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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-15 07:43 | 移动端:校园生活场景




安排时间 arrange one’s time 昂贵的expensive 熬夜stay up


把论文弄短一点shorten the paper 白天daytime 班级的大小 class size

颁奖典礼 awarding ceremony/awarding celebration

搬出去 move out 搬走 move away

办公楼 administration building 报(学校)apply for 报道 article 报名 sign up for 抱怨 complain that… 备份 backup copy

(博物馆)被关闭 be closed 被夸大了be overstated 被录用 be hired

(电脑资料)被删除 be erased/be deleted (活动)被推迟be put off/be delayed/be postponed

本科生 undergraduate students 比赛 competition

笔记本电脑laptop computer

必修课 required course/compulsory course 毕业 graduate

避免干扰 avoid interference 编辑 editor 变化 change

表达某人关于…的看法 present one’s idea about 表弟 cousin

表演艺术the arts of acting 博士论文 dissertation

博物馆 museums 补考 make-up exam 不必要的 unneccessary 不方便 not convenient 不公平 unfair

不够用there are not enough… 不可用的unavailable 不实用 impractical

不适合be not the right …for… 不在乎 don’t care

不知道怎样…don’t know how to do sth.


参观 visit 参观者 visitors

参加补考make up the exam 参加(典礼或活动) attend 参考书reference books 参考资料 reference materials 餐厅 canteen 草坪 lawn

长途、远距离 long distance 长远的解决之道 long-term solution 倡议 proposal 超负荷工作 overwork 车位 parking place 成绩 score

乘坐出租车 take a taxi 出差 be on a business trip 出勤 participation 传真机fax machine 辞职 quit 凑钱 share cost 存储资料 save materials

答疑 answer the questions 打算plan to do 打印机printer 打印文件print 打字type

大教室lecture theater 大学校长university president

大一新生first-year undergraduate/freshman 代替 replacement 代替replace 耽误delay

当领导的经历leadership experiences 导演direct a drama

倒班change the schedule/reschedule 到期due

得到了机会 got a chance 等很久wait for a very long time 地方space 地毯blanket

电脑维修处computer helpdesk 电脑系统computer system 电影院movie theater 雕塑sculpture 雕塑课sculpt course 调查investigation, survey 调查问卷questionnaire 掉队be left behind 读者reader 短论文essay

对…不感兴趣be not interested in… 对…不满be not satisfied with… 对…感兴趣 be interested in 对…严格be strict with… 对付,治疗deal with…

对学生的写作能力的要求writing requirement 对学生的学习情况进行评估assessment

额外的extra 额外的费用extra fee

二年级学生second-year student


发烧got a fever 罚单ticket 罚款fine

法语口语spoken French

反对disagrees with…/doesn’t agree with… 反感resentment 反馈feed back 饭馆restaurant 饭卡meal card 方案solution/plan

方便be much more convenient 房租rent 访谈interview

非住校生non-resident students/off campus students 费用fee

分数要求minimal grade demand 服务service 辅导tutorial classes 辅导tutoring

辅导小组tutoring group 父母 parents

付不起费用can’t afford it 负面效果negative rusult

负责…be in charge of/take charge of 复习review for the tests 复印photocopy 复印机copier

复杂的问题complex problem


改变拥挤现状change the crowded condition 改善improve

改天reschedule one’s plan 感冒caught a cold/have a cold

高年级学生upper classman(third and fourth year students) 个人电脑PC

给…打电话call sb./telephone sb./give sb. a shout 给…发邮件send an email to sb. 给某人添麻烦trouble sb. 给学生提供方便 更多选择more choices 更加方便more convenient 更新update

公车public transportation 公交路线bus route 公开信letter 公寓apartment 供应商 supplier 鼓励encourage 雇佣hire 关闭close down 观测(星星)observe 观众audience 管理take in charge of 光线light 光线暗的dark 广播站radio station 规定policy 过期overdue




和…相处融洽 get along well with 和某人交流communicate with… 户外露营camping

花很长时间take a very long time 花钱spend money

(机器、车)坏掉了broke down/doesn’t work/

there is sth. wrong with…


换个工作look for another job 荒唐的ridiculous 回来come back 会议室meeting room 彗星comets 活动activity

伙食质量quality of the food 获了个奖won a prize 获取经验get experience


机房computer lab/ computer room 机会opportunity/chance

即使…也…even though / although / though 集体活动group activity 几天a couple of days 计划做某事plan to do sth 计算机中心computer center 记笔记take notes on… 技术人员technician

加强与社区居民的关系strengthen the relationship with communities

加重学生的负担 make students’ burden heavier 家人family 假期vacation 假设hypothesis 尖子生top student 兼职part-time job 兼职的part-time 减少cut back, cut down 检查physical exam 检查电子邮箱check e-mail 建立(新系统)establish

建设build up 建议suggestions

(食物/身体)健康的healthy 讲座lecture 奖学金scholarship 降低噪音reduce noise

交流、谈论talk about…/discuss about 交流exchange their opinions 交通工具vehicle/car 交作业submit assignment 教室lecture hall

