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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-16 07:56 | 移动端:英语在线翻译


英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~

1.这样的事我从来没听说过。 I’ve never heard of such a thing before.

2.那边出什么事啦? What’s going on over there ?

3.也许这不是他的错。我们得查一下。【have got to】Maybe it is not his mistake. We’ve got to make some enquiries.

4.乌云遮住了天空,好像要下雨了。Dark clouds have spread over the sky. It looks like rain.

5.让我们把事情再解释一遍,这样每个人都可以明白了。Let’s explain the matter once again, so that everyone can understand it.

6.他抬头一看,见她面带微笑走了过来。He looked up and saw her coming over with a smile on her face.

7.如果你照告诉你的那样去做,你一定会通过考试的。If you do as you are told , you will certainly pass the examination.

8.突然我看到个老妇人跑着穿过马路。【all at once】 All at once I saw an old woman running across the street.

9.只要我们团结一致,就可以克服任何困难。If we are united as one ,we can get over any difficulties.

10.在老师和同学们的帮助下,他几乎在各个方面都取得了很大的进步。With the help of his teachers and classmates, he has made much /great progress in almost everything.

11.在他的工作中,出现了许多困难,可是他并没有吓倒。A lot of difficulties arose in his work ,but he was not frightened.

12.别着急,我们有的是时间。【take one’s time】 Take it easy ; we’ve got plenty of time.

13.他在学习上仍有一些困难,但他不怕困难,而且正在努力克服它们。She still has some difficulties in her studies, but she is not afraid of them and is trying hard to overcome them.

14.他们采取了一些步骤,这意味着他们国家的人口在以后的二十年内会稳定下来。They have taken some action. It means that the population of their country will stabilize within the next twenty years.

英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~

15.如果这种材料我们得不到充分的供应的话,我们不久就会用完我们现有的材料。If we don’t have an adequate supply of the material, we’ll soon use up what we have now.

16.这场暴风雨给这些旧房子造成了严重破坏。The storm caused serious damage to these old houses.

17.幸运的是,在这场事故中没有一个人受伤。Fortunately, not a single man was injured in this accident.

18.我后悔不该给他带来这么多麻烦。I regret having caused him so much trouble.


20.昨天在街上我把她妹妹误认成她了 I mistook her younger sister for her in the street yesterday.

21.我真诚的希望你会看到自己的错误,并且以后尽量不再重犯。I sincerely hope that you will see your mistake and try not to make it again in future .

22.我从来都没有读过这么有趣的书。I have never read such an interesting book.

23.在中国人人看上去都很愉快。你到处都可以看到笑脸。In China everybody looks happy. You can see smiling faces all over the country.


In terms of population, Washington cannot be regarded as a big city.


The students have come to realize that it takes years to master a foreign language.


You should apply for that post immediately, in person or by letter.


As neither of us would give in, the deal fell through.


It was worthwhile for us to wait so long because we bought the tickets we had wanted.

英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~


She bought whatever she liked and ended up in heavy debt.


Unless they stick to their promise, we will stop working together with them.


He regretted having idled away so much time.


Unless they stick to their promise, we will stop working together with them.


She went out of her way to take care of the old man who was suffering from cancer.


It rained heavily yesterday, so they had to stop the game in progress.


Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.


In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the driver’s carelessness.


How to cope with the present financial crisis should be our major concern in the long run.


I must put emphasis on the fact that they are only children.

38.目前,针对中国在阻止全球变暖斗争中所应承担的责任全世界范围内展开了普遍的争论。 (There be;介词后宾语从句)

39.但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。(in spite of;concentrate on)

40.针对这一现象,一些人认为互联网消除了障碍,为人们提供了与世界即时链接的途径,然而其他人认为它可能会侵犯隐私。(In reaction to;provide...with;lead to)


英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~ (between...and)

42.许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。(centers on;the lack of)



45.随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是怎样保护环境。(Along with...;)

46.现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。(full of;take place;attitude towards


48.如果每次孩子遇到困难家长就帮孩子解决掉,那么家庭作业就没有任何意义了。(There is no point in doing...)

49.直到他长大成人才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。(only when...)

50.一个人不可能一辈子不犯错误,但要尽量少犯错误。(as…as possible)


52.世上越来越多的人认识到加强环境保护的必要性。(more and more)

53.残疾人一起工作使一个人不得不对他们坚持不懈的渴望印象深刻。(cannot but;be impressed with...)



56.这方面还存在一些问题。(In spite of;in terms of)


英语句子翻译 John’s work the happy house for John & Alice ~forever love~

58.市内的地下铁每天运载数十万乘客。 (hundreds of thousands of)

59.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

60.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

61.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

62.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

63.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

64.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

65.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

66.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

67.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate

68.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue


The rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of the equipment.

70.尽管他是个残疾人,他把全部精力投入到全心全意为人民服务之中。(in spite of)

In spite of the fact that he was disabled, he devoted all his energy to serving the people heart and soul.


The professor who is working with you is very stubborn. There is no point in arguing with him.


