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3 Fighting Fire with Fire ( Translated by class 1)

这个春天,吉姆·布伦纳将会带领几百个男男女女一起燃烧超过两百万英亩的佛罗里达的松树林。 看到这些树吗?嘶!他们烤焦了。看到那些香蒲芦苇丛吗?正在咝咝地响!他们是历史遗留下来的。那些 腐烂的圆木呢?噼啪响!不见了。布罗纳是一个纵火狂吗?实际上,他恰

巧相反:他作为佛罗里达的消防 管理员,布伦纳一直在跟火灾战斗。 但是为什么佛罗里达的顶级消防队员会焚烧森林呢?布伦纳是相信以火攻火的的人数越来越多的 土地管理者之

一。通过开始他们自己小心的控制大火——一个叫做叫做规定火烧的练习,他们希望结束像 上个夏天毁坏了五十万英亩的佛罗里达森林的森林大火灾。布伦纳还记得说: “那是一个人间地狱。假如我 们有做更多的规定火烧,我们将可以大幅度的降低那次森林火灾的损害。 ° ” 佛罗里达不是唯一一个在最近几年因为大火儿上了头条的地方。墨西哥,巴西以及印度尼西亚都曾 经遭受过他们自己的灾难性的火灾。我们是不是处在易燃的新时代的边缘?科学家警告说全球变暖(温室 气体例如二氧化碳引起的行星加热)到 2070 年可能提升地球温度 5°F。根据世界气象局的记录,在 1998 年地球表面的平均温度是最高的。一个正在逐渐变暖的行星意味着越来越低的干旱,将导致植被死亡和更 有可能的越来越热。 美国森林官员是怎样对付这个紧迫的威胁的?规定火烧曾经得到火生态学家 (研究火生态的科学家) 的广泛认可。他们也相信在凉爽的潮湿的天启让光亮的火燃烧可以减少失控的火的风险。而且消防技术在 1970 年代第一次试验是基于频繁的小火减少毁灭性的事件的风险的理论,就像上个夏天,当保持着生态系 统良好的情况下的佛罗里达的森林火灾。 在 1988 年黄石国家公园那场由闪电引发并由林业员们同意使其燃烧的大火的肆虐之后,公众情绪反对“任 其燃烧”和指定式的燃烧行为。现在,能够助燃无可控制的火苗的不断增加的森林残骸重新激发了人们在 这些消防管理策略上的兴趣。 “火对于森林来说就像阳光和甘霖, ”Brenner 说, “它们就像这个系统中简单 的一部分——它们总是能为人们所见。 ” 森林大火一出现时便将其扑灭是美国(式做法?) 。在它一个世纪前出现时便是森林服务局的单独任务。在 这些年来,美国已经发展出了一个高效率的系统,由两个卫星关注着火焰,82 架飞机和 440 架直升飞机卸 下灭火化学物质,和 1300 个“不耐热的”消防员云集在火焰周围。 在林务局干预之前,通过每 5-25 年清理森林地面积累的树叶、树枝和针叶分散由闪电引发的地表火。这些 自然大火快速地横扫森林地面却将树木完整地留了下来。林务局在消灭大火方面变得十分娴熟,但是,千 百万英亩的森林已经在过去的 75 年内没再燃烧过,或者说是没经历三个自然大火的周期。 被剥夺了火焰之后,从纽约的安第让达克山到华盛顿的奥林匹克半岛的地形地貌已经处在引人注目的改变 之中:季节性生长的空地被树木覆盖,沼泽被植物填满、干涸。树冠下的开放地区,即林下叶层,被大量 厚实的植物所阻挡。 “这将是一个大火危险! ”爱达荷州的大火生态学家 Leon Neuenschwander 宣布说。 “它 比我女儿 15 时的床还要糟糕。 ” 植被积累的越久,发生破坏性大火的可能性就越高。矮树丛一年年的积聚,会被闪电或者粗心于看管 的营火点燃,这可能会导致更剧烈、迅速蔓延的大火比它自然发生的时候。1994 年靠近洛杉矶的深林大火 达到一个灼热的温度 2552°F/1400°C,这个温度已经足够热去点燃高速公路上的沥青。 ) 那些熊熊大火,例如被熟知的树冠火,一下子迅速就消灭整片树林。树冠火燃烧的非常剧烈而且程度

