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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-20 10:08 | 移动端:四同步四对接具体内容




一.单项选择 1.Of these two basketball teams,the former comes from the US;the ________comes from England.

A.lateB.laterC.latter D.lately

2.Complete the map of each site________what you drew last time.

A.based onB.is based on C.basing onD.to base on

3.Ten minutes has been made full ______of ________the problem.

A.using;studying B.use;to studyC.to use;to study

4.As to the child,she is ________a mother;she is also a father.

A.not more than B.no more than C.more than D.not less than

5.The policeman ________the car to stop immediately because it was running too fast in the street.

A.requested B.begged C.hoped D.commanded D.use;studying

6.Benjamin doesn't seem to be busy at work,but ________he is very efficient(效率高的)at his tasks.

A.exactly B.gradually C.actuallyD.entirely

7.As we all know,many Chinese words have come into English,________typhoon,tofu and kung fu.

A.for example B.that isC.such asD.so as to

8.The horse is not ________to America—it was introduced by the Spanish.

A.entire B.attractiveC.native D.active

9.—Do you mind my smoking here?

—I'm afraid I do.People ________not to smoke in the reading room.

A.are requestingB.request C.are requested D.will request

10.Running from Gansu Province to Hebei Province,the Great Wall is ________as one of the eightwonders in the world.

A.forecast B.realized C.recognized

11.—May I speak to Juliet,please?

—Juliet?I'm afraid there is ________in our company.

A.such a no girl B.such no girlC.no such a girl D.no such girl

12.Tonny's parents thought he was at school,but ______he was in a net bar. D.supposed

A.actually B.especiallyC.hopefullyD.exactly

13. Since he has a business overseas,he often takes a long ________at sea.

A.trip B.travelC.journey D.voyage

14.As English learners,we should know________wider vocabulary which will play ________big part in learning English well.

A.the;aB.a;a C.the;the D.a;the

15.—Look at those clouds!

—Don't worry.________it rains,we'll still have a great time.

A.Even ifB.as thoughC.In case


Throughout history,people have been interested in knowing how language first began,but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. __16__,we do know a lot about __17__,the languages of today and also the languages of __18__ times.There __19__ probably about three thousand languages in the world today.Chinese is the language __20__ the most speakers.English,Russian and Spanish are also spoken by many millions of people.__21__,some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers.

There are several important __22__ of languages in the world.For example,most of the languages of__23__ are in one large family __24__ the Indo-European language family.The original(最初的) language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years __25__.

Many of the present languages of Europe and India are modern __26__ of the language of 4,500 years ago. Languages are __27__ changing.The English of today is very different __28__ the English of 500 years ago.In time some e ven __29__ completely.About 1,000 years ago __30__ was a little-known relative of German __31__ on one of the borders (边界) of Europe.

If a language has __32__ speakers or if it is very old,there may be __33__ in the way it is spoken in different areas.__34__,the language may have several dialects.Chinese is a good example of dialect differences.Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers.The differences among the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China __35__ understand speakers from other parts.

16.A.But B.So C.However D.Besides




20.A.for B.history C.Chinese D.languages B.later C.modern D.hard D.If only B.are C.was D.were B.with C.in D.of

D.On the other hand 21.A.In a word B.On the one handC.What's more

22.A.forms B.systems C.families D.changes

23.A.Europe B.Asia C.Africa D.America




D.sometimes 24.A.called B.spoken C.calling 25.A.before B.ago C.later 26.A.times B.families C.forms 27.A.always B.seldom C.often

28.A.about B.with C.between D.from

29.A.die out

30.A.Spanish B.die away C.die down D.die off B.English C.Chinese D.Russian

31.A.called B.told C.spoken D.named

32.A.a great deal of B.a few C.a little D.a lot of

33.A.speakers B.differences C.difference D.changes

34.A.That is


三. 阅读理解

January 4,2012

Lately I've been busy in Beijing having meetings to discuss my new movie.I also attended John Wu's ceremony(典礼) of his new movie,Red Cliff,which took two years to complete.I'm good friends with the director John Wu and the main actor Tony Leung.

January 5,2012

Today I went to record a television program for Beijing TV called Volunteers Across China.This TV program is a large-scale reality show that is based on the idea that “good people reap good rewards” and it hopes to encourage people to be more aware and help the “good people” who are in difficult situations.

January 6,2012 I hope that through this automotive website,I can get in touch with more people who want to buy cars.

January 7,2012

Today,I went to record a song called Zhongguo Nian.This song was written by Chang Shilei.I sing this song together with Tan Jing.Chang Shilei is a naturally talented musician.He also has an interesting habit.His piano is placed next to his bed.When he wakes up,he plays the piano until he's tired,and then he lies down on his bed to sleep.

January 9,2012

Today I met with the producer and director of Longwei Xiaozi,and I also brought along my friend's B.Yet C.In fact D.However B.may C.will D.can't

daughter for a screen test.Although my friend's daughter grew up in China,her English is very good and it just happened by chance that this movie needs a young actress for a part,so I took her along to audition (试演).

36.What might be the best title for this passage?

A.My new movie

C.My good friend B.My busy life D.My favorite song

37.The TV program Volunteers Across China tries to________.

A.find some rich people who are able to help the poor.

B.encourage people to look after the young.

C.ask people to help “good people” who are in trouble.

D.make China more and more famous all over the world.

38.The underlined word “announce” in the third paragraph means________.

