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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-16 07:54 | 移动端:arbus



1. 苏铁Cycas revoluta 2. 银杏Ginkgo biloba 3. 油松P. tabulaeformis

4. 樟子松 P. sylvestris var. mongolica 5. 白皮松 P. bungeana 6. 华山松 P. armandii 7. 偃 松 P. pumila

8. 青海云杉 Picea crassifolia 9. 白 杄P.meyeri 10. 青 杄P. wilsonii

11. 红皮云杉 P. koraiensis

12. 华北落叶松Larix principis-rupprechtii 13. 兴安落叶松 L. gmelinii 14. 侧柏 Platycladus orientalis 15. 圆柏 Sabina chinensis 16. 叉子圆柏 S. vulgaris 17. 杜松 Juniperus rigida

18. 木贼麻黄 Ephedra equisetina 19. 斑子麻黄 E. rhytidosperma 20. 草麻黄E. sinica

21. 北五味子 Schisandra chinensis 22. 黄芦木 Berberis amurensis 23. 日本小檗 B. thunbergii 24. 细叶小檗 B. poiretii

25. 家 榆 Ulmus pumila 26. 垂枝榆 U. pumila CV. pendula 27. 大果榆 U. macrocarpa 28. 脱皮榆 U. lamellosa

29. 春榆U. davidiana var. japonica 30. 黑弹朴 Celtis bungeana 31. 桑树 Morus alba 32. 蒙桑 M. mongolica 33. 核桃 Juglans regia 34. 核桃楸 J. mandshurica 35.

蒙古栎 Quercus mongolica


辽东栎 Q. mongolica var. liaotungensis 37.

水冬瓜赤杨Alnus sibirica

38. 矮桤木 A. fruticosa

39. 白桦 Betula platyphylla 40. 黑 桦 B. dahurica 41. 岳 桦 B. ermanii42. 坚 桦 B. chinensis 43. 角翅桦 B. ceratoptera 44. 柴 桦 B. fruticosa

45. 榛子 Corylus heterophylla 46. 毛 榛 C. mandshurica

47. 虎榛子 Ostryopsis davidiana 48. 梭梭Haloxylon ammodendron 49. 白梭梭 H. persicum

50. 沙木蓼 Atraphaxis bracteata 51. 锐枝木蓼 A. pungens

52. 沙拐枣 Calligonum mongolicum 53. 阿拉善沙拐枣 C. alaschanicum 54. 牡丹 Paeonia suffruticosa 55. 芍药 P.lactiflora

56. 葛枣猕猴桃 Actinidia polygama 57. 蒙椴 Tilia mongolica

58. 长叶红砂 Reaumuria trigyna 59. 红 砂R. soongorica

60. 柽 柳Tamarix chinensis 61. 宽叶水柏枝 Myricaria platyphylla 62. 钻天柳 Chosenia arbutifolia 63. 胡杨 Populus euphratica 64. 山杨 P. davidiana 65. 毛白杨 P. tomentosa 66. 银白杨 P. alba

67. 新疆杨 P. alba var. pyramidalis 68. 青杨 P. cathayana 69. 小叶杨 P. simonii

70. 加拿大杨 P. canadanensis 71. 钻天杨P. nigra var. italica 72. 箭杆杨P. nigra var. therestina 73. 旱柳 Salix matsudana 74. 垂柳 S. babylonica 75. 圆头柳 S. capitata 76. 朝鲜柳 S. koreensis 77. 黄 柳 S. gordejevii 78. 中国黄花柳 S. sinica 79. 砂杞柳 S. kochiana 80. 乌 柳 S. cheilophila 81. 北沙柳 S. psammophila

82. 狭叶杜香 Ledum palustre var. angustum

83. 宽叶杜香 L. palustre var. dilatatum 84. 照山白 Rhododendron micranthum 85. 小叶杜鹃 Rh. Parvifolium 86. 兴安杜鹃 Rh. Dauricum

87. 甸 杜Chamaedaphne calyculata 88. 天 栌Arctous rube

89. 越 橘Vaccinium vitis-idaea 90. 笃斯越橘 V. uliginosum

91. 堇叶山梅花 Philadelphus tenuifolius 92. 太平花 Ph. Pekingensis

93. 小花溲疏Deutzia parviflora 94. 大花溲疏 D. grandiflora

95. 东陵八仙花 Hydrangea bretschneideri 96. 刺 梨 Ribes burejense 97. 楔叶茶藨R. diacanthum 98. 小叶茶藨R. pulchellum 99. 三裂绣线菊 Spiraea trilobata 100. 土庄绣线菊 S. pubescens 101. 耧斗叶绣线菊 S. aquilegifolia 102. 蒙古绣线菊S. mongolica 103. 华北珍珠梅 Sorbaria kirilowii 104. 珍珠梅 S. sorbifolia 105. 黑果栒子 C. melanocarpus 106. 蒙古栒子 C. mongolicus 107. 全缘栒子 C. integerrimus

