ __________ skating? 对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ she like __________?



I have a picture of my school.There is a new building in the middle of (在......中间) the picture.There are many flowers and trees near the building. There’re twelve classrooms in it. There’re twenty-four desks for the students and one desk for the teacher in every classroom. Beside the building,there is a big playground.There are some boys and girls on it. They’re playing happily.

There are some houses next to(紧挨着) the building.They are our library and reading rooms.How many windows are there in every reading room? Four. So it’s bright. Now some students are reading.We like our school very much.

判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不符的用“F”表示。( )

1. I have a picture of a new classroom.

( )2.There is a new building in the school.