In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in China, but much remains to be improved in education.

73.我们不仅应该向顾客保证产品的质量,而且要提供最佳服务。(Not only,


资产负债表 Balance Sheet

编制单位: 单位: 元



Income Statement

编制单位:______年______月________日 单位: 元

补充资料Supplementary information:


Unit 1

1. 汤姆说他要到邮局寄一个包裹。(drop off)

Tom said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.

2. 我仍然对有机会买那辆车但却没有买感到懊恼。(kick oneself)

I’m still kicking myself for not buying that car when I had the chance to buy it.

3. 别急!你们可以在话剧开演前一个小时去取票。(pick up)

Take your time. You can pick up the tickets one hour before the play begins.

4. 这些有关移民的文件是去年登记备案的。(file)

These immigration papers were filed last year.

5. 香港目前旧电器的回收率只有14%。(recovery)

The present recovery rate of old electrical appliances in Hong Kong is only 14 percent.

6. 一个机构所能拥有的唯一不可替代的资本就是人的知识和能


The only irreplaceable capital an organization can possibly possess is the knowledge and ability of its people.

7. 卡洛琳(Caroline)说英语丝毫没有当地口音。(trace)

Caroline speaks English without the slightest trace of the local accent.

8. 潮水把遇难船上的货物冲到了岸边。(wrecked)

The tide had washed up the cargo from the wrecked ship.

9. 玛丽经常在周末和她以前的同学在电话里聊天。(visit with)

Mary often visits with her former classmates on the phone at weekends.

10. 令人讨厌的是,现在的电视节目经常被商业广告打断。


It is a nuisance the nowadays TV programmes are frequently interrupted by commercials.

Unit 2

1. 越来越多的家长一心想把他们的独生子女培养成对社会有用的

人才。(be intent on)

More and more parents are intent on nurturing their only child into a person useful to the society.

2. 他们的社会队在过去的几年里投入相当大的精力,优质的服务

为他们赢得了公众的信任。(put in)

Their social service team has put in considerable efforts in the past few years and their quality service has won them the confidence of the public.

3. 如果大家都能按照规则行事,我们的社会将会变得更加繁荣昌

盛。(work to)

If everybody works to the rule, our society will surely become much more prosperous.

4. 他答应在我们遇到困难的时候,他会全力以赴地帮助我们。(all


He has promised that he will go all out to help us when we are in trouble.

5. 一言以蔽之全球变暖已经达到我们无法忽视的地步。(to sum


To sum up, the global warming has reached the degree that we cannot afford to ignore.

6. 有些人为了达到一夜成为百万富翁的目的,把所有积蓄投入股

票市场。(to the end that…)

To the end that they can become a millionaire overnight, some people invest all their money in the stock market.

7. 这个顾客对经理处理他投诉的方式甚为不满。(the way)

This customer was very dissatisfied with the way the manager handled his complaints.

8. 那个故事的教益就是“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”。(moral)

The moral of the story is “A young idler, an old beggar”.

9. 看着自己盖起来的房子,听到孩子们欢乐的笑声,他有一种强

烈的满足感。(sense of satisfaction)

Looking at the house he built himself and hearing the happy laughter of the children, he felt a strong sense of satisfaction.

10. 地震灾区的农民正在把劳力和财力集中起来重建家园。(pool)

Farmers in the earthquake-stricken areas are pooling their labor and resources to rebuild their homes.

Unit 3

1. 不能以污染环境为代价来寻求工业的发展。(pursue)

The development of industry must not be pursued at the expense of environmental pollution.

2. 缺少对于关键问题的实质性讨论正延缓计划的进程。


The lack of the substantive discussion of serious issues is slowing down the project.

3. 我不跟你去纽约。首先,我不喜欢乘飞机,再者,我买不起机

票。(for one thing… ; for another…)

I won’t go to New York with you. For one thing, I don’t like flying; and for another, I can’t afford the ticket.

4. 我们收到了几位有希望的候选人的申请。(prospective)

We have received letters of application from several prospective candidates.

5. 这家公司将开始一项新的计划,以支持职业服务。(initiate)

This company will initiate a new project in support of vocational service.

6. 这份协议的措辞很含糊,可以有两种解释。(ambiguous)

The wording of the agreement is ambiguous and it has two interpretations.

7. 这家公司享有福特汽车在本市的独家经销权。(exclusive)

This company has exclusive rights for the sale of Ford cars in the city.

8. 我们现在的工作都基于假定明年通货膨胀率不增加。(on the


We are working on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.

9. 一些居民强烈要求对街道状况作各种各样的改善,比如种植更

多的树木。(press for)

Some residents pressed hard for a variety of street improvements, such as planting more trees.

10. 这个小组每个月都开一次会,以便成员能够交流意见。


Every month the group meets so its members can exchange their views.

Unit 4

1. 史密斯是一个工作有条理的人,但在保持房间整洁这样的小事

上却做得一团糟。(when it comes to)

Though a very organized man at work, Smith can be a mess when it comes to such matters as keeping the room tidy.
