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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-11 07:02 | 移动端:掌握,英语翻译


Children especially are hungry for reassurance, and the want of kindly appreciation in childhood can endanger the growth of character. A young mother told the Reverend A. W. Beaven of a heart-aching incident: “My little daughter often misbehaves and I have to rebuke her. But one day she had been especially good, hadn’t done a single thing that called for reprimand. That night, after I tucked her in bed and started downstairs, I heard her sobbing. Turning back, I found her head hidden in the pillow. Between sobs she asked, ‘Haven’t I been a pretty good girl today?’ 孩子们尤其渴望鼓励。童年时如果得不到善意的赞赏,将会危及性格的发展。一位年轻妈妈向A·W·比文牧师讲述了一件让人伤心的事:“我的小女儿常常不听话,我不得不批评她。但是有一天,她特别乖,没有做一件会挨批评的事。当天晚上,我给她盖好被子、准备下楼时,听见她在抽泣。我走回去,发现她把头埋在枕头里。她一边呜咽一边问:‘难道我今天还不够乖吗?’”

“That question,” said the mother, “went through me like a knife. I had been quick to correct her when she did wrong, but when she had tried to behave I had not noticed it. I had put her to bed without one word of appreciation.”

“那个问题,” 那位妈妈说,“像把刀一样刺痛了我。当她做错事时,我总是急于纠正,可是当她努力表现得好些时,我却没有注意。我哄她睡觉时连一句称赞的话都没有。”

Students are not prisoners or employees. Teachers with little talent for the job assume that they are working with a captive audience that must follow orders, but they’re wrong. Young people may be required by the state to attend school until the age of 16, but no one can force someone to learn. Students are essentially volunteers, and great teachers know that students must be emotionally engaged to learn effectively.Emotional engagement is a process, and it starts with a psychological connection. That emotion can’t be mandated. Fortunately, young people are innately curious — and curiosity is the first step toward that connection.


Teachers in general love to see young people learn and enjoy the challenging students most. But good teachers don’t set high expectations. (This might come as a surprise!) Rather they set the right expectations for each student. Talented teachers have an innate sense of what those expectations should be. 一般来说,教师喜欢看到年轻人学习,最欣赏具有挑战性的学生。但好教师不会设定过高的期望。(这也许使人感到吃惊!)相反,他们为每位学生设定合适的期望。有才能的教师对什么是合适的期望有着一种天生的直觉。

Ryan wasn’t always a film-shooting jungle adventurer. He lived in Wisconsin until he was 10. That’s when he, his parents, and his two younger brothers voted unanimously to move to Costa Rica — one of the world’s areas of greatest biodiversity. Costa Rica forms a land bridge between North America and South America, so animals and plants from both continents found a home there. The country’s wide variety of habitats — including forests, mountains, coasts, and swamps — supports 500,000 species. Ryan says, “If you were to come to visit me in Costa Rica, you might be surprised to see monkeys in the trees around our house, or giant iguanas walking around, or parrots flying overhead.”


Before they moved, the brothers were already hooked on nature shows featuring stars like Jeff Corwin, Steve Irwin, and the Kratt brothers. “After watching those shows, we’d go outside and pretend we were those guys, looking for nature,” Ryan says. “Then we moved to Costa Rica, and we sort of really were those guys! We decided we could do our own show and inspire other kids to get outside and explore.” The boys write the scripts and host the show, while their dad handles the camera and their mom directs and produces.

