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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-10 07:31 | 移动端:增强体质英语翻译



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.我没想到那个曾经受到高度赞扬的钢琴家结果却令观众大失所望。(turn out)


2. (2+1+1) (2+1+1) 4. make the audience disappointing.(2+2+1)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 这位医生已经说服了很多人戒烟。(persuade)

2. 直到完成了任务,他才发现时间已经到了午夜。(Not until…)

3. 他总是毫不犹豫地提出他认为对别人有帮助的批评。(hesitate)

4. 现在就预订展览会的门票,你将有机会欣赏到众多的艺术作品。(chance)

5. 药品没有广告说得那么有效,我服了药后,没有缓解我的咳嗽。(as…as)

(2+2) 1

(2+2) 2+2) (2+1+2) (2+1+2)

I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 当地村民的善良感动了我们。(touch)

2. 过于强调个人成就是没有意义的。(point)

3. 虽然经理尽力想挽留他,但看来他去意已决。(seem)

4. 他忙于搞科研,无法腾出时间照顾家人。(So...)

5. 这些相片让我想起了那些艰苦的日子,那时,虽然困难重重,我们仍坚守着自己的目标。(when)

1.(2+2) (2+2)

(2+2) (2+2+1)


Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 看,十年前种的那棵树现在长得多高了呀!(how)

2. 你看上去很疲惫,为什么不回家好好睡一觉呢?(tired)

3. 普遍认为在公共场合大声说话是粗鲁的,应该避免。(It)

4. 二十一世纪以来,许多发达国家采取措施尽可能地吸引中国游客以拉动经济增长。 (promote)


5. 只有设定明确的人生目标并为之不遗余力地奋斗,才能实现你成为有用之才的梦想。 (Only)

1. (1+2+1)


3. (2+1+1)

4. (2+1+2)

5. 2+1+2)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 20世纪末电子产品发生了巨大的变化。(see)

2. 只有当我们将计划付诸实践,我们才有可能会成功。(Only)

3. 他是承认错误还是掩盖事实,举棋不定。(whether)

4. 新的高考改革能否减轻学生学业负担引起了教育专家们的热议。( arouse)

5.校园义卖活动不仅丰富了校园生活,还提高了学生们的组织活动能力,培养了他们团队合作精神。(In addition to)




4. 2+2+1)

5. (1+2+2)


I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

82. 千万别卷入那件事,否则你将自寻麻烦。(involve)

83. 寒冷的天气让大多数濒危动物很难在这里生存。(it)

84. 据我所知,提前预报地震仍是一个难以达到的目标。(ahead) 85. 直到高中毕业,大部分学生才开始意识到没有最好地利用在校的时间。(Not…)

86. 鼓励孩子们阅读的目的不在于读多少本书,而在于培养他们热爱读书。(lie)

(2+2) (2+2) Be sure not to get yourself involved in that matter or you will look for trouble. (1+2+1) (1+2+2)


I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

82. 18岁意味着你要对自己的言行负责了。(mean)

83. 她显出一副高兴的样子,好像什么事也没发生过。(mood)

84. 运动能增强我的体质,也能让我释放学习压力。(Not only)


85. 我们应该养成看报的习惯,因为读报有助于我们及时了解发生在国内外的各种事


86. 如果我们把英语学习看成是了解文化的一种方式,而不是一门考试学科,我们也许


1+1+2) (1+1+2) (2+2) (2+2+1) (2+1+2)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 不管你相信不相信,善于倾听并采纳别人的意见是明智的。(advisable)

2. 能否坚持自己所做的事情是一个人取得成功的重要因素之一。(persevere)

3. 在线预订出租车虽然很时尚,但许多相关问题尚待解决。(as)

4. 在北京的地铁上吃东西、抽烟或躺在座位上的人可能会被处以50至500元的罚款。(fine)

5. 有些青少年热衷于网络游戏,有时候竟然连饭都可以不吃,而且他们和家长的关系


(1+3) 5


考试内容:30个短语 30分

12个句子翻译 30分

2个段落翻译 40分





Quality never goes out of style 质量与风格共存。The sign of excellence. 凝聚典雅

A Kodak moment.就在柯达一刻。 Focus on life. 瞄准生活。

Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。 Make yourself heard.理解就是沟通。 Kids can’t wait不尝不知道,苹果真奇妙。 Never Stop Thinking! 探索未来,永无止境! For the road ahead 康庄大道。

Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota. 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。 The relentless pursuit of perfection 追求完美永无止境。