108. 山楂 Crataegus pinnatifida 109. 辽宁山楂C. sanguinea

110. 花楸树 Sorbus puhuashanensis 111. 杜梨Pyrus betuleafolia 112. 秋子梨 P. ussuriensis 113. 白 梨 P. bretschneideri 114. 苹果 Malus pumila 115. 山丁子 Malus baccata 116. 西府海棠 M. micromalus 117. 月季 Rosa chinensis 118. 玫瑰 R. rugosa 119. 黄刺玫 R. xanthina

120. 单瓣黄刺玫 R. xanthina f. normalis 121. 山刺玫 R. davurica 122. 大叶蔷薇 R. acicularis

123. 绵 刺 Potaninia mongolica 124. 牛叠肚 Rubus crataegifolius 125. 库页悬钩子 R. sachalinensis

126. 金露梅 Potentilla fruticosa 127. 银露梅 P. glabra

128. 东北扁核木 Prinsepia sinensis 129. 山桃Prunus davidiana 130. 稠 李 P. padus 131. 桃 P. persica 132. 杏 P. armeniaca 133. 西伯利亚杏 P. sibirica 134. 李 P. salicina 135. 榆叶梅 P. triloba

136. 重瓣榆叶梅 P. triloba f. plena 137. 毛樱桃 P. tomentosa 138. 欧 李 P. humilis 139. 蒙古扁桃P. mongolica 140. 柄扁桃 P. pedunculala 141. 樱桃 P. pseudocerasus 142. 皂荚 Gleditsia sinensis 143. 槐树 Sophora japonica

144. 沙冬青Ammopiptanthus mongolicus 145. 紫穗槐Amorpha fruticosa

146. 刺 槐 Robinia pseudoacacia 147. 树锦鸡儿Caragana sibirica 148. 小叶锦鸡儿 C. microphylla 149. 柠条锦鸡儿 C. korshinskii

150. 细枝岩黄芪Hedyarum scoparium

151. 木本岩黄芪 H. scoparium var. arbuscula 152. 胡枝子 Lespedeza bicolor

153. 中国沙棘Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. sinensis 154. 沙 枣Elaeagnus angustifolia 155. 红瑞木Swida alba

156. 沙 梾 S. bretschneideri

157. 北桑寄生 Loranthus tanakae 158. 槲寄生Viscum coloratum 159. 桃叶卫矛Euonymus bungeanus 160. 华北卫矛 Eu. Maackii

161. 一叶萩 Securinega suffruticosa 162. 枣 Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis 163. 酸 枣Z. jujuba var. spinosa 164. 鼠 李 Rhamnus dahurica 165. 小叶鼠李 Rh. Parvifolia 166. 乌鼠里鼠李 Rh. Ussuriensis 167. 柳叶鼠李 Rh. erythroxylon 168. 山葡萄 Vitis amuensis 169. 葡萄 V. vinifera

170. 爬山虎 parthenocissus tricuspidata 171. 文冠果 Xanthoceras sorbifolia 172. 栾树 Koelreuteria paniculata 173. 茶条槭 Acer ginnala 174. 元宝槭 A. truncatum 175. 复叶槭 A. negundo 176. 火炬树 Rhus typhina

177. 臭 椿 Ailanthus altissima 178. 小果白刺 Nitraria sibirica 179. 大白刺N. roborowskii

180. 霸 王 Zygophyllum xanthoxylon 181. 四合木 Tetraena mongolica 182. 刺五加 Acanthopanax senticosus 183. 宁夏枸杞 Lycium barbarum 184. 蒙古莸 Caryopteris mongolica 185. 百里香 Thymus mongolicus

186. 中国白蜡Fraxinus chinensis 187. 连 翅Forsythia suspense 188. 紫丁香 Syringa oblate

189. 白花丁香 S. oblata var. affinis 190. 暴马丁香 S. reticulata var. mandshurica 191. 小叶女贞 Ligustrum quihoui 192. 梓树 Catalpa ovata

193. 金银忍冬 Lonicera maackii 194. 小叶忍冬 L. microphylla 195. 猥 实 Kolkwitzia amabilis

196. 锦带花Weigela florida

197. 鸡树条荚蒾 Viburnum opulus var. calvescens 198. 蒙古荚蒾V. mongolicum 199. 六道木 Abelia biflora

200. 接骨木Sambucus williamsii



14 The Late-Blooming George W.Bush Jr.

The late-blooming1 Bush was a failure at 40. But he changed his life and is now the President of the United States. Here's how he did it.



