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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-11 07:08 | 移动端:love,in,the,air





【 】1.

【 】2.

【 】3.

【 】4.

【 】5.



【 】6. Whose football is it?

A. Tony’s. B. Betty’s. C. Sam’s.

【 】7. Where are the speakers?

A. In a school.B. In a zoo. C. In a park.


【 】8. What was the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.

【 】9. Which is the woman more interested in now?

A. Playing tennis. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing basketball.


【 】10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. How to find a museum. B. What museums to visit. C. Why to visit museums.

【 】11. What kind of museums does David like?

A. History museums. B. Science museums. C. Children’s museums.

第 1 页 共 9 页


【 】12. When does the dialogue take place?

A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon.

【 】13. What can we infer from the dialogue?

A. Mark’s mum is very humorous. B. Mark doesn’t know Rule No. 2.

C. Mark’s house is near the cinema.


【 】14. What’s the speaker doing?

A. Offering some advice. B. Making an introduction. C. Leading a conversation.

【 】15. What can we learn from the talk?

A. It takes place at the end of the term.

B. The speaker has the listener’s phone number.

C. Students can borrow books on the ground floor.


第 2 页 共 9 页 2


知识运用 :单项填空(共10分,每小题1分)

21.Tom is a book lover. ______ likes reading very much.

A. He B. She C. You D. It

22.I often go on holiday with my parents _____ summer.

A. on B. at C. in D. of

23.It was dark, ______ I couldn’t see what was happening.

A. or B. though C. but D. so

24.— Can he jump high? Yes, he ______. He is a good high jumper.

A. can B. need C. must D. shall

25.The schoolboy ______ a blind man cross the street yesterday.

A. helps B. helped C. will help D. has helped

26.Even Tony’s six-year-old son asked him ______ smoking.

A. stops B. stopped C. stopping D. to stop

27.She ______ very hard since she came to our school.

A. studies B. has studied C. is studying D. studied

28.Helen ______ to a language school when she was seven.

A. sent B. is sent C. was sent D. will send

29. If you read a lot, your life ______ full of pleasure.

A. is B. will be C. be D. was

30.I’m going to Flower Bookstore. Could you tell me ______? Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here.

A. where is it B. where was it C. where it is D. where it was


“Mommy, look!” cried my daughter, Darla, pointing to a chicken hawk in the air.

“Uh huh,” I answered, driving, lost in thought about the timetable of my day.

filled her face.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” I asked.

“Nothing,” my seven-year-old daughter said. The moment was gone.

Dinner, baths and phone calls the hours until bedtime.

“Come on, Darla, time for bed!” She raced past me up the stairs. Tired, I kissed her and tucked her in.

“Mom, I forgot to give you something!” she said.

“Give it to me in the morning.” I said. My was gone. I could hardly stay cool.

“You won’t have time in the morning!” she talked back quickly.

“I’ll take time,” I answered. Sometimes no matter how hard I tried, time was never enough.

She wasn’t ready to up yet. “No, you won’t! It will be just like today when I told you to look at the chicken hawk. You didn’t listen to what I said.”

I was too tired to argue; she hit too to the truth. “Good night!” I shut her door in anger.

Later though, her gray-blue eyes filled my vision as I thought about how little time we really had until she was grown and gone. My husband asked me what was going on and I told him.

“Maybe she was not asleep yet. Why don’t you ” he said.

I followed his advice, it was my own idea. I opened her door gently. In Darla’s hand I could see her paper all crumpled (弄皱的) up. She had torn into small pieces a big red heart with a poem she had written titled, “Why I Love My Mother?”

Why I Love My Mother

Although you’re busy, and you work so hard,

You always take time to play with me,

I love you Mommy,

Because I am the biggest part of your busy day!

Tears filled my eyes. When I softly touched her face, she awakened from a dreamless sleep and asked, “Why are you, Mommy?”

“You ARE the most important part of my busy day!”

She smiled and then went back to sleep, not really understanding how strongly I what I said.