教授与学生面谈的时间office hour 教学楼teaching building 阶梯教室lecture theater 接电话answer calls 节目program 节约用地save space 结果是…turn out to be 解决问题solve this problem 借入borrow 借书证library card 尽早as early as possible 经费紧张lack of money 举办活动hold 俱乐部club 捐助者donor

觉得这个做法不妥doesn’t think this idea is good 教学人员faculty members

客座教授 visiting professor 课本 textbooks 课表schedule

课程安排course arrangement 课程协调人/班主任coordinator 课后自测take-home quiz 空间、地方space 夸大overstate 旷课miss class 扩大expand

扩建(图书馆等)expand, enlarge



垃圾回收系统recycle program 来得及will not miss it 浪费钱be waste of money 浪费时间it wastes time 老师instructor 老师的讲课lecture 乐队band

类似的课程similar course 冷食cold food

理工科学生those who major in science 历史history 利益benefit

亮灯工程illuminating light system to light up the campus buildings 邻居neighbor 临时的temporary 零钱change 领队team director 令人疲劳的exhausting 流感flu 留学study abroad 论文paper/thesis 论文草稿paper draft



开车上学will drive to school

(机房)开放时间computer lab hours/operating hours

(图书馆)开放open 开始做… get…started

开新课程provide students new courses 科学图书馆science library 可用的available


(借来的书)马上到期will due very soon 买得起afford

(书)卖完了 be sold out 没必要be unnecessary 没道理there is no reason to 没效果 ineffective

没意思not funny/not interesting /boring 没有长远眼光的方案short-term solution 每日花消daily expenditures 美国文学American Literature 美术楼art building 面对面的face to face 面试官interviewer

民意调查poll 木地板wood floor 目前at present 目前的工作current job


男生male student

(课程或讲座的)内容 contents 匿名的anonymous 暖气heating


排队wait in line 排练rehearsal 疲惫feel exhausted



期末the end of the term 期末报告final report 期末考试final exam 期末论文final paper 期中考试mid-term exam

其它方式 other ways 起床get up

(体育馆里的)器材equipment(不可数名词)强制force/push sb. to do sth. 请(医生、老师)hire 求职面试job interview

取消eliminate/cancel /cut/terminate 全职的full-time

全职员工full-time staff member


热情enthusiasm 热食hot food 人类学anthropology

入门课,基础课introduction course


三百万 three million dollars 商量talk about 上交(作业)submit 上课have class

上课老师发的印刷品handout 上网access to the net (房租)上涨be raised 设备equipment 设施facility

社交活动social activities 社区community

社区服务中心community services center 摄影俱乐部photography club 社团society,association 申请(车位、学校)applied for 申请application 申请表application form 申请者applicant

生孩子give birth to a baby 生物学biology 声誉reputation

省大量钱save much money




出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


?.考点之一: 学术主题讨论

u.关键词汇:Lecture, tutorial, seminar, presentation etc.




而一般来讲,这些讨论会以lecture/report, tutorial、seminar、presentation等形式展开。




Instruction:Dr. Linda Graycar who is from the City Institute for the Blind is talking about the system of writing for the blind known as Braille.

1. What can the combined dots represent?

A both letters and words

B only individual words

C only letters of the alphabet

2. What is unusual about the way Braille is written?

A It can only be written using a machine.

B The texts have to be read backwards.

C Handwritten Braille is created in reverse.


Dr. Graycar:Well, it's a system of touch reading which uses an arrangement of raised dots called a cell. Braille

numbered the dot positions 1-2-3 downward on the left and 4-5-6 downward on the right, The letters of the alphabet are then formed by using different combinations of these dots.

Student:So is the writing system based on the alphabet with each word being individually spelt out?

Dr. Graycar: Well ... it's not quite that simple, I'm afraid! For instance, the first 10 letters of the alphabet are Formed using dots 1, 2, 4 and 5. But Braille also has its own short forms for common words. For example, 'b' for the word 'but' and 'h' for 'have' – there are many other contractions like this.

Student:Can it be written by hand or do you need a machine to produce Braille?

Dr. Graycar:Well, you can write it by hand on to paper with a device called a slate and stylus but the trick is that you have to write backwards . . . e.g. from right to left so that then when you turn your sheet over, the dots face upwards and can be read like English from left to right.

【范例分析】: 范例是一位教授介绍一种盲文体。在教授的演讲中,会有学生不间断的提出一些问题,很多时候,在讲座中穿插的一些问题即考点所在。朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生,在lecture或report过程中,有提问就会有考点!

【范例答案】: 1.A 2.C




Complete the tables below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.

Dissertation Tutorial Record

Name: Sandy Gibbons

Targets previously agreed

Work completed

Further action suggested

Investigate suitable data analysis software

- Read IT 1. ………

- Spoken to Jane Prince, Head of the 2. ………

Sign up for some software practice sessions

New targets

Specific suggestions


Do further work on Chapter 1 (Give the title: Context 3. …….. )

- Add statistics on the

4. ……… in various zones

- Include more references to works dated after 5. ………

By the 6. ………


TUTOR: Hello, Sandy. How have you been getting on with your dissertation?

