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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-12 07:38 | 移动端:长度英语翻译

篇一:英译汉:“length;size”,正确的翻译为( )。 A.长度;单










Valve Timing

The time at which valves open and close ( valve timing ) and the duration of the valve opening in stated in degrees of crankshaft rotation . 气门打开和关闭的时间(配气正时)和气门打开持续的时间在曲轴旋转的角度。

For example , the intake valve normally begins to open just before the piston has reached the top dead center .比如,进气门通常只在活塞到达上止点的时候开始打开。

The valve remains open as the piston travels down to BDC and even past BDC . 进气门在活塞下行到下止点甚至超过下止点过程中继续打开。

This is intake valve duration .这是进气段。

An example of this could be stated as follows :这方面的一个例子可以说明如下: IO at 17BTDC , IC at 51ABDC ( or , intake opens 17before top dead center , intake closes 51after bottom dead center ) . Intake valve duration in this case is 248 of crankshaft rotation . IO at 17BTDC , IC at 51ABDC(也就是说,进气在上止点前17度打开,在到达下止点51度以后关闭)。在这个事例中进气过程曲轴转了248度。

This leaves 129 duration for the compression stroke since compression ends when the piston reaches TDC .在129度离开开始压缩冲程,压缩在活塞到达上止点的时候结束。

At this point the power stroke begins .此时,做功冲程开始。

The power stroke ends when the exhaust valve begins to open approximately at 51 before bottom dead center .大概在排气门打开前51度时做功冲程结束。

The duration of the power stroke in this case is also 129 .在这个事例中做功冲程所转的角度也是129度。

Since the exhaust valve is opening at 51 BBDC , this begins the exhaust stroke .从排气门打开到51BBDC以后,排气冲程开始。

The exhaust stroke continues as the piston passes BDC and moves upward to past TDC .排气冲程随着活塞经过下止点并上行至上止点。

With the exhaust valve closing at 17 TTDC , the duration of the exhaust stroke is 248 .随着排气门在17TTDC关闭,排气冲程所转的角度是248度。、

It is apparent from this description that the exhaust valve stays open for a short period of time during which the intake valve is also open .从以上描述中,显而易见,排气门在进气门也打开时仍然保持开启状态一小段时间。

In other words , the end of the exhaust stroke and the beginning of the intake stroke overlap for a short period of time .换言之,排气冲程的结束和进气冲程的开始有一小段时间的重叠。

This is called valve overlap . Valve timing and valve overlap vary on different engines.这个称为气门重叠。配气正时和气门重叠变通用于不同的发动机。

Opening the intake valve before TDC and closing it after BDC increase the fill of air-fuel mixture in the cylinder .在上止点前打开进气门并在下止点增大气缸内的油气混合物之后关闭。

Opening the intake valve early helps overcome the static inertia of the air-fuel mixture at the beginning of the intake stroke , while leaving the intake valve open after BDC takes advantage of the kentia of the moving air-fuel mixture . This increase volumetric efficiency .早一些开启进气门有助于克服在进气冲程开始的油气混合物的静止的惯性,当离开时利用先前的移动的油气混合物让进气门在下止点之后打开。

As the piston moves down on the power stroke past the 90 ATDC position , pressure in the cylinder has dropped , and the leverage to the crankshaft has decreased due to connecting rod angle and crankshaft position .当活塞下行在做功冲程超过90ATDC的位置时,缸压已经降低,并且曲轴的杠杆作用由于连杆角度和曲轴位置已经减少。

This ends the effective length of the power stroke , and the exhaust valve can now be opened to begin expelling the burned gases .这个终止做功冲程的有效长度,并且排气门此时被打开开始排出燃烧的气体。 The exhaust valve remains open until the piston has moved up past the TDC position .排气门直到活塞上行到上止点的位置依然处于打开状态。 This helps to remove as much of the burned gases as is possible and increase volumetric efficiency .这有助于尽可能清除足够多的燃烧的气体并增加充气系数。