31. A. Disappointment B. Worries C. Fear D. Enjoyment

32. A. cost B. filled C. lasted D. took

33. A. belief B. attitude C. attention D. patience

34. A. give B. build C. call D. clear

35. A. just B. even C. yet D. almost

36. A. heavily B. badly C. close D. hard

37. A. watch B. exam C. test D. check

38. A. realizing B. thinking C. wishing D. guessing

39. A. crying B. laughing C. shouting D. touching

40. A. considered B. expressed C. inferred D. meant

第 3 页 共 9 页

阅读理解 (共50分)


A. Nauru. B. Tuvalu. C. Vatican. D. Monaco.

【 】42. What’s the area of Vatican?

A. 21 km2. B. 26 km2. C. 0.44 km2. D. 2 km2.

【 】43. Which of the following about Monaco is TRUE?

A. It’s the world’s smallest country. B. It’s the most difficult place to get to.

C. It has the most overweight people in the world.D. It’s the world’s most densely populated country.


American English is full of colorful expressions. One such expression is to touch all bases.

There are four bases in baseball – first, second, third and home plate. When a baseball player hits the ball, he must run to each base – in order – and touch it with his foot. It is the only way to get a point. If the player hits the ball and fails to touch all the bases, the point will not be counted.

The importance of touching all the bases was shown at the start of the 1974 baseball seasons.

Hank Aaron was a player with the Atlanta Braves team. He was trying to find the record for hitting the most home runs (全垒打). Aaron needed just one home run to be well matched with the record held by Babe Ruth, the greatest hitter in baseball history. Aaron got that home run the very first time he had a chance to hit the ball. That gave him 714 home runs – the same as Babe Ruth. After that day, baseball fans held their breath every time when it was Hank Aaron’s turn to hit. When would he hit home run number 715?

The wait was not long. In the second week of the season, Aaron again hit the ball over the wall. He had beaten Babe Ruth’s record. But first, he had to run around the four bases. The other players on his team watched carefully to make sure he touched each one.

So, to touch all bases means to do what is necessary to complete an activity.

The expression is used to business and politics. No business deal or political events are really complete until you discuss all the problems involved. Or, as it is said, until you touch all bases.

44. When a baseball player hits the ball, he must ______ to get a point.

A. run to each base freely B. touch the home plate first

C. touch all the bases with his hands D. run to each base in order and touch it with his foot

45. When was the importance of touching all the bases shown?

A. At the start of the 1974 baseball seasons. B. At the end of the 1974 baseball seasons.

C. Before the baseball rules made. D. In the second week of 1974.

46. Who hit home run number 715?

A. Babe Ruth. B. Hank Aaron. C. Babe Ruth’s partner. D. Hank Aaron’s friend.

47. What does the expression “to touch all bases” mean?

A. To do what is needed to finish an activity. B. To get a chance to be the greatest hitter.

C. To try your best to set a new record. D. To solve the problems successfully.


Soap is more popular in liquid form than in bars in the UK – but there are good

reasons to stick with the old traditional way of keeping clean, says Gareth Rubin.

第 4 页 共 9 页


According to market research company Mintel, 87% of

Britons usually buy liquid soap, compared to only 13% who buy bars of it.

And solid soap is losing the popularity. But why do some people still prefer traditional solid soap?

1. It’s what they’ve always known.

Some people are just traditionalists. According to Mark Constantine, he thinks it’s always lovely when we’re using something that’s been about for 3,000 years. Solid soap has got a huge history and they’re very beautiful.

2. Solid soap is more pleasant.

Smelling a plastic bottle doesn’t feel very comfortable, while you can get bars of different textures and smells – some bars have sea salt, nuts, fruits or flowers in them for a bit of a surprise. Others come in beautiful or even funny shapes and sizes. You can tie attractive bars of soap up in silk ribbons (丝带) and present them as a gift to a loved one – the effect isn’t quite the same when you do this with a liquid soap.

3. Less packaging (包装) is better for the planet.

All those bottles has to come from somewhere and go somewhere. Recycling can only do so much, whereas typically a bar of soap comes in a little paper wrapper and that’s it. If you care about the environment, you can even buy bars of soap without paper around them. “And about 60% of the cost of a bottle of soap goes on the packaging and the pump (泵头).” says Constantine.