We can’t forge ahead by sticking to existing roads. 开拓进取,来源于勇于创新。

Familiarity breeds contempt. 亲不敬,熟生厌。Start ahead成功之路,从头开始。

A diamond lasts forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。

Press Advertising 报刊广告

Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广告

Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告

Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售点陈列广告

Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易会

Direct Mail Advertising 邮政广告

Cinema 电影广告

Consumer Advertising 消费者广告

Business Advertising 产业广告

Service Advertising 服务业广告

款式多样---great variety

款式新颖---fashionable(up-to-date)style/modern design

式样美观---attractive fashion

用料上乘---selected materials

做工精细---fine workmanship

手感舒适---comfortable feel

及时交货---timely delivery(guaranteed)

服务周到---courteous service

收费合理---reasonable prices

手续简便---easy and convenient order

色调雅致---elegant color

色泽悦目---smiling color

质地优良---superior quality

瑰丽多彩---pretty and colorful pattern

质量上乘---super/fine quality

甜而不腻---agreeable sweetness

花色繁多---a wide selection of colors and designs

老少良伴---good companies for children as well as adults

轻柔松软---soft and light

瑰丽多彩---pretty and colorful

穿着大方---great and tasteful

典雅大方---elegant and graceful

价廉物美---cheap and fine

安全可靠---safe and stable

设计华丽---luxurious in design

制作精巧---perfect in workmanship

色泽鲜艳---beautiful in color

香气高雅---elegant in smell

清香可口---pleasant to the palate

味美可口---agreeable to taste

品质优良---superior/excellent in quality

结构简单---simple in structure

制造简易---easy in manufacture

维修方便---convenient in maintenance

书写润滑---smooth in writing

美观大方---excellent in appearance

驰名中外---popular both at home and abroad

安全可靠---dependable in operation

工艺精湛---fine in craftsmanship

品种繁多---rich in variety

穿着舒适---comfortable to wear

携带方便---convenient to carry

维修方便---convenient to repair and maintain

操作方便---easy and simple to operate/hand

使用方便---convenient to use

价格公道---the price reasonable

交货迅速---delivery prompt

备有零件---(spare)part available

保证质量---quality guaranteed

欢迎选购---orders welcome



一晾就干---line dry

时装潮流---fashion trend

件件超凡---everything is extraordinary

样样迷人---everything tempts

历史悠久---have a long historical standing

信誉可靠---have a reliable reputation

誉满全球---win a world-wide reputation

誉满中外---enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad

增强体质---invigorate health effectively

延年益寿---prolong the life

大补元气---reinforce vital energy

益于健康---benefit your health

甘醇生津---relieve one's thirst

信誉卓著---keeps its promises

安心益气---make one feel at ease and energetic

畅销全球---sell well all over the world

久享盛誉---with a high reputation

久负盛名---with a long reputation

爽口顺喉---sensuously smooth

和醇耐味---mysteriously mellow

名贵高尚---gloriously golden

―credibility gap‖ (信用差距)

―communication gap‖ (不同年龄、阶层、 政治集团间的交流隔阂) ―development gap‖ (经济发展差距)

―missile gap‖ (导弹差距)

mad cow disease 疯牛病

cyber porn 网络色情

dispositional optimism 生性乐观

information superhighway 信息高速公路

compound talent 复合型人才

genetic engineering 基因工程

liposuction 抽脂术

lipofilling 注脂术

copyleft 任意复制改动

scalable 可增加容量的

biosafety 生物安全

Jerry project 豆腐渣工程

clone 克隆

cool 酷

hacker 黑客

talk show 脱口秀

mousse 摩丝

earthquake belt seismic belt 地震带

chain reaction 连锁反应

nuclear power plant 核电站

fuel rod 燃料棒

convert wastes into useful materials 废物利用

without loss of time 不失时机

in the long run 归根到底

Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转 势如破竹 be like splitting bamboo

Kodak is Olympic color. (Ad for Kodak ) 柯达 – 奥林匹克的颜色。 Challenge the Limits. (SAMSUNG) 挑战极限。

Think again. Think Canon. (Canon Camera) 梦寐以求是佳能。

able and willing

alteration, modification or substitution

be null and void and of no effect

insufficiency or inadequacy

loss or damage

negligence, fault, or failure in the duties and obligations

stipulations and provisions

terms or conditions

use, misuse or abuse

void and voidable

just and due

sole and absolute













current assets 流动资产; current liability 流动(短期)负债 current cost accounting 现时成本会计

current account 往来账户;活期帐户;往来账目

Industrial and commercial tax

Betterment levy

Duty for sound goods

Toll of road

Tamp duty

Tax on price of land


Income tax in charge

Copyright royalty










run across

run away

run in

run into

run into debt

run off

run out

run over

run up

run a race

run for presidency

run wild

run to the streets

run a factory

run the water off

run oil

run sb into difficulties




跑进——陷于;偶然碰见 负债

跑掉——流畅地写出(背出) 跑出——被用完,将尽 跑过——满出,溢出

跑上去——迅速积累(债款等) 参加赛跑









翻译:UNIT 1

1. 据报道,他非常富有, 是做武器交易的。(trade in) It is reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapons.