深,破坏到树木的根部。土壤没有了根部的固定,大雨侵蚀表层土,从而将它们扫入河流中。我们支付了 在森林防火上数十年,美国地址调查局的 Karl Brown 说。

为了减少不充足规定的火灾,林务官点燃有指定的火。那些活将矮树丛和落下的树枝扫除,从而夺去 下次大火有危险的燃料。火舌不会爬到树顶上去。树根不会被破坏,所以树存活了下来。


去年,林务局和一些其他部门有意地点燃了无数的区域。”它是一种艺术形式,不是科学”,Jason Greenlee,林野火灾国际协会执行董事在华盛顿斯波坎市说。下面是他们如何做规定的燃烧: 组织者选择一个有天然防护墙的站点,像是一条路或者溪流,火不能穿过这站点传播。在干燥无风的一 天,燃烧组会小心的带着手持滴风把,通过一条油绳或者一些带着渺小和稳定的火焰的绳索装满着柴油和 石油的大号装水罐。这些人带着一串火滴通过一到几千亩的地方。第一安全规则是:提前进入风。这样, 如果风突然刮起, 它就会把火吹回到原先被烧过的地方或者破裂线, 在这里他就会因为缺少燃料而被熄灭。 当然,常规的火有时也会烧得失去控制。在这样的情况下,受燃烧威胁的组员可以逃到遮火的地方(由 箔和可以反射热的玻璃纤维薄板做成的像帐篷一样的设备里) 到那时地面上的管理者宁愿现在去面对小的 。 风险而不是明天的大风险。 虽然大多数人仍然将火视为灾害,但火焰实际上帮助着森林。记得超过三分之一被火烧过的黄石头国际 公园 2.2 百万英亩的土地吗?现在在公园里,10000 颗膝盖高的松树苗生长在每英亩中。 “它们生长的像草 一样” ,Brow 说。种子大的萌发使森林恢复了活力。 现在还太早以致还不知道佛罗里达被烧过的土地是否会一样的重生。无论如何,政府承若会实行一项新 的“用火对付火”的政策。对于所有的自然森林,这个窍门是去找正确的平衡。既然这样,风的好处是要 权衡保护人民生命与财产的需要。 想象斯摩基熊一手拿着铁锹,另一手拿着滴液点火器的样子。

3.Fighting fire with fire (Translated by class 2) 今年春天,Jim Brenner 将带领男女共百人去佛罗里达焚烧两百万英亩的松树林去看那些树?嘘,是焚 烧。 那些香蒲芦苇丛, 咝咝地响!他们都已经成为了历史, 那古老的原木砍伐, 噼啪响! 过去了。 难道 Brenner 是个纵火狂?事实上,刚好相反,作为佛罗里达火灾管理机构的一名管理者,Brenner 治理者火灾。 那么为什么佛罗里达的消防队员要点燃树林呢?bernner 是日益壮大的支持以火治火的土地管理员队伍 中的一员,通过开展他们人为地谨慎控制火焰(即一个叫做规定火烧的措施)来断绝像去年夏天毁坏了 50 万英亩佛罗里达的巨大无情的野火, “这是人间地狱”Bernner 回忆到,如果我们早进行更多的规定火烧, 那么我们就可以很大程度上减少这种灾害。


Fighting Fire with Fire

以火攻火 (Translated by class 3)

今年春天,吉姆布瑞那将带领数以百计的男人和女人烧 200 多亩的弗拉瑞尔的松树林。 看到那些树了吗? 嘘!它们已经被烤焦了那些香蒲芦苇丛,斯斯的想,它们已经是过去的了。那些老圆木,噼里啪啦的响着, 消失了。布瑞那是个放火狂吗?事实上,他只是个反对者,

作为弗拉瑞尔管理火的管理员,吉姆布瑞和大 火抗争。 那么为什么弗拉瑞尔的最高层与火抗争的人放火点燃森林?吉姆布瑞是相信以火制火土地管理局里的新增 成员。通过开始他们自己小心的控制火焰——一个叫做规定放火的实践——他们希望结束巨大的野火。 “它 是地球上的地域”吉姆布瑞记得。如果我们更多的规定放火,我们会很大程度上减小危害。 弗拉瑞尔不是最近几年唯一一个因为大火上新闻的地方,莫斯科,巴西,印度尼西亚都已经遭受了毁灭性 火灾。 我们在易燃地区的边缘地区吗?科学家警, 示温室效应能提升地球温度, 2070 年会提升 3 度。 到 1998 年地球的表面温度是有记录以来的最高温度,气象组织说。一个温暖的地球的暗示着更多的旱灾,反过来 说会让植被更容易旱更容易引发火灾。 美国森林官方怎么回应燃烧的危险?规定的火得到了美国生态专家的认可。他们都相信让火在凉爽潮湿的 天气里自然燃烧会降低失控火的概率。 管理火的组织第一次实践在 1970 年基于频繁的小火会减少毁灭性的 大火同时保持生态健康理论,像去年弗拉瑞尔的大火。