4. The bottles are a little bit difficult.

You can hold a bar of soap in one hand and it works. With the bottles you first have to use both hands to unlock the pump, and shut your eyes to the liquid slowly dropping the sticky thing onto your bathroom floor. When the bar of soap runs down, you can still use it until it is no more, but with the liquid soap it is a difficult task to get the last drop out of the bottom.

48. According to market research company Mintel, ______.

A. solid soap is as popular as liquid soap B. more people refuse to buy liquid soap

C. solid soap is becoming less popular D. solid soap is better for the planet

49. Compared to solid soap, liquid soap ______.

A. has less packaging B. has a much longer history

C. is more pleasant in smells D. has less funny shapes and sizes

50. What can you infer from the passage?

A. Liquid soap is not worth the price according to Constantine.B. A bottle of liquid soap cannot be a present for a friend.

C. More people will buy solid soap without silk ribbons.D. It’s impossible to use up the liquid soap in a bottle.

51. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. People’s preference to soap is changing. B. Liquid soap is still liked by many Britons.

C. The advantages and disadvantages of solid soap.D. The reasons why some people still prefer solid soap.


When you meet someone for the first time, you will get a general idea in your mind of that person in the first moment. Your feelings about other people, however, are really just show the way that you look at yourself. Your reactions to others say more about you than they do about others. You cannot really love or hate about yourself. We are usually drawn to those who are most like us and may dislike those who have the same characters as ourselves that we dislike.

Therefore, you can allow others to be the mirror to see more clearly your own feelings of self-worth. And, you can view the people you judge negatively (否定地) as mirrors to show you what you are not accepting about yourself.

To live peacefully with others, you will need to learn patience. A big challenge is to let your judgment of others be a lifelong research of yourself. Your task is to consider all the decisions and judgments you make onto others carefully and to begin to see whether you can use them to help yourself and become whole.

him as rude. When I noticed that I was judging him, I stopped and asked myself what I was feeling. I discovered that I was nervous to be seen with someone who was eating with his mouth open and loudly blowing his nose. I was very surprised to find how much I cared about how the other people in the restaurant judged me.

Remember that your judgment of someone will not serve as some kind of protective thing against you becoming like him. Just because I judge my lunch partner as rude, it does not prevent me from ever looking or acting like him. In the same way, my patience to him would not cause me to suddenly begin eating my food with my mouth open.

When you get close to life in this manner, those with whom you hate very much as well as those whom you admire and love can be seen as mirrors, guiding you to discover parts of yourself that you dislike and to embrace your greatest characters you are proud of.

52. In the writer’s opinion, when we judge others, we are really ______.

A. treating them in a polite way B. showing what we ourselves are

C. guiding ourselves to know them D. telling them what they should do

53. Why did the writer feel bad when he was with his lunch partner?

A. Because he was afraid he himself might get the bad habits.B. Because he was too angry to go on with his lunch any more.

C Because he was afraid he might be thought badly of by others.D. Because he was too nervous to speak his opinions out right there.

54. The underlined word “” in Paragraph 4 probably means ______.

A. unbelievable B. unforgettable C. unacceptable D. ueasonable

55. The writer writes the passage to ______.

A. tell us a story that happened in a restaurant B. ask us not to behave rudely in some public places

C. encourage us to have the right attitude towards others D. advise us to know ourselves from judging others properly

5 页 共 9 页


选词填空 第一单元

1. Most cities in the country have introduced 通过 factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.

3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to the spread of the disease.

4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain)保持 the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.

5. People there are told it is their (patriotic)爱国duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.

6. Darwin's thinking both drew upon and the conventional ideas of his time.

7. In spite of all your , there may be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process.

8. My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine, as this is a field which requires a lot of and long working hours.

9. Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose

some professions that are stable and could bring (prestige) and economic benefits.