2. 任何国家的人,无论男女,都应反对战争, 因为战争会毁灭国家。(destroy)

Men or women of any country should be against war as it can destroy the country.

3. 人们称诺贝尔是一个致力于和平事业的人和一个富有爱心的人。 (a man full of)

People call Nobel a man of peace and a man full of love. 4. 在雨季渡过那条河非常危险。(cross the river)

It is very dangerous to cross the river during the raining season. 5. 他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事。(build roads through mountains)

1. Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time. 诺贝尔在最合适不过的时刻发明了他的炸药。

2. He wanted to think of the best way for people to use his money after his death.

他要慎重考虑在他逝世后让人们用最佳方式使用他的遗产。 3. The world thinks of him the way he wanted to be remembered: Nobel, a man of peace.


4. He decided that after he died, his money should be used for a prize to honor people who did great things in science, writing, and world peace. 他做出决定,在他去世之后,他的遗产应当用来奖励那些在科学、文学和世界和平等领域做出卓越贡献的人。

5. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in l90l, and they very soon became the greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields. 最早的诺贝尔奖是在1901年授予的,这种奖励不久便成为人们在上述领域所能获得的最高荣誉。


1. 因为他对各种文化和习俗感兴趣,他访问过20个国家。(all sorts of)

He has visited 20 countries, as he is interested in all sorts of cultures and customs.

2. 诺贝尔希望人们把他作为热爱和平的人来记住他。(prefer) Alfred Nobel preferred people to remember him as a man of peace.

3. 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力。(agree with)

But not everyone would agree with you that men and women have the same abilities.

4. 这是一个很好的例子,说明受妇女运动的影响语言是如何变化的。(as a result of)

That is a very good example of how the language has changed as a result of the women’s movement.

5. 两性在语言上的差异,实际上在所有语言中都有。(be present in) The differences between the sexes in language are, in fact, present in any kind of language.

1. I know you’ve written a lot about how language changes when we talk about the two sexes.


我知道,你写了很多论著, 探讨人们在谈论两性时语言如何发生变化。

2. You know English has several special words that people sometimes use when they’re talking about women.

你知道,英语中有一些特殊的词是人们谈论女性时常用的。 3. We’ve changed dozens of words describing jobs. 许多描述职业的词都改变了。

4. They might think of some silly, beautiful woman who’s more worried about her hair than she is about the play.


5. If you travel to other cultures, you’ll find all sorts of amazing things. 如果你在异国文化中徜徉,便会发现各种各样令人惊讶的事情。 Unit 3

1. 这些孩子正在设法适应新的环境。(fit into)

These children are trying to fit into their new conditions. 2. 夫妇两人打算今年庆祝结婚20周年纪念日。(celebrate)

The husband and wife are going to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary this year.

3. 这个男人喜欢看报,也喜欢照料小孩。(look after)

This man enjoys reading newspaper and looking after his child. 4. 他发现女儿正躺在床上看书。(lie in bed)

He found his daughter lying in bed and reading a book.

5. 她皮肤白皙,头发呈红色,一双碧蓝的眼睛,看上去比以前更漂亮了。(fair skin)

With her very fair skin, red hair and blue eyes, she looks more beautiful than before.

1. The three children sat in the airplane, watching the clouds clear away as the airplane went higher and higher into the sky.

三个孩子坐在机舱里,注视着云彩随着飞机升空渐渐消散开去。 2. Although their father often spent days traveling round the sheep farm looking at the sheep, grass, and fences, their mother was always there. 虽然父亲常常一连几天绕着牧羊场转来转去,照看着绵羊、草地和围栏,但母亲总是在他们身旁。

3. The day Amy learned of the car accident and her parents’ death in Sydney, she realized what it really meant to be the eldest in the family. 获悉父母在悉尼死于车祸的那一天,艾米就意识到了作为家中的长女真正意味着什么。

4. Susie was too young to realize exactly what had happened, but

through watching the other children, she knew it was something terrible. 苏茜当时年纪太小,未能确切地意识到究竟出了什么事,但通过观察其他孩子,她知道可怕的事情发生了。 in public.

艾米知道苏茜需要一个严厉的大人管教,但似乎阻止一场打斗比在众人面前驳斥她更 容易些。

5. Amy knew that she needed a firm parent, but it often seemed easier to avoid a fight than to stand UNIT 4

1. 伦敦和纽约是无法相比的,它们很不相同。(compare)

It is impossible to compare London with New York; they are quite different.

2. 他用许多科学信息来支持自己的观点。(support ... with) He supported his opinion with a lot of scientific information

3. 我们认为有必要制定禁止在公共场所吸烟的法规,并严格地加以实施。(enforce)

We think that it is needed to work out laws and rules to stop smoking in public places and to strongly enforce them.