在 1998 年国家地质公园的火灾之后,那场火被光亮点燃,被允许燃烧森林和公共设施,反对肆意燃烧,支 持规定燃烧。现在,燃烧过的森林碎片能不受控制的燃烧引起了那些控制火的策略者的兴趣。 “火对于森林 的重要性和阳光对于雨一样, ”布瑞纳说, “它们是系统的一部分——它们一直存在。 ” 燃烧问题 在大约一个世纪以前,美国森林组织服务的基本使命是当发现森林火开始燃烧时就立刻踩灭它。多年 以来,它已经发展成为一个高效的系统,拥有两个卫星来监察火焰,82 架飞机和 440 架直升机用来倾倒灭 火化学原料,1300 个消防人员云集在火焰周围。 在森林服务组织干涉之前,每隔 5 至 25 年,零星的地面火燃烧,快速地扫清了森林地面上积累的树 叶,枝条以及针叶。这些自然火立刻扫除穿过森林地面但树却未受损害。森林服务组织已经如此熟练快速 消灭这些火,但是,在过去 75 年里,数百万英亩都没有燃烧,或者说 3 个火的自然周期。 消灭了火,从纽约的阿迪朗达克山到华盛顿的奥林匹克半岛的风景已经经历引人注目的改变:从前 树的周围长满了草,现在变成了空地。湿地种植了植物或者干涸。在树冠下面开放的地方以干涸,塞满粗 壮凌乱的植物而著名。 “这是火的根源! ”爱荷兰大学的生态学者莱昂-纽温舒瓦德惊呼到。 “这个更糟糕比 我女儿的卧室当她 15 岁时。 植物积累的越长,火灾的破坏性越大,常年积累的矮树丛被快速点燃或者粗心照管,火会燃烧的更 热,比自然火扩散的更快。 (1994 年在洛杉矶附近的大火达到一个灼热的 2552 华氏/1400 摄氏度,热量足 以点燃公路上的沥青。 这些熊熊大火——以树冠火出名——立刻将整个一片树燃烧。树冠火燃烧的如此之大以至于破坏了 树根。没有树根固定土壤,大雨侵蚀表层土冲进河里, “我们正在为所有这些护林熊扑灭的火付出代价, ” 美国地质学调查家卡尔-布朗说。 让它燃烧 为了减少严重火灾的发生,护林人会点燃一些规定以内的小火。这些火把灌木丛以及掉落的树枝都燃烧殆 尽,从而清理掉可能产生下次火灾的危险的燃料。这些小火不会烧到树顶,树根也不会被损坏,树木得以 保存。 去年,林业局和其他机构故意烧毁百万英亩土地。“这是一种艺术形式,而不是科学。”华盛顿斯波坎市 国际野地火灾协会的执行理事 Jason Greenless 说。以下是他们制造规定以内大火的方式: 组织者选择一个地点作为自然防火线,就像一条路或者一条溪流,以防止火势蔓延。在干燥无风的一天, 点火人员越过防火线,到达一个仔细选出的地点。他们手持火把,带着装满柴油和石油的特大号的罐子。 罐子上有灯芯或者油绳作为引信,只要一个稳定的小火苗就能点燃。点火人员点起一连串的火,火势就从 一个地方燃烧至几千英亩。安全守则第一条:顺风。要是风向突变,大火就会被刮回先前烧过的地方,或 者被刮回到防火线,大火就会因为缺乏燃料而熄灭掉。 当然,规定