10. It is legally possible for an elderly person to someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.


1. Kids are more likely to a situation if they believe their parents expect them to help.

2. The first lesson I learned as a newcomer for the company was never to 低估the degree of difficulty I would face in career advancement. 3. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began .

4. Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I 为 it a great honor if I could study in your department. 5. During one particularly moment in my career, a senior colleague of mine said to me, "If you follow your dreams, the money will come. Follow the money, and you'll lose your dreams."

6. Unless we can find a way nature and then invest in protecting it, our basic life-support systems are going to collapse.

7. The blizzard (暴风雪) moved south, turning into an icy rain 瘫痪的 the airports for three days.

8. In this introduction we have diagnosed some of the causes of the illness and, in the following chapters, we will draw attention to its various unpleasant 症状.

9. In those days, divorce under any circumstances was socially unacceptable 沮丧 in the family who went through it.

10. Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic.


1. As a number of authors point out, the urge to migrate is a(n) 积分part of human nature. 2. Children should be allowed those few years of innocence before they have to learn the truth about the real world.

3. He has 使。。痛苦 by a horrible

disease, from which one of his best friends died two weeks ago.

4. The results of the survey 得注意的and useful despite being from a small sample. 5. The director said that they needed a young actress who someone who was both unbalanced and confident at the same time.

6. Praise must be used wisely to 恭维students who perform up to expectations and to encourage students to perform to maximum levels. 7.of research, it is an accepted fact that scientific publications have to be written or translated into English to get published, acknowledged, and cited. 8. He received a(n) call threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the money.

9. The movie presents Lincoln as a strong-willed, man who led the US through a moral, constitutional and political crisis.

10. It is understandable that the health and welfare of their family is a(n) 永久的concern for this young couple.

第四单元 1. Although secondary education is 必须做的, parents are not required to send their children to state schools. 2. The economic situation has been worsening, causing economists to whether the present policies are sustainable. 3. He was found guilty and was in the Tower of London, where he died very quickly, aged only 47.

4. It is obvious that the future of the Internet is to more and more areas of the world, and that e-commerce and e-entertainment are going to go for more and more markets.

5. However, your current losses should soon be gains; the fund will produce a positive return of 11.6 percent over a nine-month period.

6. Because she was so tall and slim, all the clothes looked marvelous on her and the other girls would 7. This can be a helpful approach in discussion — someone may regard you as you never want to change your mind, whereas you see yourself as determined. 8. At weekends, the

school park is almost empty except that a few cars 使密集near the entrance.

9. In the photographer's finest pictures there is also a degree of 糊 , which allows them to be interpreted in a variety of ways.

10. Tim stretched out a hand in apology for his thoughtless remarks and was a firm handshake from Mark.


1. The general considered all the information that had 衡量what possible moves the enemy might make before issuing his orders. 2. The new president said she would herself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless, who are otherwise helpless and vulnerable. 3. Cell phone conversations, which are fairly 的on commuter trains, can be annoying to fellow commuters. 4. Ask your doctor whether a low-fat diet and a daily walk will to reduce your high blood pressure.

5. from tourism is the biggest single contribution to GDP

in the Maldives; every year many tourists from all corners of the world spend their holidays there.

6. Since the beginning of this century, China has built many modern conference centers with underground parking, air-conditioning and 生的 translation systems. 7. While advertising offers a stimulus (刺激) to buy, sales promotion offers a(n) (incentive) to buy, but consumers must have their own reason to buy.

8. In general, smokers living in cities are slightly more 易于to lung cancer than smokers who are living in the country. 9. A large proportion of important 新are brought about by people who step outside of conventional categories or traditional assumptions. 10. The habit of going to 培养by the city's relatively small size, safe streets, good public transportation, and moderate climate. 短语 第一单元 1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind his classmates and he was (removed from)远离 the second into the third class at his own desire. 2. The president acknowledged that he had somehow (failed in)失败 his ability to communicate to the American people.