搬离威斯康星州之前,兄弟几个就已经被杰夫·科温、 斯蒂夫·欧温以及克雷特兄弟等明星主播的自然节目所吸引。“看了那些节目,我们走出户外,假装自己是那些明星去探索自然,”赖安说道,“后来,我们搬到哥斯达黎加,好像真的变成了那些明星!我们认为我们可以制作自己的节目,激励别的孩子也走出去探索自然。”兄弟几个负责创作剧本、主持节目,父亲负责摄影,母亲负责编导和制作。

It was a brilliant, hot day on the Seattle waterfront, with unspoilt views across the bay to outlying islands. 这是西雅图海边阳光明媚、赤日炎炎的一天,穿越海湾能一眼望见远处的岛屿,其自然美景没有受到任何破坏。

Just beyond a stretch of grass where people lay with books and lovers, came the melody of live unaccompanied singing. It turned out to be four men outside a cafe singing a love song about Cupid, each with different voice ranges, and a deep, swaying crowd, clapping along.

人们躺在一片草坪上看书或和恋人相依,一阵充满活力的无伴奏的歌声从草坪 的另一端传了过来。原来是一家咖啡馆外面有4位男子正在唱着一首关于丘比特的情歌,每个人都有着不同的音域。围了几圈的人群正摇摆着身体合着节奏拍手。

The Starbucks logo of the cafe struck me as a little old-fashioned until someone mentioned that this was the first Starbucks ever opened anywhere in the world. 这家咖啡馆的星巴克徽标让我觉得有一点过时,直到有人提到这是世界上第一家开张的星巴克时我才恍然大悟。

I had come to Seattle because of a recent survey by the Centre for Economic Performance in London, on how easy or difficult it was to get rich in different parts of the world — or if not rich, at least move out of poverty.


First love, I thought, may register in the blood with dizzying effect, but the love that endures takes up residence in the soul. In this way, love becomes something far more powerful than bone and flesh. It completes us, gives us the wholeness we need to navigate safely through life.


I could have watched my wife for hours as the waves broke and advanced toward her bare feet. In a world sometimes marred by hurt and anguish, I felt profoundly grateful that the sun had risen for me on such a love. I could feel it now flowing from me to her and back to me again, joined everywhere, complete, like the seas, and a harbor against all tempests.


谚语:It is universally acknowledged that ______, which means that _____. Even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we ________ . Actually, ____ is the key to success. Therefore, no one can neglect the great importance of ______.

举例论证:Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. The best illustration might be English study. It is ____ practice that enables a learner to get a good command of pronunciation. Similarly, only by ____ can we acquire a basic grasp of grammar. It is a fact that the process of other skills is no exception.

In short, laying a solid foundation is essential if we want to make achievements in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. At every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step. And what we should bear in mind is that _____________.

解决问题Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that ________ has/ have become a grave problem with which modern citizens are confronted. As far as I know, there are some ______. Apparently enough, we can find numerous examples in our society/campus. However, what makes many people worried is that this issue has not aroused enough concern.

As far as I am concerned, there are numerous factors accounting for the phenomenon mentioned above, but the following might be the critical ones. First and foremost, ________ Besides, ________. Last but not least, _______ .

Based on the above analysis, we can naturally come to a safe conclusion that ______ As modern college students, it is our responsibility to shoulder the burden of inheriting and developing cultural heritage/ constructing our nation’s future. Therefore, it is essential that we should _______. Besides, in order to ____, we should try to _____. Only by doing so can we become qualified talents to make great contributions to our homeland.

话题:When it comes to______, opinions differ from one to another.

支持观点There are a number of individuals who hold the positive view. They believe that______They believe that _____ is advantageous for. What makes them convinced is that ______In addition, they claim that _______.

反对观点Others, however, hold the opposite view. They maintain that it is unnecessary/not indispensible to _______ . One reason they cite is that ______ . Another significant cause is that ________

From my point of view, ______ itself is neither good nor bad. For our human being, nothing is more important than making best use of it. We need _____ in our daily life, but we should never be slaves of ____.

图表It can be seen from the chart that there have been sharp/slight increases/decreases in the number of people travelling abroad in City X in the past decade. As the statistics shows/indicates, the year XX witnessed ?. However, ?.

There are a number of factors accounting for/responsible for the change, but the following are the most critical ones. First of all, ? In addition / What is more / Additionally, ? Last but not least, ?