以内放的火有时也会失控。在某些情况下,被火势威胁的人员可以逃进火灾避难所,像是幕状 箔制的设备和可反射热量的玻璃纤维薄板。尽管如此,土地的管理者宁愿冒现在的小风险也不愿冒将来的 大风险。 火灾之后 尽管大多数人仍然把火视为灾害,可它实际上帮助了森林。还记得那场烧掉了黄石公园三分之一有两百多 万英亩的自然大火么?而今天的公园里,每亩一万棵的膝盖高的黑松树苗正在茁长成长。Brown 说:“它 们像草一样快速生长,使森林恢复活力”。 想知道弗罗里达州的焚烧地区是否会有相似的重生太简单了。不管如何,政府说“以火制火”的政策是有 保证的。对于大自然,关键是要保持平衡。出于此,也要权衡好火灾带来的效益跟群众生命财产安全之间 的冲突。 想象一下斯摩基熊一手铁铲一手火炬的形象吧。



5. The Car We Had to Push ( Translated by class 2 ) 许多传记作者, 包括 Lincoln Steffents 和 Gertrude Atherton 他们, 都形容过自己家庭所经历过的地震。 我没有办法做到这个,因为我的家庭从来没有经历过地震,但是在哥伦比亚我们经历过很多像地震一样严 重的事。 我特别记得我们家的老 Reo 车在撞击过后不能前行, 除非你快速地推它然后突然松开离合器踏板。 曾几何时,我们只要用曲柄启动,发动机就可以很容易地发动起来,但是我们使用这辆车已经很多年了, 最后只有推它并且松开离合器它才能启动。 当然, 这必须要两个人以上才能完成, 有时这需要五到六个人, 而且要受到路面情况好坏的制约。这辆车很不寻常,它的离合器踏板和刹车踏板是同一个,这使得发动机 在启动后很容易熄火,于是又需要再次推车。 我爸爸因为推车曾得过胃病,并且经常发作导致不能去上班。他从来都不喜欢这个机器,即使是在它 还没坏的时候,在二十年前以及后来分享我对汽车的无知与怀疑。以前跟我一起上学的男生可以识别出每 一辆经过的车:Thomas Flyer, Firestone-Colunbus,Stevens Duryea,Rambler, Winton,White Steamer, 等等。 我从来不行。 我曾感兴趣的唯一一辆车是 “随时准备者” ——我们这么叫他——曾驾驶着环城的车: 在车门的后面有一个大红魔。这个“随时准备者”是一个瘦长的,头发蓬乱的老绅士,有着狂野的眼神和 低沉的声音,他曾经通过扩音器朝别人喊叫说要为世界末日做准备。 “随时准备!随时准备! ”他这样咆哮。 “世界末日要来了! ”他四处散发这令人吃惊的警告,像夏天的雷声一样,在最意想不到的时间和最令人惊 讶的地点。 我关于这辆车最快乐的回忆之一是在它的第八年,我的弟弟罗伊从厨房搜集了许多东西,并且把它们 放在一帆布里,然后用绳子把这块布拴住放在车底下以便突然地一拉或一扯,这块帆布就突然散开,伴随 着钢铁一类的东西朝街上发出连续的咔哒声。这是我弟弟罗伊惊吓我父亲的一个小计谋,他过去一直希望 这辆车能够发出巨大的爆炸声。它起了完美的作用。那是 25 年前的事情了,但那是我一生中极少数想再来 一次的事如果我能的话。我并没有假设现在我能。罗伊突然地拉绳子是在一个可爱下午的中间时段,在第 十八街道的布莱登路。父亲在那时已经双眼闭合了然后随着帽子的掉落正享受着一阵凉爽的微风。路上发 出的连续不断的咔哒声非常有效:刀﹑叉﹑开瓶器|﹑派盘﹑锅盖﹑饼干切坯器﹑长柄勺﹑打蛋器。漂亮的 聚在一起降落在地上伴随着一阵持续不断的坠落嘈杂声。〝停止动这辆车!〞父亲吼道。〝我不能,〞罗伊 说:〝发动机掉下来了.〞〝全能的上帝啊!〞父亲说道,谁知道那意味着什么或者听起来像他本身意味着 的意思。 这件事结束的很不快乐,因为我们最终不得不捡这些东西开回去,即使父亲知道这一辆汽车和厨房基 本设备的不同作用。我的母亲本来不知道这件事,然而,毕竟她是母亲。 我的母亲应该还不知道,但是,她的母亲也不会知道的。举个例子,我的母亲,或者说,知道驾驶汽 车但是没有汽油是很危险的,那样的话,会把阀门或其他部件烧熟的。 “你现在一定不敢在没有汽油的状态 下在满城的开车。 当我们要出发的时候, ” 她会这样和我们说。 虽然汽油、 机油、 和水对于她来说没有差别, 但事实上,她的生活就是这样的在担忧困扰或是危险中度过的。然而,她最恐惧的是手摇留声机,我们家 有一台非常老旧的一台,可以追溯到“来到约瑟芬——坐我的飞机”那个年代的留声机。她得到消息说维 多利亚将要被炸毁。这提醒了她,而不是让她放宽心,去解释为什么留声机既不用汽油也不用电来维持运 行。她只能假设说,留声机是被某种新的未经过检验的设备驱动的,是可以在任何时间都可能零碎的,这 会导致所有的受难者和殉难者怒目爱迪生的危险的实验。 相比较之下,电话是她认为很安全的,但是,当 然除了暴风雨天气,当由于一些原因或是其他状况是,她总是要摘下接收器让它悬挂着。她非常自然的表 现出她的困惑和毫无根据的担忧,这可能与她自己的母亲在生命的最后几年里非常严重的疑虑,担忧电会 无声无息的漏的满屋子都是。她声称,电会从那些空着的开关中泄露出来,如果墙上的开关是打开的话。 她会到处拧紧灯泡,这样如果灯泡亮起来,她就会



