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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-11 07:04 | 移动端:信任用英语怎么说

篇一:信 任

信 任








篇二:高中英语 365天交际口语详解(1) 信任Part1 惯用单句详解


人与人之间,相互信任是不可缺少的。爱情和婚姻尤其需要信任,只有相互信任,才能维持长久的幸福,本文中的Amy 最终就意识到了这一点。


信 任 第1节 态度表达 第1章 态度意愿

看来可信。Seem believable.

○ Sounds true.


★ believable a. 可信的

我相信你。I believe you.

○ I have faith in you.


○ I have confidence in you.


★ faith n. 信任,信心

★ confidence n. 信心

我绝对信任你。I trust you implicitly.

= I have the utmost faith in you.

★ implicitly ad. 绝对地,不怀疑地

★ utmost a. 极度的

我完全信任你。I trust you completely.

= I have the complete faith in you.

★ completely ad. 完全地,彻底地(complete是形容词)

我相信你的话。I take your word for it.

= I believe what you said.

= I think what you said is true.

我完全相信他的能力。I have great belief in his ability.

★ belief n. 信任,信心

★ ability n. 能力,才干

我对此没什么疑问。I have no doubt about it.

= There’s no doubt in my mind.


= There’s not a doubt in my mind.

★ doubt n. & v. 怀疑,疑惑

我再相信你一次。I will trust you one more time.

○ This is the last time I trust you. 这是我最后一次相信你了。 我们可以指望他的。We can count on him.

= We can bank on him.

● count on “依靠,指望”

● bank on “指望,信赖”

FUN 轻松:看图

The alarm clock didn't go off?闹钟没有响?

You're late again!你又迟到了!




小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/?tid=16-73374-0 How Can You Tell if People Really Trust You?


And does it really matter?


There is a lot of discussion about trust these days. People are generally less trusting, tending to be more reserved and guarded about what they share and whom they share it with. We have seen many very public breaches of trust and deep down that is a fear most of us have.


When working with people, either as clients or colleagues, not being trusted can have dire consequences. It can result in lower client loyalty, less referrals, more client issues around billing, delivery of services and even fairly public backlashes on social media.


Today we see entire industries that struggle with being trusted, due in no small part to their previous actions. Once trust is lost, it is very hard to regain.


So how can you tell is someone really trusts you? Over the years I have found that trust can be determined by the type of information that people share with you. The more personal the information the more trusting the person is of you. This might sound obvious, but do you really stop to consider what those around you are sharing or perhaps trying to share but you are missing their hints.


Sharing personal information is a sign of their vulnerability. This is the kind of information that if shared to outside parties could result in them being embarrassed or even humiliated, or it might even have a direct impact on how their colleagues view them. This in turn could cause problems with career growth or even employment, depending on what the information that was revealed.


We might share private information because it's in our best interest. For example we tend to trust our Doctor, realizing that it makes sense to share information that could ultimately have an impact on our health. But to tell someone

we work with, or someone who is advising us, something personal, is a big step and a leap of faith.


What if someone confides in you, but only to share gossip about someone in the office? Does this mean they trust you? Not really. This is more a conspiratorial move, where sharing gossip is done to build rapport.


Personally I use the information that people share with me as a way to measure if I am trusted or not. If they are opening up and being very authentic and vulnerable, airing their own perceived faults and failings, I do everything in my power to respect the trust they have shown and I would never, ever do anything to betray it.


When it comes to sharing gossip, negative comments about other people, I don't engage. I send a very clear message that I am not interested in that kind of talk and I find that the gossipers soon realize this, they stop gossiping to me and

start having far more authentic conversations.


The bottom line is that being trusted enough for others to confide in you at a personal level is a very good thing, in every way. Respect this trust, you have earned it. Over time it can become the backbone of your professional and personal reputation.