SANDY: Fine, and I’ve been working hard on the various action points we agreed on our last tutorial.

TUTOR: Do you want to talk me through what you’ve done?

SANDY: Yeah, sure. Well, we agreed on three main targets for me to aim for. The first one was to find out about suitable data analysis software.


SANDY: And what I decided to do was to look through catalogues specializing in IT.

TUTOR: That’s a good idea. What did you come up with?

SANDY: I found the names of two promising ones.

TUTOR: Right.

SANDY: But I also thought it’d be worthwhile talking to a lecturer.

TUTOR: Oh right. Who did you see?

SANDY: Jane Prince. Do you know her? She’s in the Computer Centre.

TUTOR: Yes, of course, she’s the new Head.(………………………………………………………….)

TUTOR: So, let’s look at some new targets. We’ll start by having a chat about your Chapter One. I very much enjoyed reading it. Your written style is very clear and you’ve included lots of interesting descriptions of education in your target area. I’ve just got a couple of suggestions for some additional work.

SANDY: Of course. Could I just ask – what do you think I should call it?

TUTOR: Well, I’d go for something like Context Review. What do you think?

SANDY: Well, short and to the point.

TUTOR: Exactly. Now, as regards specific areas to work on, I’d be quite interested to have a few more statistics about the schools in the different zones.

SANDY: Oh, that wouldn’t be a problem. I can get them from the Internet.

TUTOR: Great, and although you did make a reference to quite a few different writers, I think you should aim to cite more works written later than 2000.

SANDY: OK. That’s more difficult, but I can try. When do you want that done by?

TUTOR: Oh, it’s not urgent. Um I should aim for the end of term. But in meantime, I think you should also be thinking about Chapter Two.

【范例分析】: 范例是以tutorial形式,发生在学生和辅导老师之间。讨论的内容主要集中在论文的数据分析、软件使用、参考数目及章节题目的设定。朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生,海外留学时,绝大部分的大学里,每一个学生都会有个人辅导老师,在学习或生活中的任何问题都可以寻求辅导老师的帮助。比如论文的写作方式、结构、材料的收集方法等等,均可以事先与导师交流,并征求导师的意见。




摘要: 雅思听力校园生活场景全解!小编为大家收集整理了雅思听力校园生活场景全解析,供大家阅读参考。雅思听力的出题场景往往是有规律的,同学们在备考阶段有必要按照不同场景进行相应复习。

雅思 听力校园生活场景全解!小编为大家收集整理了 雅思听力 校园生活场景全解析,供大家阅读参考。雅思听力的出题场景往往是有规律的,同学们在备考阶段有必要按照不同场景进行相应复习。

校园生活场景下有很多典型的西方教育的学习及相关场景。考生若想要在此类场景稳操胜券就必须对西方的高等教育体制、教学方式和 留学 生在西方的学习概况等有一些了解。那么通过对历年 雅思考试 真题的不断总结和研究,探出该场景的出题思路,发现其主要集中了以下三大考点特征:

考点之一: 学术主题讨论

关键词汇:Lecture, tutorial, seminar, presentation etc.




而一般来讲,这些讨论会以lecture/report, tutorial、seminar、presentation等形式展开。




Instruction: Dr. Linda Graycar who is from the City Institute for the Blind is talking about the system of writing for the blind known as Braille.

1. What can the combined dots represent?

A both letters and words

B only individual words

C only letters of the alphabet

2. What is unusual about the way Braille is written?

A It can only be written using a machine.

B The texts have to be read backwards.

C Handwritten Braille is created in reverse.


Dr. Graycar: Well, it's a system of touch reading which uses an arrangement of raised dots called a cell. Braille

numbered the dot positions 1-2-3 downward on the left and 4-5-6 downward on the right, The letters of the alphabet are then formed by using different combinations of these dots.

Student: So is the writing system based on the alphabet with each word being individually spelt out?

Dr. Graycar: Well ... it's not quite that simple, I'm afraid! For instance, the first 10 letters of the alphabet are Formed using dots 1, 2, 4 and 5. But Braille also has its own short forms for common words. For example, 'b' for the word 'but' and 'h' for 'have' – there are many other contractions like this.

Student: Can it be written by hand or do you need a machine to produce Braille?

Dr. Graycar: Well, you can write it by hand on to paper with a device called a slate and stylus but the trick is that you have to write backwards . . . e.g. from right to left so that then when you turn your sheet over, the dots face upwards and can be read like English from left to right.

【范例分析】: 范例是一位教授介绍一种盲文体。在教授的演讲中,会有学生不间断的提出一些问题,很多时候,在讲座中穿插的一些问题即考点所在。提醒考生,在lecture或report过程中,有提问就会有考点!

【范例答案】: 1. A

2. C





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