3. Unfortunately, as history has shown, some of the companies are guilty of misconduct (in the pursuit of)在追求 profit.

4. The ship (deviated from)分开偏离 the agreed voyage and arrived about 10 days late and in the meantime the price of sugar had fallen and the merchants lost over £4,000. 5. Because the transcript is still under seal, the law (1) (precludes) 阻止them (2) (from) reading and discussing the evidence in detail.

6. In carrying out the plan we are likely to come across difficulties, but we are determined to (triumph over)胜利 them all.

7. Without increasing investment in education, it will be increasingly difficult for low-income people to (work their way into)他们的工作方式 the middle class. 8. All the passengers in the plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes Mountains a week ago were (written off)写下 as dead. 第二单元

1. When the bus (pulled to a stop)停下站 and I got off, I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me to enjoy myself.

2. When my car crashed into the big tree, I could feel the blood draining from my face and I wondered whether I was about to (black out) . 3. All kinds of questions concerning the soaring housing price begin to (pop up) on cable television and the blogosphere (博客圈). 4. The soldiers' rapid march was (stopped short) by the general's command; they were uncertain whether to go back or forward.

5. A car crashed into the side of a house after the driver lost control and (plowed through) a hedge (树篱).

6. Charles reappeared, after half an hour's absence, and (threw himself into) an armchair, where he lay back for some time with his eyes shut. 7. You may be out of work but that is no reason to

(let yourself go) by not washing, brushing your hair and wearing clean clothes.

8. As her door began to open, she (grabbed for) the telephone, and then dropped the receiver as Luke walked in. 第三单元

1. Clearly, most of the students there are full-time workers who would not otherwise have been able to (embark on) sustained further study. 2. The court ruled that this man (be deprived of) his political rights for a further four years after he has served his 13-year sentence.

3. I would love to have kids. I would (turn down) an Oscar to see my boy at a baseball game or my girl at a song recital. 4. Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he'd been (taken captive) .

5. She hoped Vincent would understand that her life had not been empty, because her love would (live on) .

6. All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged or deprived, are interdependent, and (share in) the common task of seeking to achieve mankind's full potential.

7. In September 1944 he was able to return to his academic duties, but soon after the war ended he (was stricken by)受到了 a serious illness and did relatively little research thereafter (从那以后).

8. She retired from the company where she has (led by example) and been a source of encouragement to others. 第四单元

1. Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to (settle for)满足于 anything that was second best.

2. He could be quite casual in his attitude to his wife's anxiety, and (more often than not)往往比不上 failed to let her know when he would be back from a business trip.

3. "You'll kill yourself with those things," Arty said in a tone in which disappointment was (mingled with)混合 disgust.

4. Thanks to modern transportation,

agricultural products in these remote mountainous regions can also be (traded for)交易 other goods.

5. As the market (was saturated with)被饱和 a wide variety of goods, the economy became more balanced and the competition forced the prices down.

6. Going with the flow doesn't mean that we don't know where we're going; it means that we (are open to)开放给 multiple ways of getting there.

7. The athlete had been (endowed with)具有 long legs and a persistent temperament so he was very successful.

8. The wrongly accused man asked for extra compensation to (make up for)弥补 the stress he had suffered during the case. 第五单元

1. The results of this experiment do not (correlate with)与,,相关 those of the studies that the team of scientists had conducted previously.

2. It was a moment of overwhelming excitement when Steve was given the first prize; Tiffany couldn't (refrain from)克制 hugging and kissing him.

3. As we (count down)倒数 to tonight's presidential debate,

it's time to go over the political agendas which the candidates are trying to promote.

4. She spent the next 10 years taking in washing, (slaving away)累死累活 to pay back the money they had borrowed from the bank. 5. Indeed, it seems that the upward shift in the rate of economic growth in the mid-1990s (coincided with)恰逢 a sudden, substantial and rapid decline in the prices of computers. 6. As Crawford (contended with)与,,竞争 heartbreak in his private life, his career soared to greater heights than he could have ever dreamed of. 7. I am assuming that you have adequate health insurance, but someone should (be designated as)被指定为 successor to take over your financial and domestic affairs if you become unable to cope with them yourself.