Since George W. Bush joined the U.S. presidential race officially in June, 1999, he has been drawing large crowds and media coverage. The world certainly knows from whence2. Bush sprang3 biologically4. Few could miss the features of George Sr. in the son's face, and his personality is frequently compared with mother Barbara's. But the trajectory5 of his political career is less familiar. When George Bush Sr. last ran for president in 1992, his eldest son had yet to hold elected office. Seven years later, after only four years as Governor of Texas, George W. is trying to become the first second-generation American president in history.

The story about Bush began officially in 1973. In that year, after being rejected by the University of Texas Law School, he applied to Harvard Business School and was accepted. Master's degree in hand, he headed for6 a buddy's7 ranch8 in Tacson and stopped to visit friends in Midland. There he met one old pal9 who was getting into oil. “ It occurred to me that Midland was the place I needed to go,” Bush says. “ There was excitement in the air.” He decided to be an independent oilman.Rich friends of his father backed10 his business ventures11. They also backed him when he decided to run for Congress in 1977 (after only two years in town). However, the decision of Bush to plunge into politics violated12 a basic family tenet13: First make your mark and your fortune, then run for office. Finally, Bush lost, 47% to 53% . Bush had also surprised friends by courting and marrying--in just 3 months--a librarian named Laura Welch, who was as reserved14 and knowing15 as he was brash16 and noisy17. After he lost in the election, Bush went back into the oil. He started building his own company, Arbusto (Spanish for Bush). “ The politician was in him,” says his former working partner. “ He was a great promoter18 and money raiser.” Bush also possesses a Clintonian ability to remember names of countless people he was met only briefly. In 1986, Bush was about to turn 40. This year was also the worst of Midland. Oil prices were crashing19. Independent oilmen like Bush were going under every day. Bush's company was also facing the death. He would either have to sell out or shut down20. Bush of that time became very restless and bored. He had other issues as well. Booze21 was one. His wife and friends all tried to persuade him to quit. Soon after, he became clear he couldn't go on like that. So he decided to quit. He said nothing --at first, not even to Laura. It wasn't until they got home that he told her he

was to quit. “ He just said, ? I'm going to quit,? and he did it,” Laura remembers.“ We joked about it later, saying he got the bar bill and that's why.” Another reason which prompted him to give it up was that he didn't want to do anything to embarrass his father. George Sr. was then preparing to run for President.His friends and family all said he became less edgy22,less angry. “ George was already disciplined23 in a lot of ways except for drinking,” says Laura, “ And when he was able to stop, that gave him a lot of confidence and made him feel better about himself.” Bush also acknowledges that 1986 was a watershed24 year in his life. “ A year of change, when I look back on it.” He says. Later Bush gave up oil and came to Washington to help his father. In his father's presidential race in 1988, Bush Jr. became his father's aid. This was the first time the two had worked together closely as adults, and Big George came to appreciate his son's political instincts. When George Bush won the election, his eldest son returned to Texas, a move that shocked Washington careerists25. But Junior had something also in mind. He was thinking hard about running for Governor of Texas. Texas is a big media state. Name identification is important. And Bush had got it. But he needed an accomplishment that belonged to his own. He didn't want anyone to say “ he is riding on26 Daddy's name.” So he bought a baseball team titled “ Texas Rangers” . He gave speeches across Texas in support of the team. His down-home27 style was always on display. He hated to ride in limo28, even someone else's, and the Bushes lived in a modest brick house. Their only luxury was private school for their twin daughters, Barbara and Tenna. He dressed as indifferent as ever, in cheap suits and boots emblazoned29 with the flag of Texas. At the Rangers office, he insisted on wearing a pair of shoes with a large hole in them.

Someone said that Bush's political base was built on twin platforms30: his Rangers celebrity and the prodigious31 campaigning he had done for his father throughout Texas in 1980, 1984, 1988 and 1992. In 1992, after his father lost in his presidential re-election, Bush began to run for Governor of Texas. He traveled across the state, applying the lessons he'd learned from his parents: trust your instincts, be down-home, enforce discipline and walked all the way into the state house.

And now, he's in the Big House in Washington. He's working harder on his aim.






