In a word / To conclude / In conclusion, this chart/pie-chart/form/table/graph/ the above statistics is a perfect indicator of ? what makes me convinced is that ?





一提到语法,很多的英语初学者就一个头八个大。究其原因,本身汉语的思维和英语的思维有很大的差异,西方人的思维方式和东方人思维方式亦不同,我们中国人比较侧重综合思维、形象思维,其思维方式属螺旋形,比较注重事物发展的过程和方式,而西方人偏重分析思维和逻辑思维,他们的思维方式属线性思维,注重因果效应,多考虑事物发展的结局和后果,其语言模式偏重事件发生的先后顺序,并依此组织设计段落情节,文章篇章结构层次感、独立性强。例如,英语文章中大量使用诸如and, but, or, so, if, when, while等连接词语使文路清晰明了;而中文句子之间不象英文篇章有那么多连词,是靠语义的自然衔接、前后连贯、上下呼应来表达一个完整的意思。有时中国人做文章还常讲究“不言而喻”,叫西方人摸不着头脑。如果我们按照中文思维组织句子,又不会熟练地使用这些连接词,让英美人读起来势必会有信息梗塞感,觉得生搬硬套、模糊不清。其实我们学英语文法感到吃力,老外学我们的中文文法更难,不是说中文是世界上最难的语言吗?所以我们要相信我们中文那么难的文法都能运用自如,更何况英文呢,只需要掌握英文文法规则,并加强理解,灵活运用,一定能熟能生巧。



德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,185-1909),他在1885年发表了他的实验报告,首先,实验者记忆100个生单词。














Day 1:






Day 2:



Day 5:







1、Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia, there has been foreign languages fervor in china, with English on top of the list.


2、Is English such a difficult language that it really demands people to invest a large amount of time and energy before it is mastered?

英语真的有这么难,需要人们投 入大量的时间和精力才能掌握吗?

3 、From my personal experience, I think learning English means far more than learning its pronunciation, grammatical rules, etc.

从我个人的经验来看, 英语学习不仅仅是指学 习英语发音和语法规则 等。

4、Without a complete understanding of the language, the English a foreigner speaks will inevitably sound strange or even unintelligible though there is not anything wrong with his pronunciation, sentence structure and the words he uses.

对英语没有全 面的理解,即便有完美 的发音、句子结构、措词,一个外国人所讲的 英语也会是稀奇古怪甚 至难以理解的。

5、Social customs and habits contribute to the difficulty in learning a foreign language. 社会风俗习惯增加了学习外 语的难度。

6、By the same token, "Have you eaten?”will sound to native English speakers that the Chinese are so hospitable that they invite people to meals off-handedly.

由于同样的原因,英语母语者听到"吃了吗", 会觉得中国人非常好 客,在事先毫无准备的 情况下会请人吃饭。

7 、The foreigner will respond "Oh, it's very nice of you. When?", if he happens to have a craving for Chinese cooking and has not had his dinner yet.

如果这位外国人此刻正希望品尝一下中国 美食,而且又碰巧没有 吃饭,他会回答:"太好 啦,什么时候"

8、Chinese has nothing in common with English and China had little contact with the Western world in modern history.

汉字和英语这两种文字 毫无共同之处,并且中 国和西方世界在近代史 上很少

9 、 The background knowledge of English fascinates large numbers of interested and determined English learners but at the same time disheartens quite a few.

英语背景知识既吸引了大量英语爱好者, 也使许多人丧失信心。

10 、The Western and Oriental values are found to be in confrontation in learning English. 英语学习中,东西方价值观 念是冲突的。

11 、 Native English speakers are more gender blind when they mention their cousins. 在涉及表亲的时候,英语母语的人更容易混淆性别。

12、A Chinese English learner can not have a good command of English unless he overcomes the cultural barriers in learning English.