1.Before Anglo-American westward expansion, there were already a number of settlements in the mid-west. 在英美向西扩张,在中西部已经有一些定居点。

2. We are confident that the introduction an automated assembly line will eliminate most of today’s human errors. 我们有信心,引进自动装配生产线将消除今天的大多数人为错误。

3. Warmer air is able to hold more water vapor than cold air and so has a higher humidity. 温暖的空气可以容纳更多的水蒸汽比冷空气,因此具有较高的湿度。4. In most communities in the United States, The local American red cross chapter has been authorized to take control of certain local public building in times of emergency. 在大多数社区在美国,美国红十字会已被授权在紧急情况下采取控制某些地方的公共建筑。

5. Traffic control establishes a set of rules and instructions that drivers, pilots, train engineers, and ship captains rely on to avoid collisions and other hazards. 流量控制建立一套规则和指令,司机,飞行员,火车工程师,和船长的依赖,以避免碰撞和其他危险

6. In the past few decades since the launching of the first satellite artificial satellite in 1957, thousands of "man-made moons" have been rocketed into the Earth's orbit, each designed to serve a specific purpose or mission. 人造地球卫星的第一颗人造地球卫星于1957年开通以来,在过去的几十年里,成千上万的“人造月亮”已飙升到地球轨道,每个服务一个特定的目的或任务。

7. The thunder crashed so near the house that the glass vibrated in the windows, and some books, which had sat on the windowsill, fell to the floor. 雷声坠毁附近的房子,在窗户的玻璃振动,和一些书籍,在窗台上已经坐了,倒在地上。

8. Radio telescopes have provided valuable information about other stars and about the magnetic fields of other planets in our solar system, especially Jupiter's. 关于其他恒星的磁场在我们的太阳系其他行星,特别是木星的射电望远镜提供了宝贵的信息。

9. At the beginning of the race, the runners were bunched together on the track, but later some of them got ahead and left the others behind.

10. From the control tower, air traffic controllers coordinate in the air aircraft movement both in the air and on the ground.

11. Further troubles developed in October in 1995 when the tape recorder in the orbiter Galileo got stuck in the “rewind" position for 15 hours, wearing out a section of the tape.

12. In 1978, at the beginning of the reform period, approximately 11,000 Chinese students went abroad to pursue further studies.

Unit 3

1. The waitress was so rude that Jane didn't tip her.

2. Racing takes everything you‘ve got----intellectually, emotionally, and physically.

3. Although the structure of the building hadn’t suffered, the surface is badly damaged.

4. She received an increase in pay and it has made a difference in her attitude towards work.

5. She appeared very nervous one evening .I asked her what was wrong, and she blurted that she had fallen in love with Phil .

6. I looked at Tom’s pictures and found some of them so amusing and funny that I couldn’t help chuckling.

7. Your goals have to be measurable so you’ll know when you are making progress.

8. Salespeople often try to learn about the needs of the prospective buyer to make themselves more persuasive.

9. We have only five months to make preparations for the trip.

10、Prof . Lee's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she talked about how her new teaching method worked in her College English class 11. In my senior year I took a crack at writing a novel.