2.4.4 Cam Design and Control Dynamics 凸轮设计和控制动力学

The function of the cam is to open and close the valves as far as possible , as fast as possible and as smoothly as possible . 凸轮的功能是尽可能长地、尽可能快地以及尽可能平顺地打开和关闭气门。The closing force for the valves is applied by the valve spring which also maintain contact between the cam and the valves . Dynamic

force impose limits on cam and valve lift .The closing迫使气门被维持凸轮和气门连接的气门弹簧顶开

The entire valve-train assembly can be view as a spring \mass system in which the conversion from stored to free energy causes force vibration .整个气门传动组件可看做是一个弹簧/质量系统,在这个系统中,能量储存与释放的转换引起振动。 Valve-train assemblies with overhead camshafts can be represented with sufficient accuracy by a 1-mass system ( consisting of the moving mass , the valve-train assembly stiffness and corresponding damping ) .带有顶置凸 轮轴的气门机构可非常精确地用单质量系统来表示,( 由运动质量、气门机构的刚度和相应的阻尼组成。)

For system with valve bottom-mounted camshaft and push rods , a 2-mass system is being increasingly used .

The maximum permissible contact stress , usually regarded as the parameter which limits cam-lobe radius and the rate of opening on the flank , currently lies between 600-700Mpa depending upon the material parings used .

2.4.6 Electronic Valve Control System

An electronic value control (EVC) system replaces the mechanical camshaft, controlling each value with actuators for independent value timing. The EVC system controls the opening and closing time and lift amount of each intake and exhaust valve with independent actuators on each value. Changing from a mechanical camshaft driven value into independently controlled actuator valves provides a huge amount of flexibility in engine control strategy. 电控气门系统代替机械式的凸轮轴,用执行器控制每个气 门独立的进、排气正时。EVC通过每个气门上的独立执行器 控制进气门和排气门的开启、关闭时间以及升程量。由机 械式驱动气门到独立控制执行器的气门改变,极大的增加 了发动机控制策略的灵活性。 Vehicles utilizing EVC can realize several benefits including:汽车利用电控系统可以实现一些便利包括:

1)increases engine power and fuel economy,提升发动机动力和燃油经济性

2)allows centralized and distributed EVC systems to perform at their full potential,允许集中和分散的电控系统在充足的可能性下工作

3)adapts to engines of varied cylinder counts.适应各种不同气缸的发动机

With all of the improved efficiencies and consumer benefits, auto manufacturers are eager to get their first EVC systems on the road. The EVC system is targeted to operate in temperatures up to 125, while the actuator is targeted to run up to 6000 r/min. The actuator can be controlled in a centralized system with a high-speed multiplex bus (up to 10Mbps) or in a distributed system with a nominal speed bus.


第一部分:数词的译法 一、数字增减的译法:


The wire is by three inches longer than that one.这根导线比那根长3英寸。


Metal cutting machines have been decreased to 50.金属切割机已经减少到50台。 二、百分数增减的表示法与译法


The output value has increased 35%.产值增加了35%


Retail salses should rise by 8%商品零售额应增加3%

The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本减少60%

3.句式特征:表示减少意义的动词+to+%表示减少后剩余的数量 By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%.采用这种新工艺,铁的损失量减少到20%

4.句式特征:%+ 比较级 +than表示净增减的数量

Retail sales are expected to be nine percent higher than last year.今年零售额与去年相比,有望增加9%。

5.句式特征:% + 比较级 + 名词表示净减数

The new-type machine wasted 10 percent engergy supplied. 新型机械能耗量净减10%

6.句式特征:a + % + increase表示净增数

There is a 20% increase of steel as pared with last year.与去年相比,今


7.句式特征:%+ (of) 名词(代词)表示净减数,数字n照译 The production cost is about 60 percent that of last year.今年产值仅为去年的60%

