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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 13:51 | 移动端:金银岛读书体会









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班 级 10990209 综合理科102

完稿日期 2011年9月1


姓 名 专 业 何彩霞 数学与应用数学 完稿顺序 第 2篇 成 绩

[Enter your title here]

I. Bibliographical information

1. (A. a book written in English B.

an article written in English)

2. (A. Literature B. Linguistics C. Translation D. Education

E. Trade F. Miscellaneous)

3. If you read a book, provide its bibliographical information below:


Author(s): Place: If you read an article, provide its bibliographical information below:


Author(s): Year of publication:


Volume: Issue: Pages: If the article you are reading is from the Internet, provide its bibliographical

information below:


Author(s): Date of access:


II. Information about your reading


in total)

III. A brief summary of the book or the article (≥150 words)

It’s a story about pirates. Most parts of this book are described by a boy. The boy and

his mother have a inn called ―BENBOW‖. One day, a strange man came to their inn, he is a pirate, and he had a bleak spot. In the bleak spot, there was a paper, and this

paper was a treasure map. Later more pirates came to their inn and the strange man

was killed by them. The boy got the paper and gave it to a doctor he believed in. Then

they decided to seek the treasure by themselves. They asked more persons: Trelawney and a captain—Smollett, but also a cook. They began the trip, after they got to the

island sighed on the map, their situation changed. The cook was a bad pirate. They are addicted to rum, also the treasure. So the doctor and his friends find a way to deal

with the pirates. They got on the island and find a stockade. It fitted fighting. And the

got a boat from a man lived on the island. He used the boat and began an adventure. Though a hard and lasting fighting, the boy’s friends won the fighting. They found the treasure and got back home.


IV. Comments on the book or the article

1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book or the article? (≥50 words)

The strengths of this book include the narrative angle—first person’s view, its intricatedetails, and the spirit it wants to show us. From the first person’s view, we felt like being in the story. The intricate details brings us the thinking of the result. And the

(≥50 words)

The part of this book that had the greatest impact on me is: the boy escaped from the stockade and got on the little boat left by the man lived on the island. He went to the big pirate ship in order to got back their ship. The water was fierce, and the little boat can hardly keep its balance. He went near to the ship and cut off the ropes. As there was no noice, he climbed in the ship and only found one man alive. Then he and the other man drived the ship back. I admire his brave and his intelligence.

3. Is the writing effective, powerful, difficult, or beautiful? (≥50 words)

The writing is powerful. It’s an attractive story, and when I was reading this book, my heart was always nervous, I was thinking what would happen later. While the plot became more and more intricate, I can even not put the book down. I wanted to know the coming things. Also the book gave a lot of encourage, they were in such a difficult circumstances, but they still found a way to overcome it. At last, they got the treasure and got back home.

4. What new facts did you learn that you hadn’t known before? (≥50 words)

What new facts I learnt that I hadn’t known before include two points. Once I thought that pirates are both very bad.They can kill everyone for the target—treasure. however I saw friendship between the boy and his friends. They fight together against the bad men and whoever got hurt they would be sorrowful. Second is that I know how to survive when I am left on an island alone. 5. If you could talk to the author, what would you say? (≥50 words)

If I could talk to the author, I would say: thanks for writing such an interesting book. It improves my interest in pirates and adventure. I am somehow encouraged by them. I am dreaming of experiencing such an adventure. Can you tell me more details about pirates and sailing. Also I hope more books about pirates would come out. 6. What did you learn about yourself as a result of reading this book or article? (≥50


As a result of reading this book, I learn about myself that I am not brave and bright as the boy. If I meet such things, I would choose to escape.I will not seek the opportunity to survive myself. So when I meet something bad, I should find way to tackle it with

my mind. Also, I should believe in my friends. When I have trouble, they will surely help me out.

7. Note down three useful expressions you learned from your reading and make one

sentence for each expression.

1) [Useful expression] (p.3)How that person – the seaman with one leg – haunted my Dreams, I need scarcely tell you.

[Sentence you made]The idea – to do like a guider – haunted my mind, when we are doing our social practice.

2) [Useful expression] (p.71 )I assure you I was quite of Mr. Trelawney’s way of thinking, and hated the captain deeply. [Sentence you made] I assure you that all these things are done by me, and I was quite of all our benefits.

3) [Useful expression] (p.184)All the time he kept smiling,and putting his tongue outin the most shame – face manner, so that a child could have told that he was intending to play some trick on me.

[Sentence you made] I could tell that he was intending to cheat me, with his hands trembling and his feet moving.

8. General remarks: (≥200 words)

As a book about adventure, it is real a classical. It not only told us an exciting story, but also the spirits from the inn heart of the boy ,doctor and so on. When they got the paper, the established their goal and go on to achieve it in a minute. That’s how we should do. Always we establish a goal, but we waste our time, find excuse to do it later, and finally failed. Besides, when they know the people on the ship are pirates once and want to seek the treasure for themselves. After finding the treasure they

would all be killed. They take measures at once; use their brave and their intelligence to defeat the enemy. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to fight with enemies, and recapture the ship from the enemys at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me admirable. I have learned many things from him, like brave, resource and so on. Novels praised poor,vagrants, orphans, on the noble, courageous and well-intentioned, who have expanded the evil, cowardly and insidious way to pay tribute to character and good people.




尊敬的老师亲爱的同学们大家 午好!

寒假里,我读了一本著名的探险故事书,它就是《金银岛》,《金银岛》是一本经典名著。可以这么说:如果说中国的孩子是看着《西游记》长大的,那么外国的孩子就是看着《金银岛》长大的。文中的吉姆·霍金斯是一个小男孩,他通过藏宝图与医生、乡绅到了金银岛寻宝后,与海盗、水手打交道,亲身体验到船员之间真诚、忠实、虚伪、残暴的种种现象,目睹了一幕幕令人惊心动魄的场景。 史蒂文生在情节的安排上,处处暗藏玄机,紧紧地抓住了读者的心。书中人物刻画得相当成功。其中独腿海盗西尔弗的角色,使人印象深刻。他有时凶残,有时温和;有时沉稳冷静,有时又贪生怕死,人性的善良、邪恶与贪婪,在他身上显露无遗。吉姆虽然只是一个船舱的服务生,但他的表现令我敬佩不已;而我们有时遇到难题,便自乱阵脚,不努力探讨解决办法。试想,若我们也有吉姆的精神,许多难题不是都能迎刃而解吗?



6.8 王一冰