A.tell sb. sth. officially

C.tell sb. to do sth. B.tell sb. what you think D.say that sth. must happen

39.With whom does the author sing the song Zhongguo Nian?

A.John Wu.

C.Chang Shilei.

40.What can we infer from the text?

A.It took the author two years to finish the movie Red Cliff.

B.People who are in trouble can ask Beijing TV for help.

C.Chang Shilei is a famous actor who is good at playing the piano.

D.Longwei Xiaozi needs a young actress for a part who can speak English well.


Now I have taken over ten years at school. As child, I regarded the school a beautiful garden. I went to school happily and excited with a small bag. Time flew fast. Now I’m studying at a senior middle school. Every day morning, on my way to school, the rising sun greets me with a smile. At class I enjoy putting my heart into listening to the teachers. In evening, I do exercises, like a farmer working hardly, expecting a good harvest. During breaks between class, I often go out for rest. How happy the life is!I’m sure I will never forget the wonderful time at school. B.Tony Leung. D.Tan Jing.


1.C 语言的起源一直是人们感兴趣的事情,但是没人确切地知道语言的起源究竟是怎样的。然而,我们还是对语言有许多了解。but后不能出现逗号。

2.D 由上下文可知此处一直是在讲对语言的认识,而不单纯是对汉语或英语的认识。

3.A 人们对现在的语言以及更早的语言有所了解。由上下文可知此处与today对应。

4.B 由后面的“about three thousand languages in the world today”可知此处应用be动词的一般现在时的复数形式。

5.B 由with引导的介词短语作定语,修饰language,表示“汉语是使用人数最多的一种语言”。

6.D 上文指出汉语是使用者最多的一种语言,接着又说英语、俄语和西班牙语也有数百万人使用,后文话锋一转讲到,还有不到一百人使用的语言,所以此处用on the other hand。

7.C 由后面的内容可知语言有几大语系,用families表示。下文的one large family也是提示。

8.A 由后面的Indo-European language family可知,欧洲的大多数语言都属于一个大的语系——印欧语系。

9.A 过去分词called作定语,表示“被称做”。

10.B 由前面的was spoken可知,此处应该用与一般过去时连用的ago。before用于过去完成时的句子中。

11.C 现在印度与欧洲的一些语言实际上就是4 500年以前的语言的现代形式(forms)。

12.A 由下文可知,语言一直都在发展变化。always与现在进行时态连用表示“总是”。

13.D be different from“与??不同”,为固定短语。

14.A 经过一段时间有些语言完全消失了。die out“灭绝;死光;消失”;die away“逐渐模糊;逐渐减弱”;die down“逐渐变弱;暗淡”;die off“相继死去”。

15.B 一千年前的英语还与当时人们讲的德语有亲戚关系。

16.C 表示“讲(某种语言)”用speak,此处用过去分词作定语表示被动。

17.D 讲某种语言的人多或某种语言很古老,那么不同地区人们说话的方式就有差别。A、C项只修饰不可数名词;a few表示“几个”,意义不符。

18.B 由上文可知此处指人们说话方式的不同,用复数形式。

19.A 此处是对上文的说明:也就是说(that is),一种语言可能有几种方言。

20.D 方言的差别如此之大,以至于来自不同地区的人都无法相互沟通。此处表示“不会,不能”,故用can't。


6.B 主旨大意题。本篇内容为日程安排表,故B项合适。

7.C 细节理解题。由January 5,2012部分内容可知。

8.A 词义理解题。由下文意思可知此处意为“宣布”,即A项。



Final Exam


1、( )A、h i r B、r i h C、a i h D、i h r

2、( )A、 B、 C、

3、( )A、 B、 C、

4、( )A、rice B、doorC、flagD、jump

5、( )A、breadB、tigerC、swimD、brother

6、( )A、small B、run C、flower D、tiger



( )1、A. vegetableB. soupC. boat

( )2、A. living room B. milk C. kitchen

( )3、A. chair B. tiger C. table

( )4、A. rice B. noodles C. big

( )5、A. sisterB. brother C. jump

( )6、A. tableB. runC. swim

( )7、A. bed B. door C. small


( )1、Good morning, Mary. A. It’s a flag.

( )2、What do you like, Lingling?B. No, she isn’t.

( )3、How are you?C. I like rice.

( )4、Is she under the table? D. I’m fine, thank you.

( )5、What’s that?E. Good morning, Mingling.


( )1、询问别人想吃点什么,你应该说:“ 。”

A、What do you like ?B、I ’d like some fish .

C、Can I helpyou ?

( )2、捡到一条围巾,不知道是谁的,应该说:“ 。”

A、What are we?B、Here you are. C、Whose scarf is this?

( )3、向别人介绍这是兄弟的水彩画时,应该说:“。”

A、This is my family .

B、This is my cousin’s painting .

C、This is my brother’s painting.

( )4、当朋友送给你礼物时,你应该说“。”

A、What’s your name?

B、Thank you very much! C、I don’t know

( )5、老师表扬学生作业做得好,应该说“。”

A、Your homework is good.

B、I can swim fast.C、Yes, it’s right.

( )6、你想向别人问好时,应该说“。”

A、Where’s the cat? B、How are you?

C、Whose is this?


1、monkey, look, this, at 2、are, these, ladybirds 3、right,is, sum, this, Miss Guo

4、can ,swim, I, fast

5、table ,on, she, the, is 6、



2、Look at the elephant, it’