8.句式特征:%+up on 或over表示净增数

The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978.去年粮食产量比1978年净增20%。

第二部分 倍数增加的表示法及译法


1.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+n times“表示成倍地增长,译成”增加到N倍“或”增加n-1倍“

注:1倍 once; 2倍twice(或double);3倍thrice(或three times)

2.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by+ n times,该句式与上述相同

3.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+to+ n times表示增加到N倍,译成”增加了n-1倍“

4.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+by a factor of + n times

5.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+比较级+by a factor of + n times表示增加以后达到的倍数,译成”比。。。。。。大(长、宽。。。)N-1倍“

6.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+ n times+比较级+than。。。。。

7.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+ n times +adj./adv. +as....

8.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+a + n times(或n-fold) +increase.......表示增加到N倍,译成”增加了N-1倍“

9.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+as + adj./adv.+ again as.....译成”比。。。。大(长、宽。。。。倍)“

例子: Line A is as long again as line B. A线比B线长1倍。

This machine turns half as fast again as that one.这台机器转动比那台机器快半倍。

10.句式特点:表示增加意义的动词+half as + adj./adv.+ again as.....译成”比。。。。大(长、宽。。。。半倍)“

11. 句式特点:用double表示倍数,译成”等于.....的2倍“或”增加了1倍“



第三部分 倍数减少的表示方法


1.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+N times表示成N倍减少,译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N“

The length of laser tube was reduced ten times.激光管的长度缩短了十分之九。

2.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+by+N times表示成N倍减少,译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N“

T He bandwith was reduced by two times.带宽减少了二分之一。

3.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+by a factor of + N times表示成N倍减少,译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N“

4.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+a-N times(N-fold)+ reduction译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N“

The principal advantage over the old-fashioned machine is a four-fold reduction in weight.与旧式机器比,主要特点是重量减少了四分之三。

5.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+N times+as + adj./adv. .....译成”减少到1/N“或”减少了N-1/N“

6.句式特点:表示减少意义的动词+N times+ 比较级+ than表示减少了N倍,译成”减少到1/N+1”或“减少了1/N+1“ The plastic container is five times lighter than that glass one.这个塑料容器比那个玻璃容器轻六分之五。


英语表示倍数增减或倍数对比的句型多种多样,其中有 一些(如下文中的句型②、⑤、⑥、⑧、(12) 等, 见圈码)很容易译错——其主要原因在于:英汉两语在

表述或对比倍数方面存在着语言与思维差异。现将常 用的英语倍数句型及其正确译法归纳如下:


(一) A is n times as great(long,much,…)as B.(①)

A is n times greater (longer, more,…)than B.(②)

A is n times the size (length, amount,…)of B.(③)



Eg. This book is three times as long as (three times longer than,three times the length of )that one.



(二)increase to n times(④)

increase n times/n-fold(⑤)

increase by n times(⑥)

increase by a factor of n(⑦)


Eg. The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as pared with last year. 集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。 Eg. The output of chemical fertilizer has been raised five times as against inl986.化肥产量比1986年增加了4倍。

Eg. That can increase metabolic rates by two or three times.

那可使代谢率提高到原来的2倍或3倍(即提高1倍或2倍)。 Eg. The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏电压增加了3借(即增加到原来的4倍)。

注:在这类句型中increase常被raise,grow,go/step up,multiply等词所替代。

(三)There is a n-fold increase/growth…(⑧)

应译为:增加n-倍(或增至n倍)。这个句型还有其它一些形式: Eg. A record high increase in value of four times was reported. 据报道,价值破记录地增长了3倍。

(四)double (增加1倍),treble(增加2倍),quadruple(增加3倍)。(⑨)

Eg. The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled or quadrupled.这些机器的效率已提高了2倍或3倍多。


A is as much (large,long,…)again as B.(= A is twice as much (large,long,…)as B.(⑩)应译为:A比B多(大,长,……)1倍。