12. To reduce weight, I am now learning to play golf with my business partner, who plays like a professional.

Unit4 2.People would think the seven-year-old couldn’t even reach the pedals, 3.In a sense, we are witnessing the vanishing of national boarders in many areas of economic activity in the world today.

4.The tower built at the turn of the century became a landmark of the city.

5.In a book entitled A short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson tries to ignite a passion for knowledge in young readers.

6.It seems neuroscience is threatening to displace physics as the queen of the sciences.

7.It is only natural for the people to challenge the Establishment,

especially when the economic outlook is gloomy.

8.If anything, this movies appeals to the patriotic feelings of the people and helps to strengthen national unity.

9.Julius Caesar in this play is a man full of contradictions ,at times strong and confidence, but at other times old and frail.

10.The newly launched website aspires to create a virtual community of common interest via exchange of views on the future of the Internet.

11.What Ann advocates just shows how divorced from reality she has become.

12.After investigating the behavior of pendulums, Galileo was able to use them as time measurement devices in

many of his experiments.


1. In a way I prefer shopping online because it is more convenient and saves time.

2. The success of mechanical in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Galileo that all nature is designed in accordance mechanical laws.

3. A vacancy exist for a sales manager at our pairs office .if you’re interested in it, please send useful an application letter and you resume at once.

4. If you are over 18 and in good condition, it’s completely safe to do the job.

5. Plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steel, transparent as glass, and light as wood.

6. Coat the shoes with polish, then rub hard with a soft cloth to give a shine.

7. It was probably just a spicy joke to them, but it wasn’t funny to me at all.

8. Michael’s praise for my wife opened my eyes and taught me to show gratitude for her day-to-day heroism, which I had hitherto taken for granted.

9. The waitress did bring us clean plates eventually, but with a very bad grace.

10. Some scientists believe that human beings are born with an instinct for using their arms and legs to stay afloat, which, however, disappears within a few months after birth.

11. In order to pay the bills, Linda pawned her grandfather’s gold watch in secret.

12. Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the current, and many water birds and animals have the ability to travel long distances.


1、To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household with government subsidy.

2、Conventional medicine has concentrated mainly on the treatment of chronic and acute illness, and until years the role of preventive(预防性的) medicine has suffered

3、Cost apart, you should remember that however fancy a fridge is, it doesn't kill bacteria(细菌4、The economic planners are seeking to achieve a fairer wealth throughout society, but it's easier said than done, I think.

5、The town has been producing wool, cloth, and blankets since the 13th century and much

6、house to your own taste.

7、, the UN report calls for a joint effort to develop new high-yielding crops adapted to hotter climates and drier .

8、cash could be dangerous and inconvenient.Why not use a credit card?

9、 its fragile financial system.

10、11、It was Deng Xiaoping our opening up policy and fundamental economic reforms.

12、by the unexpected question put to him by a reporter---"Are you a liar , sir?"


unit 1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life

In America many people have a romantic idea of life in the countryside. Many living in towns dream of starting up their own farm, of living off the land. Few get round to putting their dreams into practice. This is perhaps just as well, as the life of a farmer is far from easy, as Jim Doherty discovered when he set out to combine being a writer with running a farm. Nevertheless, as he explains, he has no regrets and remains enthusiastic about his decision to change his way of life. 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己作出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。

Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life

Jim Doherty

1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country.


2 It's a self-reliant sort of life. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs, with several dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season.


3 It's a satisfying life too. In the summer we canoe on the river, go picnicking in the woods and take long bicycle rides. In the winter we ski and skate. We get excited about sunsets. We love the smell of the earth warming and the sound of cattle lowing. We watch for hawks in the sky and deer in the cornfields.


4 But the good life can get pretty tough. Three months ago when it was 30 below, we spent two miserable days hauling firewood up the river on a sled. Three months from now, it will be 95

above and we will be cultivating corn, weeding strawberries and killing chickens. Recently, Sandy and I had to retile the back roof. Soon Jim, 16 and Emily, 13, the youngest of our four children, will help me make some long-overdue improvements on the outdoor toilet that supplements our indoor plumbing when we are working outside. Later this month, we'll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean the hen house before the new chicks arrive.