4. 我们可以用很多事实来证明吸烟危害人体健康。(prove)

We can use many facts to prove that smoking is dangerous to people’s health.

5. 他认为建立无烟区花钱太多,太费时间。(cost too much money) He believes that creating no smoking areas would cost too much money and waste too much time.

1. He, therefore, supports the restriction of smoking in every public place, including schools, hospitals, theaters, and other work areas.


2. He takes the view that restricting smoking in public places “would set up two classes of citizens and would make many people angry”.


3. He states that people working in the some office must sit near each other, and the cost of changing offices to avoid smoke is too great. 他指出, 在同一办公室工作的人必须相距很近, 为避开烟雾而调整办公室的代价太高。

4. They fight each other, and at the same time defend their own opinions with examples, numbers, and personal experience.


5. Screvane cares about creating different classes of people in society, about money, and about time, but he never talks about public health and safety.

斯克里文关心在社会中形成不同阶层的问题,关心钱和时间的问题,但他从未谈及公众健康与公共安全问题。 UNIT 5

1. 一些顾客认为同样的东西品种繁多是件令人愉快的事。(consider) Some customers consider many varieties of one thing to be a good thing.

2. 他妻子花了太多的时间购物,可他并不介意。(spend ... doing sth.) His wife spends too much time shopping, yet he does not mind it. 3. 如今人们购物时不得不考虑环境问题,比如某一产品是否对环境有害。(such as)

Nowadays people have to consider environmental problems when shopping, such as whether a certain product is harmful to the environment.

4. 专家认为供选择的东西太多是有些人购物太多的理由之一。(pick from)

According to experts, having too many things to pick from is one of the reasons why some people buy too many things.

5.医生说如果把物质当作满足自己感觉的一种方式,那就有问题了。(be used as a way)

Doctors say when material objects are used as a way to make yourself feel better, there’s a problem

1. Having too many choices when shopping is considered by many people to be a big problem today.


2. According to one expert, people can spend a large part of their lives making decisions about what to buy.


3. One woman in New York has 187 belts in her house, and most of them have never been used or even looked at. 纽约一位女士的家中有187条腰带,其中大多数她从未用过,有的连看都没看过。

4. A man thinks that only the most expensive exercise bicycle will help improve his body, even though he already owns a lot of body-building equipment that he doesn’t use.



5. Kress’s program helps patients to change their spending habits and also tries to get to the root of the patient’s problem.


1. Having too many choices when shopping is considered by many people to be a big problem today.


2. According to one expert, people can spend a large part of their lives making decisions about what to buy.


3. One woman in New York has 187 belts in her house, and most of them have never been used or even looked at.


4. A man thinks that only the most expensive exercise bicycle will help improve his body, even though he already owns a lot of body-building equipment that he doesn’t use.


5. Kress’s program helps patients to change their spending habits and also tries to get to the root of the patient’s problem.

克雷斯的项目是要帮助病人改变消费习惯,并试图探究其问题的根源所在。 UNIT 6

1. 没有什么比为他人做好事更令人愉快了。(nothing like)

There is nothing like the happy feeling of doing good things for others. 2. 我做不出伟大的事来,但我能用爱心做些小事情。(do great things) I cannot do great things, but I can do small things with love.

3. 他常常做一些有助于同学的小事,因此很受欢迎 (popular)。(do small things) He often does small things to help his classmates. That is why he is so popular. 4. 要是为人和善友好,那么这个世界就会给你回报。(return the favor to you)

If you are kind and nice, the world will return the favor to you.

5. 那个小女孩昨天上学忘记带午餐了,一个男孩主动和她分享一个大苹果。 (offer to share)

The little girl had forgotten to take her lunch to school yesterday. A boy offered to share a big apple with her.

1. That simple act delighted my daughter so much that she was full of joy all day.

这一简单的举动使我女儿高兴不已,她那一整天都乐滋滋的。 2. Several said that it was fun and convenient to help someone with homework, or teach something, or help a person with a problem --- all good, practical ideas.

有些人说,一些事做起来不难也有乐趣,比如帮助别人完成作业,教人做事,或帮助一个人解决问题??这些都是又好又实际的想法。 3. Sometimes, apologizing for something you’ve done, or forgiving someone else, or refusing to get angry are all small acts of love.

有时,为你所做的事道歉,原谅别人,或做到不生气,都是可以表达爱心的细微举动。 4、You can also be giving by helping someone who is lost to find his way, or by . greeting someone new to your school.

为迷路的人指路,向新来的同学打招呼,你这样做也是在付出。 5、The point is, whenever you give to others, you’ll have more pride in yourself . and feel better about the world.