1、It was the first time I' d gone back home since coming to the United States. 这是我来美国后第一次回家探亲。

2、You speak on matters that are of concern only to men.


3 、Through my association with Americans during the past six years, I had gradually adopted some of their ways.


4、I no longer belong to the old world and the new world has not yet accepted me. 我不再属于旧世界,但还未被新世界接纳。

5、I no longer consider Hong Kong my home and feel homeless.


6、Things had changed so much in Hong Kong that I didn't recognize parts of it. 香港发生了巨大的变化,有些地方都认不出来了。

7、I cut my visit short by three weeks and came back to the United States.


8 、 They gradually became less warm and friendly toward me.


9、My mother prepared a special dinner in my honor.


10、They don't take a silent back seat during a discussion.

在讨论中, 他们不会做一个沉默的旁观者。

11、Coming back here didn’t lessen my confusion and pain.


12、The houses on the street where I used to live had been torn down and replaced by office buildings.

我曾经住的 那条街上的房子被拆掉了,代之而起的是办公大楼。


1、Never desert him when your friend is in the trouble.


2、To improve national economy is the government's consistent policy.


3、China took a stand on these issues. 中国在这问题上标明了立场。

4、It is wrong to ignore their suggestions. 不理睬他们的建议是不对 的。

5、I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 我总是先开始工作,而不愿把事情留到最后才做。

6、Please see (to it) that my children are taken good care of when I am away.


7、The precise meaning of one word can only be defined from the context.


8、The instruction of the policeman set the convict on the right path.

警察的教育使这个罪犯走上 了正路。

9 、 Nowadays, many people commit illegal acts in the name of science.


10 、These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only.

这种车票(仅 在发售当天)有效。

11、You don't have any authority for entering this house, It's private.

你们没有任何权力进入这 所房子,这是私宅。

12、I hope you will give favorable consideration to my suggestion.


13、Many of us no longer have the peace of mind necessary to a quiet hour with a book.


14、A person with a book is a real person alive on the earth;

手不释卷是 (活在世上)真正的人。


1、在你怒火爆发之前, 深吸一口气,记住:怒气伤身。

Before you lose your temper, take a deep breath and remember this: Anger hurts.

2、释放或抑制怒气,其后果没什么两样,两者对你的健康造成的影响 是一样的。It doesn't matter whether you release the anger or hold it in. The effects on your health are the same.

3、一个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去- 要尽量当场就控制住你的怒火。

A rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene--work to put your anger on hold right then and there.


We should practice understanding people who have done us minor wrongs, and think of the problems as having been caused by the situations, not the people.


Many people who are angry don’t recognize themselves as angry.


The good news is that it is possible to control your anger.


The better able you are to accept them, the less angry you'll be.


As you know that the grocery store is crowded on weekends, you can shop after work.


You can ask yourself the following questions to measure your anger quotient.


A customer wheeling a full cart cuts ahead of you.

11、当你觉得怒火中烧快要爆发了,采取"改变它"或是"接受它" 的策略。 When you feel anger welling up, take a change-it or accept-it approach.

12、如果你对一次已经 过去很久的小挫折依然耿耿于怀,是时候释怀了。 If you still remember a minor infraction long after it happened, it's time to let go.


1、你曾经在浓雾茫茫的 时候??过海上吗那时候会有这样的感觉:周 围是白茫茫的一片,什麽也看不见。轮船焦急 万分又小心翼翼地摸索着靠近海岸。

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore?


The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.


On the afternoon of that exciting day, I guessed vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen.

4、我感到有人朝我走 来,以为是妈妈,就伸出了手。

I felt approaching footsteps. I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand.

5、有个人握住它,把我 拉了过去,紧紧地抱在怀里。这个抱我的人, 就是那个将为我揭开生活的帷幕,而且也将把 她满腔的爱倾注给我的的人。

Someone took it, and then I was caught up and held close in the arms of the person