5 In between such chores, I manage to spend 50 to 60 hours a week at the typewriter or doing reporting for the freelance articles I sell to magazines and newspapers. Sandy, meanwhile, pursues her own demanding schedule. Besides the usual household routine, she oversees the garden and beehives, bakes bread, cans and freezes, drives the kids to their music lessons, practices with them, takes organ lessons on her own, does research and typing for me, writes an article herself now and then, tends the flower beds, stacks a little wood and delivers the eggs. There is, as the old saying goes, no rest for the wicked on a place like this -- and not much for the virtuous either. 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。

6 None of us will ever forget our first winter. We were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn, we kept warm inside burning our own wood, eating our own apples and loving every minute of it.


7 When spring came, it brought two floods. First the river overflowed, covering much of our land for weeks. Then the growing season began, swamping us under wave after wave of produce. Our freezer filled up with cherries, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus, peas, beans and corn. Then our canned-goods shelves and cupboards began to grow with preserves, tomato juice, grape juice, plums, jams and jellies. Eventually, the basement floor disappeared under piles of potatoes, squash and pumpkins, and the barn began to fill with apples and pears. It was amazing.


8 The next year we grew even more food and managed to get through the winter on firewood that was mostly from our own trees and only 100 gallons of heating oil. At that point I began thinking seriously about quitting my job and starting to freelance. The timing was terrible. By then, Shawn and Amy, our oldest girls were attending expensive Ivy League schools and we had only a few thousand dollars in the bank. Yet we kept coming back to the same question: Will there ever be a better time? The answer, decidedly, was no, and so -- with my employer's blessings and half a year's pay in accumulated benefits in my pocket -- off I went.


9 There have been a few anxious moments since then, but on balance things have gone much better than we had any right to expect. For various stories of mine, I've crawled into black-bear dens for Sports Illustrated, hitched up dogsled racing teams for Smithsonian magazine, checked out the Lake Champlain "monster" for Science Digest, and canoed through the Boundary Waters wilderness area of Minnesota for Destinations.


10 I'm not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don't need as much either. I generate enough income to handle our $600-a-month mortgage payments plus the usual expenses for a family like ours. That includes everything from music lessons and dental bills to car repairs and college costs. When it comes to insurance, we have a poor man's major-medical policy. We have to pay the first $500 of any medical fees for each member of the family. It picks up 80% of the costs beyond that. Although we are stuck with paying minor expenses, our premium is low -- only $560 a year -- and we are covered against catastrophe. Aside from that and the policy on our two cars at $400 a year, we have no other insurance. But we are setting aside $2,000 a year in an IRA.


11 We've been able to make up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living. We continue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we

patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. We still attend the opera and ballet in Milwaukee but only a few times a year. We eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies. Extravagant Christmases are a memory, and we combine vacations with story assignments...


12 I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude. Because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we don't entertain much. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. Jim and Emily are involved in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home.


13 The other requirement is energy -- a lot of it. The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. Instead, you do the work yourself. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw.


14 How much longer we'll have enough energy to stay on here is anybody's guess -- perhaps for quite a while, perhaps not. When the time comes, we'll leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what we've been able to accomplish. We should make a fair profit on the sale of the place, too. We've invested about $35,000 of our own money in it, and we could just about double that if we sold today. But this is not a good time to sell. Once economic conditions improve, however, demand for farms like ours should be strong again.


15 We didn't move here primarily to earn money though. We came because we wanted to improve the quality of our lives. When I watch Emily collecting eggs in the evening, fishing with Jim on the river or enjoying an old-fashioned picnic in the orchard with the entire family, I know we've found just what we were looking for.


unit 2 The Freedom Givers

In 2004 a center in honor of the "underground railroad" opens in Cincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams.


The Freedom Givers

Fergus M. Bordewich

1 A gentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house. Alongside me was a slender woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history. As we walked toward a plain gray church, Barbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfather, Josiah Henson. "He was confident that the Creator intended all men to be created equal. And he never gave up struggling for that freedom."




2 Carter's devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor. For Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ironically, that character has come to symbolize everything Henson was not. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought. "Josiah Henson was a man of principle," she said firmly.


3 I had traveled here to Henson's last home -- now a historic site that Carter formerly directed -- to learn more about a man who was, in many ways, an African-American Moses. After winning his own freedom from slavery, Henson secretly helped hundreds of other slaves to escape north to Canada -- and liberty. Many settled here in Dresden with him.