8. Formal consent for this new type of treatment was obtained from each patient and the study (conformed to)符合 our institution's guidelines concerning medical ethics (伦理).


Unit9 复习

一、词组 1.dance to

2.sing along with 3.prefer A to B

4.prefer doing to doing 5.prefer to do rather than do 6.after a long week at work 7.spare time 8.in that case

9.give me something to think about 10.different kinds of music 11.feel like doing

12.stick to sth/doing (stuck-stuck) 13.depend on 14.plenty of…

15.shut off…(shut-shut) 16.once in a while 17.cheer sb. up

18.a good way to do. 19.make sb. do. 20.sit back (sat-sat) 21. different kinds of 22.try one’s best to do. 23.too…to…

24.have a happy ending 25.feel even sadder

26 sing the words clearly 27 take….to….. 28write one’s own lyrics 29.one of the most famous pieces of music 30.sth. move sb./sb. be moved

31.sense a strong sadness and pain 32.the most moving piece of music 33.cry along with it 34.by age 17

35.grow worse(grew-grown) 36.play music to make money 37.get married to…(got-got) 38.by the end of…

39.it is a pity that… 40.six people in total

41.be recorded for the future world to hear 42.national treasures 43.make him very popular 44.by the end of his life 45.sad beauty 46.plenty of

1.伴着跳舞 2.随着唱歌


4.比起做某事更喜欢做某事 5.比起。。更喜欢做

6.在长长一周的工作之后 7.空闲时间 8.既然那样

9.给我一些思考的东西 10.不同种类的音乐

11.想要做某事 12.坚持,固守 13.依靠,取决于 14.大量;充足

15.关闭,停止运转 16.偶尔地,间或 17.使某人高兴

18.做某事的一个好方法 19.使某人做某事 20.向后坐, 21.不同种类的。。。

22.尽某人最大努力做某事 23.太…而不能。。。 24.有一个快乐的结局 25.感到更悲伤

26吐词清晰 27把….带到…… 28自己作词

29.最著名的曲子之一 30.感动某人/某人被感动 31.强烈的悲伤

32.最令人感动的曲子 33.随着它哭 34,到17岁 35.变得糟糕

36.演奏音乐挣钱 37.与…结婚 38.到…为止 39.可惜的是。。。 40.总计6六人

41.被记录下来,得以传世 42.国宝

43.是他很受欢迎 44.到晚年 45.凄美 46.大量的



2.我喜欢能跟着唱歌的音乐。 3.我喜欢声音不吵的音乐。 4.你喜欢什么种类的音乐?


6.如果你有空闲时间,你想要和我一块去看电影吗? 7.既然这样,我会问问有谁喜欢严肃的电影。 8.我更喜欢能让我思考的电影。9.大笑两个小时是放松的好方式。

10.我可以只是关闭我的大脑,舒服的做好,高兴的观看一位总是及时拯救世界的令人激动的超级英雄。 1. I like music that I can dance to.

2. I like music that I can sing along with. 3. I like music that isn’t too loud. 4.what kind of music do you like? 7.In that case, I’ll ask someone who likes serious movies. 8. I prefer movies that give me something to think about. 9.Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax.

10.I can just shut off my brain, sit back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero who always saves the world just in time.


1. His father was dead, and he could not get away from his A. loneliness B. sadness C. inspiration D. wound

2. Emily preferredTV at home to

A. to watch; go B. watching; going C. watching; go D. to watch; going

3. I don’t know if Mr. Smith shut A. offB. downC. up D. on 4. the name suggests, the city is very beautiful. A. AsB. For C. WithD. At 5. —It’s necessary for usa balanced diet. —I agree with you.

A. have B. to haveC. havingD. has 6. The food tastes. I want to eat more.

A. wellB. bad C. badlyD. good 7. —What kind of teachers do you like? —.

A. I like my English teacher B. I like those who are friendly C. The teacher is outgoing D. The teacher is strict with me

8. My mother likes soft and gentle music. She says itvery nice. A. tastes B. looksC. soundsD. feels 9. (2013·福州中考)—Do you know Mo Yan?


—Of course. He is the famous writer A. who B. whom C. which

10. —Let’s go to see the art exhibition in the gallery. —A. Good idea! B. Don’t worry.C. You’re welcome! D. I’d love to.



Many Chinese people these days leave the countryside to _____86________ work in the cities. ______87___ them is 46-year old Zhongwei. With a hard job in a factory,. he can’t find time to return to his hometowm, but he always regards with great interest how his hometown____88___________. “ In my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school. It has become quite a ___89_______ of the place.”he said. He thinks his hometown is still the place that ____90________ all his childhood memories.


Think the air in your city a little polluted? Then you may feel like ____91_______ in some pure air from a can. This is not an April Fool’s joke, but a real venture(大胆的项目) started by Chinese businessman ,Chen Guangbiao and believe it or not, he ______92________ thousand cans already of $0.8 a piece!

The cans can be seen in the stores in some of China’s big cities like Shanghai. The air in the cans _____93_______ from the few areas of the country that still have unpolluted air. It may seem like a simple thing.

As you may have guessed by now, Chen Guangbiao has come up with this rather strange business to make a bigger point: Help our country solve the air pollution problem. But people also_________94_____bottling water a strange idea once upon a time. Today , it is such a normal part of our daily lifves that we think nothing of buying it.

We all think if we all continue to ignore(忽视) air pollution, fresh air ____95___ as usual as bottling water in our shopping baskets.


96.Tina does very well in her English exam.(改为一般疑问句) ______ Tina _______ very well in her English exam? 对画线部分提问) ______ _____ does Bob go to the movies?

98. “What will you be like in ten years ?” she asked. (改写句子, 句意不变) She asked me ______ I ________ be like in the future.

99 When I saw the old photos, I could think of my classmates in the past. (改写句子, 句意不变)

The old photos __________ me ___________ my classmates in the past.

100.She forgot to write the date of the cheque before he handed it to the assistant.(改写句子,句意不变) The date of the cheque was______ ________before it was handed to the assistant.


1. 中考在即,继续努力,你的梦想就会实现。

The High School Entrance Examination is coming. Keep trying and your dreams will ____________ _____________. 2. 节假日出行时,应该避开那些拥挤的地方。

We are _____________ to _____________ the crowded places when we take a trip on holidays. 3. 70年前,中国人民在世界爱好和平与正义的国家和人民的支援下,取得了抗日战争的彻底胜利.

Seventy years ago, Chinese people __________________________by the nations and peoples who love peace and justice and achieved the complete victory of the Anti-Japanese War. 4. 比起恐怖电影来我妈妈更喜欢喜剧。My mother ______ comedies _______ thrillers. 5. 这首歌使我想起了中国。 This song __________ me ________ China.

6. Carmen远离甜的食品。

7. 据报道, 蔬菜有益健康。________ vegetables are good for health.

IV.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10


An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He was busy taking care of his in the garden all the time.

One day a young man passed by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be he lived in such a beautiful place. Then he found the old gardener was blind. He was very old man, “You can’t see these flowers. Why are you busy taking care of them every day?”

The old man smiled and said, “I have four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this ’t see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can the sweetness of them. As for the last one, that’s you.”

“Me? But you don’t know ” said the young man.

“Yeah, it’s true that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers can bring happiness.”

The blind old man’s work made other people happy, and it made himself happy. It was just like Beethoven, one of the greatest musicians in history. Beethoven wrote a lot of great music, but there was something wrong his ears in his later life. Beethoven himself couldn’t his wonderful music, but his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. 56. A. trees B. animalsC. vegetables D. flowers 57. A. if B. soC. but D. before 58. A. relaxedB. excitedC. angry D. surprised 59. A. boyB. job C. bookD. movie 60. A. workB. help C. smell D. smoke 61. A. you B. me C. him D. her 62. A. everybodyB. somebody C. anybodyD. nobody 63. A. stillB. alsoC. only D. never 64. A. to B. for C. on D. with 65. A. read B. see C. hear D. find
